Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior
BG and JQ running as giant blobs vs our 3x 20 man groups on JQ BL → Still out ticking them :|!
BG and JQ running as giant blobs vs our 3x 20 man groups on JQ BL -> Still out ticking them :|!
They are also no doubt have less players than SoR on the other maps lol
Yeah not SoR’s fault.
You guys quad ques last match up, what changed?
BG and JQ running as giant blobs vs our 3x 20 man groups on JQ BL -> Still out ticking them :|!
They are also no doubt have less players than SoR on the other maps lol
Yeah not SoR’s fault.
You guys quad ques last match up, what changed?
I don’t know where you get your info but I didn’t wait in a queue once last week except for reset night.
ona brighter note I hope that alliance looking for a new home joins jq they could use the coverage out of all of us
Real PvDoor people was just done at BGBL briar. Hahaha good job SF!
[NOC] had a blast on JQBL last night! – Oceanic
Good fights JQApologies to the HzH commander
I lost track of how many times we focused you down, then wiped the force. Those CoF shoulders make you stand out like a shiny loot bag!
That said, you kept coming back! so hats off to you and your guildies
Operation Protect Flame Rams in EB
Thanks for the fights tonight on BGBL, guys. That take of Bay was fun, even I think I’m STILL getting skill lag. And I’m not even logged in anymore.
Ended the night at S Hills, where I was pounded into a fine paste by TW Could only laugh!
Typical quit gate. Now that the gap is getting closed, they’ll stop showing and use the “we played all weekend and are tired” excuse, along with a spice of 2v1, JQ failed to help them cap SoR garri, SoR has too much coverage, and whatever other excuse we’ve heard the past 5 months.
There’s no such thing as 2v1. Why, when JQ was capping our keep in EB (after we defended it from being destroyed by JQ and SoR as they were fighting each other with our keep in the middle for two, relentless, brave hours.) When JQ was capping and SoR had a zerg parked in front of our spawn, while some of us whining BG might have said SoR was helping JQ by keeping our dead from rallying to the keep, I’m not blind to the truth, in fact SoR was there to rub our shoulders and console us over the upcoming loss of our keep.
Such nice chaps.
2v1… pfft! nonsense.
BG and JQ running as giant blobs vs our 3x 20 man groups on JQ BL -> Still out ticking them :|!
They are also no doubt have less players than SoR on the other maps lol
Yeah not SoR’s fault.
You guys quad ques last match up, what changed?Typical quit gate. Now that the gap is getting closed, they’ll stop showing and use the “we played all weekend and are tired” excuse, along with a spice of 2v1, JQ failed to help them cap SoR garri, SoR has too much coverage, and whatever other excuse we’ve heard the past 5 months.
Right on schedule. I posted it would happen Tuesday and some mod erased it. I don’t see how posting the truth is against the rules. I mean is it what they do.
You know we’re fighting skilled servers when it takes two of them not attacking each other (literally disengaging when their zergs accidentally meet) to spawn lock the other on EBG.
That was sarcasm. Neither of you can compete on your own and neither has the ability to prove that they can.
Typical quit gate. Now that the gap is getting closed, they’ll stop showing and use the “we played all weekend and are tired” excuse, along with a spice of 2v1, JQ failed to help them cap SoR garri, SoR has too much coverage, and whatever other excuse we’ve heard the past 5 months.
(edit: since you decided to bring up the past, here’s the score between BG & SoR within the past 5 months, thanks.)
(edited by Kathy K.6812)
Goodness! It is what it is. SoR has been winning a lot lately. Before BG was winning a lot. And before that JQ was winning a lot. Every time during those victories there was a big conspiracy to 2v1 one of the other servers. It was put together by the Free Masons or the Illuminati, we aren’t sure which. But the truth has to come out. SoR, BG, and JQ are all horrible servers at WvWvW except when that higher power gets involved and makes one of the the winner. I know this is the true because I read it. With my face.
Goodness! It is what it is. SoR has been winning a lot lately. Before BG was winning a lot. And before that JQ was winning a lot. Every time during those victories there was a big conspiracy to 2v1 one of the other servers. It was put together by the Free Masons or the Illuminati, we aren’t sure which. But the truth has to come out. SoR, BG, and JQ are all horrible servers at WvWvW except when that higher power gets involved and makes one of the the winner. I know this is the true because I read it. With my face.
LOL gotta say good post made my chuckle
You’re welcome JQ
(edited by kuora.5402)
Real PvDoor people was just done at BGBL briar. Hahaha good job SF!
That door insulted my mama, it had to go. Seriously, that was funny. Pretty sure we were just like ROAR bang bang bang
I wonder how it feels to have 7K shaved off your lead in one night, and not have a strong enough NA to do anything about it. That has got to be a despressing feeling
Just means we’re the stronger server that it takes both servers to stop us. I take it as a compliment. Besides, SoR needs 9 more wins to catch BG.
Just means we’re the stronger server that it takes both servers to stop us. I take it as a compliment. Besides, SoR needs 9 more wins to catch BG.
Vodka 2.0?
Must not feel very good that TW has to be carried by IRON and FEAR. It’s okay, this is a safe place. You can talk about it.
Must not feel very good that TW has to be carried by IRON and FEAR. It’s okay, this is a safe place. You can talk about it.
Feels fine for me, glad TW has guilds around them that they can count on when the going gets tough. Only wish our competitors had the same heart and reliability!
Just means we’re the stronger server that it takes both servers to stop us. I take it as a compliment. Besides, SoR needs 9 more wins to catch BG.
Vodka 2.0?
He’s everywhere!
At least you’re humble about it. Can only imagine how some of your smaller guilds feel.
I also have no idea who Vodka is.. I’m really just hoping to get someone besides CDS or Choo to want to take enough time off from hiding in their zergs to roam. :/ Nobody here wants to argue about anything but PPT though.
Edit: It’s all blahblahblah spawn camps, blahblahblah zerg v zerg, blobs, etc. NOBODY discusses roaming groups or small ops. Hurts my soul that the WvW end-game is just blob v. blob with no consideration for small groups or solo players, even in discussion.
My official stance is that this style of play is softening everyone and their mother (on all sides) to where they probably couldn’t survive for ten seconds in a group smaller than their guild zergs. I’m sure dedicated roamers and small group players on each server can agree that our playtime gets pretty boring when we’re reduced to ganking PvE heroes that get cut off from their zergs. /endrant
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Thanks for all the fun fights in EB tonight, again, from [SG] !
No 111k chest thumping from BG?
I’m surprised.
Any idea when Red Guard & Tempest Wolves are going to GvG each other? They both seem to be really into that sort of thing.
On this note. This match would be an awesome opportunity to make a real GvG event, and even put some pressure on ANet for adding some support for GvG.
Last Sunday, we had about 200 people watching TW vs Iron, and I believe that the TW vs RG match is waaay more anticipated. Imagine if we could really get an event going, where all the main BG/SoR/JQ guilds would agree a cease-fire on one of the BLs, and go spectate that event. Then we could also have someone from a spectator point of view streaming (maybe even with a caster?), and also one person in each guild streaming (I think a couple in RG do this already).
If we had the date, and link to streams before hand, posted on forums/reddit/etc, I bet we could reach somewhere around 500 viewers. (How much have the SPvP tournies been getting?). Having a completely player run event , with 0 ANet support surpass the amount of viewers they get from SPvP would really make the ANet/NCSoft dudes turn their eyes to this kind of thing, hopefully speeding the process up a bit.
But ofc, I’m just an outsider, first thing we would need to have is TW/RG agree to it, before we start making a big deal out of it.
Just my 2 cents :P
I don’t think A-Net would do this… According to pcgamer, there were over 3million copies of GW2 sold. Sadly, I doubt a measly 500 viewers would motivate A-Net enough to create a legitimate GvG system.
If anything they’ll implement it in their first expansion, hopefully along with dueling & dare I say, personal trading :P
No 111k chest thumping from BG?
I’m surprised.
JQ has been good today on the forums so that won’t be necessary, good job JQ! ! !
No 111k chest thumping from BG?
I’m surprised.
JQ is still hopeless to beat either BG or SoR without one of them ignoring them. :/ It’s a simple coverage thing. I don’t know why you’d even bring this up.
I don’t think A-Net would do this… According to pcgamer, there were over 3million copies of GW2 sold. Sadly, I doubt a measly 500 viewers would motivate A-Net enough to create a legitimate GvG system.
If anything they’ll implement it in their first expansion, hopefully along with dueling & dare I say, personal trading :P
Observer modes for GvG were so popular in GW1; it sort of hurts my heart a bit that they couldn’t implement it here on launch as well. GvG was pretty much the best mode of PvP GW1 had. I mean, HA was okay, but it was sort of gimmicky.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Edit: It’s all blahblahblah spawn camps, blahblahblah zerg v zerg, blobs, etc. NOBODY discusses roaming groups or small ops. Hurts my soul that the WvW end-game is just blob v. blob with no consideration for small groups or solo players, even in discussion.
My official stance is that this style of play is softening everyone and their mother (on all sides) to where they probably couldn’t survive for ten seconds in a group smaller than their guild zergs. I’m sure dedicated roamers and small group players on each server can agree that our playtime gets pretty boring when we’re reduced to ganking PvE heroes that get cut off from their zergs.
Because most of the people that small group roam don’t bother with these forums, most of the large zerg guilds have a few people who roam around, at least in my experience.
