6/14 CD / TC / SoS

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’ll start this thread the same way I started last week thread: By addressing each server with my thought for the week.

TC: /cry

SoS: /cry

CD: /cry

ANet: Go home, you’re drunk.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Hi guys, looks like we’re duking it out this week.

I will do my best to make it fun if I’m in the borderlands.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


We tend to concentrate on EB. Always have on SoS, for some reason.

It worked out quite well for us last week in fairness – we only ended up losing it after the event started, which is no small achievement against those two worlds.

I’m not really going to go out of my way to hit CD this week. Well, unless I happen to accidentally stroll into your NE tower and set up a metric kittentonne of siege in there. But that’s more repaying a favour than anything else.

Sea of Sorrows

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Looking like SoS should be shedding some rating this week. Probably a good thing, to be honest.

In the meantime, how does SoS + CD vs TC sound to people? Might make the matchup as a whole mildly more interesting for everyone.

Like it matters. Back when we were at our lowest rating with the new system we had TC and FA. Also note TC and FA lost rating since then, so it’s easy for us to be constantly matched together (I’m starting to think we belong in the same match up with TC despite the score obviously showing different).

I don’t understand how this system is healthy for WvW communities. Week after week of mismatches. Even TC would be suffering because of this because they aren’t fighting the zerg numbers they should be.

If you combine SoS and CD’s numbers, you get about half TC’s.

Due to this, defend your borderlands as a priority when/where you can, and focus on TC, not each other.

I know that won’t always be an option, but if we ignore the scoreboard and focus on day to day contests it’ll be more fun.

The list I previously posted is a decent starting point — I’d love to see some objective based fights over bragging rights take place.

Or omega golem zerg brawls.

We tend to concentrate on EB. Always have on SoS, for some reason.

EB is the only map where numbers are close to even for most of the day. Notice last week we actually took SM and reset all of SoR territory (except for Jerrifer’s) and that was against the number one server. WvW is a numbers game, the server with the most numbers is going to win. On EB even if you have an active WvW population, you can only fit so many on the map. On borderlands you will often outnumber your opponents when you are on a very populated server, but in EB the fights are slightly more even (although coverage still tends to favour the more populated servers).

If you want to be swarmed by huge zergs with only a handful of allies, borderlands are the place to be. If you want to have a more even fight, EB is the place to be. In lower ranked servers (like what SoS and CD are) the borderlands are competitive for smaller groups and guilds and over a type of gameplay and strategy you don’t see the higher your server rises in the ranks, but against the more populated servers they are easy captures for zergs.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kjendar.6459


Well I see SoS got matched up with TC again I was hoping you guys would get an easier opponent this week. It was fun fighting with both of you last week hope you have some good fights this week.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Great! I can hunt and kill all the Komies on battlefield and send them back to LA

…all of who now?

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I am disappointed Shadowskill never posted the video of him owning us all

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

My advice to cd, don’t look at the score. It seems dumb but when you get passed thakittens possible to have a lot of fun in these otherwise lopsided match ups. Don’t stress about what you can’t control. Your Na is as skilled as anyone including t1 servers you just need more coverage for the score to reflect that. TC are good opponents and they don’t trash talk on the forums(unlike certain t1 servers) we have both learnt to enjoy these match ups even though the result is something of a forgone conclusion.

Enjoy the match up! I know I will.

Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sab.5291


Nice job last might in EB! CD and SoS came hard at us and did a nice job. I wish we saw that SOS zurg hitting SOR last week.
Hoping for some fun battles all week!!

I am the One and Only, Sab!
Find me in the front of the TC zurg

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

Nice job last might in EB! CD and SoS came hard at us and did a nice job. I wish we saw that SOS zurg hitting SOR last week.
Hoping for some fun battles all week!!

But sor wasn’t you! we save our best for TC.

Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mattimeo.2146


TC: great fights out the front of SM south-east gate. That last one outside Durios caused our commander to crash :p

CD: sorry about your third, but I think our commander took some offence at SM being trebbed from WC :p


6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


TY for the fights @ SOS bl. That was fun.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: AlfieStowers.4219


A few of us have just transferred over today.. Goodluck to all, Been good so far.

Ze Illusionist – (OG)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


:3 Awesome indeed. Your SEA presence is as strong as ever. We had to fight you guys while we were outmanned for 3 hours in SOS BL.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aieo.2815


Uh from my experience in T1 SEA =/= Oceanic. SEA starts 3 hours later and ends 2 hours later than Oceanic. Hence why FA’s Oceanic is losing to DB’s SEA presence.

Sea of Sorrows > Jade Quarry > Sea of Sorrows
Effing rallybot

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Uh from my experience in T1 SEA =/= Oceanic. SEA starts 3 hours later and ends 2 hours later than Oceanic. Hence why FA’s Oceanic is losing to DB’s SEA presence.

You mean to say I lead and fought against your Oceanic team in SOS BL? Either way, was a very formidable force. >3<

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Hoping for a fight night or 2 this week. Would be great too see it

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: AlfieStowers.4219


Hoping for a fight night or 2 this week. Would be great too see it

PM me anytime. Always interested in dueling.

Ze Illusionist – (OG)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Katz.5143


I’ll start this thread the same way I started last week thread: By addressing each server with my thought for the week.

TC: /cry

SoS: /cry

CD: /cry

ANet: Go home, you’re drunk.

The last sentence made me laugh. However, my reaction was quite different from yours. I have enjoyed these matches. I find TC challenging but I enjoy playing against them. And CD is like seeing an old friend again. I encourage everyone to have fun out there! Never give up, never surrender, and …today is a good day to die!

(How’s that for mixing up quotes from a variety of sources?)

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


I’ll start this thread the same way I started last week thread: By addressing each server with my thought for the week.

TC: /cry

SoS: /cry

CD: /cry

ANet: Go home, you’re drunk.

The last sentence made me laugh. However, my reaction was quite different from yours. I have enjoyed these matches. I find TC challenging but I enjoy playing against them. And CD is like seeing an old friend again. I encourage everyone to have fun out there! Never give up, never surrender, and …today is a good day to die!

(How’s that for mixing up quotes from a variety of sources?)

^ good attitude. way to many whiners now a days.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nizio Nightblade.8109

Nizio Nightblade.8109

So i Propose a deal SoS. Since we know each other so well when it comes to guilds and such i suggest we leave each other alone and work together this week to make things more interesting for us. Instead of having such a lop sided score of TC rolling us. At least it would make things more interesting for all three servers.

Talon Nighthawk [Edge] (DB Server)

(edited by Nizio Nightblade.8109)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


So i Propose a deal SoS. Since we know each other so well when it comes to guilds and such i suggest we leave each other alone and work together this week to make things more interesting for us. Instead of having such a lop sided score of TC rolling us. At least it would make more interesting for all three servers.

Yep. We advise all SoS to stay off CD borderlands unless we see TC camping south part and no progress on your defense. We will recap our corner and then leave. I suggest we 2v1 TC on EB non stop to deny them any point lead because of EB.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quells.2498


Oh kitten, kitten just got kitten up in this kitten! I am your enemy, bring it!

Leader of Contre [VS], just a bunch of zen adults
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

(edited by Evalana.5480)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

How odd, I’m so confuzled. Did you transfer, Eva?

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


She was watching Bay in CD BL over an hour ago before I hit the gym.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


We have a good thing going here lol. I took a look at FA/DB/MG’s thread and realised how many people there are in there that I don’t like haha and they’re arguing with eachother, no less.

Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Oh God … The HORROR!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Oh God … The HORROR!

Hey, quit slacking! A pair of eyes on the forums is a pair of eyes not watching Bay’s many walls and gates!

And they’re kind of cute if you really try hard not to cringe.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Oh God … The HORROR!

Hey, quit slacking! A pair of eyes on the forums is a pair of eyes not watching Bay’s many walls and gates!

And they’re kind of cute if you really try hard not to cringe.

I have my left eye on Bay, and my right eye on the forums. I duel monitor it!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Oh God … The HORROR!

Hey, quit slacking! A pair of eyes on the forums is a pair of eyes not watching Bay’s many walls and gates!

And they’re kind of cute if you really try hard not to cringe.

I have my left eye on Bay, and my right eye on the forums. I duel monitor it!

That’s going to lead to some problems with being cross-eyed.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Kittens are so cute, cuddly and furry ♥ Unless they are hairless ones, then they look weird and stuff.


I’m gonna go take a nap in Bay now ♥

Oh God … The HORROR!

Hey, quit slacking! A pair of eyes on the forums is a pair of eyes not watching Bay’s many walls and gates!

And they’re kind of cute if you really try hard not to cringe.

I have my left eye on Bay, and my right eye on the forums. I duel monitor it!

That’s going to lead to some problems with being cross-eyed.

Not really … lol lazy eye maybe…

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quells.2498


Shaved kitten, hairy kitten doesn’t matter. I just like kitten.

Leader of Contre [VS], just a bunch of zen adults
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


That escalated quickly.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


CD, you are so hard to help. TC attacks Hills, we attack Hills and garrison falls too soon.
TC attacks your northern half, we get into the circle at Garrison, and the fight ends and they stream in.

I know you must hate us more than TC, but let’s try to get each other’s backs as much as possible.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Chris now you know how we felt last week when fighting SoR!


6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Shaved kitten, hairy kitten doesn’t matter. I just like kitten.

That escalated quickly.


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shazirah.8350


To that SoS team on CD BL that attempted to ninja garrison out from under us while CD was busy putting holes in it:

That. was. hilarious.

Mad props. I almost wanted you to take it on principle, because I can only imagine the amount of satisfaction you’d have gotten from such perfectly executed cleverness!

(Maestro at) Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA]:
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: MeerKat.3792


Awe and NAGA, nice to see former colleague again, but i’m not going to let you guys farm me and my mates. Have fun with SoS.

LadyHawke of Meer/ LadyHawke/ Simply RedRaven
Raven’s Wolves of Crystal Desert
~ Fortis Atque Fidelis ~

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Necro.6432


CD, you are so hard to help. TC attacks Hills, we attack Hills and garrison falls too soon.
TC attacks your northern half, we get into the circle at Garrison, and the fight ends and they stream in.

I know you must hate us more than TC, but let’s try to get each other’s backs as much as possible.

You’re communicating with the wrong timezone , our oceanic got their " hunting " thing going on and they are happy with it .. i suppose

Daeronz | TDS Leader | WvW Commander

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


To that SoS team on CD BL that attempted to ninja garrison out from under us while CD was busy putting holes in it:

That. was. hilarious.

Mad props. I almost wanted you to take it on principle, because I can only imagine the amount of satisfaction you’d have gotten from such perfectly executed cleverness!

We almost had Hills too, but I can only do so much with 7 people. Were you the guy hiding in the corner? Someone better send this guy some thank you gifts. Balls of steel, mad props!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Chris now you know how we felt last week when fighting SoR!

That was so frustrating. “don’t attack TC, don’t attack TC. WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING TC!” “we’re almost in Hills” “don’t care, SoR is at Garrison with +70”

and we would not get Hills and lose garrison…

Well, CD is pretty clever and knows their situation well. I expect that outside some of their aggressive thief groups, they’ll keep their eyes on the ball as much as possible.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shazirah.8350


Were you the guy hiding in the corner? Someone better send this guy some thank you gifts. Balls of steel, mad props!

Yes. That was the most insane contesting I’ve ever had to do. And I was on my thief but couldn’t heal because it’d have stealthed me and you’d have capped.

As for North Inner Hills: had you guys just had that touch bit more supply for that superior ram to go up faster, that fight probably would have been in the Lord’s room as well. That was a pretty sweet for only 7 guys.

Very nicely played.

(Maestro at) Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA]:
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Boy TC if this keeps up there will be talk of formalizing our relationship like you used to have with FA :p

Had tons of fun in SOSBL last night even if I spent most of it on watch duty. TSL you guys were relentless going after clifftop. I was stationed there during most of your assaults, yes those engineer mortar rounds landing on your cata’s was me. Woulda used the AC’s but you guys kept wrecking any close enough ot hit that spot. That 5 superior cata rush at the south wall was absolutely insane.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odinzu.9645


Thanks for the fights in EB today SOS, and awesome job getting a wp’d SM so fast! Please keep comin out it was so fun today. You guys were doing really well.

CD I miss you.

I know this coverage difference is pretty bad. But this is totally an opportunity to learn.
We learned a lot from getting stomped in T2 by KN and DB, and we learned more fighting SOR last week. Please don’t take this post as any kind of chest puffing, I really hope that both servers can find motivation this week.
My favorite weeks are when we’re getting stomped on TC. It’s a blast because there is so much to do just to even the odds on a map. The challenge is awesome and the feeling of accomplishment is amazing, as I am sure SoS felt with that WP SM!

But ironically, what I enjoy most is getting beat by someone doing something that i’m not, that I can learn from. I think SoS is totally stronger today than they were the previous saturdays we played and maybe that’s bc of SoR’s example or even a little bit of our own. I encourage you guys to keep at it, don’t play for score in such an unbalanced match, but fights and accomplishment’s like SoS’s Stonemist/pressure on TC’s third in EB today. Don’t get discouraged by the score, ignore it and have fun!

Anyway, from an old opponent, CD- I hope to see you guys more, I know you guys have been pushing hard lately, but this is your opportunity to see where we grew from when we last played each other, and even adapt some useful things into your own arsenals. I know it feels like a “bad week”, but if you see it as a reward- as I did vs SoR, then you will learn SO much. (Example, I felt very lucky to get the opportunity to get stomped by [Agg] in GvG, we learned a TON from that loss)
See you on the field!

And SoS, keep it up I’m really impressed

Odinzu [EP]
Thug life

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Boy TC if this keeps up there will be talk of formalizing our relationship like you used to have with FA :p

Had tons of fun in SOSBL last night even if I spent most of it on watch duty. TSL you guys were relentless going after clifftop. I was stationed there during most of your assaults, yes those engineer mortar rounds landing on your cata’s was me. Woulda used the AC’s but you guys kept wrecking any close enough ot hit that spot. That 5 superior cata rush at the south wall was absolutely insane.

Good to hear that you had a good time. I was commanding at the time of that Cata rush… it was pretty funny watching that wall melt. I sent scouts out and before they were gone 10 seconds I was like “Oh wait, come back… wall is at 20%”.

I hope everyone just tries their best to have a good time this week. Feel free to contact me in game to chat if you want. Always good talking to those on other servers.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

Shout out to Moon, OTSB, and Flux for the lovely teebagging and rams you through on my body


Jade Quarry- Fang

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kyrych.8174


SOS, thank you guys for the fights this morning on EB between SMC and VK around 9:00 and 10:00 eastern time. Your Oceanic or SEA guys were really tough. I paid about 20 silver to the repairman today, so I hope one of you got some good loot from me.
I was surprised to see so many SOS in one spot. Please keep it up, we will be waiting for you.

Chudozver [EP]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Good to hear that you had a good time. I was commanding at the time of that Cata rush… it was pretty funny watching that wall melt. I sent scouts out and before they were gone 10 seconds I was like “Oh wait, come back… wall is at 20%”.

heh as I recall that was the 3rd assault and second attempt at cating that wall down (first was those trebs) First I reported TSL is back at cliff. then it was they are after the south wall agian as a small squad was sent back to man the siege. “2 catta’s up, 3, oh good lord they’ve dumped 5 superiors on this wall, 40% and falling fast.” whole zerg tried to get over there but you guys were in and up to the lord room so fast it made my head spin :P We were just boggeling at the amount of supply you dumped into bringing down the wall that fast.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad