King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch
Yeah, I have seen the fake FKB guild tags before….haven’t seen the MEND ones yet.
As for all of HoD hating BC? No way. BC is a great commander, he gets results. He just has no patience for idiots…which is fine by me, I rather enjoy his raging at noobs. If there is a choice of commanders on a map, I will always go for BC.
oh yeah. and apparently we may have had someone from HoD guest last night for our trio of dragons (all 3 were up at the same time)
i *think* the guy in chat who i responded to had a KoM tag, but i’m not 100% certain.
I find it interesting how closely the GoM/DR/FC match up has been tracking with our HoD/SF/ET matchup. As I type this, each position’s score is within 4000 point of each other.
Looking forward to fight night tonight, let’s try to make this one good guys.
PM me (Geoski.1407) ahead of time if you want to setup something larger than a 1v1.
(edited by Geoski.1407)
oh yeah. and apparently we may have had someone from HoD guest last night for our trio of dragons (all 3 were up at the same time)
i think the guy in chat who i responded to had a KoM tag, but i’m not 100% certain.
None of those names are in Krewe of Misfits, but there is another KoM on HoD. Don’t remember what their guild was tho.
On the topic of BC, I won’t say I hated him… but I sure was getting tired of him roaming a BL with every HoD person there just to flip camps, dying 3 seconds into a fight, trying to out dps the cannon thats shooting him, never listening to KoM when we created an opening for Bay or something, and haunting us with his presence on every BL we went to.
BC definitely has a style of play – and it gets results. Sure, not everyone would agree with it but people take different roles and he’s definitely popular on the server.
On a side note – did SF lose some guilds? There’s a couple big ones from previous matchups that seem to be absent. Notably, also, the ones that seemed to do the most forum battling. If so, that sucks but I’m sure you’ll pull through.
oh yeah. and apparently we may have had someone from HoD guest last night for our trio of dragons (all 3 were up at the same time)
i think the guy in chat who i responded to had a KoM tag, but i’m not 100% certain.
None of those names are in Krewe of Misfits, but there is another KoM on HoD. Don’t remember what their guild was tho. .
ahh, ok. i just kinda got a quick glimse of the tag… thanks for clarifying.
still funny. XD
On a side note – did SF lose some guilds? There’s a couple big ones from previous matchups that seem to be absent. Notably, also, the ones that seemed to do the most forum battling. If so, that sucks but I’m sure you’ll pull through.
IKR? they hurtin this week
big bro, you ok?
oh yeah. and apparently we may have had someone from HoD guest last night for our trio of dragons (all 3 were up at the same time)
i think the guy in chat who i responded to had a KoM tag, but i’m not 100% certain.
before reading the chat link i was suspect of azgarn & thought perhaps he had gone to visit you with poo scented flowers or something.
big bro, you ok?
lol, you beat me to it. Envy Entropy is not a spy. and she “got your guild name wrong” on purpose. she has (that i know of) [Mend] Mending the Ruines (instead of Mending the Ruined), [FKB] Fluffy Kitten Brigade (instead of Fancy Kitten Brigade, and [VLK] (sorry… don’t know what she turned that one in to)
Woooooaaahhhhhh slow down speed racer!!! [VLK] tag? We aren’t from ET what did we do to get this honor?
On another note [PvP] left SF and [KING] lost seven so the remainder of them made [StaR] I believe that is correct. Fill me in if I missed anything.
[PvP] did not leave SF, it was disbanded. The members went to several other guilds, and some tried to form an [eXo] guild (which didn’t last very long either).
The original founder of [KING] (who really didn’t have much to do with their presence in WvW in comparison with the members who were in their daily) came back after a break and took the guild itself, and a few members over to an EU server.
Seven Mirror is still on SF, just on a break at the moment. The majority of [KING] members either reformed in [STaR] or merged with [PoPo] (I’ve heard the members that went to [PoPo] broke off and did their own thing now as well).
[CoSA], [LORD], [LH], [SONG], [SoF], [ICE] and us are still here (and other groups I forgot to mention). The former in the list always had the bulk of players and they are still here.
The largest problem was us running into a coverage wall when we hit T6 that first and second week.
What a lot of people assume while we were in tier 8, is that we had an obscene amount of transfers or something that caused us to go up tiers. That wasn’t true. What happened, was a core formed around several prominent Commanders and leaders in WvW. It was insane how many PvE’ers and casuals we got invested in WvW and how well we got everyone to listen and work together, it was great.
These people put a LOT of time into WvW, spending the majority of the weekend after reset nights and primetime weekdays in WvW leading people around, not just commanding, but utilizing tactics and boosting morale that kept people engaged and interested. Then the fairweather’s started hopping in, inflating our numbers even further and after winning weeks on end, started to taint our community with trolling and flaming (amongst ourselves, and towards ET and FC).
Then ET and FC got the points boost, we hopped out of t8 and started the train upwards. Even though we had a coverage gap in t7, our prime time was enough to hold the gap, intimidate the opponents, and get some semblance of a night crewe.
Then came t6, our night crew was absolutely obliterated by IoJ. To the point they didn’t even come in anymore, and IoJ would steamroll our maps at night. This lead to a lot of people that normally paid for upgrades and defending, to fall away from those roles. This then lead to a point-gap we had trouble reaching. The core during prime time was still pushing strong though, and dominated during our timeslot enough to keep up with the loss of nearly every structure nightly.
Eventually though, the formation of the core in tier 8 and pushing hard through all of t6 to reach the point where we were at a coverage wall made a lot of people realize how burned out they had become. Core members started taking ‘breaks’ (I am guilty of this as well) which was the start of the cohesion kind of falling to pieces.
We still have a core, and a lot of great commanders, but it is much more social and casual, than it was in the past. Combine that with fairweathers who normally leave during non-winning streaks (which we had for so long), the PvE/casual members who are farming out new content, and a lot of the structure loosening up; we are in a definite lull.
I’m sure at some point we will recover/reunite, but at this point I’m not sure when that will be. Until then, fun fights when we have them.
TL;DR – We’re all still here, just on holiday or smth.
(edited by pulsecodesgnl.3470)
oh man SF is such a joke now
Eh, it’s no different from the time when HoD was enjoying the Southsun beach. There is no reason to call a server a joke because of that since we all know that SF have way more people than the ones currently playing in wvw. Just like, in my opinion, there was no reason to make posts asking HoD to come back that time.
All in all I’m happy with ET players, we have been improving and from the posts I read, we have been able to be a little more competitive against HoD. It’s a happy time for us.
honestly after SF bashed on HoD and talked all sorts of stuff and spawn camped us for a week straight i have no sympathy for them, i think it’s just the funniest thing now that SF is god awful, hey maybe you guys shouldn’t rely on transfer guilds as much anymore? yeah? because honestly this match up was exactly like playing FC/ET… and that’s ok, thank you for the bags and i hope we get you guys again next week gotta get some farming in
hey maybe you guys shouldn’t rely on transfer guilds as much anymore?
Which transfer guilds did SF get again?
honestly after SF bashed on HoD and talked all sorts of stuff and spawn camped us for a week straight i have no sympathy for them, i think it’s just the funniest thing now that SF is god awful, hey maybe you guys shouldn’t rely on transfer guilds as much anymore?
Lol, too funny. Someone talking about transfers coming from HoD, did you forget why you fell into t8 in the first place? I would also love for you to provide some factual evidence of guilds transferring off our server, we’ve had 1 and it was only a few members that actually left (<5 members associated with WvW), the rest reformed.
So please, go on. Tell me more with all this wisdom you have. I personally enjoy HoD tears, especially with the claims that they were going to ‘shove us right back down to t8’ when we came into t7 and stomped all over them. But yes, do go on.
And that’s the thing about large guilds like CoSa and KING. All the good members are covered up by the massive amounts of really crappy ones. And it’s always the really crappy ones that talk the most forum warrior crap.
There’s always one 12 year old fair weather, who talks crap and makes an entire guild look bad.
Sorry this happened to you SF, but I do not miss being shut out of EB completely. At least this is competitive to a point. Much more so than in the past. Keep it up.
Woooooaaahhhhhh slow down speed racer!!! [VLK] tag? We aren’t from ET what did we do to get this honor?
no clue. ask Envy. all i know is i saw her with that tag once. she doesn’t use it often. usually runs Mend or FKB… depending who’s attacking us at the moment.
TL;DR – We’re all still here, just on holiday or smth.
:( honestly, as much as it sucked to get steamrolled by you for so long… it also sucks to see you guys lose steam and start falling back down. hope you all can turn it around and get back in the fight.
We may not do great, but when we have a spy from HoD that goes against one of their own commanders it makes me me.
MEND, or FKB, if you see BC, tell him to look at this
I can promise that we have nobody by the name of “envy entropy” in our guild. There is an individual who has both “Fluffy Kitten Brigade” and “Mending The Ruines” Guilds made that share the MEND and FKB tags. Imitation is the highest form of flattery I suppose.
I would NEVER EVER allow any spy in my guild, Its absolutely dishonorable and not how the game was meant to be played. If you have to resort to spying to win, then why bother playing at all(that is how I think of it anyway).
she has (that i know of) [Mend] Mending the Ruines (instead of Mending the Ruined), [FKB] Fluffy Kitten Brigade (instead of Fancy Kitten Brigade, and [VLK] (sorry… don’t know what she turned that one in to)
YEEEES. I knew we were doing something right!
lol, you beat me to it. Envy Entropy is not a spy. and she “got your guild name wrong” on purpose. she has (that i know of) [Mend] Mending the Ruines (instead of Mending the Ruined), [FKB] Fluffy Kitten Brigade (instead of Fancy Kitten Brigade, and [VLK] (sorry… don’t know what she turned that one in to)
I’m flattered. Envy should rep VLK more so I can stake em.
I have one thing to say for SOME of ET u guys are using the glitch to get inside the doors all day long dont start doing that that dont lower ur standarts. And yes i did kill both of them :P
FSÆ is by and large an upstanding guild, but we do have our lemons. I’ll check into it, thanks for bringing this up.
it’s been mentioned to me that lately people are popping thru doors that are being rammed while trying to melee them.
dunno what exactly is causing it, and it hasn’t happened to me... but since more than one person has mentioned this previously, and then Sinester mentioned it happened while the door was being rammed, its possible this is what happened. Sinester, you should still forward those screenshots to Anet... if its an exploit, it needs fixed,. if its a bug.. it needs fixed.
It happened to the guy in my guild, and I think one other person, while the gate was being rammed by someone else. He was playing an engineer, so I doubt he was doing a melee attack and it did him no favors to find himself alone inside unexpectedly where he was quickly slain by the people inside. If the door is coming down, anyway, it’s better to charge in with the group, so I’d consider this a problem for attacker as well as defender.
It’s most likely the case that they accidentally glitched through the gate. That bug has been around for a while.
When that happens though, it is best to jump right back out, as not doing so is taking advantage of a bug that a-net can’t seem to fix.
When that happens though, it is best to jump right back out, as not doing so is taking advantage of a bug that a-net can’t seem to fix.
No, it’s best to come to the anet forums and start tossing around hacking accusations.
You’re doing it wrong.
yes. BC was on ET originally. in the guild TFoR i believe. he got famous for early morning golem rushes when SF had no morning presence. he was also famous for his rages when things didn’t go 100% smoothly.
SOME people on ET started giving him some grief because his trademark "kitten and pillage and build golems with every bit of supply in every tower and keep" was great for offense, but left nothing for defense, and he did the same tactic at home as he did on other borders. and not everyone was cool with that.
when free transfers came up, he jumped ship, and tried to take a bunch of people with him. i *heard* he badmouthed ET on the way out, but i don’t know for sure if that’s true or not.
those things added together made a fair amount of bad blood between several on ET, and BC.
as i said before, i never hated him. just kinda lol, tho.
Fight Night????
oh right. it’s thursday, isn’t it? i’ll be there shortly!
[PvP] did not leave SF, it was disbanded. The members went to several other guilds, and some tried to form an [eXo] guild (which didn’t last very long either).
The original founder of [KING] (who really didn’t have much to do with their presence in WvW in comparison with the members who were in their daily) came back after a break and took the guild itself, and a few members over to an EU server.
Seven Mirror is still on SF, just on a break at the moment. The majority of [KING] members either reformed in [STaR] or merged with [PoPo] (I’ve heard the members that went to [PoPo] broke off and did their own thing now as well).
[CoSA], [LORD], [LH], [SONG], [SoF], [ICE] and us are still here (and other groups I forgot to mention
). The former in the list always had the bulk of players and they are still here.
The largest problem was us running into a coverage wall when we hit T6 that first and second week.
What a lot of people assume while we were in tier 8, is that we had an obscene amount of transfers or something that caused us to go up tiers. That wasn’t true. What happened, was a core formed around several prominent Commanders and leaders in WvW. It was insane how many PvE’ers and casuals we got invested in WvW and how well we got everyone to listen and work together, it was great.
These people put a LOT of time into WvW, spending the majority of the weekend after reset nights and primetime weekdays in WvW leading people around, not just commanding, but utilizing tactics and boosting morale that kept people engaged and interested. Then the fairweather’s started hopping in, inflating our numbers even further and after winning weeks on end, started to taint our community with trolling and flaming (amongst ourselves, and towards ET and FC).
Then ET and FC got the points boost, we hopped out of t8 and started the train upwards. Even though we had a coverage gap in t7, our prime time was enough to hold the gap, intimidate the opponents, and get some semblance of a night crewe.
Then came t6, our night crew was absolutely obliterated by IoJ. To the point they didn’t even come in anymore, and IoJ would steamroll our maps at night. This lead to a lot of people that normally paid for upgrades and defending, to fall away from those roles. This then lead to a point-gap we had trouble reaching. The core during prime time was still pushing strong though, and dominated during our timeslot enough to keep up with the loss of nearly every structure nightly.
Eventually though, the formation of the core in tier 8 and pushing hard through all of t6 to reach the point where we were at a coverage wall made a lot of people realize how burned out they had become. Core members started taking ‘breaks’ (I am guilty of this as well) which was the start of the cohesion kind of falling to pieces.
We still have a core, and a lot of great commanders, but it is much more social and casual, than it was in the past. Combine that with fairweathers who normally leave during non-winning streaks (which we had for so long), the PvE/casual members who are farming out new content, and a lot of the structure loosening up; we are in a definite lull.
I’m sure at some point we will recover/reunite, but at this point I’m not sure when that will be. Until then, fun fights when we have them.
TL;DR – We’re all still here, just on holiday or smth.
Your information about KING is wrong.
i was eating dinner!
i was eating dinner!
And I left because my guild TS sounded like too much fun.
I have an FKB tag too, those of us doing it are just trollin folks. All Hail the Floofy Kitty Brigade!!!!!!!
I have an FKB tag too, those of us doing it are just trollin folks. All Hail the Floofy Kitty Brigade!!!!!!!
I like Fluffy a lot more than Fancy.
So maybe this was some folks first fight night but a general rule is that we don’t spike/pin/stomp folks. It’s a polite courtesy so they don’t have to run back, and as for the XE guild, I saw you two tryin to snipe me from the ramp while i was duelin your thief friend…..Other than that I had some good fights, specifically the Mesmer from CoSA and the Thief from XE.
P.S. way too many people were interrupting duels tonight, not just from XE but a bunch of SF randoms, next time put a leash on them and tell them to back off, I had about 3 fights interrupted including one instance where 2 guys jumped me and proceeded to fail to kill me for about 5+ minutes so you guys really need to get that crap in check or at least party up with me next time and tell me they aren’t listening so I can call some people over to wipe them. Despite all that though,
When HoD gets srs in EB we mean it! get on our lvl! VIVA LA HONDOR!
WE killed the grub naked mannnn today was so fun since the omega rush on SF BL the epic defenses on our bl then the epic SM rush all naked and we took it xD so much fun today
It happened to the guy in my guild, and I think one other person, while the gate was being rammed by someone else. He was playing an engineer, so I doubt he was doing a melee attack and it did him no favors to find himself alone inside unexpectedly where he was quickly slain by the people inside. If the door is coming down, anyway, it’s better to charge in with the group, so I’d consider this a problem for attacker as well as defender.
Wait… what?
Ummmm, Engineers don’t have any teleporting skills, we have jumps, to be sure, but no winks or blinks or whatever the kids call ’em.
Is this a latency issue or something? (Like when you run at an Asura gate and pass through it)
It happened to the guy in my guild, and I think one other person, while the gate was being rammed by someone else. He was playing an engineer, so I doubt he was doing a melee attack and it did him no favors to find himself alone inside unexpectedly where he was quickly slain by the people inside. If the door is coming down, anyway, it’s better to charge in with the group, so I’d consider this a problem for attacker as well as defender.
Wait… what?
Ummmm, Engineers don’t have any teleporting skills, we have jumps, to be sure, but no winks or blinks or whatever the kids call ’em.
Is this a latency issue or something? (Like when you run at an Asura gate and pass through it)
apparently there is some sort of random issue that causes a person to be pushed/pulled/teleported/whatever thru a gate that is being rammed if they are standing close to it.
it’s been reported in the matchup threads many times now… in fact it’s been mentioned as happening to DR this week in their matchup against GoM and FC
It happened to the guy in my guild, and I think one other person, while the gate was being rammed by someone else. He was playing an engineer, so I doubt he was doing a melee attack and it did him no favors to find himself alone inside unexpectedly where he was quickly slain by the people inside. If the door is coming down, anyway, it’s better to charge in with the group, so I’d consider this a problem for attacker as well as defender.
Wait… what?
Ummmm, Engineers don’t have any teleporting skills, we have jumps, to be sure, but no winks or blinks or whatever the kids call ’em.
Is this a latency issue or something? (Like when you run at an Asura gate and pass through it)
apparently there is some sort of random issue that causes a person to be pushed/pulled/teleported/whatever thru a gate that is being rammed if they are standing close to it.
it’s been reported in the matchup threads many times now… in fact it’s been mentioned as happening to DR this week in their matchup against GoM and FC
Weird. Thanks for the info.
Happened to me once… You know how weird it was when you are inside the gate and hitting it with a golem?!?! I was like why am I hitting my way out?!?!
God this week’s forums kittening blew.
What, 10 hours to make drama? Psshhh, I got this.
PAXA NEWBSSS they now show cause SF scured dem! BS where you be I no c u guyzzzzz!!! U SCUREDDDDD. None Shall Pass???? More like Run over me and play a horn on me Yezz I went der! U guyz all newbs I be 3173 or how ever the hell you do it. NEWBS l2p thiefs aint OP nerf rangers n necros thy klled mi! I klled the wurm with my trebs!
HoD out!!!!!
No no no, you guys dont know how to do it right…
Paxa, you have bad hair. Yeah, I said it.
Oh hai……….
Hey! I’m learning give me a week and ill be up there.
KoM I heard you spam 1 like a pro. No better than zergs!
Hey! I’m learning give me a week and ill be up there.
KoM I heard you spam 1 like a pro. No better than zergs!
Can’t deny the truth.
D: Teach me how to troll.. Imma follow hatas around till I learn>.>
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