I don’t think A-Net would do this… According to pcgamer, there were over 3million copies of GW2 sold. Sadly, I doubt a measly 500 viewers would motivate A-Net enough to create a legitimate GvG system.
I dunno, they keep going on about eSports for a sPvP scene that has like, four people who watch it.
Edit: It’s all blahblahblah spawn camps, blahblahblah zerg v zerg, blobs, etc. NOBODY discusses roaming groups or small ops. Hurts my soul that the WvW end-game is just blob v. blob with no consideration for small groups or solo players, even in discussion.
My official stance is that this style of play is softening everyone and their mother (on all sides) to where they probably couldn’t survive for ten seconds in a group smaller than their guild zergs. I’m sure dedicated roamers and small group players on each server can agree that our playtime gets pretty boring when we’re reduced to ganking PvE heroes that get cut off from their zergs.
Because most of the people that small group roam don’t bother with these forums, most of the large zerg guilds have a few people who roam around, at least in my experience.
Yeah, I know some of them do, but they’re so few and far between that it’s hard to lock down any decent fights. Especially on EBG. I feel like I’m cheating as a Guardian on BLs since Retal isn’t nerfed there yet (for some stupid reason).
I think it still hits for over 350 there with enough Power. Fighting Rangers and Thieves (and some Warrior builds) isn’t even fun.
I don’t think A-Net would do this… According to pcgamer, there were over 3million copies of GW2 sold. Sadly, I doubt a measly 500 viewers would motivate A-Net enough to create a legitimate GvG system.
I dunno, they keep going on about eSports for a sPvP scene that has like, four people who watch it.
I really think they’re trying too hard to make it work. Sticking to what worked really well in GW1 and improving it here would have been far safer and would have drawn a lot of GW1 players (even PvEers), even if only for nostalgia’s sake.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Fun fights on JQ BL tonight, pretty much all i will say is that our 2 opposing servers were timed absolutely perfect on the Hills take! Fun any way you slice it. Good luck to all!
To the SoR commanders that were messaging me this evening on BG BL, my apologies for not messaging back, I was busy responding to another BG attack.
To the BG commanders that were messaging me this evening on BG BL, my apologies for not messaging back, I was busy responding to another SoR attack.
All in all a good 3 way throughout the night of each server attempting to force a 2v1 on to another server. There were crazy fights to be had this night/morning. Too bad I’m becoming and old man and need sleep or I’d stay to fight the SoR teams that switched maps to defend hills
My official stance is that this style of play is softening everyone and their mother (on all sides) to where they probably couldn’t survive for ten seconds in a group smaller than their guild zergs.
Hello bitterest person on BG. I’m calling you out here, mostly due to all the 2v1 whining (btw, notice only BG complains about 2v1, and there’s a reason for this) and some of the greatest irony I’ve ever read. I’m offering you a challenge. No GvG, those are stupid. 5v5 in a sPvP arena, take any 4 of your guildies and face my team in an sPvP match. Then, when we mop the floor with you guys, you can go back to what BG does best. Seriously, why do you think you guys are winning?
Also, fun night in EB. Taking out whatever 2v1 your complaining about, there were still some good fights.
1. BG is not the only one that complains. It’s crazy you’d even try to say that.
2. The mention of GvG was in relation to the GW1 GvG and how it should have been implemented into GW2, but prettier, as a separate game type. It was an excellent game type and should have been implemented.
3. If you want to spar, I’m on the field (usually EBG) for several hours a day during the week. You can find me there. My guild is neither a WvW nor an sPvP guild and I am not going to subject them to some weird grudge match with someone they don’t know. I want 1vX and small-scale fights to be more prominent in WvW, not some call-out match with someone who clearly thinks they’re more witty and skilled than they probably are.
4. I have to actually care about winning in WvW to be bitter. I’m embarrassed for anyone who makes it so obvious that they’re ignoring each other in the interest of spawn camping one side. I even ream out our own commanders when I see them trying to do it.
Thanks for your interest in playing against me in a small-scale match. I’ll be on EBG for another hour or two, depending on how many roamers I manage to come across.
My official stance is that this style of play is softening everyone and their mother (on all sides) to where they probably couldn’t survive for ten seconds in a group smaller than their guild zergs.
Hello bitterest person on BG. I’m calling you out here, mostly due to all the 2v1 whining (btw, notice only BG complains about 2v1, and there’s a reason for this) and some of the greatest irony I’ve ever read. I’m offering you a challenge. No GvG, those are stupid. 5v5 in a sPvP arena, take any 4 of your guildies and face my team in an sPvP match. Then, when we mop the floor with you guys, you can go back to what BG does best. Seriously, why do you think you guys are winning?
Also, fun night in EB. Taking out whatever 2v1 your complaining about, there were still some good fights.
1. BG is not the only one that complains. It’s crazy you’d even try to say that.
2. The mention of GvG was in relation to the GW1 GvG and how it should have been implemented into GW2, but prettier, as a separate game type. It was an excellent game type and should have been implemented.
3. If you want to spar, I’m on the field (usually EBG) for several hours a day during the week. You can find me there. My guild is neither a WvW nor an sPvP guild and I am not going to subject them to some weird grudge match with someone they don’t know. I want 1vX and small-scale fights to be more prominent in WvW, not some call-out match with someone who clearly thinks they’re more witty and skilled than they probably are.
4. I have to actually care about winning in WvW to be bitter. I’m embarrassed for anyone who makes it so obvious that they’re ignoring each other in the interest of spawn camping one side. I even ream out our own commanders when I see them trying to do it.
Thanks for your interest in playing against me in a small-scale match. I’ll be on EBG for another hour or two, depending on how many roamers I manage to come across.
Jesus man, why do you care so much about the forum? Go back into the game and roam then.
Jesus man, why do you care so much about the forum? Go back into the game and roam then.
I’m cursed. My primitive brain reacts too aggressively when people try to bring my guild/friends into anything even remotely hostile when they had nothing to do with it before. >.> Going to attempt to go back to my usual system and forget that these forums exist now. See you all on the field. Hopefully in slightly smaller numbers than usual.
Outside these forums, this is a really fun match up. =D
Anything is better than last week.
I want to rant about your build Dawnheart;
Confirm/ Deny
It has been a rough night for BG, I suspect in the subsequent nights, the turn out will be lower from the non-Guildie and thus not provide the level of competition that SoR/JQ would come to expect.
Today, going into NA Prime, IRON did a wonderful job of accumulating the structures providing a strong foundation for their NA. I am sure both JQ/BG EU fought brilliantly and commendable for their efforts, but EU is definitely SoR timezone. Not using that as an excuse, because SoR NA in general played well and would have done well regardless and they showed their dominance over the both servers today. Kudos to you guys.
To BG, frustration aside, we will win with humility and lose with grace, that’s the BG style.
BG Citizen
PS Hi HL folks. I am that Asura during the GvG.
PPS: TC, I miss you and the dolyak herd. Hope the new system, pair us up again!
(edited by GivaBack.9328)
lol, sorry Ascii.
lolol, any tinkering Chris has made to his build will forever be a secret in the Mists. ; ))
To BG, frustration aside, we will win with humility and lose with grace, that’s the BG style.
Yep. That’s the first thing that pops in everyones head when they hear the term “Blackgate”: humility and grace. That, a spirit of fair play, and uncompromising ethics.
To BG, frustration aside, we will win with humility and lose with grace, that’s the BG style.
Yep. That’s the first thing that pops in everyones head when they hear the term “Blackgate”: humility and grace. That, a spirit of fair play, and uncompromising ethics.
Really? I think about all the bags I’ve gotten from bombing the MERC zerg this week.
Hello ’Murica!!
Just wanted to drop this as a thank you gift for your warm welcome. NA-T1 is a blast so far, but in all fairness I wasnt expecting such a thick clunge and stronk resolve. EUs blobs got nothing on your Throngs™… the sheer guts and toughness! All backed up by SCIENCE (power up, give ground, i mean its all in the book!!) keep it up brahs o/
Typical quit gate. Now that the gap is getting closed, they’ll stop showing and use the “we played all weekend and are tired” excuse, along with a spice of 2v1, JQ failed to help them cap SoR garri, SoR has too much coverage, and whatever other excuse we’ve heard the past 5 months.
(edit: since you decided to bring up the past, here’s the score between BG & SoR within the past 5 months, thanks.)
So… Late August before we even consider feeling bad about the situation?
Done and Done
^^ them fighting words! i like it. >:DD
woot! can’t wait to get on. XDDD i needa get off work.
What’s happened to BG?
Hello ’Murica!!
Just wanted to drop this as a thank you gift for your warm welcome. NA-T1 is a blast so far, but in all fairness I wasnt expecting such a thick clunge and stronk resolve. EUs blobs got nothing on your Throngs™… the sheer guts and toughness! All backed up by SCIENCE (power up, give ground, i mean its all in the book!!) keep it up brahs o/
Welcome to the North American “Tier 1”!
We were actually recently chatting a page before about how it would be great to see Red Guard & Tempest Wolves GvG each other. I know a lot of us are wanting to see whether or not the best of EU can beat the best of NA (according to
Feels fine for me, glad TW has guilds around them that they can count on when the going gets tough. Only wish our competitors had the same heart and reliability!
BG/JQ guilds come out to play every single day. You would see literally no one in WvW if they didn’t.
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