6/21: HoD/SF/ET
That was an epic clash over SM between our 3 Servers. One of the most epic fights i’ve even experienced in WvW. Hope we continue to have fights like this.
oh hey, look. it’s PAXA. took ya long enough to show up in this thread. i was getting bored!
i am still disappoint. i know i die plenty, and still no shots/vids of ME getting spiked.
and is the Rat still paying for bounties or not?
Ummm yes there is. We spiked u 5 times u where bugged so we dps u down in the last video. In case u missed it
That was an epic clash over SM between our 3 Servers. One of the most epic fights i’ve even experienced in WvW. Hope we continue to have fights like this.
Would have been a lot more fun without the skill lag >.< However quite epic. Its been a lot of fun with ET showing up with some impressive numbers
We were this close to getting SM too…bar was half way and moving fast before SF got into the ring and revived the Lord.
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch
Glad to see ET out and fighting! Good for you guys!
oh hey, look. it’s PAXA. took ya long enough to show up in this thread. i was getting bored!
i am still disappoint. i know i die plenty, and still no shots/vids of ME getting spiked.
and is the Rat still paying for bounties or not?
Ummm yes there is. We spiked u 5 times u where bugged so we dps u down in the last video. In case u missed it
i wasn’t talking about you guys. heck, there’s a vid floating around from a Ferg guard where i get spiked around 4 minutes in. i was talking about Rat’s little PK bounty. all the screenshots and vids from SF people, and i havn’t seen myself once. i r surprised
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Also, SF looks like you lost some people. You’re not nearly as…. numerous as you once were. It’s nice really, we can actually somewhat fight back. Somewhat.
So you’re complaining about a server that is severely outpopulated by both of its opponents this week using whatever resources they do have to defend their own borderlands? I’m the one saying “WoW”
I suppose you think ET should just give up and let SF and HoD fight over the spoils.
ET is outnumbered in general, not in every fight. You’re speaking generally, but I’m talking about a very specific instance. Just the number of people required to activate a breakout was twice the amount of enemies they intended to fight. They weren’t underdogs using a necessary mechanic to win. I’m not complaining either. I just think it’s ridiculous that some people on ET decided having double the enemies’ numbers wasn’t enough. I know it’s not just ET that does it either. People from HoD and every server will do similar things.
Also, no server should feel severely outmanned at this point. This isn’t really a blowout at the moment. None of the servers are going to be significantly more skilled on average than another. If the scores are fairly close, the populations aren’t vastly different. HoD isn’t a bully picking on ET this week.
This is what SF Commanders and co. do when we are bored with WvW or logging off for the night. On another note this is where SF secret WvW meetings go on.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
May as well make it a score update
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
drama on the borderlands, bluebell? bummer
i’m still having fun, when i can play. bad connection this weekend… hope its fixed soon…, AND i’m at work.
Slingshot ranger FTW.
How can you post that image of Chuck???? You realize an entire nation DIED from that one thumbs up gesture!!!?!!?!?
Looks like ET and HoD got some new blood in the form of Chinese WvW kill farming bots. I’m not really sure how this is efficient, but near ETs northwest tower last night I stumbled across the following – 5 ET bots autoattacking 1 against a single target while he is rezzed by the rest.
Still – it was an easy 300 WXP fearing all of them off the cliff.
The HoD bots were still there when I wandered off, so if any ETers head up there – there may be a few easy points.
uhg. we need more people, but not like that! >sigh<
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Looks like ET and HoD got some new blood in the form of Chinese WvW kill farming bots. I’m not really sure how this is efficient, but near ETs northwest tower last night I stumbled across the following – 5 ET bots autoattacking 1 against a single target while he is rezzed by the rest.
Still – it was an easy 300 WXP fearing all of them off the cliff.
The HoD bots were still there when I wandered off, so if any ETers head up there – there may be a few easy points.
Those 5 guys were there last week too. That time with a Ferg victim and rezzer. I also feared the ferg rezzer off the cliff. They didn’t return after 10 minutes of watching. One of the guys asked me what I was doing.
Hey I just wanted to say, even though it still isn’t completely balanced. This has been a much more competitive match up than previous weeks.
I’m having a great time, and I hope ET continues to come on out and play.
JahRo.6432ermahgerd, it’s a red tidal wave. very nice to see so many ET!
Haha, I should have posted this earlier, but this is what ET EB /map chat looked like at the time of your screenshot.
We were really excited that we were actually taking our own keep in EB.
It’s been a lot of fun out there in WvW so far this week, I hope it stays this way until reset. Yeah we’re outmanned and outgunned, but we’ve got some solid determination this week to give you guys a good fight.
Hey I just wanted to say, even though it still isn’t completely balanced. This has been a much more competitive match up than previous weeks.
I’m having a great time, and I hope ET continues to come on out and play.
Whenever another server posts nice things about us..
Riva Lea – Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Eredon Terrace
JahRo.6432ermahgerd, it’s a red tidal wave. very nice to see so many ET!
Haha, I should have posted this earlier, but this is what ET EB /map chat looked like at the time of your screenshot.
We were really excited that we were actually taking our own keep in EB.
It’s been a lot of fun out there in WvW so far this week, I hope it stays this way until reset. Yeah we’re outmanned and outgunned, but we’ve got some solid determination this week to give you guys a good fight.
I must find that guy who said “it feels like i just beat the game” that literally had me laughing for a solid 10 minutes
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
As someone that likes to hit invaders with that mortar from Bay, its not done to wipe, but to annoy and make larger groups break up. Of course it won’t dish out enough to kill a handful of players.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
As someone that likes to hit invaders with that mortar from Bay, its not done to wipe, but to annoy and make larger groups break up.
Of course it won’t dish out enough to kill a handful of players.
And don’t forget, if you’re hungry you can be eating a burger in one hand and still be playing super efficiently and skillfully using your other hand and 3 buttons. Or you can be doing other things with your real life off-hand that we shall not discuss any further.
EDIT: Actually, let’s discuss it… you can be writing a very nicely written and well documented journal of your burger-eating-cannoning people running by session that preceded your journal entry-cannoning people running by session.
Edit #2: and then you can grease the door knob and yank the chain while thinking of all of your burger eating, journal writing, monkey spanking-cannoning people running by sessions.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
(edited by osif.8673)
And don’t forget, if you’re hungry you can be eating a burger in one hand and still be playing super efficiently and skillfully using your other hand and 3 buttons. Or you can be doing other things with your real life off-hand that we shall not discuss any further.
EDIT: Actually, let’s discuss it… you can be writing a very nicely written and well documented journal of your burger-eating-cannoning people running by session that preceded your journal entry-cannoning people running by session.
Edit #2: and then you can grease the door knob and yank the chain while thinking of all of your burger eating, journal writing, monkey spanking-cannoning people running by sessions.
Sounds like you are jealous of burgers. They get all the attention.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Sounds like you are jealous of burgers. They get all the attention.
No, I’m jealous of people that have that many burgers to eat.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
drama on the borderlands, bluebell? bummer
i’m still having fun, when i can play. bad connection this weekend… hope its fixed soon…, AND i’m at work.
Slingshot ranger FTW.
How can you post that image of Chuck???? You realize an entire nation DIED from that one thumbs up gesture!!!?!!?!?
I almost didn’t get that at first, lol I gotta stop drinkin so early ;P….I was like " Uhh Mah Gahd….Wut haz I dunn?!"
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
Hey I just wanted to say, even though it still isn’t completely balanced. This has been a much more competitive match up than previous weeks.
I’m having a great time, and I hope ET continues to come on out and play.
Whenever another server posts nice things about us..
No, no, we really are happy for you guys! Reset night was HORRIBLE getting steamrolled by an ET zerg, but it was also a happy feeling knowing you guys might be able to compete just a tiny bit better this time around.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
Hey I just wanted to say, even though it still isn’t completely balanced. This has been a much more competitive match up than previous weeks.
I’m having a great time, and I hope ET continues to come on out and play.
Whenever another server posts nice things about us..
During the last match-up, we would often have to hop BL’s 4-5 times a night, just to try and find fights. I remember one instance where different guilds were actually competing to find the enemy zerg before the others. We all wanted to fight and were looking for the enemy zergs. Once guilds from the same server have to compete for enemies to fight, you know things are bad.
This is why I believe that many of us on HoD are happy that ET has had a bigger presence than last week. It is not an insult in any way whatsoever so don’t worry. :p
“I smell like pomegranate.”
its boring for the big guy and frustrating for the little guy in a lopsided matchup. things are much more fun with somewhat even fights.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
I still think it’s kind of fun playing WvW on ET’s side. It’s certainly more challenging, and with the lower numbers, you’re more likely to end up 1v1 or 3v3 or something like that rather than 50v50, so there’s a bit more actual PvP style play as opposed to en masse tactics. Well, sometimes, anyway.
But yeah, it does suck knowing that basically no matter what you do or how good your little group is, it is a little group, and you’re going to lose in the long run.
I’ve got a few PoIs in the blue corner of the eternal battlegrounds that are the only ones left before WvW map completion, and I wonder if I will eventually have to shell out $10 to bail server if I want those completed. I’d really rather not. (Especially since I want to make a solo guild for the bank.) I’m not super close to Tyria completion yet anyway (wasn’t playing for a while), but still.
Ah well. At least we gave SM a run for its money. Probably not the smartest thing the server could’ve done, but if you’re going to lose anyway, why not?
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”
ok, not pathetic. but srsly. 14 golems? overkill much? XD
soooo... many.... people.....
i was lagged so hard tonight... heh.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Still waiting for the day Anet decides that WvW should be more about skill than numbers. However, since that day is probably long in coming, we simply learn how to fight outnumbered. Also, where is PAXA? Haven’t seen you guys at all this matchup. We’ve improved a lot (though still probably not enough to beat you guys) and are now pulling off easy victories while outnumbered. Can’t wait to see how we fare against you guys at the end of this matchup.
2 people out of town till Friday, and 1 is in process of moving so not too many people log in when its only 6 ppl in a guild:P
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
Are you for real? it’s WvWvW. There are three worlds, it’s a three-way matchup. Not to mention that ET has had insanely large zergs (by comparison to what they usually have) this week that I’ve been nothing but impressed and, to a certain extent, proud of. Rather than complain you guys should be happy that you’re doing as well as you are, this week. It’s pretty amazing.
Also, we hit SF juuuuuust as often as we hit ET. :P Don’t believe it? Compare your bl vs SF’s right now, and try saying something.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
Cereal?!?! The reason you guys took your EB keep back for that short moment this night was because we Golem rushed SF Keep. Stupid spawn rushing< anyways if you noticed you have more PP than SF and we havent touched your BL.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Dont say sf is too much of a fight because i have been comanding all day on EB today and i finaly made it all green i dont attack ET or SF i attack everything depending on the ocasion and i have to say good fight SF and ET we had some good fights and we are on the lead now we gonna keep fighting for it. And ET u had a VERY huge zerg on EB today i guess u guys just give up easly
i vote ALL of ET should transfer to HOD and we can all be stronger.
(edited by Sinester.3572)
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
I feel skilled that I can provoke people to say such idiotic things that even HoD commanders must reply to. Nem, you are right tho. We came back and took the lead in score cuz we have been hitting only ET lands…
Behave HoD or I’ll beat you up! Leave poor ET alone.
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”
(edited by Azgarn.2145)
I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.
Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
Rofl, this comment was so dumb it made me log in just to say that you sir are either trying to provoke a fight or are just plan stupid…. Maybe both…? If you care to look at the map you’ll see us usually having an SF keep or hitting there side in EB, while of course hitting you guys, cuz ya know, who doesn’t love free points?!
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.
ahem. >.> <.< >.> dude, not to be rude, but have you SEEN the size of our zergs this week? i have no idea where they came from, but we’re actually fielding a fair number. i know yesterday we had fighting forces in at least 2-3 places… i map hopped last night and helped where i could. our zerg in EB was enough to slow my comp down… then SF and HoD showed up. (your welcome for the easy kills, by the way. i know i just stood there and took it at least 2-3 times. heck, one time i died on the run without ever seeing what hit me) . up till this morning every time i’ve looked at the score we’ve been holding and maintaining roughly our 1/3 of the pie all times day and night. we’re a bit less now because HoD has all of EB now. note… ALL of EB.. that means SF’s side, too. and as i look at the map right now at 9:23 am (central) HoD just took SF’s Hills keep 5 minutes ago.
golem rushing overlook last night was (in my opinion): excessive, impressive, and silly… but in no way “picking on ET”
and this opinion is coming from an ET commander who got her kitten kicked in that golem rush last night.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
I would like to point out we had the golems chilling in SM. Its not like we were like “oh lets build MOOOOO GOLEMSSSS” to attack ET. It was more like… hey.. Loook a golem.. Imma use them… and I will find out the tag today and edit my post.
But there is a SF ranger with the title “Master Crafter” you sir or madam are now a legend in VLK. Oh and props to coming back over and over.
-Hugs and Kisses
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Never thought i’d see the day. Couple of weeks ago, we’d be pushed out of EB and spawn camped.
Our tank train is out of town all week. A third is moving to a new crib. We won’t have a solid presence until the weekend. We don’t have fill ins in our guild, usually pick up a 5th [KoM]y if we’re missing someone.
if anything... SF are the ones getting picked on right now, i mean... kitten
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
So you’re complaining about a server that is severely outpopulated by both of its opponents this week using whatever resources they do have to defend their own borderlands? I’m the one saying “WoW”
I suppose you think ET should just give up and let SF and HoD fight over the spoils.
ET is outnumbered in general, not in every fight. You’re speaking generally, but I’m talking about a very specific instance. Just the number of people required to activate a breakout was twice the amount of enemies they intended to fight. They weren’t underdogs using a necessary mechanic to win. I’m not complaining either. I just think it’s ridiculous that some people on ET decided having double the enemies’ numbers wasn’t enough. I know it’s not just ET that does it either. People from HoD and every server will do similar things.
In this very specific situation, you were a coordinated guild (GT) party (probably in the same voice chat) that was fighting some randomly thrown together group of ETers and were doing a pretty good job of stomping us as we came out in 3’s and 4’s. Once we had enough of being outnumbered by you guys, we gathered up a few other people from the map and put you out on your hiney with the BO event.
We used the tools we had to get our tower back. Try sPvP if you’re looking for more “fair” fights.
Millenium hasnt been updated in an hour. NEED MAH SCORE UPDATES
Why QQ so much ET, the majority of HoD has been hitting SF.
Millenium hasnt been updated in an hour. NEED MAH SCORE UPDATES
that’s cuz WvW has been down for the last hour. yay patch day!
Why QQ so much ET, the majority of HoD has been hitting SF.
note my last two previous posts…
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Never thought i’d see the day. Couple of weeks ago, we’d be pushed out of EB and spawn camped.
Nice job to HOD. You guys have fun and play the game well.
Riva Lea – Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Eredon Terrace
Millenium hasnt been updated in an hour. NEED MAH SCORE UPDATES
that’s cuz WvW has been down for the last hour. yay patch day!
Things I don’t remember when I’m at work
I’m surprised ET is so hateful against HoD lol. I personally love you guys and finding random duels and skirmishes, especially with the BS group I always see roaming around. As for only fighting you, I have yet to push in any of your territories, aside from small group play looking for duels. I guarantee that the majority of us are busy with SF. If you are being pushed, it’s either a guild doing their own thing, or a smaller zerg. That being said, you’ve surprised us all with the effort you’ve put in this week and I hope it continues.
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
(edited by JahRo.6432)