23/8 Dzagonur VS FoW VS RoS
Why are you complaining about the best matchup we’ve ever had?
Fissure of Woe ):
im not. but its still unbalanced(dzagonur)
I’m so glad to have this matchup. We are still improving and doing the best we can. Loved how we wiped Dzagonur at Hills the first time. Also interesting fights with [WAR] from Surmia in our Garri, but finally then the Dzagonur blob rolled in :/.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
You got us again as soon as we can transfer again which is in about 15 minutes :p
Home sweet home!
It’s a pretty cool match-up for FoW. Sure, we are no match for Dzagonur whatsoever and you guys might get bored fighting us but we finally have no more trouble finding great fights like we had the last couple of weeks against Vabbi and WSR.
Also awesome to be fighting BNF again ;D
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
kitten it, nubu was right! :p and some awesome fights right now, we’re gonna get rolled over like back in the days, but i prefer that sooo much than the past three weeks ^^
edit: and i can go back to stalking BNF again :p
The 3 hours I spent at reset was probably the most exciting time I’ve had in WvW. Looking forward to more! <3
Back to the old days with RoS =(
Gunner’s Hold
Now Dzag is the Blobserver this Matchup ..
After the Blobs from Abaddon i enjoy the New waypoints.
I Run Solo or in Little Group , Nice Fight on reset with a thief from (Gold) can be an Nice week , so far Hope for more Good Fights
According to this post, this matchup had a 1.84% chance of happening!
[AY] is looking for GvGs this week, just message me!
Really nice matchup for FoW We’ve gotten loads of good fights already!
I am a a bit dissapointed by my countryman from the Dzagonur server. As far as my experience goes, they are good at Zerging. Very good, and they are many. But in small scale, or even 1v1 battle almost all Dzagonur I met, sry for putting it that way, suck.
I hope I will find some more challanging battles. But beeing ganked by 5 people, while I fight a super tanky guardian, and then see them jump on my corpse, is just frustrating and simply not very gentlemanly.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
. As far as my experience goes, they are good at Zerging. Very good, and they are many. But in small scale, or even 1v1 battle almost all Dzagonur I met, sry for putting it that way, suck.
We are only “good at Zerging” and “many” when we are winning.
Thats true for every server anyway. There are more then enough got solo and small scale roamers on dzagonur. Same happend to me from FoW too but as long it isn’t everytime or from a commander i don’t care.
Dzagonur is always most active at weekends also leading by such a big margin brings many people ins WvW who just want to finish their World Completion etc. There is nothing wrong with that but you can hardly except great fights from everybody
Most roamers tend to enemy borderlands, so if you roam FoW and RoS Maps you will find more. Also never expect people to honor a duel, if you fight your tanky guardian and 5 people appear better run first and then redo the duel if they behave.
And here some Fights from yesterday.
Most roamers tend to enemy borderlands, so if you roam FoW and RoS Maps you will find more. Also never expect people to honor a duel, if you fight your tanky guardian and 5 people appear better run first and then redo the duel if they behave.
I did try that. But they kept following me many times with 5 or 6 ppl. The ironic part was, there was a guy from a guild called something with “fair duels” or smth like that.
When I say, Dzagonur has good Zergs, than I mean exceptionally good, at least considering discipline. I mean what happens when most FoW (not guild) Zergs follow a commander, but see 2 or 3 “vicitms”? Half of the Zerg runs after them. While the Zerg from Dzagonur I encountered mostly ignored me, even if I was in strinking range.
Still, I hope to see the other side of Dzagonur. I remember some skilled players from [BNF]. Hopefully I can test my skills against you guys in more a roamer setup.
So if you see a super overconfident Asura (either Mesmer, Necro or Ranger) without any food buffs and with the [AKP] tag, then this is most likely me
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
5-6 People is next to nothing in the higher ratings you would get to enjoy being followed by 40+ People for about 10 minutes, also that is quite a boost on Serverplay after all you keep 40 People busy for 10 minutes
Orb, AMOK, Fear, Lafa and many more should provide more then enough enemies for nice fights
to my friends the jp campers from [OtYo] (i think that’s the name) with the asura mesmer commander in it, it is rather sad to see you call for your guildies help when already 2v1ing, try to act like you deserved your badge next time, even though calling for campers fairness is rather ironic i know
edit: to my surmian pom pom girl, always nice to have an audience :p
and to the dzagonur thief general i duelled, was nice fights.
(edited by Gizmorage.6412)
Well we had some interesting fights today, in one of which we took back FoW keep in EB (tried to take it without dzag seeing, but that went horribly wrong) nice defence there dzag (well no one seemed to have supply but gj all the same)
and on another note here is to hoping that I find BNF for some interesting fights
“Evil flowers steadily bloom, with an array of bloodied doom”
Thanks to the two from FoW from (CM) engi and a Rifle Warrior was Fun to fighting U two.
So far enjoy this Matchup, FoW had Many Good Players .
Ros dont See so much very sad that all Big Guilds had left.
Ps: i usually Run Solo or in 5 man Group so Try to Beat my Little Warrior or Mesmer (LaFa)
U Meet us only on Fow or Ros Borderland
/Salute See u on battlefield ! HF & GL all
(edited by Pro Hunter.6512)
was that you with the charr warrior roaming with the [LaFa] thief? ;p if so, i did see you several times, didn’t have the occasion to fight you alone but had some encounters with the thief in which neither of us died (sadly], you do seem interesting players
Yeah i run Mesmer or warrior , we are Surely more often encountered already: D we usually run in 2-5 groups on the BL and looking for good Fights..
Groupfights and duels .
Time: Thursday 21.00 (UTC+1)
Location: South of south supply at the mill, RoS BL
Just fighting for fun.
Just appear or contact me or Jathres.7236.
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Cheers to FoW, you guys are at least trying to put on a fight.
Don’t give up! – but don’t sit in towers all the time ^^
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Thanks for the positive words Hipster! Think we sit in towers sometimes to overthink how we could deal with the massive zerg knocking at our door ;P
Nice vid Dragona, I was happy to help out whiping/pushing! Dzagonur zerg was inside trying to look for a weakspot to take inner. Tried our backdoor once but got denied and finaly we could push them out!
Bring ’m on! (but not that many at once pls :P)
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
So far many nice fights for me
FoW is really motivated to fight and i like that very much! Thats not to say Surmia isn’t fighting their hardest yesterday there were many nice Fights against both.
Very fun evening yesterday. I’m very curios what happened at Bay though, you all jumped out to kill our countertreb behind you… did you plan to leave Bay anyway? xD
Ive been itching to get back into WvW, people have noticed i haven’t entered it for over a week, but when i return ill be a new gw2 player
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
Very nice fights in FoW bl this evening, ty to SWAT for running outsite the blob.
Any one of you up for an GvG this week? No one wants to fight us :/
Any one of you up for an GvG this week? No one wants to fight us :/
You’re gonna struggle to find guilds big enough for a proper GvG in this tier now – don’t think it’s about people not wanting to fight you
Groupfights and duels .
Time: Thursday 21.00 (UTC+1)
Location: South of south supply at the mill, RoS BLJust fighting for fun.
Just appear or contact me or Jathres.7236.
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
that was nice of you to organize that event i had my fair share of good fights, and really enjoyed that, just sad we didn’t see more FoWers, but, oh well, leaves more opponents to me after all :p
Thanks to everybody for participating!
Many nice Fights and enjoyable moments
I guess you had more then enough of your fill of Opponents Rhaz and poor Opponents your a mean Necro! :p
says the guy that killed me 3 times out of 4, haha, that [AY] mesmer didn’t suffer too much either :p was nice fighting nubu again and again too, makes a good practice for both of us, i’m hoping we get dzagonur some other week just because of you guys, you’re just so nice ^^
After Nubu won the first duel against you quite clearly, he said “Piece of cake! Necro is no Problem!” Some 10 Duels later " I can’t do anything in that kittening chainfear!!" Made atleast my day ^^.
Also it seems i haven’t recorded our 2nd fight Well so i’ll just have to remember that Healinterrupt ^^
hahaha, that’s indeed quite fun :p also, nothing forces you to post the fights where i get shredded to pieces you sadist! (<3)
I think you won about 80% of all your Duels so i can hardly believe that it will depress you to see some of your loses and after all you can see me dying in “fear” from my PoV for once :p
Mmmh ok i take everything back it seems i only missed your Win(( So you won’t see how mean you moved out of my F1 so many times!
I wish I could have been there, but I can’t concentrate enough at the moment. :< The other day I roamed a bit with Rhaz, but he really soloed it all. xD All hail princess Rhaz.
Sounds like it was fun for those involved, so I’m glad.
After Nubu won the first duel against you quite clearly, he said “Piece of cake! Necro is no Problem!” Some 10 Duels later " I can’t do anything in that kittening chainfear!!" Made atleast my day ^^.
Also it seems i haven’t recorded our 2nd fight
Well so i’ll just have to remember that Healinterrupt ^^
Hrhr , yeah i told him yesterday he is the best nekro i met in Gw 2 till yet.
The problem against Rhaz is , he kills me with my own Conditions ^^.
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Eat all that Condi opness :p
Here is a playlist with mostly my Fights. Recorded various other Fights too but from the outside i don’t find them that good to watch since you can’t see Buffs/condis/life from both players (or even one).
I’m really sad that i missed to record Rhaz victory, i played the same way in that fight too you just moved out of my Burstskills extremly good not even using dodge just placement.
There is way too much Rhaz love going on here.
He’s all mine!
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Could not be there because it was too late for me At least I can see Jathres vid. Thanks! I hope I can be there the next time.
Great matchup! Thanks for all the fights Dza and RoS. Next time FoW will win!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
Eat all that Condi opness :p
Here is a playlist with mostly my Fights. Recorded various other Fights too but from the outside i don’t find them that good to watch since you can’t see Buffs/condis/life from both players (or even one).
I’m really sad that i missed to record Rhaz victory, i played the same way in that fight too you just moved out of my Burstskills extremly good not even using dodge just placement.
Why but why did u show how I lost within 30 secs? Such a painfull memory… The other fight was nice though. It felt but way longer than 4 minutes to me
However, it was nice to see how I fight from the other one’s perspective… and honestly, I was more running then fighting^^ I played necro for such a long time that I almost forgot how mesmer works… all those random dodges^^
Was a very interesting evening to me, I learned a lot. And I shall become stronger MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You [BNF]-guys have quite some skill… I’ll see u on the battle field. You know who my preffered targets are now. I need practice^^
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!