7/26 BG/SoR/TC
I don’t get why people try to boast and claim stuff with GvG. This sub-forum is WvW, if you get crashed you get crashed. Deal with it. Until guild halls arrive and there are actual standing and ranks for different sized GvG’s, you shouldn’t expect people to “respect” you in a video game and stay away.
No one is trying to boast anything with GVGs, infact ppl do them to have fun and do somthing different.
Well good bye to a disappointing week- i expected more from SoR and BG and if not better play at least better attitudes.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Thanks all for this weeks fight. It was great seeing TC again. We´ve missed you guys.. and girls
A specielt thanks to Awe from TC. It was great running into your small havoc squad a couple of times this wednesday. Some of the best small scale stuff Ive had in a while. I hope to see you guys again soon.
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus
We need someone to be the BALL for Ballaball Premier League Season Opener.
PST to Indo XX or Esamo or Wrex Krueger and join SoR TS.
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
got a question
WHy do u have cream for that ???
hopefully SoR will go down this week … and we get something new….
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
So, by saying you already have a cream for it, you’ve been troubled by a burning bottom before?
Interesting. Explains some things.
Thank you for this match BG and SOR, also nice to be sitting in the front seat watching your long time rivalry that started waaay back in T2. Don’t count us out yet tho, you two seem to be our top goal and our RP server will keep on working hard to give you guys the fight that you deserve.
For The Toast!
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
got a question
WHy do u have cream for that ???
You must learn to read better, I don’t have it, but I can get you an Rx for it. In my years of being a Doctor of Awesome, I have come across a large amount of people, yourself included, suffering from the debilitating disease of Baddyness. During my clinical rounds and studies, I have found that one of the biggest symptoms of suffering from Baddyness is a burning bottom. There is a cream I can prescribe that will help reduce the symptoms, but not the illness.
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
got a question
WHy do u have cream for that ???
You must learn to read better, I don’t have it, but I can get you an Rx for it. In my years of being a Doctor of Awesome, I have come across a large amount of people, yourself included, suffering from the debilitating disease of Baddyness. During my clinical rounds and studies, I have found that one of the biggest symptoms of suffering from Baddyness is a burning bottom. There is a cream I can prescribe that will help reduce the symptoms, but not the illness.
Dude u said
I have a cream for that
Now if u would have said i KNow a cream for that, send me a pm and ill get u an RX. Or I can get u a cream for that
it would be different, but again u said I HAVE!
Just got back from work, glad to see the bottoms of GvGers are still hurt and burning.
I have a cream for that, send me a PM if you need a Rx for it.
got a question
WHy do u have cream for that ???
You must learn to read better, I don’t have it, but I can get you an Rx for it. In my years of being a Doctor of Awesome, I have come across a large amount of people, yourself included, suffering from the debilitating disease of Baddyness. During my clinical rounds and studies, I have found that one of the biggest symptoms of suffering from Baddyness is a burning bottom. There is a cream I can prescribe that will help reduce the symptoms, but not the illness.
Dude u said
I have a cream for that
Now if u would have said i KNow a cream for that, send me a pm and ill get u an RX. Or I can get u a cream for that
it would be different, but again u said I HAVE!
Trust him okay he’s a doctor
Fort Aspenwood
So I see quite a few people attempting to make up facts here so I will attempt to clarify.
BT entered the GvG area with 25-30 max and began killing red names, as is expected in WvW. There was 10-15 spectators and both GvG groups of 15-20. After a good 3-4 minutes fight and several respawns by TW, BT was eventually overrun by numbers. It should be noted that the initial attack didnt occur during a GvG fight but rather when everyone was standing around.
BT regrouped and made their way back to south camp and were immediately pushed by all the GvGers plus the initial bodies TW called in. That’s when the fight on the bridge in the video happened where TW and RE got rolled several times in a matter of minutes.
Apparently this made TW nerd rage up a storm and called in their entire guild. Before long it was 50+ TW, 15-20 RE, and 10-15 UL (apparently TW can’t do anything with out their sister guilds to blob zerg with), against about 25 BT. Over the next 30-45 minutes BT trolled the kitten out of TW as they chased BT around the map but just couldn’t manage to wipe BT’s full “60+ man blob zerg” of 25 people.
What we learned:
1. Don’t GvG on BT’s map.
2. TW is rediculously easy to troll, in game and on the forums.
3. BT can’t run more then 20 or the will be “map-blob zerging” apparently.
lol @ this whole post. 50+ tw, tw getting rolled several times. Troll harder my friend.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
actually, i have no respect for fear as i do have for some other Sor guilds like iron, kiss a bit for TW (just wish they could be more respectful and humble but w/e) and some others. For that, and for some things i’ve seen that i wont discuss here. And [BG] (the guild) seems to go the same way, but i’ll wait and see.
I actually agree that it isn’t polited to interfere in a gvg like that. Well, the queue is free, the guild is urs, u make ur choices. I would say i don aprove, but BT has the point when they say u could gvg in other ways/locals.
You know as much as I hope for less trash-talking between BG and SoR in T1 thread, I have to admit it does keep me entertained while I’m at work. For a sunny, “everyone is on vacation”, kind of day like today, I have to say thank God for this thread.
Good game this week TC…….alright BG too. Let’s gear up for a competitive reset and weekend. May the RNG gods be kind to you all.
Seriously though, I enjoy the fights with BG. While I may give you all a hard time, I do enjoy the banter and rivalries.
What is this?? Did he get this account hacked or something??? lol I kid I kid.
joking aside, I appreciate what we’ve got going on here. Good fight all day, every day, all week long.
P.S and you know you all <3 each other (no homo)
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
Good game this week TC…….alright BG too. Let’s gear up for a competitive reset and weekend. May the RNG gods be kind to you all.
Seriously though, I enjoy the fights with BG. While I may give you all a hard time, I do enjoy the banter and rivalries.
Awww we really do like you guys.
All of you
Fort Aspenwood
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
(edited by hammer.9721)
Some cute little TC that didnt kill me
That’s my guild!
Doggington, Otto, Voj###. I’d recognize those ears anywhere!
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
Your google-foo is weak, my child, allow me to help:
Just a heads up, though, I searched the entirety of that post, GvG is only in there twice, once in a signature, and once in an announcement that GvG would be occuring in the future. TW is mentioned a few times more then that, though mostly in signatures…
Also, 6 months ago. Also, does not prove your point.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
That was FEAR. It was not TW. That was FEAR’s first GvG they interrupted.
The world must know that in a competition of last commander standing, Waage was the first to die.
Just to be thorough, I found another thread of the same matchup:
Still offers nothing to back you up, though, so I wouldn’t waste my time.
…the search for the elusive TW GvG interruption continues…
edit (I totally pasted the same link in this message, fixed)
edit #2 (is anyone else incredibly bored at work atm?)
It’s common sense that your enemy will appear as if they had more numbers than you. So it’s not surprising that BT and TW each think their opponent is fielding 50+.
Instead of pointing fingers, why doesn’t BT just GvG TW with equal numbers? Until then, any claim that BT is better than TW is just a laughing stock.
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation
I had many fun fight this morning with WvW, aginst BG an WM, ty^^.
It’s common sense that your enemy will appear as if they had more numbers than you. So it’s not surprising that BT and TW each think their opponent is fielding 50+.
Instead of pointing fingers, why doesn’t BT just GvG TW with equal numbers? Until then, any claim that BT is better than TW is just a laughing stock.
I haven’t seen any claims that BT is “better” than TW. What I’ve seen is chest thumping from TW forum members pretty much enticing a response from BT, which they got. Don’t try to revive this conversation. :P
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
It’s common sense that your enemy will appear as if they had more numbers than you. So it’s not surprising that BT and TW each think their opponent is fielding 50+.
Instead of pointing fingers, why doesn’t BT just GvG TW with equal numbers? Until then, any claim that BT is better than TW is just a laughing stock.
I haven’t seen any claims that BT is “better” than TW. What I’ve seen is chest thumping from TW forum members pretty much enticing a response from BT, which they got. Don’t try to revive this conversation. :P
Shut it. You refused to be a ball for us.
So I see quite a few people attempting to make up facts here so I will attempt to clarify.
BT entered the GvG area with 25-30 max and began killing red names, as is expected in WvW. There was 10-15 spectators and both GvG groups of 15-20. After a good 3-4 minutes fight and several respawns by TW, BT was eventually overrun by numbers. It should be noted that the initial attack didnt occur during a GvG fight but rather when everyone was standing around.
BT regrouped and made their way back to south camp and were immediately pushed by all the GvGers plus the initial bodies TW called in. That’s when the fight on the bridge in the video happened where TW and RE got rolled several times in a matter of minutes.
Apparently this made TW nerd rage up a storm and called in their entire guild. Before long it was 50+ TW, 15-20 RE, and 10-15 UL (apparently TW can’t do anything with out their sister guilds to blob zerg with), against about 25 BT. Over the next 30-45 minutes BT trolled the kitten out of TW as they chased BT around the map but just couldn’t manage to wipe BT’s full “60+ man blob zerg” of 25 people.
What we learned:
1. Don’t GvG on BT’s map.
2. TW is rediculously easy to troll, in game and on the forums.
3. BT can’t run more then 20 or the will be “map-blob zerging” apparently.
15 TW for the GvG
10 TW/TWL subs.
and I agree we couldn’t wipe you or let alone finish a fight since you guys wouldn’t fight our 25. Lets say you had 25 and we had 25 as we are saying, why were you guys running away all over the map last night and not fighting? Also we weren’t tagged up. so plz.
I know you can do the math yourself. no one ran back from pk at all from TW. I understand if you couldn’t see how many were left standing since you all had to run back 3 times yourself. if you killed other spectators that came back nothing we can do to control that.
And all 3 guilds pov from a video can show how long the fights were in certain clips. 3 different eneimes were in a choke. so sayin 1 guild held off 2 is dumb. each one held there own. Please don’t try and make up false crap to feed your forum fix.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
That was FEAR. It was not TW. That was FEAR’s first GvG they interrupted.
Since im to busy farming keys and also to lazy to try to find the info im going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Was a while maybe it was fear.
As for the other guy posting two links as proof try harder next time.when the event happened around 3 pages was just about the incident and since either of your threads had it in it then they arent the right threads.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
That was FEAR. It was not TW. That was FEAR’s first GvG they interrupted.
Since im to busy farming keys and also to lazy to try to find the info im going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Was a while maybe it was fear.
As for the other guy posting two links as proof try harder next time.when the event happened around 3 pages was just about the incident and since either of your threads had it in it then they arent the right threads.
Why does he need to try harder ??? Your the one making False accusations, It is up to you to prove it not him.
Reset day! Everything earned all week is set back to zero. New forum thread and maybe dif servers to play.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
That was FEAR. It was not TW. That was FEAR’s first GvG they interrupted.
Since im to busy farming keys and also to lazy to try to find the info im going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Was a while maybe it was fear.
As for the other guy posting two links as proof try harder next time.when the event happened around 3 pages was just about the incident and since either of your threads had it in it then they arent the right threads.
Why does he need to try harder ??? Your the one making False accusations, It is up to you to prove it not him.
putting up two links to show something never happened isnt did happened but like the other guy said it was probably fear and i got the guilds mixed up.
To counter all the vitriol, hate, and trolling in this thread – I <3 all of you. You are all my bros (and sis’s).
Good luck in the weeks to come.
1v1s make me happy the big group fights meeeeh.
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
I have yet to see FEAR on here trumpeting about how amazing they are with their ability to crash GvGs… but yeah, anyone that does it is pretty lame in my eyes, regardless of the server they are on.
(this is coming from the guy that complains in TS when his group is fighting people at their spawn… so maybe I just like sportsmanship/not trying to ruin other peoples fun)
The first time i ever heard of a guild crashing a gvg in tier 1 was TW. Now i know they are not complaining about what BT did just wanted to let others know that bit of information.
TW has never crashed a GvG. FEAR has on multiple occasions. When you crash a GvG, you essentially ruin any chances of partaking in one. There would be no benefit to doing it.
I guess if i would find the jq,sos,sor matchup thread with proof you would just deny it
edit- seems like anet deletes old threads.anyways here is what happened tw was offended that agg wouldnt gvg them so they crashed the gvg.deny it all you want but it happened.
That was FEAR. It was not TW. That was FEAR’s first GvG they interrupted.
Since im to busy farming keys and also to lazy to try to find the info im going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Was a while maybe it was fear.
As for the other guy posting two links as proof try harder next time.when the event happened around 3 pages was just about the incident and since either of your threads had it in it then they arent the right threads.
Why does he need to try harder ??? Your the one making False accusations, It is up to you to prove it not him.
putting up two links to show something never happened isnt did happened but like the other guy said it was probably fear and i got the guilds mixed up.
glade u can admit when ur wrong. TW has not broken up any GvG’s
To counter all the vitriol, hate, and trolling in this thread – I <3 all of you. You are all my bros (and sis’s).
