Call of Fate [CoF]
4.26 EBay/AR/BP
Call of Fate [CoF]
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it:
That Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Some good footage from highlights from last night of [GF] running around, thanks Amins for putting this together, and also for editing out some of the epic wipes we had too
And I half expected to see highlights of the 3 times the whole GF zerg chased down the solo Ranger. It’s all good though.
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it: Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Ohhh, that’s how i look like from the other side
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it: Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Ohhh, that’s how i look like from the other side
Ya, thats what it looks like from that side…..hats off to you man, every time I fought you I’ve lost unless I had a hand. Best warrior ive seen on another server fo sho.
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
(edited by PaLeRiDeR.5908)
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it: Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Ohhh, that’s how i look like from the other side
Ya, thats what it looks like from that side…..hats off to you man, every time I fought you I’ve lost unless I had a hand
. Best warrior ive seen on another server fo sho.
Oh yeah, you were definitely good! You also surprised me with that eviscerate while I was obliviously focusing that guy :P
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it: Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Ohhh, that’s how i look like from the other side
Ya, thats what it looks like from that side…..hats off to you man, every time I fought you I’ve lost unless I had a hand
. Best warrior ive seen on another server fo sho.
Hey, I recognize that name, Skullclamp. Just can’t place it… hmm.
To that group of 8-12 hard headed, persistent, audacious Anvil Rockers who keep trying to wrest Durios from us…
You guys are awesome. <3
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
This had to be the best golem rush ever!!
All I wanted was a hug!!
r4420k+ blazetrain
Hey guys, I just put up a build video for my warrior in WvW, and besides the commentary it’s basically just a bunch of fights with BP and AR while I was roaming.
I thought you guys might enjoy it: Warrior build is so hard to catch :| and people complain about Ele RTL lol.
Great commentary esp for people that are new. Solid video overall too.
Ps. I spy Skullclamp (BP warr with legendary GS)
Ohhh, that’s how i look like from the other side
Ya, thats what it looks like from that side…..hats off to you man, every time I fought you I’ve lost unless I had a hand
. Best warrior ive seen on another server fo sho.
Hey, I recognize that name, Skullclamp. Just can’t place it… hmm.
He’s the char [Shu] warrior with a GS that just runs away.
Any more he just tries to pile on me with 5 of his server mates
@ Jinks I was talking about that GF video
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz
@ Jinks I was talking about that GF video
To the guys from [TRI] guild of AR. Fun fights with you guys.!! I can’t believe we randomly met again tonight on a different borderland this time!
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian
Fun fights in our BL tonite guys. Thanks to all our AR players that stuck thru all the wipes and a big thanks to all our frenemies @ BP and Ebay , without you two things would be boring.
Had fun flipping BP and AR’s map to our favor tonight, and despite wiping numerous times, we all had some good laughs. I’ll see you guys at reset for more fun and insanity…and possibly bowling.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Sorry about our pajama party messing up you borderlands tonight
Commander Goldiy of (ZoD)
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
You gained 9 points on T4 this week. At that rate you’ll be here all summer.
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
You gained 9 points on T4 this week. At that rate you’ll be here all summer.
That jab might’ve actually hurt if I cared. I really don’t. I’m cozy wherever. =D
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Yesterday, my roaming friend who had stopped playing for 3-4 month, came back to GW2.
He was rusty a bit, but he wanted to give roaming a shot with his mesmer.
We started having fights with you near Anvil Rock Garrison in EB.
After 30-45 min of skirmish, he was bored already.
I asked why, he replied : “Are we going to fight only 2 class all night long?”
And he was so right ahah.
All the time we fought you FTF, we fought Thief and Elem DD. All of them. I think you had 4 thief, and 2 elem.
You had one ranger, and I want to congratulate him for going a different way then all the others. Hold the line man!
Seriously, fighting two class that can disengage any fight whenever they want is pretty boring.
Even when we countered your bursty gank, we didn’t feel like we won because at least one of you guys had SR up, or had sword teleport, or shortbow port, so you would teleport away to your stoenmist. Over time it get boring I nearly switched back to my One Hundred mines build just to one shot your thief (or try, sword are hard to lock).
By the way, I finally don’t think the Mug nerf was as bad as annonced after last patch. I got comboed to dead once yesterday as I had all my escape tool on cooldown.
Checked my combat log, I got hit by C&D for 7.3k, backstab for 8k, and heart seeker for 7k. I was travelling with 2.3k armor (kinda low but still not GC) and 23k HP. I don’t imagine much people could survive that without bursting a cooldown. And I don’t think a 5k mug would have been needed.
Good fights tho!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
(edited by Kardiamond.6952)
I’m at work, can anyone give a score update?
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
Doesn’t seem you will be missed, seems even if im not getting in your way you’re not moving up anytime soon. i wonder what will happen if i started my PVD group again
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of :
Yesterday, my roaming friend who had stopped playing for 3-4 month, came back to GW2.
He was rusty a bit, but he wanted to give roaming a shot with his mesmer.
We started having fights with you near Anvil Rock Garrison in EB.
After 30-45 min of skirmish, he was bored already.
I asked why, he replied : “Are we going to fight only 2 class all night long?”
And he was so right ahah.
All the time we fought you FTF, we fought Thief and Elem DD. All of them. I think you had 4 thief, and 2 elem.
You had one ranger, and I want to congratulate him for going a different way then all the others. Hold the line man!
Seriously, fighting two class that can disengage any fight whenever they want is pretty boring.
Even when we countered your bursty gank, we didn’t feel like we won because at least one of you guys had SR up, or had sword teleport, or shortbow port, so you would teleport away to your stoenmist. Over time it get boring
I nearly switched back to my One Hundred mines build just to one shot your thief (or try, sword are hard to lock).
By the way, I finally don’t think the Mug nerf was as bad as annonced after last patch. I got comboed to dead once yesterday as I had all my escape tool on cooldown.
Checked my combat log, I got hit by C&D for 7.3k, backstab for 8k, and heart seeker for 7k. I was travelling with 2.3k armor (kinda low but still not GC) and 23k HP. I don’t imagine much people could survive that without bursting a cooldown. And I don’t think a 5k mug would have been needed.
Good fights tho!
K, you saying bout the damage from that thief i was hit yesterday on my warrior which i run a tanky build on was hit for a series of 8k+ backstabs along with 7k C&D then 4-5k+ heartseekers lol the guy downed me 3 times i think before i managed to kill him….
think its time ANET wake up and do somin bout thief they have way too much going for them lol
I don’t think there burst is overpowered anymore. With my stats I would usually only suffert from 1-2 hit before using my defensive cooldown and turning my dps on him.
DD don’t worry me too much, they are as efficient as any other class. They hit hard, especially if they coordinate there burst with another thief, but they can be countered.
S/D are a lot harder to counter, there #2 port can’t really be countered. It’s an on-demand CC breaker. When you play a class that rely on CC, it’s pretty harsh. It’s worse then Mesmer simili CC breaker on there staff.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
according to this was the score two hours ago:
EB 256508 +235
AR 156065 +100
BP 162946 +360
Score as of right now:
EB – 260,075 +275
BP – 165,734 +185
AR – 158,243 +235
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock
Looks like somebody decided to rain on the BP PPT gravy train
Yesterday, my roaming friend who had stopped playing for 3-4 month, came back to GW2.
He was rusty a bit, but he wanted to give roaming a shot with his mesmer.
We started having fights with you near Anvil Rock Garrison in EB.
After 30-45 min of skirmish, he was bored already.
I asked why, he replied : “Are we going to fight only 2 class all night long?”
And he was so right ahah.
All the time we fought you FTF, we fought Thief and Elem DD. All of them. I think you had 4 thief, and 2 elem.
You had one ranger, and I want to congratulate him for going a different way then all the others. Hold the line man!
Seriously, fighting two class that can disengage any fight whenever they want is pretty boring.
Even when we countered your bursty gank, we didn’t feel like we won because at least one of you guys had SR up, or had sword teleport, or shortbow port, so you would teleport away to your stoenmist. Over time it get boring
I nearly switched back to my One Hundred mines build just to one shot your thief (or try, sword are hard to lock).
By the way, I finally don’t think the Mug nerf was as bad as annonced after last patch. I got comboed to dead once yesterday as I had all my escape tool on cooldown.
Checked my combat log, I got hit by C&D for 7.3k, backstab for 8k, and heart seeker for 7k. I was travelling with 2.3k armor (kinda low but still not GC) and 23k HP. I don’t imagine much people could survive that without bursting a cooldown. And I don’t think a 5k mug would have been needed.
Good fights tho!
Were you that engineer last night? We were fighting that really annoying engineer last some nice damage and survivability. My guys always wanted to focus on him. Take that as a compliment haha. As for the ele/thief mostly stuff, it’s just a coincidence that you only saw these classes mostly from us because of the time and the day. We have guardian,warrior and mesmer roamers too. I do admit though that we have many thieves in the guild, but as for d/d ele’s not that many. We have a lot of ele’s but d/d ele’s are pretty rare in our guild. Probably only 3 can use it decently. Now this is coming from a guild that can rally 50-60 members on reset in wvw so 3 is a really small number.
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian
(edited by Noice.8730)
I was the [STAR] Female Norm Engineer. Yesterday I went the easy way and used the OP HGH cond burst boring build. Nothing to be proud of But At least I had switched Elixir S for Slick Shoe to be different (and to counter your thief
I think I felt some focused, especially your DD elem and one of your thief. Your DD elem took habit of RTL + updrafting me, sadly with the chaos and my lack of CC breaker It hit me really hard.
Were you the DD Elem that kept Updrafting me?
And I agree that the previous time I fought you guys you didn’t have any DD elem. But you had a lot of thiefs ahah.
Anytime you guys want to fight again, we usually have a team of 3-4 STAR between 9pm and midnight, mostly during week days. We are usually in BP BL because EB roamers are usually there and BP don’t have any roaming team.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
I was the [STAR] Female Norm Engineer. Yesterday I went the easy way and used the OP HGH cond burst boring build. Nothing to be proud of
But At least I had switched Elixir S for Slick Shoe to be different (and to counter your thief
I think I felt some focused, especially your DD elem and one of your thief. Your DD elem took habit of RTL + updrafting me, sadly with the chaos and my lack of CC breaker It hit me really hard.
Were you the DD Elem that kept Updrafting me?
And I agree that the previous time I fought you guys you didn’t have any DD elem. But you had a lot of thiefs ahah.
Anytime you guys want to fight again, we usually have a team of 3-4 STAR between 9pm and midnight, mostly during week days. We are usually in BP BL because EB roamers are usually there and BP don’t have any roaming team.
Yeah I was that d/d ele that kept updrafting you lol. Like I said, the guys wanted to focus you so much mainly because you’re so hard to kill and you do damage man. I had to pop my mistform on you coz you got me to 25% in one burst! Dang!
And yeah, usually on non raid nights, we just roam around sometimes in solos,duos or just plain small groups. I’ll be keeping watch of that [STAR] tag and get some good fights going on!
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian
To the AR necro that tried to fear me off the cliff in the eternal jp when you came up with your zerg, know that you’re the reason why your servermates complain that I drag them off the cliff and make them redo the entire puzzle.
Good Fights [GF] Mesmer
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
You gained 9 points on T4 this week. At that rate you’ll be here all summer.
You’re right( I think its a 21 point gain so far but your point is valid), this scoring system sucks. I’m sure that by now we would all love a new match up.
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
You gained 9 points on T4 this week. At that rate you’ll be here all summer.
You’re right( I think its a 21 point gain so far but your point is valid), this scoring system sucks. I’m sure that by now we would all love a new match up.
He means on aggregate. Red in T4 gained 11, ebay gained 21.
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
Im trying so hard to not get in ebays way of getting to tier 4, im still trying. im sweating
Gonna miss us? I’m more concerned with what possibly steps down to take our place.
You gained 9 points on T4 this week. At that rate you’ll be here all summer.
You’re right( I think its a 21 point gain so far but your point is valid), this scoring system sucks. I’m sure that by now we would all love a new match up.
He means on aggregate. Red in T4 gained 11, ebay gained 21.
I stand corrected. Yup, we’re here 4 ever.
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
i am so sorry ar for portaling ppl in and stealing bay then garri then hills it was fun in your borderlines XD
the power co coca (cola) leader
borlis pass
I’m sure that by now we would all love a new match up.
I am still hopeful that a May miracle will happen and BP/AR team up against EBay so the BP/AR fights are in Ebays backyard without losing a ton of real estate to go on the offensive. Seems like when AR or BP get something rolling against EBay the other server hits them hard.
Even if it doesn’t happen, at least AR and BP can frolic through a blue backyard instead of red.
I personally look forward to the color change. I don’t like being Blue, too close to the grub. The only time you ever really see 2 servers working on a map are Green and Blue or Green and Red(more so this the last match-up). AR doesn’t really mind the fights though, which is why the constant crying has ceased on the thread. I for one am happy it’s a bit more civil on here. Sure you get the few and far between, but I think that’s unavoidable.
Messing with a few other build options and weapon mixes while I roam trying to find a mix up I’m most comfortable with, so I won’t be at 100% and the fights on ARBL are helping me out. (Really sad when all we have is 4 people actually moving on the BL from AR though, I feel like an outlaw.)
i am so sorry ar for portaling ppl in and stealing bay then garri then hills
it was fun in your borderlines XD
You didn’t need to steal it, you could have just melee’d the door down, we were outmanned and had 4 actives on the map. That’s why only 2 people came to defend Bay, and our full force of 4 came to the defense of Garrison. You may want to talk to EBay about Hills though, looked pretty green.
ye we pushed them back into hills then got the hills off them it we had a smaller group then them but we managed to push them away it was fun fight tho getting to hills XD i loved it XD
the power co coca (cola) leader
borlis pass
I saw the swords and figured you two came to a head on the north side.
yep we did it was a nice fight we fort we will not win at it tho with us been outnumbed but we got it and pushed them back so i am proud of bp and nice try on north side of hill ebay u did will trying to keep us from getting in
the power co coca (cola) leader
borlis pass
HA! Congrats BP zerg in AR bl… You killed an uplevel karma train… You should feel proud…
But really, what’s the point in defending a keep in another bl an hour or so before reset?
80MES – Dr Sweet Cheeks/80WAR – Jegudiel
80GRD – Sir Sweet Cheeks/80ELE – D J Diddles
cos we had fun XD all point in it was to have fun we started with taking 3 things then take alot and u got pushed back alot of times
the power co coca (cola) leader
borlis pass
Can’t wait for reset. Going to be a fun time!
Hax Shot
You’re all ugly.
-The wise words of Syktek-
I won’t be on for reset tonight, for a good portion of it anyway. Have to redownload the entire GW2 client because I got a new laptop.
On the brightside, the laptop is awesome. On the down side, it came with Windows 8. On the bright side, it is on par with many desktops.
To the guys from [TRI] guild of AR. Fun fights with you guys.!! I can’t believe we randomly met again tonight on a different borderland this time!
Haha, great fights always! your thieves were very pesky, but we deffinatley enjoyed the fighting!
If you say so…
80MES – Dr Sweet Cheeks/80WAR – Jegudiel
80GRD – Sir Sweet Cheeks/80ELE – D J Diddles
You’re all ugly.
-The wise words of Syktek-
I won’t be on for reset tonight, for a good portion of it anyway. Have to redownload the entire GW2 client because I got a new laptop.
On the brightside, the laptop is awesome. On the down side, it came with Windows 8. On the bright side, it is on par with many desktops.
I suggest downgrading from Windows 8 back to Windows 7, especially because ROFLWINDOWS8.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Must admit AR got some seriously skilled players, had a lot of fun going 1 v 1 against many of them, hope the fun continues through this week !