(edited by Krash.9486)
6/14 BP/SBI/AR
The one thing I notice more than anything from SBI is the lack of upgrade strategy and lack of cap timing. Not all SBI, but a large portion. You guys are decent on the field, but unfortunately in WvW it’s a PPT game. Capping under the 4 minute mark and doing the very basic upgrades on your camps/towers makes a world of difference. It’s rare I come across a supply camp held by green where there was the first 5/10 silver upgrade dropped. I can solo a basic camp quite easily, and relatively quickly, and before the PPT rolls over as well. If the general attitude is “it’s just going to flip anyway” then, well, it’s going to flip. I know when I’m on I do everything I can to make capping a point painful, because most groups are just going to move on to softer/easier targets. That’s really the main thing I see from SBI, from an outside perspective.
Wow…very insightful and perceptive evaluation. It is something we are currently struggling with. We have had so many recent match ups where we were so MASSIVELY out-numbered in overall numbers and/or coverage…that the mindset has been that it is a waste of time and money to upgrade.
Many of us have been trying to change that mindset…but old habits are hard to break. Ironically we used to excel at upgrading and timing caps for PPT….but then we also were the #1 server for 4 weeks straight….those days are gone…….but coming again?…..ummm…maybe =)
Way to defend you’re BL’s SBI. Some pro kitten stuff. Just amazing.
BP is leading. We push BP. If that changes we reevaluate.
Chays you didn’t recognize my voice on TS? Lol. It was Cassy and Gunbang from Kiwi, Ralin from TB and me directing on server TS.
zomg Yulo….how did I leave you and our beloved Kiwis out? hangs head in shame
Leader of The Ethereal Guard
Good fights tonight SBI. You put a lot of pressure on BPBL.
Ive seen alot of Reds dominate thier match ups since the new rating system. This match so far, it is clear who the leaders are.
SBI will be taking the fight to the leaders.
It seems rather weird if you ask me. SBI had so much pressure on us last night in BPBL. Seems like SBI wants to give AR the upper hand since all you guys want to do is focus on us for the moment. The forces you guys had could of been spread out and taken both of us.
But, on the other side. If what your saying is right. Suppose AR passes us…which makes them the new leader. SBI will go pressure them and give BP the upper hand? If not…then what you just said will be invalid. And SBI just wants to target BP not the actual point leaders.
I see what you mean. As of a WvW player, I personally do not have same oppinion as Yulo-our servers God-farther. I want good open field fight and the last night, I found BP you guys are much more responsive than AR for coming out for fight.
I turned all the towers and supply camps on AR BL last night only to find a few of AR were willing to have open field fight-not fun… BP you guys were much more willing to. I only needed to borrow one treb blueprint from Yulo to make you guys hit us on southern island
If it is going to be like this for the week, then whoever takes the lead, I will visit BP BL everynight
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
Come on SBI, rooting for you guys.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
BP! Thanks for the fights last night on the SBI BL! I had fun, hope you all did too.
Typical ole AR, can’t beat us 5v5 a few times, bring 5v10 and still get slaughtered, so gotta bring full 25-30 to kill 5 of us in your camp and around lol, than sitting and dancing on us, typical ALS/SOS
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Gosh darn it AR. We were doing a nice relaxing temple run when halfway through Lyssa, we are told you had breached our hills. So, we had to leave a few pugs to keep the Priestess busy while we all rushed to Hills to wipe you. Then we rushed back and managed to kill the risen priestess for the loots too. We actually got more loot off AR then the event :P
Even so, it peeved me greatly. Our Gates of Arah event was bugged and we were thinking of guesting your server to do it, inviting our hosts along of course. But interrupting Borlis Passes sacred Temple Rush, unforgivable. So we guested SBI instead and invited them along. Let this be a lesson, don’t intterupt us when we are loot farming!
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I’ll take that into consideration for the next one. I’ll probably take out any 1v1’s that aren’t 80 for sure.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
What part of you should just stand there and die rather than play your class do you not understand?
edit: honestly though, as far as forum conduct goes I think SBI are one of the better, more level headed and honest servers we have faced
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
(edited by CornChips.5392)
Typical ole AR, can’t beat us 5v5 a few times, bring 5v10 and still get slaughtered, so gotta bring full 25-30 to kill 5 of us in your camp and around lol, than sitting and dancing on us, typical ALS/SOS
Great post, thanks for playing.
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
Hi [Vox] guild, multiple screenshots and reported by many for that fun at Sunny. And you didn’t even get the tower, which made it all the more hilarious.
I was one of the commanders present at the siege and defense of BP Dreaming Bay this past Saturday as well as the offensive flank commander of the center isle fight on the assault of BP Greenbriar.
I speak on behalf of all the members of The Balance. We wanted to extend a note of thanks for the endless waves of foes your server was able to field this past weekend. Really good fights! Your ability to field so many is impressive and we look forward to the future fights this week. You have definitely entertained us and made our WvW events for our guild worth attending.
We wish you luck and here’s to the good fights ahead!
Also a note of thanks extended to the players/users of SBI Team Speak. Esp, KARM, KIWI and SBI players and commanders. Always great to work with you guys!
Ralin / Friar Rook
Stormbluff Isle
The Balance – GM
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I’ll take that into consideration for the next one. I’ll probably take out any 1v1’s that aren’t 80 for sure.
The sub 80s ya, never include them in a video for a 1v1… you’ll catch a lot of flack on that..
Only include them if an 80 is present with them.
As for the Food rule i’m using now, that preference on the person filming…..A ton of people give me crap for past videos because the people in it wouldn’t have food..So i just decided to stop including people I see without any of them.
It cuts down on the amount of people I can film though a crap ton… then you get the zergs ect ect….people ajing your fight (which is happens alot, and i’m talking about people on my side…that annoys the kitten out of me more then anything)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
I’m also beginning to think the 3 colors now don’t mean anything. Its not the server ranks that decide the color. It seems rather random. You get grouped with 2 other servers and then the game decides which color you are randomly?
I think you are correct. The first week of the new system AR, BP and EBay ended up together and although EBay was clearly ranked higher, BP was green.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
So we guested SBI instead and invited them along.
SBI runs weekly Temple Runs guesting on other servers. You are welcome to join us.
@Dovgan I have a feeling I know who that thief is. If it is who I think it is, it’s best you ignore him and don’t take what he says to heart.
So we guested SBI instead and invited them along.
SBI runs weekly Temple Runs guesting on other servers. You are welcome to join us.
@Dovgan I have a feeling I know who that thief is. If it is who I think it is, it’s best you ignore him and don’t take what he says to heart.
I wouldn’t worry, Dovgan doesn’t have a heart. He’s a cold man.
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
So we guested SBI instead and invited them along.
SBI runs weekly Temple Runs guesting on other servers. You are welcome to join us.
@Dovgan I have a feeling I know who that thief is. If it is who I think it is, it’s best you ignore him and don’t take what he says to heart.
I wouldn’t worry, Dovgan doesn’t have a heart. He’s a cold man.
This would be correct.
There are 47 percent of the players who will taunt you no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who will taunt, who are dependent upon the zerg, who believe that they are elite, who believe the zerg has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to kills, to laugh, to dance, to you-name-it — that that’s an entitlement. And that the zerg should give it to them. And they will taunt you no matter what. … These are players who pay for no upgrades at keeps. … My job is not to worry about those players. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for the gaming community.
Hmm I can’t remember exactly but I may have ran into you in the last match. I’m an Asura Guardian with Volcanus. I suck against Engineers though so hopefully if I did run into you, you weren’t filming :P
Oh and I can’t believe people still get mad about being emoted after death almost a year on. It happens, it’s just an emote. Calm blue ocean…
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
Hmm I can’t remember exactly but I may have ran into you in the last match. I’m an Asura Guardian with Volcanus. I suck against Engineers though so hopefully if I did run into you, you weren’t filming :P
Oh and I can’t believe people still get mad about being emoted after death almost a year on. It happens, it’s just an emote. Calm blue ocean…
I think my finisher speaks for itself most times
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
You made and assumption. It was incorrect. In the future you may want to refrain from doing so. If you do at least have the sense to apologize for doing so, heck even a ‘my bad’ would suffice. Unless of course your ego gets in the way.
I’d like to start a petition to rename SE tower in Anvil Rock borderlands to Fort Rubble.
I’d like to start a petition to rename SE tower in Anvil Rock borderlands to Fort Rubble.
That was epic.
Also dat two ACs + window resizing to hit the Lord’s room.
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbers
So, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
You made and assumption. It was incorrect. In the future you may want to refrain from doing so. If you do at least have the sense to apologize for doing so, heck even a ‘my bad’ would suffice. Unless of course your ego gets in the way.
Rofl, He made a post talking crap about SBI, provided only a screenshot of him crying..I’m not going to just take is word on it either…Far as i’m concerned, he’s still the one who started the conversation.
In the future you might want to ask your buddy to backup things he claims with actual screenshots of things.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbersSo, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Its not a bad video, cept for the quality, was just pointing out things you might want to include in future videos
trust me when I say people will kitten to high heavens about people without food.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbersSo, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Its not a bad video, cept for the quality, was just pointing out things you might want to include in future videos
trust me when I say people will kitten to high heavens about people without food.
Yea I agree…I started watching the video but I’m too spoiled with my HD sorry. I’m sure it was a great movie. From what I could tell from the beginning though…you’re most likely a good engy. I’m also sure this was more about pointing out that you can still get some solo action so kudos to you!
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbersSo, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Its not a bad video, cept for the quality, was just pointing out things you might want to include in future videos
trust me when I say people will kitten to high heavens about people without food.
Yea I agree…I started watching the video but I’m too spoiled with my HD
sorry. I’m sure it was a great movie. From what I could tell from the beginning though…you’re most likely a good engy. I’m also sure this was more about pointing out that you can still get some solo action so kudos to you!
I think it was a great video and I’m glad to see engi’s out and about, I’m just too lazy to lvl mine.
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
I must confess, SBI certainly know how to defend the Bay keep. We had a repeat of the Reset night fight at Ascension Bay, only this time at a full upgraded Dreaming Bay in SBI’s borderland. Took us 3 hours to finally pry you guys out of it.
Genuinely curious though, why did you not extend that same level of spirited defense to your Garrison? That one fell in about 10 minutes after the first rams were dropped on the gate.
We had a total of 4 people in garri when you guys hit. I had spent all night building siege that didn’t get manned. Oh joy!
Shadows of Hibernia [Shhh]
Can we get a score update for those of us that don’t/can’t use the other site please!
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Score update for this match
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Did SBI throw in the towel already? Where are all those numbers you had last week?
Fort Aspenwood
Watching this matchup I can say I do not want Ebay to face SBI.
Easy wins are boring.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
You made and assumption. It was incorrect. In the future you may want to refrain from doing so. If you do at least have the sense to apologize for doing so, heck even a ‘my bad’ would suffice. Unless of course your ego gets in the way.
Rofl, He made a post talking crap about SBI, provided only a screenshot of him crying..I’m not going to just take is word on it either…Far as i’m concerned, he’s still the one who started the conversation.
In the future you might want to ask your buddy to backup things he claims with actual screenshots of things.
First, you have a very interesting definition of crying. All I was doing was explaining to this thief that there are evades built into my skills because he initially invited me to a party and was QQing that I was glitching, second, how did I get the guys name to whisper him if he didn’t party invite me, did I use my ESP?(Although if I had ESP, I guess it would explain how I evades 90% of this newbies attacks and why he was raging in the first place.)
I did run into a warrior later who was extremely well mannered and respectful from SBI, nothing but respect for that guy. The thing is, there are some decent mannered players I have come across from SBI, they just seem fewer and further between.
If your server is upset/angry because of it’s performance, it is hardly the other two servers faults in the match up. What you need to understand in general is that I could care less if any server has players that act like children and go emote happy, or rage, just don’t come on here and say that other servers do it and then be the server that does it more than ANY server we have faced in the past. (I’m referring to the post about /laugh /sit made by an SBI player earlier in this thread.) In reality, I’m all for 5-10 people sitting around and emoting their backsides off at a solo player, because while they are doing that, they are losing everything around them, so them wasting time actually hurts their team.
Did SBI throw in the towel already? Where are all those numbers you had last week?
Probably got thier map completion done. Also I’m overseas and haven’t been playing. Was kinda hoping AR would be hitting the stronger server like what was said last week but oh well.
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Did SBI throw in the towel already? Where are all those numbers you had last week?
After last week match against AR I think some of us are taking a break. I personally am enjoying Leveling my Guardian to 80 then getting it’s exotics. Then a commander tag for it.
Where is this joke you speak of? I must have missed it.
AR attacking the weaker of the two is expected. They can taste the victory! The double team last week is out of the window since the points leader is just within reach.
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
Fort Aspenwood