6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows
We still fighting about numbers?
3 DER|P owning 13 TC pubbies. Not only are we heavily outnumbered, but one guy had the nerve to call US a dirty camping zerg server! HELLO! Pot, meet kettle!
Nice editing. By my count you basically won 13 1v1’s.
It’s honestly random, when someone feels like it. But we’d have no problem with setting up one before or during NA prime, since that’s when lots of our players are on.
I’d like to come to one of these some time, win or lose, I very much enjoy the pvp aspect of the game. I assume this usually happens somewhere around one of the BL windmills?
I like how everyone complains it’s numbers when TC is beating them. Last night on EB at the end when SoS was attacking Stonemist their zerg was easily twice our size but we managed to hold them off for quite a while.
We complain about your large zergs of +50 not because we don’t have that many on the map; but because we can’t get people to group up more than 30 on a GREAT night.
I also need to reiterate, that SoS has NO WvW focused guilds. We have zero guilds that focus solely on WvW.
We do as well as we do because our PvX guilds are always willing to help our server. Every PPT is gained through the fact that we don’t roll over for anybody.
I dont think any server has guilds that focus SOLELY on WvW.
And are you including your Oceanic coverage in that sweeping generalization……there is a definite difference in style play and organizational ability between your time zones .
Some more of your US time players need to get up very early and watch and learn .(You will even see groups on your own side over 30 ).
We still fighting about numbers?
3 DER|P owning 13 TC pubbies. Not only are we heavily outnumbered, but one guy had the nerve to call US a dirty camping zerg server! HELLO! Pot, meet kettle!
Thats the same player over and over again. Funny editing though.
Sometime before the 45sec mark, you can just barely hear someone laughing. I can only imagine what mumble was like.
I dont think any server has guilds that focus SOLELY on WvW.
I don’t think you have a good understanding of all the major WvW guilds on TC. Talk to TSL or ZN and ask them if they PvE. You might hear the sound of them throwing up after asking that question.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Time to own all the RPers!!!!!!!!!!
How’s that working out for you?wasza
p.s. my cat typed the ‘wasza’, seemed too fitting to delete <3
Time to own all the RPers!!!!!!!!!!
How’s that working out for you?wasza
p.s. my cat typed the ‘wasza’, seemed too fitting to delete <3
Not really sure what our respective zergs are up to, but it’s working out fine for me.
Enjoy EB for awhile TC we’re taking a break, enjoy earning umm nothing while we’re away. Karma train without the karma or world xp haha
We still fighting about numbers?
3 DER|P owning 13 TC pubbies. Not only are we heavily outnumbered, but one guy had the nerve to call US a dirty camping zerg server! HELLO! Pot, meet kettle!
Mad skillz, you got. Respect.
We still fighting about numbers?
3 DER|P owning 13 TC pubbies. Not only are we heavily outnumbered, but one guy had the nerve to call US a dirty camping zerg server! HELLO! Pot, meet kettle!
Obviously he’s making the fight more fair by giving you free stacks. TC has not only skills, but also and honor. Be grateful.
Hello sos n mag
Presence[Awe] is looking for any Oceanic or SEA guilds that are interested in a GvG during SEA night time!
Mail me or Leaxanna(Ren.6351) in game if interested ^.^
The better question is, WHERE IS BONY?, my idol!
Inb4 RE bashing.
Also good fight Durp + Cern, easily the most entertaining GvG i’ve seen in awhile.
Good fight DE|RP, your focus fire is really good, and I don’t have enough cleanses for all the immobs you folks run. :P
I’m impressed [DERP], you had a really good strategy of singling out targets and focusing them down with CC. I could NOT shake all the immobilizes I had on me, usually you don’t find that level of focus fire in zerg vs zerg where it’s all AOE. Good fights.
Time to own all the RPers!!!!!!!!!!
How’s that working out for you?wasza
p.s. my cat typed the ‘wasza’, seemed too fitting to delete <3
Not really sure what our respective zergs are up to, but it’s working out fine for me.
Its only a joke :P. People keep repeating the same thing.
As a serious question:
I’m new to doing 1v1s, but want to improve at it. I run a D/D ele which I roam a bit in WvW with (I have about 100 hours in WvW on him). Where are the 1v1 duels going on? I’ve been behind the windmill on a couple borderlands and haven’t seen any of it going on this week so far.
Where are you guys meeting up?
If you see a D/D ele show up with Orange/Abyss Human T3 armor, that’s me, so be gentle. :-P
I don’t play a D/D ele but the many hours I have spent dueling a large chunk of them was spent dueling a top-notch d/d elementalist from BG. He was ranked top 40/30 in the sPVP leaderboards for a while. I notched up like around 200ish duels against the guy over the span of two matchups and the majority of them were epic duels even though I was in the losing end 80% of the time.
My mesmer doesn’t struggle against most d/d eles because the majority of them dont understand some key characteristics to d/d eles which is timing, pressure and distance. Here are the tips I can share with you from a mesmer POV facing a good d/d ele and what he taught me back then.
1- Count your opponents dodge rolls, check out if they are using the endurance regen food (which a lot of duelists use including myself) and get good at counting the enemies dodge rolls. A lot of skilled players do a good job setting internal timers for enemies big moves and predicting their heals and interrupting them, however, not many focus on trying to predict the endurance meter. Dodge roll is hands down the best ability in the game so you want to keep an idea on enemies endurance and pressure at the right times, you also want to lull them into making mistakes (double dodge rolling).
2- Closing Distance and Pressuring – Chill Aura / Chill is OP, especially in duels. A mesmer not running null field or arcane thievery often struggled against being able to cleanse the chill as consistently as say a Warrior or Guardian. Even so there is a certain level of mastery of understanding when and how to apply chill using pressure.
3. Please for the love of god dont open with RTL. Every time a d/d ele opens the duel with RTL, I grin a little inside. Its such a waste of an excellent ability. There are other ways to close the distance without wasting RTL. Point-blank instaneous knockbacks like Fire Grab (very hard to avoid) and point blank RTL are really difficult to deal with, especially if we don’t have a consistent source of stability.
4. Fake Churning Earths – Churning earths take a while to execute and can be interrupted avoided easily but what they are great at doing is causing an opponent to utilize a blink and/or double dodge roll. No one wants to get hit by that. Faking the churning earth, cancelling it and then pressuring the opponent after their endurance is zero is actually very effective.
Take my suggestions with a grain of salt as I have 0 hours on a d/d ele outside of sPVP but hopefully some other d/d ele practitioners can chime in to add to this discussion. I have not played d/d ele post patch so have no idea about how much has changed in terms of specific builds and traits but I would think these things still apply as they are more general tactical masteries than trait specific ones.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Had fun at FC/Duels during GvG, thanks [DERP].
Really nice extended siege of Maguuma BL’s bay tonight. Enjoyed defending it with TC. I also really liked Maguuma’s tactic of pulling out your main force, to encourage us to attack while sending a smaller team to try to take the lord’s room. Close one!
Thanks for the GvG’s CERN and EP it was our first GvG’s and we loved it, took a lot away from it thanks for the fights!
SoS Commander (SoS since BW1)
Thanks for the GvG’s CERN and EP it was our first GvG’s and we loved it, took a lot away from it thanks for the fights!
Sadly, I missed the GvGs, but honestly massive kudos to you guys for participating. I wish more guilds were more interested in GvGing, no matter the outcome. It’s a learning experience and more fun than the typical zerg face smash you find in WvW.
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma
(edited by Boonprot.6274)
Thank you EP and CERN for the GvG’s!! We had a ton of fun, and truly couldn’t get enough of it. It was a great learning experience for us. Mad respect from FaTe to both of your guilds, you guys were awesome! Hope to do this again next time we face you guys!!
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)
Thanks for the fights, FaTe
Thank you EP and CERN for the GvG’s!! We had a ton of fun, and truly couldn’t get enough of it. It was a great learning experience for us. Mad respect from FaTe to both of your guilds, you guys were awesome! Hope to do this again next time we face you guys!!
<3 Fun fights! Hopefully we can face off again a few weeks and a few GvGs down the road!
CERN, EP: i must say FaTe had alot of fun. Thank you for having us. it was a learning experience for us and we are glad this happened. it was an eye opener. when ever you want to gvg we are down!
Really nice extended siege of Maguuma BL’s bay tonight. Enjoyed defending it with TC. I also really liked Maguuma’s tactic of pulling out your main force, to encourage us to attack while sending a smaller team to try to take the lord’s room. Close one!
Stupidest day we had in this week so far. Even by our karma team standards.
We still fighting about numbers?
3 DER|P owning 13 TC pubbies. Not only are we heavily outnumbered, but one guy had the nerve to call US a dirty camping zerg server! HELLO! Pot, meet kettle!
Mad skillz, you got. Respect.
You wanna go too, bro?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
good fights on Mag BL earlier tonight. [ME] thanks all who came out, hopefully we left some bruises.
Second Law [Scnd]
In terms of GvG’s. If you look at the top GvG outfits (mostly european) there is one thing that stands out. Obviously they master split-second decision making, good movement and solid build and composition chemistry but that is just one part of the puzzle.
I think what separates the good GvG guilds from the best is the skill of their ranged players. Guilds like RG and VOTF have exceptional ranged elementalists, mesmers etc. The reason I say this is because the frontline which also requires skill has the benefit of being fed most of their instructions by the commander as he/she is also part of the frontline. They do have to take initiative themselves in the sense of dodging correctly and utilizing what is required of them whether that is CC, book heals or wells.
However, ranged players to a large extent have to think for themselves in the GvG environment. The commander will occasionally feed them instructions on dropping their veils, null fields, meteor showers etc but the majority of them have to move away from the icon be able to survive, burst down individual threats as well as be able to get back on the icon for the water fields or to share boons etc.
Therefore if you are a guild interested in mastering the GvG game mode you need to work on your ranged classes and compositions; as a commander you want to start figuring out ways to instruct those classes. Also as players they have to be of the level of the commander itself in predicting and reading the enemy movements as only then can they successfully operate on the peripherals but still be able to drop the necessary null-field or meteor shower on the enemy stacks.
They also have to build a separate layer of party chemistry and composition among the ranged classes as well where they can then begin mastering the art of focus fire based on ground targeting rather than using ctrl+t which is on the commander. This might mean coming up with a new set of terminology among the ranged that allows them to successfully target areas for maximum DPS.
Lastly communicate what YOU are doing as a ranged class, dont be a mute. Call out when you drop a null field, call out when you cc them or strip their stability, call out when you drop a timewarp, call out when you are rezzing or finishing etc. Its important to feed the commander and the frontline what you are doing more so than what the enemy is doing as this then allows your commander and frontline to make better decisions.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
It was fun for us too FaTe, much respect for any guild toe’ing the line fearlessly and with a positive attitude. I’m new to GvG myself and have to say it’s a lot of fun and excitement even when we get humbled. There’s a lot of learning to be done for myself personally I know for sure. Best of luck in your future GvG’s!
In terms of GvG’s. If you look at the top GvG outfits (mostly european) there is one thing that stands out. Obviously they master split-second decision making, good movement and solid build and composition chemistry but that is just one part of the puzzle.
I think what separates the good GvG guilds from the best is the skill of their ranged players. Guilds like RG and VOTF have exceptional ranged elementalists, mesmers etc. The reason I say this is because the frontline which also requires skill has the benefit of being fed most of their instructions by the commander as he/she is also part of the frontline. They do have to take initiative themselves in the sense of dodging correctly and utilizing what is required of them whether that is CC, book heals or wells.
However, ranged players to a large extent have to think for themselves in the GvG environment. The commander will occasionally feed them instructions on dropping their veils, null fields, meteor showers etc but the majority of them have to move away from the icon be able to survive, burst down individual threats as well as be able to get back on the icon for the water fields or to share boons etc.
Therefore if you are a guild interested in mastering the GvG game mode you need to work on your ranged classes and compositions; as a commander you want to start figuring out ways to instruct those classes. Also as players they have to be of the level of the commander itself in predicting and reading the enemy movements as only then can they successfully operate on the peripherals but still be able to drop the necessary null-field or meteor shower on the enemy stacks.
They also have to build a separate layer of party chemistry and composition among the ranged classes as well where they can then begin mastering the art of focus fire based on ground targeting rather than using ctrl+t which is on the commander. This might mean coming up with a new set of terminology among the ranged that allows them to successfully target areas for maximum DPS.
Lastly communicate what YOU are doing as a ranged class, dont be a mute. Call out when you drop a null field, call out when you cc them or strip their stability, call out when you drop a timewarp, call out when you are rezzing or finishing etc. Its important to feed the commander and the frontline what you are doing more so than what the enemy is doing as this then allows your commander and frontline to make better decisions.
or just have whoevers calling the shots play a ranged backline role. that way they can micro manage the squishies.
the frontline has much less to worry about due to their inherent tankiness.
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Yeah all heavies are basically children tbh.
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
its no secret that it’s what dorp does. as a frontline for them, i basically just do what i want. no one touches me even if i go balls deep into CERN/EP’s backline. so i’m free to stun everyone constantly and never go down.
point is, you dont need a hammer train to win.
also helps being the saddest priest in all of tyria.
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
its no secret that it’s what dorp does. as a frontline for them, i basically just do what i want. no one touches me even if i go balls deep into CERN/EP’s backline. so i’m free to stun everyone constantly and never go down.
point is, you dont need a hammer train to win.
also helps being the saddest priest in all of tyria.
I havent played NA prime much this week outside of reset and my only experience of DORP is fighting your roamers and dueling your god-king mesmer. I also haven’t seen any GvG videos of you guys so I cant say how organized and effective your frontline is with a ranged commander.
As a idea though has anyone tried sanctuary turtling? Stacking tight under guardian sanctuary while using wells / null fields / pulls and hammer shocks to strip the enemies stability around the stack? Sounds stupid and probably tough to execute but would be funny to see if it actually works
[VoTF] www.votf.net
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
It isn’t that, or at least JUST that, it’s that a commander is guiding movement for the whole zerg, who would the zerg follow if they were a backline? It’s also important for a commander to have eyes on the front line to see and plot the course of the fight.
Even in PVE raiding, 9/10 the raid leader is a melee, usually the tank. I’ve tried leading raids as ranged dps or healers before, doesn’t work as well. Different perspective.
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
It isn’t that, or at least JUST that, it’s that a commander is guiding movement for the whole zerg, who would the zerg follow if they were a backline? It’s also important for a commander to have eyes on the front line to see and plot the course of the fight.
Even in PVE raiding, 9/10 the raid leader is a melee, usually the tank. I’ve tried leading raids as ranged dps or healers before, doesn’t work as well. Different perspective.
who would they follow? lol just dont be bad, then its easy.
edit: sry if im giving away super secret strats, pls no gkick
(edited by wads.5730)
Hello sos n mag
Presence[Awe] is looking for any Oceanic or SEA guilds that are interested in a GvG during SEA night time!
Mail me or Leaxanna(Ren.6351) in game if interested ^.^
There are no oceanic guilds in Magumma.
Yea, and AWE should know that. What little bodies we have are used for defending or in this match up, camping the JP.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If that can be executed on paper it would be brilliant but I just don’t see a frontline being able to have a mind of their own without the primary commander leading them from within.
It isn’t that, or at least JUST that, it’s that a commander is guiding movement for the whole zerg, who would the zerg follow if they were a backline? It’s also important for a commander to have eyes on the front line to see and plot the course of the fight.
Even in PVE raiding, 9/10 the raid leader is a melee, usually the tank. I’ve tried leading raids as ranged dps or healers before, doesn’t work as well. Different perspective.
who would they follow? lol just dont be bad, then its easy.
edit: sry if im giving away super secret strats, pls no gkick
your next jp shift is doubled mister
With the action we’ve been getting is that really a punishment?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Really, SoS? You have to set up ACs to try to kill an outmanned group without siege inside of MagBL bay when you have 20, maybe 25+? Kinda tasteless.
Too bad it didn’t work out for ya.
(edited by Traxien Cion.9261)
^ Yeah. At first we thought you might be making generous donations to our poor Bay defenders, coming and wiping to half your numbers. Then you even did it again! Guess some of you had second thoughts though, and put up that AC. Glad your friends convinced you to contribute anyway! =) At least you got the consolation of taking Briar afterward, vs. about 3 of us.
/ Danykka Mistreaver, Guardian
Yea, and AWE should know that. What little bodies we have are used for defending or in this match up, camping the JP.
Haha I know! It was more or less directed at SOS actually. But still, thanks to Bony and his crew for playing with us when we were on CD, it really helped us start out into GvGing and group play, and I appreciate it.
Leader of Presence [Awe] – Awevival? :D
That three-way fight in Mag Bay is some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing WvW. That’s the sort of thing I wish could happen all the time instead of all the one-sided PvD we often get. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Those 3 way fights at bay tonight were craaaazyyy, i know as a commander i have alot to improve on but congratz maguuma on that hard earned victory.
Also i’d like to think those scenario’s as the quintessential scenario for what WvW should be and is intended to be, prolonged siege and epic three way stalemates.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
(edited by Le Rooster.8715)
It was fun, but I wish you guys didn’t build 4 ACs each and roll them on the lords room. We purposely didn’t build any siege (well, I think the pugs built an AC on the wall), so we could have an epic 3-way fight in the lords room, but then it got turned into an okay 3-way fight at the back of the lords room so we didn’t get our faces ACed off.
And lol @ that cap by mag, though. We were pushing TS and didn’t realize we had no one contesting and poof, capped. Someone was like ‘the lords back up?’ and then we were like X__________X. I saw a lot of you laughing and shrugging like ‘wut.’ It was pretty funny.
Seriously, though. We had all of 16 defenders. The insane use of siege was a little unwarranted and kinda took the fun away, at least for us.