8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: kevinmrstowe.4098


Here’s a video my pal yam made. Its pretty kittenin funny. Bunch of nerds vs WOLF


8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: MegaManExpert.8413


Finally got my hands on a tag a few days ago, tagged up in EB for first time tonight. Burned through a lot of siege, but managed to keep NSP’s stuff intact and expand out a little bit over the course of 4 hours. Some solid fights from IOJ.

Also I apologize to Monowrath for letting the pugs burn his “peace offering” at overlook. They tend to get a bit jumpy when they see omegas lol.

We all knew what was going to happen with the Omega “Peace Offering”. The hour before Monowrath retired for the night was just him and his group of players engaging in shenanigans for the night.

To bad I did not record the audio from our VoIP, but it went along the lines of this:
Omega Pilot: “I wonder if the torch from the QJ works with the Omega?”
Player #1: “I don’t know, but let see if it scales with the Omega!”
Omega Pilot: “It does! Though its not in the right place…”
Player #2: “I dare you to walk the Omega over to there keep with the torch!”
Omega Pilot: “I will! It will be a sign of peace like the Olympic torch!”
Me: “You know they will just swarm the Omega regardless, because Omega’s kinda you know summon wild enemy zergs out of nowhere…”
channel laughter
Omega Pilot: “So true!”
Mono: “I will let their commander know where sending a peace offering…”
Mono: “Whispered him, told him it’s not a Trojan horse filled with IoJ members”
Time passes as the Omega makes it walk to there keep
Omega Pilot: “Ok, I am here and I am now getting pelted by there guard NPC’s…”
Omega Pilot: “Now one of there guys is on a cannon firing at me while there zerg is watching me from the walls…”
Omega Pilot Screams
Omega Pilot: “Ahhh! The bleeds!”
Omega Pilot: “HELP! There assaulting the peace golem!”
Channel Laughter
Omega Pilot: “I only wanted to bring peace…”
Omega Pilot: “Ok, thats it! Spinny fire time!”
Omega Pilot: “Eat burring flames of peace!”
More Channel Laughter
Omega Pilot: “I am sorry Mono, but the IoJ peace talks seemed to of gone up in smoke this time…”
Omega Pilot: “I would recommend we send a larger omega peace force next time and peacefully take there keep…”
Even More Channel Laughter
Mono: “You did well solder, you did well…”

Also Mono was a recently given a commander status from our commander guild, and he did well that night with servers warriors. I am so proud of Mono since he is our guilds second commander and doing so well in WvW.

Proud Commander for Isle of Janthar
Laspo Yorick – Mesmer
Samson Longshanks – Warrior

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: CAPT wheat roll.5743

CAPT wheat roll.5743

Finally got my hands on a tag a few days ago, tagged up in EB for first time tonight. Burned through a lot of siege, but managed to keep NSP’s stuff intact and expand out a little bit over the course of 4 hours. Some solid fights from IOJ.

Also I apologize to Monowrath for letting the pugs burn his “peace offering” at overlook. They tend to get a bit jumpy when they see omegas lol.

Hey also got my tag a couple days ago those where awesome fights by the way IoJ has best PuGs NA!

The peace offering was burned. This means WAR! (till about 9pm EST at least)

Although good fights NSP and SF Had a great time for my first week Commanding!

P.S. Thanks to all the IoJ who donated for the tag love you guys

Bhanktivedanta/Monowrath[TV] – ex-IoJ – AR
-Third Vanguard Driver
-“We have Cannons we dont need Cloths”

(edited by CAPT wheat roll.5743)

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


NOOB thinks your sexy NSP! Just sayin….

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


Here’s a video my pal yam made. Its pretty kittenin funny. Bunch of nerds vs WOLF

lol get bursted WOLF..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

Here’s a video my pal yam made. Its pretty kittenin funny. Bunch of nerds vs WOLF

lol get bursted WOLF..

Actually the funny thing about this is after a week of fights, and two compliments in this thread from our guild, you post a 50 second video of you getting the drop on a group and bursting them, in an effort to mock them.

Congrats, with the 6 – 10 months of practice you guys have likely had together, you were able to do that to an equal-sized group of people who have been playing together for around a week.

I can guarantee you none of our people taunted, trolled or disrespected you in any manner. We spent a good deal of time the latter part of this week in south BL to get some practice fighting decent players, and some of us tried to bring some fights in a misguided effort to see you guys wouldn’t get too-too bored.

All we’ve learned here is what treating you with respect earns us, and that’s actually the funny part.



(edited by Epsilon Atreides.3816)

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


Here’s a video my pal yam made. Its pretty kittenin funny. Bunch of nerds vs WOLF

lol get bursted WOLF..

Actually the funny thing about this is after a week of fights, and two compliments in this thread from our guild, you post a 50 second video of you getting the drop on a group and bursting them, in an effort to mock them.

Congrats, with the 6 – 10 months of practice you guys have likely had together, you were able to do that to an equal-sized group of people who have been playing together for around a week.

I can guarantee you none of our people taunted, trolled or disrespected you in any manner. We spent a good deal of time the latter part of this week in south BL to get some practice fighting decent players, and some of us tried to bring some fights in a misguided effort to see you guys wouldn’t get too-too bored.

All we’ve learned here is what treating you with respect earns us, and that’s actually the funny part.


Not sure why you quoted me with this. I was not in the video, I did not post it, and I have not talked to any of you WOLF at all.

If you can’t see the humor in this video of a surprise lolburst of a whole group, then you take the game way too seriously. If the same thing happened the other way around I would be laughing at them too, even though I highly respect them as skilled players, but I happen to know they are lighthearted with a sense of humor and don’t take the game seriously.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


Dear GoM Refugees,

I just wanted to take the chance to congratulate you guys on you recent capture. I can tell from the fact that you guys lined up for a photo that it was a HUGE accomplishment for you as most PVDoors are. I am sure that given you past exploits you faced insurmountable odds from the SF defenders (all 5 of them on the map lol). Also wanted to do so before one of the following occur:

A. Transfer again due to apparent “drama” (Which was supposedly remedied when [WvW] left but strangely remained while you were there)
B. Post more Gifs that get the post infracted

Yours Truly,

Sav “The Biggest Horse” of [RUN] (To the potty)

Sir Amadaeus,

I must say that the venom in your post was most unwarranted and rather spiteful. The fine people from GoM are only doing there job and service for mother Janthar. I count 7 people in that picture and you claim there was 5 people in your borderland, yet did any of your people look and see why hills was contested? If that was a fully upgraded keep with a way point there should be NO reason why it was lost to only 7 people when you had almost equal numbers of people to defend it. It would of taken them 8-10 minutes to just break down both doors if they used 2 superior rams each on both doors. Not only that they would have to run back to bluewater to get more supplies for the second gate unless they where auto attacking the gate, which would take FOREVER. I can see a quick ninja cap of hill with alphas and most definitely with omegas, but there should be NO excuse for losing a keep when you could easily of defended it. If your 5 people did not solicit help to retake the keep and ignored it for a whole tick (45 min.) when it was paper, then I think a talk is in order for thous five people.

If your so mad at losing a keep to PvDoor maybe your server needs to do less roaming/skirmishes and more people playing guard in keeps. Also this PvDoor nonsense is just silly, why should our team not attack undefended objectives? Is it because it is dishonorable to take an objective without first notifying the owners first that we are going to assault it? There is no pleasing you is there in this match up, right? I think we once again have a two different cultures and interpretations of how WvW must be played.

As for our new IoJ heroes (RUN and there asuran friend), you make our server proud to have you and will hold a ticker tape welcoming at our next commander meeting for you. Though I have to say since you moved here you will have to deal with these “PvDoor” comments, just ignore them and continue to do what you do best. Just don’t go overboard with the gifs’, hate to lose the ability to attach them in the future due to to many infractions.

It is funny because you missed the sarcasm, I was neither on nor cared how many people were on. Also the 5 was a guess at how many SF likely had on at the time, not a reference to the “7” GoM/IoJ’ers that you counted.

Something you should know about me and more and more people….We do not care about your PPT sir, post a pic of you winning a fight and expect a “gg”.

Posting a pic of “ninjaing a keep” etc, is more than likely to get an eyeroll more and more moving forward. No one watches the scoreboard any more kid, other than to distinguish which server has the population at that point.

SF “beat” GoM last week, and no one cared really, just like no one will care next week who “wins” this.

TL/DR: Such “easy targets” should not post their passive/aggressive attempts at posting without expecting some replies.

I would just go back to posting Gifs if I were you Gommies, stick to what you know.

“beat” is such a unqualified word. That’s like saying a giraffe is “beaten” by the buzzards that are picking its flesh from its corpse.

No. what in actuality happened time after time was IoJ would push on us, and then SF would come in and piggy back on their momentum.

Hardly beating. I’d call that opportunism. SF is the boastful frat boy who is raves about all the hot chicks he bangs, but instead he’s picking up lonely low-self-esteem cattle.

I mean why bang one ten when you can bang ten ones?

Also, caring how many burgers Wendy’s sells vs Burger King is called “competition” and “capitalism”.

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816


Agree to disagree, but you make a good point. I should clarify my comments were directed more at the poster of the video, not so much yourself, and definitely not the people in the video, your guilds or your server. I don’t know any of the people in the guilds; I’m sure they’re all nice enough.

Anyway, this response is mostly just because I forgot to say thanks to the servers for a fun week. I’d look forward to another match-up and hope you both get a decent roll today.

Have a good one


8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Dear GoM Refugees,

I just wanted to take the chance to congratulate you guys on you recent capture. I can tell from the fact that you guys lined up for a photo that it was a HUGE accomplishment for you as most PVDoors are. I am sure that given you past exploits you faced insurmountable odds from the SF defenders (all 5 of them on the map lol). Also wanted to do so before one of the following occur:

A. Transfer again due to apparent “drama” (Which was supposedly remedied when [WvW] left but strangely remained while you were there)
B. Post more Gifs that get the post infracted

Yours Truly,

Sav “The Biggest Horse” of [RUN] (To the potty)

Sir Amadaeus,

I must say that the venom in your post was most unwarranted and rather spiteful. The fine people from GoM are only doing there job and service for mother Janthar. I count 7 people in that picture and you claim there was 5 people in your borderland, yet did any of your people look and see why hills was contested? If that was a fully upgraded keep with a way point there should be NO reason why it was lost to only 7 people when you had almost equal numbers of people to defend it. It would of taken them 8-10 minutes to just break down both doors if they used 2 superior rams each on both doors. Not only that they would have to run back to bluewater to get more supplies for the second gate unless they where auto attacking the gate, which would take FOREVER. I can see a quick ninja cap of hill with alphas and most definitely with omegas, but there should be NO excuse for losing a keep when you could easily of defended it. If your 5 people did not solicit help to retake the keep and ignored it for a whole tick (45 min.) when it was paper, then I think a talk is in order for thous five people.

If your so mad at losing a keep to PvDoor maybe your server needs to do less roaming/skirmishes and more people playing guard in keeps. Also this PvDoor nonsense is just silly, why should our team not attack undefended objectives? Is it because it is dishonorable to take an objective without first notifying the owners first that we are going to assault it? There is no pleasing you is there in this match up, right? I think we once again have a two different cultures and interpretations of how WvW must be played.

As for our new IoJ heroes (RUN and there asuran friend), you make our server proud to have you and will hold a ticker tape welcoming at our next commander meeting for you. Though I have to say since you moved here you will have to deal with these “PvDoor” comments, just ignore them and continue to do what you do best. Just don’t go overboard with the gifs’, hate to lose the ability to attach them in the future due to to many infractions.

It is funny because you missed the sarcasm, I was neither on nor cared how many people were on. Also the 5 was a guess at how many SF likely had on at the time, not a reference to the “7” GoM/IoJ’ers that you counted.

Something you should know about me and more and more people….We do not care about your PPT sir, post a pic of you winning a fight and expect a “gg”.

Posting a pic of “ninjaing a keep” etc, is more than likely to get an eyeroll more and more moving forward. No one watches the scoreboard any more kid, other than to distinguish which server has the population at that point.

SF “beat” GoM last week, and no one cared really, just like no one will care next week who “wins” this.

TL/DR: Such “easy targets” should not post their passive/aggressive attempts at posting without expecting some replies.

I would just go back to posting Gifs if I were you Gommies, stick to what you know.

“beat” is such a unqualified word. That’s like saying a giraffe is “beaten” by the buzzards that are picking its flesh from its corpse.

No. what in actuality happened time after time was IoJ would push on us, and then SF would come in and piggy back on their momentum.

Hardly beating. I’d call that opportunism. SF is the boastful frat boy who is raves about all the hot chicks he bangs, but instead he’s picking up lonely low-self-esteem cattle.

I mean why bang one ten when you can bang ten ones?

Also, caring how many burgers Wendy’s sells vs Burger King is called “competition” and “capitalism”.

And GoM is the married chick who gets too flirty with her online BF and has to transfer all kinds of people to another server.

I like these metaphors!

