7/12 SBI-Kaineng-DH
Looking for GvGs If anyone from SBI or Darkhaven are interested please send me a mail in game. For everyone reading this message if you know of a guild interested in GvGing please give them my name or send them to this post. Appreciate it guys. Good Luck in WvW
KGG Community Leader
Academy Gaming
This tower has some serious issues!
Myro stuck in the bridge while running across, and sleeping golems.
Nice 5 on 15 fight at the NW supply against SE tonight, must have gone on for 5mins at least, closest thing to DAOC glory days in this game so far.
(edited by Meest.2748)
Shoutout to PD, FURY, FG, GRIM, ABYS, and of course SE keep doin what u are doing guys!
For sure, we have been having some great fights these past couple matches. and our ranking keeps moving up! but after our last performance during a pve event..im getting a little worried about the inevitable dragonbrand/E bay / Darkhaven match up. because there is another pve event coming on the 24th.
But anyhow! its great to see my home server moving up the ranks and having some fun. Our wvw guilds make it happen! so as stargazer said. Well done to SE,PD,GRIM,FG,ABYS,FURY and the rest of us that pour our time into kicking in virtual teeth.
let the battle rage!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
8 Hours of boredom, SBI knows how to work it.
Stop repairing the wall as we Treb it and coming to destroy our Trebs and we’ll come in and fight ya!
8 Hours of boredom, SBI knows how to work it.
Stop repairing the wall as we Treb it and coming to destroy our Trebs and we’ll come in and fight ya!
Indeed we did this for hours on Sunday PM. And SM stands still for Darkhaven all Sunday.
Brazilian Legion [BRL]
Looking for GvGs If anyone from SBI or Darkhaven are interested please send me a mail in game. For everyone reading this message if you know of a guild interested in GvGing please give them my name or send them to this post. Appreciate it guys. Good Luck in WvW
Hey! I tried to contact your recruitment leader (on your webpage) but didn’t get any answer. PM me when you are online!
[CNB] is also interested in some GvG’s We are trying out new formations and would love to practice with some GvG’s If you wanna be able to hear from me sooner mail me in game, I don’t log into these forums as often. My in game name is Its Nyx Yo
Mail me the numbers your LF and times and days of availability. We are really open since we don’t have a set group we just take whoever is online baahaha
thankies in advance<3
Oh right we are on kaineng so DH or SBI hit me up yo? lol
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
I know this is kinda awkward for our match up thread. but im doing some build testing and would like to fight other rangers in v2 and v3 matches. if you have a few ranger friends send me a pm. we can duke it out behind the wind mill in a BL of your choice.
thank you.
Jaxx of GRIM
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Fun fights against the Ai warrior and guardian/mesmer! I was the [DH] necro causing you such problems.
I do apologize for laughing, I was just so happy I actually beat you guys. I was about to bow cause I felt bad, but then you guys left.
I was sad that you ran away when you guys had 3v our 2. And then you refused to actually come down and fight me, you chose to stay up on the ledge and range at me.
Anyways, fun fights, and we still managed to take the tower, equipped with 4 sup AC.
[CNB] is also interested in some GvG’s We are trying out new formations and would love to practice with some GvG’s
If you wanna be able to hear from me sooner mail me in game, I don’t log into these forums as often. My in game name is Its Nyx Yo
Mail me the numbers your LF and times and days of availability. We are really open since we don’t have a set group we just take whoever is online baahaha
thankies in advance<3
Oh right we are on kaineng so DH or SBI hit me up yo? lol
Please visit http://gw2gvg.com/
We will contact you soon.
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.
8 Hours of boredom, SBI knows how to work it.
Stop repairing the wall as we Treb it and coming to destroy our Trebs and we’ll come in and fight ya!
Whoever was trebbing SBI Bay last night. I Salute you for your persistence.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
Kaineng just waste a Alpha Golem near Bluelake in DH BL. They came with 4 or 5 and a Alpha, we spoted them and after a few minutes of battle the golem was destroyed in the way to the blue base with legendary defenders.
