6/9 arborstone-whiteside ridge-vabbi
Thanks, the same to your server and vabbi, glhf.
goodluck vabbi and as :P
had some fun fights this afternoon in vabbi border mostly with arborstone although we were outnumbered most of the time :P i had my share of fun.
i personally think this is our best matchup yet we’re not being crushed awful for once xD
From The Vabbian Dream Team [DT] who were defending the lone tower on Arbor
That was good fun, well done to WSR takin the wall down and Arbor for great tactics
A little picture to remember us by (Hybrid D took the picture)
Im the troll on the AC on the right
Abyssal Hellfire -Commander of Tuesday LST Event
F*ck Sh*t Up…Period
From The Vabbian Dream Team [DT] who were defending the lone tower on Arbor
That was good fun, well done to WSR takin the wall down and Arbor for great tacticsA little picture to remember us by (Hybrid D took the picture)
Im the troll on the AC on the right
That shiz was cray cray! We had like 7 people mad holding that tower then a hugeeeee! WSR zerg came and we were like “Holy Moley”. They got about 4 catas down and suddenly le francais appeared out of no where with their hugeeee zerg. Diablos was there AC’ing for his 40+ bag of loot when the two servers had an insane fight in lords room when wsr almost managed just rush take it. But the AC damage we managed to get down on WSR that came in first messed their chances up.
Epic. Best match up so far. Keep it up bottom tier.
Love Hybrid D
“Les français”, Hybrid. Yeah it was totally “cray cray”. Our proudest moment…haha.
On that note, it looks as if WSR has recovered population-wise. Great fight, all of you
Agreed on best mattch up so far, heck i was the wsr commander going at that tower we were really close to capping it :P. second night in a row we wiped off arborstones tier 3 keep and vabbi took sm (easy steal for us) :P and i believe because of this better matchup more people in wsr like to go wvw rather then getting wiped in 10 mins after some long work like blacktide did last 2 weeks:o
Here’s one of our famous Commanders having a freak attack last week.
Could this be why Vabbi is doing so badly?
Who knows!
One thing for sure is, it was funny the first time, and the last time I watched it!
Hybrid D…….
(edited by YuGiOh.4906)
This match-up is the best we could hope for Vabbi.
We really enjoy this week in WvW, congratulations to WSR this week, you are great.
Ca fait aussi plaisir de recroiser quelques anciens amis de Pierre Arboréa sur les champs de bataille
See you soon in WvW.
LZZ – Kaunna
Nice Matchup.
I have fun
I search 1vs1 Fights. Today. By 19 clock behind the mill. Borderland: Aborstone
mfg Blaub
[LNA]Luna Eclipse
What happens when you mix a bunch of late night warriors, 4 golems and a little bit of patience?…..
Thanks to all the Vabbi peeps who gave us a massive head start in EB by already taking Arborstones corner, and thanks to all the peeps that stayed up to take WSR’s T3 valley, and staying on that little bit more to get those 4 Waypoints.
Great way to finish a great matchup (imo), even though i only joined half way through it. Can’t wait to see wait vabbi can get up to in future weeks
lol only 3 ppl inside our EB keep and you Noobs Arbstone using ACs with cam tweaks to take? how bad server are you
and that mesmer using the ACs got reported and me and my guild will submit report ticket about him if he dont stop using hacks on the game
^ i also saw these acs being used in a haxish way, although im not entirely sure the spots we saw in the towers we take would be impossible to have a clear view of where you shoot if you didnt tweak your cam. and we were shot alot in those spots , this also happened in as gari keep.
nonetheless i had so much fun this week if we would get this matchup again i bet wsr could have a good shot at first place!:P
also for the vabbians last night xD you sure kept me busy untill i had to go at 4am
A brilliant week in T9, thank you to everyone who played. The fights for SM on Wednesday and Thursday night were the best, cheers to you all.