Mag Server Leader

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


Dear GoM Refugees,

I just wanted to take the chance to congratulate you guys on you recent capture. I can tell from the fact that you guys lined up for a photo that it was a HUGE accomplishment for you as most PVDoors are. I am sure that given you past exploits you faced insurmountable odds from the SF defenders (all 5 of them on the map lol). Also wanted to do so before one of the following occur:

A. Transfer again due to apparent “drama” (Which was supposedly remedied when [WvW] left but strangely remained while you were there)
B. Post more Gifs that get the post infracted

Yours Truly,

Sav “The Biggest Horse” of [RUN] (To the potty)

Sir Amadaeus,

I must say that the venom in your post was most unwarranted and rather spiteful. The fine people from GoM are only doing there job and service for mother Janthar. I count 7 people in that picture and you claim there was 5 people in your borderland, yet did any of your people look and see why hills was contested? If that was a fully upgraded keep with a way point there should be NO reason why it was lost to only 7 people when you had almost equal numbers of people to defend it. It would of taken them 8-10 minutes to just break down both doors if they used 2 superior rams each on both doors. Not only that they would have to run back to bluewater to get more supplies for the second gate unless they where auto attacking the gate, which would take FOREVER. I can see a quick ninja cap of hill with alphas and most definitely with omegas, but there should be NO excuse for losing a keep when you could easily of defended it. If your 5 people did not solicit help to retake the keep and ignored it for a whole tick (45 min.) when it was paper, then I think a talk is in order for thous five people.

If your so mad at losing a keep to PvDoor maybe your server needs to do less roaming/skirmishes and more people playing guard in keeps. Also this PvDoor nonsense is just silly, why should our team not attack undefended objectives? Is it because it is dishonorable to take an objective without first notifying the owners first that we are going to assault it? There is no pleasing you is there in this match up, right? I think we once again have a two different cultures and interpretations of how WvW must be played.

As for our new IoJ heroes (RUN and there asuran friend), you make our server proud to have you and will hold a ticker tape welcoming at our next commander meeting for you. Though I have to say since you moved here you will have to deal with these “PvDoor” comments, just ignore them and continue to do what you do best. Just don’t go overboard with the gifs’, hate to lose the ability to attach them in the future due to to many infractions.

It is funny because you missed the sarcasm, I was neither on nor cared how many people were on. Also the 5 was a guess at how many SF likely had on at the time, not a reference to the “7” GoM/IoJ’ers that you counted.

Something you should know about me and more and more people….We do not care about your PPT sir, post a pic of you winning a fight and expect a “gg”.

Posting a pic of “ninjaing a keep” etc, is more than likely to get an eyeroll more and more moving forward. No one watches the scoreboard any more kid, other than to distinguish which server has the population at that point.

SF “beat” GoM last week, and no one cared really, just like no one will care next week who “wins” this.

TL/DR: Such “easy targets” should not post their passive/aggressive attempts at posting without expecting some replies.

I would just go back to posting Gifs if I were you Gommies, stick to what you know.

“beat” is such a unqualified word. That’s like saying a giraffe is “beaten” by the buzzards that are picking its flesh from its corpse.

No. what in actuality happened time after time was IoJ would push on us, and then SF would come in and piggy back on their momentum.

Hardly beating. I’d call that opportunism. SF is the boastful frat boy who is raves about all the hot chicks he bangs, but instead he’s picking up lonely low-self-esteem cattle.

I mean why bang one ten when you can bang ten ones?

Also, caring how many burgers Wendy’s sells vs Burger King is called “competition” and “capitalism”.

And GoM is the married chick who gets too flirty with her online BF and has to transfer all kinds of people to another server.

I like these metaphors!

No. GoM is our kittened cousin we had to take to the dance because we were too afraid to ask the really hot guy. But then a cute nice guy at the dance was like “Hey you’re kinda cute” So we’re rustling his jimmies now.

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tonaius.6712


Here’s a video my pal yam made. Its pretty kittenin funny. Bunch of nerds vs WOLF

Yay, I finally make an appearance on someone else’s youtube video! I’ve been looking for my character in the other servers pics and videos and this is the first time this year I’ve found my character (and I play WvW everyday).
I gotta commend you guys on your small group skills, whilst is disheartening to get wiped that quickly, it gives us a bench mark to aim for. Hopefully the next time we face you guys, the fight will last a little longer
Also shout out to XOXO and tM (also SPCA I think one of you were there) for the 5 v 5, 3 v 3 and the duels a couple of days ago. That was the first time WolF as a guild had done anything like that and we appreciate the opportunity to have a crack and learn a thing or 2.
This is the first time this year IoJ has come first twice in a row, a lot of us are excited, especially the ones who have stuck it out during all the hard times. Thank you to SF and NSP for the great fights. Good luck to both servers in your next match up (unless you’re against us again :p )

Agens Leti – Cmdr
Wolves Vs Worlds [WolF]

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


Also, Savannah Sue seems to have issues with us So… Here’s to you Sue!

Tag party plus (mostly) PvDoor


Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Also, Savannah Sue seems to have issues with us So… Here’s to you Sue!

Tag party plus (mostly) PvDoor



Mag Server Leader