6/14 CD / TC / SoS
Shout out to Moon, OTSB, and Flux for the lovely teebagging and rams you through on my body
I am sure they did it to be meanie poopoo heads, and it had nothing to do with your mate spamming /laugh.
He didn’t spam it at the group that killed us, that was prior.
Hotstuff!!! You won that first duel. Very nicely done.
These matches are tiring to many, fun to many and a strain on others. IMHO, It would be better to spleen vent in non matchup forums.
Some terrific open field engagements happened oceanic hours last night, TC were relentless in pushing Ogrewatch and some superb flanks were achieved by all sides. I believe TC’s main objective was the open field conflict.
SoS is growing many commanders and I personally thank them for the hours they are putting into the matches. I have always believed in the mantra;
" Lead , follow or get out of the way"
Good luck commanders and teams from all sides, I hope to see you on the battlefields
who cares if we are always out numbered, still having fun. if anyone from sos/tc wants to duel send me a whisper..
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
I think SoS is totally stronger today than they were the previous saturdays we played and maybe that’s bc of SoR’s example or even a little bit of our own.
Not to insult CD, but this is the first time we’ve (SoS/TC) faced each other without another server that dwarfs our coverage. Make no mistake, we’re going to be a bit tougher this week; though we’re having plenty of Dragonbash/outmanned burn out skewing things.
I expect CD will step up their game later as well. They have been unusually docile and while you can blame the matchup for a lack of apetite; they are more resilient than you might think.
A few of us have just transferred over today.. Goodluck to all, Been good so far.
I saw you this morning. Welcome to SoS!
A few of us have just transferred over today.. Goodluck to all, Been good so far.
I saw you this morning. Welcome to SoS!
Thanks! Been enjoying it so far.
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
What sorcery is this?
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
What sorcery is this?
We haz a you?
Hi, warrior people and friends of warrior people who maybe aren’t all warrior but are helping anyway! Sad has finally decided to do fighting things.
Thank you, SoS, for making our Sad Tower cry and fall over all defeated. It was a lot of work to keep supporting it and pet all its yak friends. Think yaks are really cute, but they make so many people all mad and I gotta get defendy.
Was in our homelands getting all outnumbered and stomped on the face. But it was fun, too! Hope everyone keeps playing with us!
Gonna try to remember my fireworks next time.
Oh, and thanks for all honoring Phantom, our departed defender friend and leader, with a shame ram. No, he’s not all dead, he just left.
We built one, too, in the Sad Tower. Does that make it a Sad Shame Ram? Cause it sure looked sad. Made me sad.
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
What sorcery is this?
We haz a you?
I haz a clone. I was in TA explorable and er, a cardboard cutout of me was just chillin’ – It could be my ‘evil twin’
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
lol I knew about this three (or was it two?) days ago
CD has had a great couple weeks in T3, we stretched to just about the limits of our sick days and mental endurance and pulled out a couple close wins. After playing 2 hours in T2, I can tell you that we can’t hang in this tier. I’m the first one to fight against impossible odds (I kept SoH in TCBL for the first hour after reset tonight despite the 3 wandering freight trains) but I can also tell when a match is not worth stressing over. I’m not going to stress over this matchup.
Here’s hoping that after the big reset night we can have some fights we have a chance to win. Like… at least 25% of them, hehehe.
On a positive note, it was nice to take out my anger on some NAGA folks. I love you guys, but you’re red now, so you get smashed with Madam Hammer. Red is her least favorite color. Next time I would appreciate if you wouldn’t kill me so many times, though. Thanks.
Huh, that was probably you in Hills on reset in TC BL. I should have figured! That was a fun fight in Lord’s. I did want to thank CD and SoS for sticking it out in TC BL on reset for a bit – all of TC’s maps are queued on reset which means we didn’t have any other WvWing accessible for about 45 minutes. (So it really was appreciated.) Keep bringing the good fight. Especially those maneuvers out of the SoH playbook; if ever there was a time to stress test them, it’d be now.
After an hour or two of reset when everyone else left, PiNK was running a WvW karma/exp train around the BL, NOPE was bent on turning animals, enemies into moas, and some of NAGA was having a quaggan tea party with a strangely frightening yet charismatic snowman.
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.
I believe we tried to forge an alliance against TC on CD BL earlier but CD is more interested in kicking us off the map. xD
Effing rallybot
lol I knew about this three (or was it two?) days ago
I think it was 3 days ago – I lost count! XD
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
I believe we tried to forge an alliance against TC on CD BL earlier but CD is more interested in kicking us off the map. xD
Don’t mow my lawn, son. You stay in your yard, we’ll stay in ours.
I think servers mentally psyching themselves out is a fair portion of the sense of being mismatched. I’m from TC and when we drew SoR last week, I saw a couple good commanders suddenly have no clue how to strategize and others that just didn’t bother to flag all week. Our zergs ended up half the size as is normal, which made SoRs large zergs seem even more overwhelming.
There are differences in participation levels, leadership and willingness to follow commanders between servers, but I think self-defeatist attitudes just multiplies any real gap exponentially.
I hope some of the recently discussed plans for the future of WvW will help level the playing field a bit. Better rewards strategic non-zerg actions, (like tower defense and yak protection) hopefully will encourage people to participate even when they feel they are outmatched.
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
What sorcery is this?
We haz a you?
Nah, she’s mine.
::yawn:: Wonder when people are going to get close matchups again – this blowout stuff is kind of boring…
Wait. Why does that say your home server is TC? And you aren’t guesting because that’s a BL you are standing in?
What sorcery is this?
We haz a you?
Nah, she’s mine.
No, haha She’s MINE!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Anyone want to duel tonight? Fight club?
Message me in game at: mynameisred
Asura Thief/Ele
Really fun so far in terms of the effort being shown by the folks we’re facing! I admit to slightly missing SoR a bit, but holy crap SoS you guys have really gotten good at some of those tactics. I was sentry at Crag at one stage and when you rolled in there was no stopping you. Really impressive!
I was a little sadpanda trying to get map completion a few times when people decided to chase me on my way to a vista even if I /waved and didn’t try and interfere in a camp cap.
Ah well. Managed to get it eventually, which means I can go back to just enjoying the experience again! Can’t wait to see you both tomorrow.
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Evalana came to TC? Welcome!
Eva really shoved it to us when we lost her fully upgraded Vale in CDBL yesterday, now we all know who she is
lol I knew about this three (or was it two?) days ago
I think it was 3 days ago – I lost count! XD
DB since Headstart
lol I knew about this three (or was it two?) days ago
I think it was 3 days ago – I lost count! XD
???!!! Really?
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Eva really shoved it to us when we lost her fully upgraded Vale in CDBL yesterday, now we all know who she is
Lies and deceit! I wasn’t mean at all! :P
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Huh, that was probably you in Hills on reset in TC BL. I should have figured! That was a fun fight in Lord’s. I did want to thank CD and SoS for sticking it out in TC BL on reset for a bit – all of TC’s maps are queued on reset which means we didn’t have any other WvWing accessible for about 45 minutes. (So it really was appreciated.) Keep bringing the good fight.
Especially those maneuvers out of the SoH playbook; if ever there was a time to stress test them, it’d be now.
After an hour or two of reset when everyone else left, PiNK was running a WvW karma/exp train around the BL, NOPE was bent on turning animals, enemies into moas, and some of NAGA was having a quaggan tea party with a strangely frightening yet charismatic snowman.
That was the best tea party! I was quaggan cuddling with you! I’m sad to have to kill old friends, and I will find you Shaz! <3
I’ve had a lot of fun today which I didn’t expect. Started the morning (7am US EST) following a couple great commanders. SoS was running us all over the place. Really brought it to us.
I’ve been on most of the day and have finally decided it’s time for some sleep. Just want to wish everyone good luck. It doesn’t seem like a very balanced match but let’s all try to make the best of it I guess. /salute
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)
Yep that was us inside Hills, the closest we got to success on reset night, hehehe. We tried a few of the maneuvers but we’d dodge/trick/engage one freight train and one of the other two would show up. I’m hoping as the week goes on and the score becomes obvious, that populations will drop and we’ll be able to operate with at least a little bit of freedom.
I think servers mentally psyching themselves out is a fair portion of the sense of being mismatched. I’m from TC and when we drew SoR last week, I saw a couple good commanders suddenly have no clue how to strategize and others that just didn’t bother to flag all week. Our zergs ended up half the size as is normal, which made SoRs large zergs seem even more overwhelming.
That doesn’t apply on reset night, I know CD went into reset with our full force. After that, you might be right, but I don’t think the exaggeration between perceived blowout and actual blowout is that pronounced.
Pushed CDBL Garrison for nearly two hours today with no success. Sure we had multiple walls down, but we needed siege and big flanking movements just to (sort of) beat your field zerg, we wouldn’t have had a chance inside. Then we fought for an hour to get Greenlake tower on TCBL. We had three ACs up near our spawn and two trebs firing from the ruins. If that’s what tower caps are usually like you guys can keep your T2, I’ll be leaving as soon as ANet allows… But we took it! That beautiful, beautiful tower. We had over 100 PPT when I logged off! Watch out, we’re coming back!
Proud Member of the First Crystalian Council
On that note, if you TCers see any kwbh tags, just wave
Was a fun run in your bl – at least our armor didn’t break (yay for the buff!)
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
Yea, just had a blast at TCBL on those Zerg vs Zerg with CD. It feels so weird to fight Crystal Deserts though! I used to be a CD. Then I took an arrow on the knee.
[Cult] Counterculture
Here is the latest Reset video from TSL. Hope you all enjoy!
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)
If anyone wants a proper gvg with equal numbers I’d be down for it… we don’t record or otherwise chest thump on the forums about it. It’s all in good fun just send me a tell and I’d love to set something up to either train or just generally get better / have fun.
We could even have a gvg fightclub from each server.
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
If anyone wants a proper gvg with equal numbers I’d be down for it… we don’t record or otherwise chest thump on the forums about it. It’s all in good fun just send me a tell and I’d love to set something up to either train or just generally get better / have fun.
We could even have a gvg fightclub from each server.
We all know the reason you do not record and post…
If anyone wants a proper gvg with equal numbers I’d be down for it… we don’t record or otherwise chest thump on the forums about it. It’s all in good fun just send me a tell and I’d love to set something up to either train or just generally get better / have fun.
We could even have a gvg fightclub from each server.
We all know the reason you do not record and post…
Well you know how to make a good first impression don’t you?
I need to speak with an officer from OG on SoS.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Uh from my experience in T1 SEA =/= Oceanic. SEA starts 3 hours later and ends 2 hours later than Oceanic. Hence why FA’s Oceanic is losing to DB’s SEA presence.
They overlap quite a lot around the later Oceanic and earlier SEA times: some timezones are shared, and generally it’s close enough that people’s varying sleep/play habits are enough to blend one into the other.
You’ve got to realize though that all of Oceania combined has a population that surpasses that of Canada alone by a mere ~2 million. There really aren’t many people in this part of the world (SEA on the other hand is pretty crowded).
I need to speak with an officer from OG on SoS.
Oceanic gaming? Good luck with that. I haven’t seen anyone repping that guild in a long long time. If memory serves, their guild leader quit the game a while back (or transferred never can be sure) is it something someone from SOS not affiliated with og could help with?
Tarnished Coast.
I need to speak with an officer from OG on SoS.
Oceanic gaming? Good luck with that. I haven’t seen anyone repping that guild in a long long time. If memory serves, their guild leader quit the game a while back (or transferred never can be sure) is it something someone from SOS not affiliated with og could help with?
No, but thank you for your willingness.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
From someone who lives in NA east coast, I just wish we had more NA coverage.
To Crystal Desert,
This is commander streamdevil (ex esf guild leader), i think you guys forgotten about us that not only AwE and NAGA are in TC.. on the reset night, i was leading the main zerg force in CD bl to cap garrison and all us in the bl did put a good fight.. its good to fight against my old brothers from CD and good to see you guys again…
On behalf of Ex-EsF members, i salute you guys (crystal desert) for putting up a good fight with us and i saw the fighting spirit is strong.. keep it up guys..
i will see u guys in the battlegrounds again this week…
and to KOME guild, keep it up the hard work.. we are here to hunt you guys..
(edited by streamdevil.3867)
lol TC wrong week to actually go hard, where were these numbers last week?
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
TC is very protective of their waypoints, SoR made sure we didnt have many last week
[VoTF] www.votf.net
If anyone wants a proper gvg with equal numbers I’d be down for it… we don’t record or otherwise chest thump on the forums about it. It’s all in good fun just send me a tell and I’d love to set something up to either train or just generally get better / have fun.
We could even have a gvg fightclub from each server.
We all know the reason you do not record and post…
Well you know how to make a good first impression don’t you?
Don’t mind him; he has a tendency to run his mouth.
Intense past few hours 1v1-ing you guys on EB, TC.
I think it’s great that CD and SoS have the persistence that they have been showing against what must seem like insurmountable odds. Now what you need to do is pair that persistence with WvW builds. I don’t think I’ve seen a finer demonstration of toughness gear vs zerker gear than in this matchup- we can literally cut through your zergs like butter.
Spread the word to your team mates, wear toughness gear and run support builds (condition removal, heals, boon stacking).
Pretty sure SoS wiped TC more than get wiped on EB tonight. Proof is Ogre = T3, Veloka = T3. Bravost and durios = paper.
Pretty sure SoS wiped TC more than get wiped on EB tonight. Proof is Ogre = T3, Veloka = T3. Bravost and durios = paper.
I guess its all in perspective, but we tend to leave Durios paper, or with minimal upgrades as its easily flipped.
Tarnished Coast [TC]