6/21: HoD/SF/ET

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leopardclaw.4258


[XE] was pretty bored after Fight Night ended. Some fun in ET BL with an Omega was just what we needed to complete our night though.


Pugmander & Altaholic | CoSA Blue | Youtube
Asheni Leopardclaw | SBI | SF | Asheni Leopardclaws

(edited by Leopardclaw.4258)

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


This forums blows without SF’s boasting and screenies of spikes everywhere. Didn’t get as many this time? Hehehuehuehue

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


We also didn’t get 20 threads closed. I miss those days

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Berk.8561


The score similarities between HoD/SF/ET and GoM/DR/FC are actually tightening at the moment. Rounded, HoD has 233k to GoM’s 230k, SF has 187k to DR’s 189k, and ET has 158k to FC’s 160k. Should I be hoping for a SF/DR/ET matchup next week?

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


The score similarities between HoD/SF/ET and GoM/DR/FC are actually tightening at the moment. Rounded, HoD has 233k to GoM’s 230k, SF has 187k to DR’s 189k, and ET has 158k to FC’s 160k. Should I be hoping for a SF/DR/ET matchup next week?

No because I want to fight DR.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


Your information about KING is wrong.

Feel free to correct me then, I heard you were one of the ones that went to PoPo and then formed your own, now you are in THCC?

My information was from KING members, not sure why they would purposely misinform me. Unless you are talking about split drama, but I didn’t want to bring that up.

Voxtr | Svell | Kvikr | Svass | Sundr | Naud | Kvedja | Traust
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Sounds like I need to transfer back down to T8. I need to get some retribution against SF now that their WvW population has dwindled.

Maybe I will team up with my old friend Flabby. I have been workin kitten my garbage truck driving skills. You should see how I handle that bad boy out on the skills course. I never hit a cone and always dodge those Spy Hunter style oil slicks like a pro in that garbage truck. kittens not easy, it handles like an M1A1 Abrams missing a track. Also I can sling bags of used diapers, old couches, and half eaten watermelons into that puppy all day long. I should have no problem fitting in and matching the skill of that crew given my new found love of all things garbage.

Sounds like that elite small man posse still is having fun pretending like they have found the one true skillful way to play GW2. I suppose killing upleveled rangers sporting masterwork gear smacking ore veins in the ruins never gets old. Still trying to find the secret to your success. Keep on being awesome.


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: obastable.5231


dude, you really need to get over it.

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


dude, you really need to get over it.

If you were beaten by SF for so long and so badly you would have lifelong scars too. I have tried all kinds of psychotic therapy and PTSD drugs and nothing seems to help. Maybe I need something else. Perhaps carnitas tacos would do the trick. Can you whip me up some? I love the extra spicy homemade salsa…help a Brotha out?


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Sounds like you are jealous of burgers. They get all the attention.

No, I’m jealous of people that have that many burgers to eat.

I wish I had that many burgers to eat some days. alas I just have days where I get tired of running Dollies and taking back camps and just want to lob fireballs and boomies on people as they enter or leave that camp or when a big enough group is trying to push on the south door of Bay. Makes for setting up a good counter wipe.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376


dude, you really need to get over it.

If you were beaten by SF for so long and so badly you would have lifelong scars too. I have tried all kinds of psychotic therapy and PTSD drugs and nothing seems to help. Maybe I need something else. Perhaps carnitas tacos would do the trick. Can you whip me up some? I love the extra spicy homemade salsa…help a Brotha out?


you crack me up XD <3

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: obastable.5231


i could totally do that, and it’d be the best kittening thing you ever ate.


a chef

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parktou.4263


I am The King in the North and you will all hail my mighty Troll Ram, errr flame ram :/

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


I am The King in the North and you will all hail my mighty Troll Ram, errr flame ram :/

I was rolling with the Chinese dudes today in EBG. Can’t understand a word they kittening say in TS besides “gooshi gooshi golems” and /map chat is spammed with hieroglyphics. Today they introduced me to something amazing. The victory ram. Yes after smacking BG zerg kitten a few times the commander dropped the victory ram in the open field to commemorate the kitten whopping. I guess it could have been a shame ram , because I am told they sometimes drop shame rams…not sure on the victory vs. shame ram decorum quite yet.



One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parktou.4263


I am The King in the North and you will all hail my mighty Troll Ram, errr flame ram :/

I was rolling with the Chinese dudes today in EBG. Can’t understand a word they kittening say in TS besides “gooshi gooshi golems” and /map chat is spammed with hieroglyphics. Today they introduced me to something amazing. The victory ram. Yes after smacking BG zerg kitten a few times the commander dropped the victory ram in the open field to commemorate the kitten whopping. I guess it could have been a shame ram , because I am told they sometimes drop shame rams…not sure on the victory vs. shame ram decorum quite yet.



XD hahaha, nice.

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stranger.2039


You guys are too nice to ET.

Stranger Still,
Charr Mesmer of the Blood Legion
Northern Shiverpeaks

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parktou.4263


Please Anet give us the NSPvDRvET matchup that we all want!!!!!!!!! Please be cool Anet.

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


Fun fights in ET BL just before reset. Small man GT (and one VLK ;P) party against ET zerg, small man comes out on top ~

Best of luck to all servers in the next match-up! Until we meet again ~

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi