~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
Are you a lawyer by chance as you’re great at lying.
I’d say I’m great at awesome.
Yeah, awesome loot.
So respawn quickly so I can farm you maybe~
And all the other trolls they say we’re haxxy~~~~
But respawn quickly so I can farm you maybe!!
Thank you all for coming out to the dolyak parade! I was so glad to see so many people from all 3 servers!
You should have seen the yak tail following out. Went on for aggggggggges. I had to go back to normal to use my speed buffs to catch up to the front!Best part was when we hit north camp. There was a collective groan at the sight of the SoR zerg sitting up there. But instead of attacking us they all turned into dolyaks and charged with us! Was a nice change compared to FA.
Yeah, I saw a large swarm of SoR nameplates coming at me. I momentarily thought “Oh jeez..this isn’t going to end well”….then they all rendered as quaggans and I was like “<3”
Now, everyone should stop the GvGing-drama and just have fun, and just be cool Instead of forum fighting with your enemy, go next to one and wave, and lay out some trays of cookies so we can all enjoy!
To those who did GvG’s today, I hope you all had fun, and the ones I watched were quite fun (except that miscommunication of EP/ESOL wiping the spectators after their GvG, not knowing many were there waiting for the parade, but we talked it out and its all good!
) For those with GvGs tomorrow, good luck!
TW sucks.
That is all.
I feel sorry for it…
Looks like some people are mad a GvG got busted up.
I’d be more mad that you guys tried to break up a GvG and got farmed.
Stay classy though BT.
Why is any TW member telling anyone to stay classy?
Please keep trolling. It seems that’s all you enjoy on here. gg
Looks like some people are mad a GvG got busted up.
I’d be more mad that you guys tried to break up a GvG and got farmed.
Stay classy though BT.
You have no idea how classy I am. I stay classy 27 hours a day, 9 days a week.
Good video inc though, a wonderful fail of TWs zerg and REs gvg group trying to double team us. Oh, it was a fun, fun fight.
Make sure you do some classy editing to cut out the end results for your blob! Would not wanna show how many times you guys wiped to our GvG squad!
its cool you normally gvg with tw, twl and re, or just tw and re?
Do you typically Blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that after posting
Don’t you typically blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that months ago.
Stop calling zergs “map zergs”; you don’t know how many they have on the map firstly and secondly 3 people on a map can be called a map zerg if you have 3 people on the map. This applies to everyone, especially my servermates.
Stop calling zergs “map zergs”; you don’t know how many they have on the map firstly and secondly 3 people on a map can be called a map zerg if you have 3 people on the map. This applies to everyone, especially my servermates.
Tarkus is going to behead you… lol.
I can make up kitten too, I ride a unicorn to work, its pretty SWEET
Me too. Also it saves on fuel cost and road taxes
Looks like some people are mad a GvG got busted up.
I’d be more mad that you guys tried to break up a GvG and got farmed.
Stay classy though BT.
You have no idea how classy I am. I stay classy 27 hours a day, 9 days a week.
Good video inc though, a wonderful fail of TWs zerg and REs gvg group trying to double team us. Oh, it was a fun, fun fight.
Make sure you do some classy editing to cut out the end results for your blob! Would not wanna show how many times you guys wiped to our GvG squad!
its cool you normally gvg with tw, twl and re, or just tw and re?
Do you typically Blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that after posting
Don’t you typically blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that months ago.
Na, I just run with my guild. Rallians however tend to levitate towards the easy bags BG delivers, and our guild is quite good at farming them. Can’t really blame them for attaching themselves to us for the quick bags.
always makes me sadfacequaggan whenever we get to play against TC and i have to miss the dolyak parade. : ((
would there happen to be a dolyak parade during SEA time?
Looks like some people are mad a GvG got busted up.
I’d be more mad that you guys tried to break up a GvG and got farmed.
Stay classy though BT.
You have no idea how classy I am. I stay classy 27 hours a day, 9 days a week.
Good video inc though, a wonderful fail of TWs zerg and REs gvg group trying to double team us. Oh, it was a fun, fun fight.
Make sure you do some classy editing to cut out the end results for your blob! Would not wanna show how many times you guys wiped to our GvG squad!
its cool you normally gvg with tw, twl and re, or just tw and re?
Do you typically Blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that after posting
Don’t you typically blob with everyone on your BL? Nvm, I realized the answer to that months ago.
Na, I just run with my guild. Rallians however tend to levitate towards the easy bags BG delivers, and our guild is quite good at farming them. Can’t really blame them for attaching themselves to us for the quick bags.
Not that I’m really surprised by your chest thumping, but really? I was trying to point out that your guild does the exact same thing and this is your response. No one from TW can say “stay classy,” it’s pretty much a joke when you do.
(edited by Vash.9183)
The meta is definitely shifting away from zerg fights, fights are much more enjoyable when its just with your guild.
If only this were true…
Monozerg still scores the highest PPT, no matter how much most of us hate it.
Are people still seriously using loot bags as the measuring stick of their l33t skillz?
The meta is definitely shifting away from zerg fights, fights are much more enjoyable when its just with your guild.
If only this were true…
Monozerg still scores the highest PPT, no matter how much most of us hate it.
There are a lot of guilds on all 3 servers that are working on no-tag running. Give it some time and hopefully we can shift the meta properly for NA.
Are people still seriously using loot bags as the measuring stick of their l33t skillz?
Better than people still using ppt as the measuring stick of their skills.
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Are people still seriously using loot bags as the measuring stick of their l33t skillz?
Better than people still using ppt as the measuring stick of their skills.
Honestly, no one on BG obsesses over it. We simply play the game the best to our ability. Seems to me that it is others who are obsessing over PPT and covering it up by saying over and over and over “We don’t care about the PPT.”
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Are people still seriously using loot bags as the measuring stick of their l33t skillz?
Better than people still using ppt as the measuring stick of their skills.
The PPT from the last three weeks indicates that obviously your open fighting skills and “practice time” are lacking given the alleged “easy” bags BG are supposed to be providing are invariably leading to your servers demise. You all keep up the good work and “practice” – we on BG will continue to collect your bags, as you will ours, as we work towards PPT topping you each week, kkthx.
we on BG will continue to collect your bags, as you will ours, as we work towards PPT topping you each week, kkthx.
Wait, didn’t someone from your server just say that no one stresses about PPT?
This seems to contradict that statement.
we on BG will continue to collect your bags, as you will ours, as we work towards PPT topping you each week, kkthx.
Wait, didn’t someone from your server just say that no one stresses about PPT?
This seems to contradict that statement.
We don’t stress over it, meaning win or lose we just show up and play the game. As a result, the PPT just comes…
It’s not a mind-blowing concept, playing the game.
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
Dude, it was painfully obvious what they were doing. It was like the excuses we gave while in school.
(edited by DKNS.2135)
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
^ Thank you for your refreshing insight. I am curious though as to why SoR has not been performing as well as they used to. It’s also happened to BG, back when we won our second victory. Some commanders from key timezones went on a break, which caused our coverage to flounder immensely. Is there something similar going on at SoR?
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
i guess some people on blackgate relize that they over booked? same groups and people are playing.,
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
This was the entire point of my post. Tell your people to respect your opponents better. You lost a week, get over it. Don’t dilute other people’s efforts (including your own server’s militia) with lame comments like “we were on training”, “we don’t play for PPT”. Even as i was writing, a brave warrior from SoR comes with “BG were overbooked” and had the same people playing again and again. So being more consistent is a bad thing now lol? Gokitten it, BG people, stop playing so much.
(edited by DKNS.2135)
^ Thank you for your refreshing insight. I am curious though as to why SoR has not been performing as well as they used to. It’s also happened to BG, back when we won our second victory. Some commanders from key timezones went on a break, which caused our coverage to flounder immensely. Is there something similar going on at SoR?
Most of the top guilds on SoR are now running tagless locked away in their own TS channels or completely different voice comms.
Our few weeks at the top attracted a large amount of bad players and brought them into WvW. We have lots of upleveled, non-guilded players running around carelessly, dying 5 seconds into battles, and rallying the enemy.
Unfortunately, when you have a bunch of 30 man guilds running around on their own you just don’t have that punch you did when you had an 80 man monozerg. A change for the better if you ask me, but not one that helps PPT.
Typical SoR’s keyboard warrior attitude. When they win, they chest thumbing others. When they lose, they said it’s “training week” and/or “we dont play for PPT”
I find it not so strange that nobody want to GvG with TW. Not because they’re too good or something, it’s because they have way too much keyboard warriors and chest thumbing.
One day we really want to see SoR say Good game BG you fought well something like that after the match for sake of sportsmanship. You guys better pay more respect to your opponent rather than to think that they’re movable loot bags.
Looks like some people are mad a GvG got busted up.
I’d be more mad that you guys tried to break up a GvG and got farmed.
Stay classy though BT.
You have no idea how classy I am. I stay classy 27 hours a day, 9 days a week.
Good video inc though, a wonderful fail of TWs zerg and REs gvg group trying to double team us. Oh, it was a fun, fun fight.
I personally enjoyed the first BT hit. Going after spectators first(lol) followed by getting rolled and forced into a retreat(Can you guys use the map zerg excuse for that one?)
I’m not sure what you guys were trying to prove by running away the rest of the night. Whatever it was i’m sure it worked!
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
This was the entire point of my post. Tell your people to respect your opponents better. You lost a week, get over it. Don’t dilute other people’s efforts (including your own server’s militia) with lame comments like “we were on training”, “we don’t play for PPT”. Even as i was writing, a brave warrior from SoR comes with “BG were overbooked” and had the same people playing again and again. So being more consistent is a bad thing now lol? Gokitten it, BG people, stop playing so much.
My people? I see maybe one or two TSYM posting here occasionally. If you have a legitimate issue with a specific person in TSYM, let me know and I can make sure that the proper people are notified and that person is talked to.
If you want me to be a babysitter for everyone on SoR, you’re talking to the wrong guy.
Typical SoR’s keyboard warrior attitude. When they win, they chest thumbing others. When they lose, they said it’s “training week” and/or “we dont play for PPT”
I find it not so strange that nobody want to GvG with TW. Not because they’re too good or something, it’s because they have way too much keyboard warriors and chest thumbing.
One day we really want to see SoR say Good game BG you fought well something like that after the match for sake of sportsmanship. You guys better pay more respect to your opponent rather than to think that they’re movable loot bags.
Yep cause we all know bg are respecful winners and never sore losers.
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
This was the entire point of my post. Tell your people to respect your opponents better. You lost a week, get over it. Don’t dilute other people’s efforts (including your own server’s militia) with lame comments like “we were on training”, “we don’t play for PPT”. Even as i was writing, a brave warrior from SoR comes with “BG were overbooked” and had the same people playing again and again. So being more consistent is a bad thing now lol? Gokitten it, BG people, stop playing so much.
My people? I see maybe one or two TSYM posting here occasionally. If you have a legitimate issue with a specific person in TSYM, let me know and I can make sure that the proper people are notified and that person is talked to.
If you want me to be a babysitter for everyone on SoR, you’re talking to the wrong guy.
Wasn’t SoR’s motto always like “We are a tight-knit social community” with stuff like family, etc. Now suddenly, you don’t want to be associated with the server as a whole?
Typical SoR’s keyboard warrior attitude. When they win, they chest thumbing others. When they lose, they said it’s “training week” and/or “we dont play for PPT”
I find it not so strange that nobody want to GvG with TW. Not because they’re too good or something, it’s because they have way too much keyboard warriors and chest thumbing.
One day we really want to see SoR say Good game BG you fought well something like that after the match for sake of sportsmanship. You guys better pay more respect to your opponent rather than to think that they’re movable loot bags.
Yep cause we all know bg are respecful winners and never sore losers.
Ah but I remember many bg posters saying congrats (to sor)….. I believe cirus typed out a very nice one. Not suggesting that there weren’t any tear-filled posts….
I thiiiiiiiiiink we just need a nice balance of troll posts and sportmanship ones.
Eitherway I’m at work go have fun ingame! Cause I can’t atm…..
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
This was the entire point of my post. Tell your people to respect your opponents better. You lost a week, get over it. Don’t dilute other people’s efforts (including your own server’s militia) with lame comments like “we were on training”, “we don’t play for PPT”. Even as i was writing, a brave warrior from SoR comes with “BG were overbooked” and had the same people playing again and again. So being more consistent is a bad thing now lol? Gokitten it, BG people, stop playing so much.
My people? I see maybe one or two TSYM posting here occasionally. If you have a legitimate issue with a specific person in TSYM, let me know and I can make sure that the proper people are notified and that person is talked to.
If you want me to be a babysitter for everyone on SoR, you’re talking to the wrong guy.
Wasn’t SoR’s motto always like “We are a tight-knit social community” with stuff like family, etc. Now suddenly, you don’t want to be associated with the server as a whole?
Can you specifically point out where I said that?
If you have a problem with how certain people are acting or talking to you, bring it up with their guild. That’s the best and easiest way to do it. There’s a difference between being a “tight-knit social community” as YOU put it, and having someone who has no authority over another guild/person (me in this case) tell another person who is in no way associated with me other than being on the same server how to act and behave on the internet. I can sit here all day and tell everyone to stop trolling and be nice to eachother and I guarantee you that nothing will change because I have ZERO authority over them.
Clock man, stop taking everything personally, not defending, but his statement there was towards in general, the image SoR tried to build for themselves which, all the recent posts and focus on GvG and guilds specific with complete disregard and no respect to the rest of the “non-guilded” server as a whole.
Ah but I remember many bg posters saying congrats (to sor)….. I believe cirus typed out a very nice one. Not suggesting that there weren’t any tear-filled posts….
I thiiiiiiiiiink we just need a nice balance of troll posts and sportmanship ones.
Eitherway I’m at work
go have fun ingame! Cause I can’t atm…..
hi cuddles
Ah but I remember many bg posters saying congrats (to sor)….. I believe cirus typed out a very nice one. Not suggesting that there weren’t any tear-filled posts….
I thiiiiiiiiiink we just need a nice balance of troll posts and sportmanship ones.
Eitherway I’m at work
go have fun ingame! Cause I can’t atm…..
hi cuddles
hi stealth
Ah but I remember many bg posters saying congrats (to sor)….. I believe cirus typed out a very nice one. Not suggesting that there weren’t any tear-filled posts….
I thiiiiiiiiiink we just need a nice balance of troll posts and sportmanship ones.
Eitherway I’m at work
go have fun ingame! Cause I can’t atm…..
hi cuddles
hi stealth
hi karps
Clock man, stop taking everything personally, not defending, but his statement there was towards in general, the image SoR tried to build for themselves which, all the recent posts and focus on GvG and guilds specific with complete disregard and no respect to the rest of the “non-guilded” server as a whole.
I feel like I have to question what he was writing. He stated that I was trying to disassociate myself from SoR as a server, and that’s not the case.
It seems that people like taking what a handful of individuals write and considering it to be an “Official SoR Server Announcement,” when it’s the opinion of an individual or a small group of people.
This trend of blowing people’s words out of proportion needs to end, no matter what guild the person(s) are a member of.
If you are looking for “Official” guild/server statements, this is the wrong place to look.
Stop calling zergs “map zergs”; you don’t know how many they have on the map firstly and secondly 3 people on a map can be called a map zerg if you have 3 people on the map. This applies to everyone, especially my servermates.
Inc 1+ boot to glute
Blackgate posters,
I’d just like to point out that Clockradio, our friend from TSYM, is merely pointing out that he does not speak for his server, and has limited authority on his own guild. Whatever trolls originating from SoR have said regarding their server, we cannot hold him/her accountable for it.
/takes off SoR spiky horned heavy helm
everyone on here just needs to take ownership for their own words. writers – if you write something, you own up to it. and though your words are your own, whatever you say will inevitably reflect on your guild, AND server. it’s one thing to be proud, but another to be completely disrespectful to other servers as well as people on the same server as you.
this may seem contradictory, but readers – now you must also understand what one person says, even if they claim to represent the server, it’s still that one person’s words and belongs to no one but them, themself and their avatar. if you ever find yourself offended by any words from a given individual or guild, take it up with them, personally, in private.
from what i’ve read, it seems the thread was off to a good start. better than before, so i’m relatively proud of you folk. ; ))) we can’t be perfect, but hey.
now i hereby command the only times we are allowed to refer our opponents as a server in its entirety, is when we can openly respect them. give them credit where credit is due. and HUGS. you can give each other’s server as many hugs as you want.
/puts SoR SoR spiky horned heavy helm back on
sometimes, i don’t know why i keep bothering. but i just do.
Good fight Everything Purple [EP]
We enjoyed the tought fight you gave us today! We are looking forward to rematch once our new members settle in!~
Yeah it was fun. Thanks for the GvG ESOL.
Also HL, fun gvg
looking forward to givin it another go with both guilds next time we all meet.
This might be a bit early but congrats to BG for the win. Much respect to BG Oceanic and SEA folks, great pushes.
Disclaimer: I don’t speak for my server nor guild. My posts are from an independent observer’s point of view.
(edited by Fannwong.3059)
I thought after LAST WEEK’S TRAINING, SoR would win with like 300-350K this week. What happened? People weren’t attentive or slacking off during the training?
Meh, they were just repeating what was said in the server meeting on the reset night before that…
… and probably grasping at straws to mend broken egos.
You must be new here, or you would have seen a similar pattern (of excuses) for pretty much every server who at one point was ranked #1.
Sorry i should have used the /s tag at the end.
It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Meh, even still there seems to be a lot of people on BG/JQ/[non-SOR server] that keep bringing up or poking fun at things like “We aren’t playing for PPT” and “This is a training week.” I think it’s hilarious that people ON SOR are using these things as excuses when in fact they are taking these small phrases grossly out of context. All they are doing is providing people on other servers with MASSIVE troll bate for weeks on end.
EVERY GUILD should be constantly training. NO WEEK should specifically be a “training week”. That goes for every server. If you’re not learning from what you see on the field, you’re falling behind.
EVERYONE should be playing for fun, and not get super stressed over PPT. That just makes it less of a game, and more of a job.
This was the entire point of my post. Tell your people to respect your opponents better. You lost a week, get over it. Don’t dilute other people’s efforts (including your own server’s militia) with lame comments like “we were on training”, “we don’t play for PPT”. Even as i was writing, a brave warrior from SoR comes with “BG were overbooked” and had the same people playing again and again. So being more consistent is a bad thing now lol? Gokitten it, BG people, stop playing so much.
My people? I see maybe one or two TSYM posting here occasionally. If you have a legitimate issue with a specific person in TSYM, let me know and I can make sure that the proper people are notified and that person is talked to.
If you want me to be a babysitter for everyone on SoR, you’re talking to the wrong guy.
Wasn’t SoR’s motto always like “We are a tight-knit social community” with stuff like family, etc. Now suddenly, you don’t want to be associated with the server as a whole?
A naughty GlackBate told me he snikes to liff wilberts. PlOx tell your smellly crother/bousin I don’t appreciated it.
One day we really want to see SoR say Good game BG you fought well something like that after the match for sake of sportsmanship. You guys better pay more respect to your opponent rather than to think that they’re movable loot bags.
ask and ye shall receive. :PP
This might be a bit early but congrats to BG for the win. Much respect to BG Oceanic and SEA folks, great pushes.
This might be a bit early but congrats to BG for the win. Much respect to BG Oceanic and SEA folks, great pushes.
Thanks for the fights
This trend of blowing people’s words out of proportion needs to end, no matter what guild the person(s) are a member of.
If you are looking for “Official” guild/server statements, this is the wrong place to look.
Most of the things I hear are from friends on other servers, but even then I don’t take what they say to represent the server but its the closest you will ever get without being on that server
all servers have nice folks who deserve respect for how they treat foes and conduct themselves on the battlefield and on the forums, there are also those which shame and disgrace their server on the battlefield and on the forums
its a pity that later is more vocal than the former and tarnishes the whole server
Since the guru trolls came here, this really hasn’t been a public forum to discuss things
Elo you, old friends from CD, or maybe those are new recruits. Fancy meeting you at the sentry.
This might be a bit early but congrats to BG for the win. Much respect to BG Oceanic and SEA folks, great pushes.
ahh one of the few vocal formers
Thx for the fights SoR and TC
I hope you guys and girls had fun
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