Gunnar’s Hold
13/09 Ring of Fire/Drakkar Lake/Gunnars Hold
Gunnar’s Hold
Anet obviously hates the Ring of Fire server.
I am focusing on PvE until league will start. Then we will have some even matches. Not this 6 ranks difference.
Hi guys
Legendary Crit [LC] search for GvGs
Contact me ingame now!
I am focusing on PvE until league will start. Then we will have some even matches. Not this 6 ranks
Fixed that for you.
RAGE also looking for GvGs! 15v15 or possibly 20v20
The Frenzied Few [RAGE]
Nice Reset on Drakkar BL thx to TEO, FIRE, TaG and FRS tho we (LC) had a lot of DC’s.
Best Guard Kuba confirmed.
Had some nice fights tonight on Drakker Lake border.
And as usual TEO is also looking for some nice GVGs
Contact me ingame for a nice gvg
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
Some really great spawn camping/trolling on EB Drakkar Lake. Bravo!
Hey guys, we had some nice fights on DL BL, GH BL and unfortunately EB was a mess..
Let me start about EB. We were catapulting Klovan and [MM] were stacking up on top of the tower. They didn’t want to come out at all. We tried everything. /point, /laugh, /dance with our pants down, they just wouldn’t come. They were building ACs and ballista’s in Klovan so we decided to hit Quentin. We went to Quentin and we took the camp to resupply and guess who came.. [MM].. They saw we were in the camp and they ran back to their safe walls. We had other guilds coming in now aswell so our tail got caught and FINALLY, when we were outnumbered, [MM] pushed on us and killed us. Hats off [MM], I’ve NEVER seen such a poor show of a guild.
We started this reset in GH BL, hats off to FURY, you guys wiped us hard.
All in all we had some nice fights with FURY, LC, TEO and FRS. Too bad that when we had good fights with FRS that TEO came in at the same time.
Leader of Business Class [BC]
(edited by Tyldor.9078)
Oh no, people making use of their blueprints and towers they control! Not to mention aiding their allies in fights!
Set up a GvG if you want a numbers-even fight, there’s a-plenty of guilds on GH looking for it.
Meh, every decent fight I managed to find tonight got overrun by (normally friendly) 20+ stack of players. Shame really, moved down to these tiers to get away from large guilds so the only large blobs would be pugs and therefore handleable by small group… gone are the days.
Not a bright start to the week, but we shall see.
@Drkn, shhh, I heard GW2 is not meant to be about sieges, it’s deathmatch!
Oh and FYI, MM are predominently PvE, and not one of those guilds that tends to go supermegaleethardcore. I heard they also like to play WvW the way it’s designed, those dastards!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
Sounds like i really need to discipline my chaps, then.
Despite the number difference both drakkar and rof have put up a good fight during reset. Good luck to both for the week!
I am focusing on PvE until league will start. Then we will have some even matches. Not this 6 ranks difference.
We had two matchups against Baruch in the last three weeks.
They are 10+ ranks above us.
my god its the german morning train again. dont you guys ever like.. sleep a little longer on weekends / have brunch with your family.. and stuff? or do you just forget to turn off your clock and go like WOAH IM MAD NOW when you wake up at 7 am – lets go eat gunnars for breakfest! T.T
I am focusing on PvE until league will start. Then we will have some even matches. Not this 6 ranks difference.
We had two matchups against Baruch in the last
threefour weeks.
They are 10+ ranks above us.
BB is 8 ranks higher from You.
We had 5 weeks of fighting 5 ranks difference. Not 2 from 4 weeks. But last 5 matchups we fight at least one 5 ranks higher server. You had that stomp FoW and Vabbi week, but we did not. We are loosing week after week because of these random matchups. And people dont want to login again.
But them main question is: How did you like being stomped by Baruch Bay. Then stomp poor FoW and Vabbi. Fight agains endless numbers from FR and being stomped by BB again? Was it fun?
And I forgot: thanks for fun night, to bad smaller scale of 10 has no place here. Well maybe in 2014
There’s a lot of small groups on Gunnars, especially after 10pm. Problem yesterday was lack of enemies to keep our big groups occupied. Also reset and parts of weekend in general is zergy from midtier upwards.
Also reset and parts of weekend in general is zergy from midtier upwards.
This is RoF. We aren’t mid-tier and don’t want to be. We’re 21st on the EU server list but we are continually matched up against 15, 16, 17….
We’re sick and kittening tired of it.
my god its the german morning train again. dont you guys ever like.. sleep a little longer on weekends / have brunch with your family.. and stuff? or do you just forget to turn off your clock and go like WOAH IM MAD NOW when you wake up at 7 am – lets go eat gunnars for breakfest! T.T
Gunners had everything but 3 camps during the night… bit hypocritical.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
Turns out to be pretty promising match from solo-roamer’s point of view.
It’s nice to see good german players after our match with Miller’s Sound sheeps.
Have fun guys! And ignore Steelo.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
BB is 8 ranks higher from You.
They are again 10r above us right now (the r10 from last week was just a short slump), and the match before they recent one they were 11 places above us. If you’re being pedantic at least do it right.
We are loosing week after week because of these random matchups. And people dont want to login again.
Just don’t make it sound like you’re the only one who has to fight against the odds. I’m sure Gunnars had plenty of stacked matches as well. But do I (we) throw in the towel and cry in the matchup thread? kitten no.
Then stomp poor […] Vabbi.
Once again, what?
Fight agains endless numbers from FR and being stomped by BB again? Was it fun?
We didn’t get stomped by Baruch. Maybe purely by PPT. In numerically equal or slightly disadvantaged fights we were often superior. They simply had the better coverage from overseas players. That BB isn’t exactly the best server technically is a well known fact.
And yes, we lost the Ranik matchup but it was fun. Not least because we had quite some history against them and the sudden transformation of them (because of transfers from T1) was an interesting thing to witness.
Sorry it was FoW and Arborstone. Those last 6 servers dont have any serious population, so every server higher 22 will stomp them. My bad. But the point is the same. You stomped very hard FoW and Arb.
Sorry but RoF is the only server in whole EU bracket with the biggest disadvantage. THE ONLY ONE that has almost 200 points gap to lower rank server. With this RNG matchups it is a great disadvantage. With + or – rng, that is some serious server killer disadvantage.
And sory we fight too, we fight every matchup, but it is somehow getting boring to be stomped week after week.
And while you have similiar numbers to BB, and they only win by PPT. We dont have numbers to fight higher ranks. Maybe Dzags, and FSR, but not DL or GH or AG or Gandara or any server higher 18 rank.
Lets play some game:
Go to Mos and write lowest rank from every matchup. Now delete those who are not in every week. You will get only RoF and Vabbi. Vabbi dont have lower rank enemies. RoF have 6 of them and in last 4 weeks was not matched against any of them. AS THE ONLY SERVER IN EU. So yes, we are some kind of special server and I am surprised we still have spirit to fight.(and while I am writing this i know that tommorow i will log on again and fight you).
Only Gandara have last 3 weeks bad rng too. But while this week they fight FR (lower server) we continue with your bad luck off 5 week stomped line.
Am I the only one that doesn’t understand ROFs logic? You guys are only happy if you are ranked higher than your opponents?
Every friday I’m begging if we can get servers that are ranked higher than us, yet we always get servers that are ranked lower.
You should be happy, and if not, you might want to think about dropping some rating before you end up in the silver league and are going to cry every week.
Marty I am pretty sure that is not the point Hule was making. He is saying that in our current position there is almost a 200k difference between us and the servers below. This divide means that we have a unique position when it comes to the matchups. As a result we are always faced with servers above us and not one above and one below. So yeah I don’t think anyone is “crying.”
Frankly I don’t give a flying f*** who we are matched up against as long as whoever it is can fight. More open field fights and less blobbing is what I would like to see in all of RoFs matchups. Winning on ppt would be nice but ultimately imo that is not where the fun lies.
Anyway happy hunting!
Kylar | Leader of Coordinated Chaos [CC] | Ring of Fire Server
I must remember to ask at least once a week
is FURY going to come back to AG?
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
So yeah I don’t think anyone is “crying.”
I didn’t say you are, I said before you are going to.
I must remember to ask at least once a week
is FURY going to come back to AG?
One thing.. on Drakkar not only play German, alot of players are from Switzerland and Austria.
Please do not call me German^^
have fun and good luck!
Marty I am pretty sure that is not the point Hule was making. He is saying that in our current position there is almost a 200k difference between us and the servers below. This divide means that we have a unique position when it comes to the matchups. As a result we are always faced with servers above us and not one above and one below. So yeah I don’t think anyone is “crying.”
Actually that is just near to my point.
While DL have some great matchups, they also got some servers that are “similiar” to them.
But we rarelly are matched against Dzags or FSR.Actually we fought FSR only once.
This is what I mean. I want some even matches. Yes fighting DL is fun and I would like to fight them but not with GH. Those are too way out of our league.
Give us FSR vs DL vs RoF and I will be happy. But we will probably face Gandara and AG again next week.
I must remember to ask at least once a week
is FURY going to come back to AG?
You can join them on Gunnars, but only if you play mornings.
drakkar seems to be on equal footing with gunnar during the day. just they seem to have close to no night coverage from late night to morning and thats when we get huge amounts of points.
my god its the german morning train again. dont you guys ever like.. sleep a little longer on weekends / have brunch with your family.. and stuff? or do you just forget to turn off your clock and go like WOAH IM MAD NOW when you wake up at 7 am – lets go eat gunnars for breakfest! T.T
Gunners had everything but 3 camps during the night… bit hypocritical.
Exactly why is it hypocritical?
Isn’t it true that they stomped us during the morning?
my god its the german morning train again. dont you guys ever like.. sleep a little longer on weekends / have brunch with your family.. and stuff? or do you just forget to turn off your clock and go like WOAH IM MAD NOW when you wake up at 7 am – lets go eat gunnars for breakfest! T.T
Gunners had everything but 3 camps during the night… bit hypocritical.
Exactly why is it hypocritical?
Isn’t it true that they stomped us during the morning?
The whole thing of “don’t you sleep”, and coverage in general.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
Running big zerg at 7am to 8am is pretty nuts, Millers do the same thing.
Hello Guys
I´m the Commander of Drakkars Good Morning Raid.
This raid is starting every week at Saturday.
I´m realy sorry that we rolling over you with this numbers at start 25 at the end 60.
My target was to destroy all of your waypoints… yeah we destroy 4 waypoints 2 left so I was not realy satisfied with this Good Morning Event.
But please don´t be angry about this way to fight you. You win at night we at day so i think its going to be a nice week. At the end of this post i must say sorry for my bad english xD
I hope we could keep up the good fights
greetings from Germany :p
that clears up a lot :P millers do exactly the same! how long have you been doing this, do you do it every day or just saturday? i’m not planning to organize a counter btw, gunnars dont like to get up so early, but i would be interested to hear because i also sometimes command in the morning, more in the matchups where points are close though as im a bit burned out. did it take you a long time to build up such a strong morning raid or do you have always had good population in the morning? we have also tried to do this as an event sometimes, but it didnt stick around. congratulations to you, i think your people must love you for many keep bags :P glad we could stop you at last moment in RoF bay, at least we werent totally at your mercy!
(edited by Steelo.4597)
Had some fun fights on RoF BL for our 1st day on GH.
Thanks all.
The best kitten fight we’ve had in a long time, thank you guys at Drakkar Lake in Bay for the awesome fights man. Both Gunnars and Kakkkar was in Bay for a bit, Gh withdrawed and then we got all Drakkars’ blob in there and man it was just awesome.
Here’s a vid if you want to see the People from RoF and others perspective.
Thanks guys again for the epic fight, the best fight we’ve done in a while
Official member of [SLAY]
Gunnar’s Hold – Mesmer lvl 80 Thief lvl 80
Pretty bad fight tbh. our 10 guys we had this evening where literaly the only ones that did something useful on Drakkars side. Sad to see.
Edit: What you didn’t see was WBC and TaG Drakkar fought all the time- that’s why you could build your arrowcarts and ballistas in the walls.
(edited by Hipster.1264)
Was a lot of fun in Bay, although I think it was a little sad RoF ended up building seige.
GH andf DL had several great fights, and I didnt even mind RoF butting in its always fun to have a 3 way fight, but its only fun as long as noone is building ACs.
Oh well, was good while it lasted^^
Gunnar’s Hold
Looks in Lord Room and sees multiple AC’s up
You did a nice portal bomb on our siege and we did a nice portal bomb on yours, so good game. More fights like that please., maybe minus the siege if we don’t see any up already.
What you didn’t see was WBC and TaG Drakkar fought all the time- that’s why you could build your arrowcarts and ballistas in the walls.
We kept in contact/co-ordinated with TaG who you can also see in that video
Was a lot of fun in Bay, although I think it was a little sad RoF ended up building seige.
Using Seige during a Seige against other Seige, what ever next? :p
You did a nice portal bomb on our siege and we did a nice portal bomb on yours, so good game. More fights like that please., maybe minus the siege if we don’t see any up already.
Agreed, thanks for the fight guys keep them coming that was really fun!
Kylar | Leader of Coordinated Chaos [CC] | Ring of Fire Server
(edited by KeBo.4567)
Looking forward to my very first raid with the new guild on a new server.
Let’s have some great fights
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
(edited by Dominik.5162)
Was a lot of fun in Bay, although I think it was a little sad RoF ended up building seige.
To be honest, i wasn’t happy about it either, but we we’re greatly outnumbered, if you charged us once you would have killed our numbers. You guys had your full borderland capacity in bay + all the GH in bay as well. We managed to have max 30 ppl in bay and even cap it. You should be ashamed to say that we are sad building some siege, cause we we’re greatly outnumbered and you had some siege as well.
+ I was leading for the second time for TaG and im not that experienced at all.
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Nothing wrong with building siege when outnumbered, would be crazy not to.
I don’t understand what the fuss with the seige is here. We had to clear multiple ballistas and a plethora of ACs from the walls and the Lord Room. We were also horrifically outnumbered. Did I miss the meeting saying defenders can use seige but the attackers can’t?
Yeah in most fights don’t go buiding seige that just spoils the fun. However if you face overwhelming odds and there is already tons of seige set up of course your going to use it why would you handicap yourself? It’s just a case of trying to level the playing field. This current course of objection seems to be a double standard to me.
Kylar | Leader of Coordinated Chaos [CC] | Ring of Fire Server
Nothing wrong with building siege when outnumbered, would be crazy not to.
I actually agree.
Then again, the Drakkar zerg on EB yesterday and their love for siege at every corner was quite fun to watch. Nothing like the entire server ninjaing a wooden tower, laughing, building 3 ac’s and then waypointing out.
Let me qualify what I meant about seige.
As far as capping bay goes – yes building ACs and balistas was exactly the correct thing to do. You would never have taken it without them so fair play to you on doing it and well done capping. Nothing wrong with it.
By sad I didnt mean it was lame, I meant is was sad for us because it meant the fights were over. TEO was only there to fight vs DL. Sure we would have taken the keep if it had come to that, but taking it was not our primary goal. If it had been we would have done exactly what you did, stand on the wall and build ACs.
We were in it to fight and you ended the fighting by building seige and taking the keep, thats all I meant. Wasnt really meant as a complaint, you were just there for a different purpose to us^^
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Cufufalating.8479)