Good luck in the weeks to come.
LIAR! You always say you hate me
[RISE] Balls Deep Crew
[TW] Member
To counter all the vitriol, hate, and trolling in this thread – I <3 all of you. You are all my bros (and sis’s).
Good luck in the weeks to come.
LIAR! You always say you hate me
Except Akio, and most of my fellow RISE-mates. I hate those guys.
Some cute little TC that didnt kill me
That’s my guild!
Doggington, Otto, Voj###. I’d recognize those ears anywhere!
Aww I was just glad to not be jumped. Theyre pretty adorable.
Talicake >//<
To counter all the vitriol, hate, and trolling in this thread – I <3 all of you. You are all my bros (and sis’s).
Good luck in the weeks to come.
LIAR! You always say you hate me
Except Akio, and most of my fellow RISE-mates. I hate those guys.
Don’t make me get the whip, veil slave. :P
[RISE] Balls Deep Crew
[TW] Member
When FEAR interrupts a GvG they wipe them completely.
When BT tries to interrupt a GvG they get farmed. haha
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
you realise all this talk on the forums is all hearsay.
The only thing showing what happened last night was 1 screenshot of 20-30 BT in a stack and a video posted by a BT commander. Untill there is a video showing them getting farmed there is no proof. People saying the video is only 3 minutes, while its 3 minutes more then you have showing that BT won.
Show the proof words dont mean anything.
Super boring guild appendage discussion!
Pretty sure that FEAR all died when they tried to crash that GVG. Again a matter of perception. If you belong to SOR= FEAR farmed the crap out of them. Bg= FEAR got rocked, so many bags, lulz etc. Every server wins/loses some engagements due to random factors in WVWVW. GVG takes out some of these factors and why some choose not to do it. I guess whatever helps you get up in the morning.
As for this week I hope every server had some fun fights and regardless of whatever server you face next I hope everyone gets more of the same fun fights.
I hope TC gets more than one chance to prove they’re T1 material as they have numbers to prove it from this week alone.
Was a good week, hope to see everyone come out swinging on reset.
It’s common sense that your enemy will appear as if they had more numbers than you. So it’s not surprising that BT and TW each think their opponent is fielding 50+.
Instead of pointing fingers, why doesn’t BT just GvG TW with equal numbers? Until then, any claim that BT is better than TW is just a laughing stock.
I haven’t seen any claims that BT is “better” than TW. What I’ve seen is chest thumping from TW forum members pretty much enticing a response from BT, which they got. Don’t try to revive this conversation. :P
Shut it. You refused to be a ball for us.
LOL. I was a bit too serious when I just read what you said. Nice way to snap me out of that. To top off having to leave 15 minutes after you asked me, I also didn’t have quaggan tonics. ha
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
Fun times this week, although I only got 3 nights in including last night which was a bit ofa snorefest. Go to see you again TC! I’m sure we’ll be running into each other again soon enough. Here’s to a happy reset! Time to pop a beer.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Fun times this week, although I only got 3 nights in including last night which was a bit ofa snorefest. Go to see you again TC! I’m sure we’ll be running into each other again soon enough. Here’s to a happy reset! Time to pop a beer.
I thought I drugged you and brought you with me?
Oh wait, it’s in the beer.
Nevermiiindddd .. drink up dear. :p
you realise all this talk on the forums is all hearsay.
The only thing showing what happened last night was 1 screenshot of 20-30 BT in a stack and a video posted by a BT commander. Untill there is a video showing them getting farmed there is no proof. People saying the video is only 3 minutes, while its 3 minutes more then you have showing that BT won.
Show the proof words dont mean anything.
Well said. If there was a gvg going on, surely there was someone streaming/recording that could post a video to back up the SoR forum talk. Let’s see it.
Great video, BT. It’s easy to see why TW & friends were convinced you had over 60 people.
you realise all this talk on the forums is all hearsay.
The only thing showing what happened last night was 1 screenshot of 20-30 BT in a stack and a video posted by a BT commander. Untill there is a video showing them getting farmed there is no proof. People saying the video is only 3 minutes, while its 3 minutes more then you have showing that BT won.
Show the proof words dont mean anything.
Well said. If there was a gvg going on, surely there was someone streaming/recording that could post a video to back up the SoR forum talk. Let’s see it.
Great video, BT. It’s easy to see why TW & friends were convinced you had over 60 people.
We have someone currently editing it. Please be patient it will be out shortly.