Brazilian Legion [BRL]
(edited by Piroloko.6132)
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
[CNB] is also interested in some GvG’s We are trying out new formations and would love to practice with some GvG’s
If you wanna be able to hear from me sooner mail me in game, I don’t log into these forums as often. My in game name is Its Nyx Yo
Mail me the numbers your LF and times and days of availability. We are really open since we don’t have a set group we just take whoever is online baahaha
thankies in advance<3
Oh right we are on kaineng so DH or SBI hit me up yo? lol
Please visit http://gw2gvg.com/
We will contact you soon.
Done (:
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Which I find ironic when SBI was bottom feeding off hard DH pushes on reset in KBL, for nearly 2 days straight. Now the tick is closing and they wish to use us to pressure DH solely to preserve their #2 spot? Not going to happen lol.
I am pretty sure we are not playing for any of those spots. The rankings/PPT is out of our hands and has been since exodus. I cant speak for everyone, but for the most part we just want to fight. Some prefer the siege, some prefer open field or GvG. Its pretty obvious we lack the manpower/coverage to do anything else.
Had a bunch of good fights in EB tonight, was fun. Lets do it again tomorrow night.
Alam kong may mga Pinoy sa Kaineng….kamusta mga kababayan!!!
Taga Darkhaven ako… [DHE] Thief Bronze Soldier.
See you all in the battlefield.
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
(edited by neiliam.8614)
Bottom feeding and treaties, think Kaineng are playing on the wrong server or that got some mesmers messing with them. Thanks for the laugh.
Bottom feeding and treaties, think Kaineng are playing on the wrong server or that got some mesmers messing with them. Thanks for the laugh.
Thanks for the bags!
Bottom feeding and treaties, think Kaineng are playing on the wrong server or that got some mesmers messing with them. Thanks for the laugh.
Thanks for the bags!
Way to be vague, didnt get many bags off me.
Bottom feeding and treaties, think Kaineng are playing on the wrong server or that got some mesmers messing with them. Thanks for the laugh.
Thanks for the bags!
Way to be vague, didnt get many bags off me.
Because you run mostly.
Preparing for srs bsns. That is all.
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
Preparing for srs bsns. That is all.
Dear Kaineng,
If you see a tiny quaggan with a kite, it is kind of rude to kill her.
The pain is coming. Soon.
I fought 3 or so consecutive DH last night on my necro outside SBI S Bay then some random SBI warrior shows up and focuses me and not the DH I was slowly being surrounded by which was REALLY RUDE and totally ruined my fun. So I called in the guild cavalry to exact revenge. FGJ. But anyway had a good time romping around SBI BL last night other than that. Dat vH and BMS doing some work.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Lol, is this guy serious? Not that I know anything about a treaty, but the thought of someone proposing a treaty is not that funny.. Maybe it was just one to many ’O’s in his laugh.
One person or a group of people do not speak on behalf of the whole server. Your dumb comment and pompous attitude for example; I will not think your whole server is dumb and pompous.. just you.
What IS funny is youre a commander. LOOOOOOOOL, do I have enough ’O’s?
(Substitute Commander/Loot collector/
Frontline pinyata/ Dancing partner)
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Lol, is this guy serious? Not that I know anything about a treaty, but the thought of someone proposing a treaty is not that funny.. Maybe it was just one to many ’O’s in his laugh.
One person or a group of people do not speak on behalf of the whole server. Your dumb comment and pompous attitude for example; I will not think your whole server is dumb and pompous.. just you.
What IS funny is youre a commander. LOOOOOOOOL, do I have enough ’O’s?
Ohh a fight! How exciting! I think your servers should come to the aid of each of you and just pound each others borderlands till reset….no need to come to Darkhaven “Jedi mind trick” This is not the server you’re looking for…
Joking aside this battle for second you have going on is intense,
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
[CNB] is also interested in some GvG’s We are trying out new formations and would love to practice with some GvG’s
If you wanna be able to hear from me sooner mail me in game, I don’t log into these forums as often. My in game name is Its Nyx Yo
Mail me the numbers your LF and times and days of availability. We are really open since we don’t have a set group we just take whoever is online baahaha
thankies in advance<3
Oh right we are on kaineng so DH or SBI hit me up yo? lol
Please visit http://gw2gvg.com/
We will contact you soon.Done (:
When is your playing time?
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.
Had fun being drunk(in game) and taking over stuffs last night
DH BL just now @ Bluebriar. jebus DH what were you doing? I blame the commanders though. That was about 20min of bag farming for Kaineng, you’re welcome!
Sad DH panda
PS: SBI took 10 into our Hills and took that as well as 1 tower while our commanders were tunneling BB tower. So ashamed…
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Lol, is this guy serious? Not that I know anything about a treaty, but the thought of someone proposing a treaty is not that funny.. Maybe it was just one to many ’O’s in his laugh.
One person or a group of people do not speak on behalf of the whole server. Your dumb comment and pompous attitude for example; I will not think your whole server is dumb and pompous.. just you.
What IS funny is youre a commander. LOOOOOOOOL, do I have enough ’O’s?
I hate to be the one that breaks it to you but…
well should I? I this post quite amusing as it is.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Lol, is this guy serious? Not that I know anything about a treaty, but the thought of someone proposing a treaty is not that funny.. Maybe it was just one to many ’O’s in his laugh.
One person or a group of people do not speak on behalf of the whole server. Your dumb comment and pompous attitude for example; I will not think your whole server is dumb and pompous.. just you.
What IS funny is youre a commander. LOOOOOOOOL, do I have enough ’O’s?
I hate to be the one that breaks it to you but…
well should I? I this post quite amusing as it is.
ONE I AM NOT A GUY. TWO I’m not placing your whole server in this BS, I just refuse to embaress the guild who requested one. They’re not a small guild on your server, FYI and it was more than one guild involved in contacting us. So know your kitten before you try to run your mouth (: oh and if it was not enough “O’s” before here are some more. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
[CNB] is also interested in some GvG’s We are trying out new formations and would love to practice with some GvG’s
If you wanna be able to hear from me sooner mail me in game, I don’t log into these forums as often. My in game name is Its Nyx Yo
Mail me the numbers your LF and times and days of availability. We are really open since we don’t have a set group we just take whoever is online baahaha
thankies in advance<3
Oh right we are on kaineng so DH or SBI hit me up yo? lol
Please visit http://gw2gvg.com/
We will contact you soon.Done (:
When is your playing time?
We are most active from 4pm pst – 12 am pst. (:
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
Hats off to the Ele that I fought in Astralholme of SBI borderland…it was a good fight but got interrupted with that warrior getting in. You guys almost had me till a few of my server mates showed up. I didn’t get your guild name but if you’re on the forum, my hats off to you for being so tanky with so many condition removals. The fight was dragging on way too long for my liking and you probably would’ve beaten me had no one interrupted, but nonetheless, it was good match. Thanks!
Also had some nice little skirmishes on DH spawn in SBI borderland till that big group of 10+ came out and wiped my little PUG of 4 guys with one up-level guard. Not saying that we would win an organized match, but we did win a few matches against your PUGs. Good skirmishes overall and nice people too
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
I agree we do have some bad ones, but i think its all servers. Ive seen other server commanders lead their zergs off a cliff..and the best part is 75% followed em to their death. hehe
having said that alot of the commanders that were pretty bad when i started playing are fairly decent now, so as long as improvements keep being made i guess we are on the winning side of things.
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
I agree we do have some bad ones, but i think its all servers. Ive seen other server commanders lead their zergs off a cliff..and the best part is 75% followed em to their death. hehe
having said that alot of the commanders that were pretty bad when i started playing are fairly decent now, so as long as improvements keep being made i guess we are on the winning side of things.
Hey, seeing everyone go off a cliff with this commander is a sign of really good following skills! Myro does it all the time.
LoL I have followed commanders off cliffs before =( Sometimes I think they do it on purpose just to see who will follow =P
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
LOOOOOOOOL I love how people from SBI tried to make a treaty with kaineng!! ROFL. We will not resort to those tactics just so you know. We’d rather lose by using everything we got then teaming up with another server kthnx.
Lol, is this guy serious? Not that I know anything about a treaty, but the thought of someone proposing a treaty is not that funny.. Maybe it was just one to many ’O’s in his laugh.
One person or a group of people do not speak on behalf of the whole server. Your dumb comment and pompous attitude for example; I will not think your whole server is dumb and pompous.. just you.
What IS funny is youre a commander. LOOOOOOOOL, do I have enough ’O’s?
I hate to be the one that breaks it to you but…
well should I? I this post quite amusing as it is.
ONE I AM NOT A GUY. TWO I’m not placing your whole server in this BS, I just refuse to embaress the guild who requested one. They’re not a small guild on your server, FYI and it was more than one guild involved in contacting us. So know your kitten before you try to run your mouth (: oh and if it was not enough “O’s” before here are some more. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
First let me say that I knew nothing of this. But there are good 2v1 and bad one’s. A treaty/alliance can be smart, effective – and most of all fun. Unfortunately, a lot of people are put off by the idea. I’m not sure why your regard it outright as something negative or underhanded. A proper 2v1 is a good thing.
There are certain times of the day when DH completely dominates both of us because of population differences. They roll over the entire map – both of our maps.
At these times, it would be smart and provide the most fun for those playing on all three servers, for SBI and Kain to not attack each other and fight DH thereby allowing a defense against the raging DH hoarde.
(edited by Johje Holan.4607)
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
I agree we do have some bad ones, but i think its all servers. Ive seen other server commanders lead their zergs off a cliff..and the best part is 75% followed em to their death. hehe
Umm, we kinda did that last night (I think we were following Phantom), in our own BL…
Only a few had the fall trait on to save them. It was pretty funny.
Its ok when they lead us off cliffs we can survive, but its funny when they lead us over one just big enough to kill about 90% of us.
At these times, it would be smart and provide the most fun for those playing on all three servers, for SBI and Kain to not attack each other and fight DH thereby allowing a defense against the raging DH hoarde.
Nope, I think you guys need to fight this out on your own He’s clearly calling you guys out, or at least whatever guild he was talking about. You should really focus on them
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
I agree we do have some bad ones, but i think its all servers. Ive seen other server commanders lead their zergs off a cliff..and the best part is 75% followed em to their death. hehe
Umm, we kinda did that last night
(I think we were following Phantom), in our own BL…
Only a few had the fall trait on to save them. It was pretty funny.
Its ok when they lead us off cliffs we can survive, but its funny when they lead us over one just big enough to kill about 90% of us.
Yeah, I was on that scene. And didnt had the trait either.
Brazilian Legion [BRL]
DH has a lot of terribad commanders. I just hope they are learning from their mistakes.
Its not just commanders.
As a solo roamer, I really have to say that on an aggregate level, DH players are probably the absolute least skilled players I have ever come across from any server by no small margin. Between all the servers that SBI has faced, DH really stands out as being the absolute worst in terms of player skill. I dare to say, DH players are possibly even worse than SBI players, most of whom I have absolutely zero respect for (in terms of player skill.)
^Fighting words, lol.
Let’s take a step back a little bit because playing a videogame is NOT a skill to begin with. Typing as part of your real life profession is. Now if we are comparing words per minute in GW2 chat, feel free to brag about your words/minute skill.
Telling me that you have more skill in a videogame is humorous. Thanks for the laugh. Have a good day.
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
What a laugh. Thief posts a video of himself stringing basic stealth combos and chasing uplevels and thinks he’s the best in da wurld.
Golemhaven [Van] – mesmer | guardian
Again, I don’t think it has anything to do with me, so much as it has to do with DH players being bad.
Just curious though, have Kaineng roamers noticed something similar?
I think DH and SBI run more GC-esque builds overall than other servers we have fought (SBI moreso than DH), and KN likes PVT gear so the GC approach hasn’t been too effective in my opinion. I definitely don’t think that means the players as a whole are bad. I’m sure I am only looking at a small swath of players, but that has been my personal roaming experience this week.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng