7/26 JQ/DB/FA
No such thing as GvG in GW2.
I love the level of trolling i see JQ and my own server feeeding into the forum bun fire…..now only for FA to contribute…..sigh idk they just seem too boring for the challenge. This glass is to FA
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
Does anyone else in this matchup like pie? I love pie. A nice slice of chilled apple pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
Does anyone else in this matchup like pie? I love pie. A nice slice of chilled apple pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
I love pie. I like my apple pie warm though, with the vanilla ice cream
Does anyone else in this matchup like pie? I love pie. A nice slice of chilled apple pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
I love pie. I like my apple pie warm though, with the vanilla ice cream
Pumpkin pie is always good.
Does anyone else in this matchup like pie? I love pie. A nice slice of chilled apple pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
I love pie. I like my apple pie warm though, with the vanilla ice cream
Pumpkin pie is always good.
Yes, and key lime pie is good.
I am sorry… where is FA presence already? This is happening for the past several hours.
http://i40.tinypic.com/2qa1si8.jpg (FA is red)
Good point – if any JQ want to transfer to FA (natural match is TC/DB, sometimes we get SoS/Mag, sometimes we get JQ) then it would help balance out tier 2, keep you away from SOR/BG for the most part, and have much better fights than what you probably see now. SEA/EUR plz
Fort Aspenwood
The pie is a lie. Satan makes them
The pie is a lie. Satan makes them
Chocolate almond is to die and go to hell for.
[NS] – DragonBrand
Night Shîft Guild Leader
JQ whines about 2 guilds working together while they themselves need 60+ to deal with 20 people running around in havoc groups…
Then SG got owned by NS and calls them irrelevant. lol
This thread is so funny.
Hey mate if you referring to me about whining about the 2 guild I am not, It was just a post for lolz and what not. I have no problem with NS or qT just not easy taking them down when they both combined field 40 and only like 20 of us (guild) that’s all. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them keep it fun.!
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
why doesnt DB and FA just focus JQ ??? its how wvw was ment 2nd 3rd forcus 1st.
I was in the middle of a troll and i got a phone call from my professor and it has just thrown my hold moood off to be trolly idk wat to say….We we could tag team JQ hard if you beg? idk, im dry i need a drink
why would i beg ?? i dont care if u guys 2v1 jq or not, I was just asking why u guys dont so the score is closer.
LOL! As much as ppl complain about 2 v 1 why would you “T1” server post that in this thread?
@DB in JQBL you bring 2 guilds to face our 1.
Why u do dis.
You had 40+ inc pugs on that briar tower, NS and qT only amounts to 40 max both guilds.
You were far more than 40 be honest lol. HzH had 18 on pin at that time. 30 people total.
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
JQ whines about 2 guilds working together while they themselves need 60+ to deal with 20 people running around in havoc groups…
Then SG got owned by NS and calls them irrelevant. lol
This thread is so funny.
Hey mate if you referring to me about whining about the 2 guild I am not, It was just a post for lolz and what not. I have no problem with NS or qT just not easy taking them down when they both combined field 40 and only like 20 of us (guild) that’s all. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them keep it fun.!
20 HzH vs 2 20+ guilds. both sides had pugs. As we are wiping one group the other comes in after us. Smart play would just be nice to go heads up is all.
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
Thats how we roll
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
@DB in JQBL you bring 2 guilds to face our 1.
Why u do dis.
You had 40+ inc pugs on that briar tower, NS and qT only amounts to 40 max both guilds.
You were far more than 40 be honest lol. HzH had 18 on pin at that time. 30 people total.
Remove the pugs (though it seem to us the pugs were more),We came to the tower with 22 ns & forced you back across the bridge, at the bridge you guys initially overwhelmed us with your superior numbers but qT came to our rescue from the other side of the bridge. we’ll do a even number skirmish anytime you want, kudos to you though, at-least you stayed and fight in open field unlike some other guild who had to bring a 50 man zerg.
FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
So they got 15 people?
@DB in JQBL you bring 2 guilds to face our 1.
Why u do dis.
You had 40+ inc pugs on that briar tower, NS and qT only amounts to 40 max both guilds.
You were far more than 40 be honest lol. HzH had 18 on pin at that time. 30 people total.
Remove the pugs (though it seem to us the pugs were more),We came to the tower with 22 ns & forced you back across the bridge, at the bridge you guys initially overwhelmed us with your superior numbers but qT came to our rescue from the other side of the bridge. we’ll do a even number skirmish anytime you want, kudos to you though, at-least you stayed and fight in open field unlike some other guild who had to bring a 50 man zerg.
We were baiting you to the bridge not forced back off of it. We are not known for running
Hi DB + FA,
[Pro] The Provoked is seeking some practice skirmishes 20v20 this week to train up some of our newer members, whisper me in game if interested.
FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
So they got 15 people?
18, But don’t worry!
We just started recruiting at seniors homes and unemployment offices since they can be online all day.
All the JQ players can have keyboard turning and clicking competitions with our arthritic and crippled, computer illiterate. In an even fight you may lose, but with an extra 40 players you should have enough supply to be capable of building some open field siege to take care of them.
Gotta get that ppt right? It shows the mad skillz.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
So when do the good JQ players log in?
Just kidding!
There aren’t any.
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud
(edited by CrowndClown.1702)
Hi DB + FA,
[Pro] The Provoked is seeking some practice skirmishes 20v20 this week to train up some of our newer members, whisper me in game if interested.
Its a trap
They’ll have a pocket zerg ready to strike.
Why don’t you just gvg?
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Thanks for all the fun fights tonight DB/FA!
Salute from [SG]!
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
As the holder of the Missionary Position in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints I find some of these accusations rather disturbing. Jed Quarry is actually the least zergy of the top 3 servers and home of the little ball of hate guilds that relish zerg busting. As it is written in Jedesis Chapter 1, verses 1-10:
In the beginning Jed created the havoc and the zerg. And the zerg was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Wok moved upon the face of the waters. And Jed said, Let there be fights: and there were fights. And Jed saw the fights, that they were good: and Jed divided the fights from the darkness. And Jed called the fights payday, and the darkness he called wiped. And the downing and the respawning were the first day. And Jed said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the zergs, and let it divide the zergs from the zergs. And Jed made the firmament, and divided the zerg which were under the firmament from the zerg which were above the firmament: and it was so. And Jed called the firmament the split zerg. And the downing and the respawning were the second day. And Jed said, Let the players under the split pin be gathered together unto one pin, and let the Commander appear: and it was so. And Jed called the first zerg the anvil; and the gathering together of the other players he called the hammer: and Jed saw that it was good.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
As the holder of the Missionary Position in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints I find some of these accusations rather disturbing. Jed Quarry is actually the least zergy of the top 3 servers and home of the little ball of hate guilds that relish zerg busting. As it is written in Jedesis Chapter 1, verses 1-10:
In the beginning Jed created the havoc and the zerg. And the zerg was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Wok moved upon the face of the waters. And Jed said, Let there be fights: and there were fights. And Jed saw the fights, that they were good: and Jed divided the fights from the darkness. And Jed called the fights payday, and the darkness he called wiped. And the downing and the respawning were the first day. And Jed said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the zergs, and let it divide the zergs from the zergs. And Jed made the firmament, and divided the zerg which were under the firmament from the zerg which were above the firmament: and it was so. And Jed called the firmament the split zerg. And the downing and the respawning were the second day. And Jed said, Let the players under the split pin be gathered together unto one pin, and let the Commander appear: and it was so. And Jed called the first zerg the anvil; and the gathering together of the other players he called the hammer: and Jed saw that it was good.
T.T i shall burn your walls of text down with slander and lies, i have found conviction
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
Thanks for bringing us bags during our GvG with NS guys
p.s thanks for the fight NS
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
notes of the 4th day (DB perspective).
JQ often doesn’t attack FA, and often leave their structures intact.
JQ has spies on DB and ts just to make sure they keep winning.
I am almost certain JQ is making sure we are as close as possible to be outnumbered to make sure we have to pay for the armor repair (as off right now).
The entire day, I barely saw any FA player. If FA plays, they use thieves and attack DG structures and supplies.
The entire day, I barely saw any FA player.
You need better scouts.
hmmm, we are fighting FA, they cant hang with even numbers…..lmao, so weak
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
Elementalist of [MYTH]
Jade Quarry
FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
notes of the 4th day (DB perspective).
JQ often doesn’t attack FA, and often leave their structures intact.
JQ has spies on DB and ts just to make sure they keep winning.
I am almost certain JQ is making sure we are as close as possible to be outnumbered to make sure we have to pay for the armor repair (as off right now).
The entire day, I barely saw any FA player. If FA plays, they use thieves and attack DG structures and supplies.
We our outmanned because our fair weathers won’t show, that 1s repair is a kitten
DB since Headstart
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
As the holder of the Missionary Position in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints I find some of these accusations rather disturbing. Jed Quarry is actually the least zergy of the top 3 servers and home of the little ball of hate guilds that relish zerg busting. As it is written in Jedesis Chapter 1, verses 1-10:
In the beginning Jed created the havoc and the zerg. And the zerg was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Wok moved upon the face of the waters. And Jed said, Let there be fights: and there were fights. And Jed saw the fights, that they were good: and Jed divided the fights from the darkness. And Jed called the fights payday, and the darkness he called wiped. And the downing and the respawning were the first day. And Jed said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the zergs, and let it divide the zergs from the zergs. And Jed made the firmament, and divided the zerg which were under the firmament from the zerg which were above the firmament: and it was so. And Jed called the firmament the split zerg. And the downing and the respawning were the second day. And Jed said, Let the players under the split pin be gathered together unto one pin, and let the Commander appear: and it was so. And Jed called the first zerg the anvil; and the gathering together of the other players he called the hammer: and Jed saw that it was good.
T.T i shall burn your walls of text down with slander and lies, i have found conviction
The spirit of Woks on Water leads us all to our true purpose in life, whether we realize it or not. To quote the noble Friar Kylerien as he began his lonely journey in search of a cure for the harpies, never to be seen again, “Bless their little hearts.”
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
(edited by SFShinigami.2015)
Good fights last night in JQBL! It was a great time, thanks FA and DB for the fun!
We hope to bring you more troll trebs in the future!
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
Is EMP considering a transfer to DB? We don’t house their ex-esteemed leader anymore, but I see some genuine love here.
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
QQ more
DB since Headstart
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
Is EMP considering a transfer to DB? We don’t house their ex-esteemed leader anymore, but I see some genuine love here.
I’m pretty sure those of EMP that were Noodle-followers are long gone by now. Those that I see remaining are pure Quarrians.
If you’re talking about Raw Noodles, he left DB for BG.
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
Is EMP considering a transfer to DB? We don’t house their ex-esteemed leader anymore, but I see some genuine love here.
I always had respect for DB just lacked it for some people who sought to undermine my home. Now that they are gone we get to see the true side of DB in the field and on the forums.
To answer your question no EMP is not leaving JQ anytime soon JQ4Lyfe.
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
[GODS] was rather squishy…
I enjoy fighting the FA guilds more, they don’t die in the first 3 seconds.
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
Carried? Where? Were here for the big blobs bro.
“dodging saves lives.”
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
QQ more
No ones QQ’ing. Just calling like I see it. Like I said “no worries”
rB still getting farmed unless hiding behind EAT. lol
Congrats to JQ on their victory. The question now is, who will win second place? My money is on FA (by Money i mean 10silver, yes im poor)
why are dragonbrand doing so badly, didn’t they get like 6 new guilds recently and infact FA’s largest NA guild aswell.
They did get a bunch of guilds.
The guilds they did gain like qT and TB were hoping to be carried by DB’s SEA, that is not happening against JQ of course, because JQ’s SEA has WAY more coverage.
They also gained what “used” to be the largest guild on FA [GODS]. Unfortunately for DB, they only got the crappy players(all of 15 or so maybe). All the best and oldest GODS members stayed on FA and formed a new guild called [BOSS].
Meanwhile FA doesn’t have the coverage of other Tier 2 servers like TC or DB, but we are down to farm ya’ll. No big deal, we’ll stay rank 6.
QQ more
No ones QQ’ing. Just calling like I see it. Like I said “no worries”
rB still getting farmed unless hiding behind EAT. lol
rB gets farmed? Mines bigger brah. See you tonight.
On another note. I want to apologize. I have my two nights of WvW this match up so far with JQ and FA really wants some love.
Leader of Reckless Bravery [rB] (Dragonbrand)
PuGs vs DPS (FA)
Check my youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/LockOnAL
We have to do this
(edited by klow.8316)
Score Update!
Sneaking in…. again….
U can sneak in, anytime