Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
So SoS failed to take Garrison AND Hills this time.
So SoS failed to take Garrison AND Hills this time.
Nice defense right there, last time we have problem taking SBI Keeps due to massive defense as well, nice to know there’s other servers actually care about their BL Keeps.
I thank both YB and DH for bringing the fun this week. I think SoS has played servers ranked 1-15 in the last few months and I see very little difference between individual player skill levels.
I would ask gamers to consider ignoring the troll/hate posters who drop in now and then, IMHO it is better to just deny them the attention they seek.
Maybe not between individual player skills but between servers one gotta admit both dh and yaks are better oganized than sos. And as opposed to sos – who will just wait for oceanics to turn up – i have seen quite a few impressive moves from dh.
Also, yaks had a wp in hills on sos bl ….a thing sos had not managed to do.if only our oceanic force could replace our NA force and show you guys how it’s done.
In all honesty i have no idea why our NA is performing so badly this week, maybe they are taking a break or maybe because of other reasons usually we would have a queue in at least 1 bl during NA time today we couldn’t do anything because Yak’s had us outnumbered in our own borderlands.
Rarely ever does sos have to queue up during NA time other than reset night. If there is actually a queue, it would be for EB. Being outnumbered in our own BL? Frequent occurrence. In fact at times you will get an outnumbered in sos BL yet at the same time have a queue time for EB. That should speak volumes about NA priorities.
Less and less are stressed about it because they know later that night the Oceanics will pve the hell out of some doors to get the score up.
if only our oceanic force could replace our NA force and show you guys how it’s done.
In all honesty i have no idea why our NA is performing so badly this week, maybe they are taking a break or maybe because of other reasons usually we would have a queue in at least 1 bl during NA time today we couldn’t do anything because Yak’s had us outnumbered in our own borderlands.
oh, i know the reasons. Like Forzani said, na dont bother cause you guys will get it. It`s a great excuse even tho this match-up (being balanced for na time) would offer quite a few opportunities to actually do something to improve play game besides zerging. The problem is, there seems no motivation at all to improve. If it were not for other servers like these in this match-up it would give me an eye-brow raising impression of na.
But anyway, if you get oceanics and the zerg of pvgolemdoor to actually only once siege up that whole place while on it (it gives xp after all, i would even willing to chip in some stacks of siege blueprints) I will probably kiss your feet, take everything back i ever said about oceanics only karma training and being scared of ac and beg Ana to put a heart -shaped picture of you on the forum frontpage.
How about it? ^.^
So far its interesting that the further the match moves along now, the faster yaks and dh are taking over. While in the last few days we still had sm when i logged after you guys, now even sm (nevermind the wp) are gone.
(edited by Werat.7063)
Pretty sure yall died there. AND Yes, 9 of us + pug, but thats 5 of you and 2-3 pugs says your minimap if youre gonna be a supra tool about the whole thing
There is exactly 4 vH., and two pugs in this fight. That green dot way down the map is a person capping Vista. Thats 4 vH + 2 Pugs Versus 9 Pd’s and 1 Pug. If you knew basic math you’d realize that is 6 versus 10. 9 of which are from Your guild. kitten .
I take these odds all day. if you can 2v3 effectively then what are you bragging for? And no, im not PD but i do know them and they fight outnumbered all day everyday. Bragging about not winning and dying because the other side had like 3 more dudes then yours is whack and you should feel bad.
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
Well im a duelist, so come and fight 1v1, and dont say you dont do thakittens really a pathetic line.
if only our oceanic force could replace our NA force and show you guys how it’s done.
In all honesty i have no idea why our NA is performing so badly this week, maybe they are taking a break or maybe because of other reasons usually we would have a queue in at least 1 bl during NA time today we couldn’t do anything because Yak’s had us outnumbered in our own borderlands.oh, i know the reasons. Like Forzani said, na dont bother cause you guys will get it. It`s a great excuse even tho this match-up (being balanced for na time) would offer quite a few opportunities to actually do something to improve play game besides zerging. The problem is, there seems no motivation at all to improve. If it were not for other servers like these in this match-up it would give me an eye-brow raising impression of na.
But anyway, if you get oceanics and the zerg of pvgolemdoor to actually only once siege up that whole place while on it (it gives xp after all, i would even willing to chip in some stacks of siege blueprints) I will probably kiss your feet, take everything back i ever said about oceanics only karma training and being scared of ac and beg Ana to put a heart -shaped picture of you on the forum frontpage.
How about it? ^.^
So far its interesting that the further the match moves along now, the faster yaks and dh are taking over. While in the last few days we still had sm when i logged after you guys, now even sm (nevermind the wp) are gone.
What i mean is our NA usually performs exceptionally well and doesn’t fairweather unlike many other servers (take a look at us facing some tougher matches you will find our relative strength quite consistent). all i meant is we are lacking in the numbers department this week and i’m pretty sure it’s because people are taking breaks because it’s an easy win. Hopefully next week when we get a tougher match our numbers will return which i’m sure it will we usually rise to the occasion.
if only our oceanic force could replace our NA force and show you guys how it’s done.
In all honesty i have no idea why our NA is performing so badly this week, maybe they are taking a break or maybe because of other reasons usually we would have a queue in at least 1 bl during NA time today we couldn’t do anything because Yak’s had us outnumbered in our own borderlands.oh, i know the reasons. Like Forzani said, na dont bother cause you guys will get it. It`s a great excuse even tho this match-up (being balanced for na time) would offer quite a few opportunities to actually do something to improve play game besides zerging. The problem is, there seems no motivation at all to improve. If it were not for other servers like these in this match-up it would give me an eye-brow raising impression of na.
But anyway, if you get oceanics and the zerg of pvgolemdoor to actually only once siege up that whole place while on it (it gives xp after all, i would even willing to chip in some stacks of siege blueprints) I will probably kiss your feet, take everything back i ever said about oceanics only karma training and being scared of ac and beg Ana to put a heart -shaped picture of you on the forum frontpage.
How about it? ^.^
So far its interesting that the further the match moves along now, the faster yaks and dh are taking over. While in the last few days we still had sm when i logged after you guys, now even sm (nevermind the wp) are gone.What i mean is our NA usually performs exceptionally well and doesn’t fairweather unlike many other servers (take a look at us facing some tougher matches you will find our relative strength quite consistent). all i meant is we are lacking in the numbers department this week and i’m pretty sure it’s because people are taking breaks because it’s an easy win. Hopefully next week when we get a tougher match our numbers will return which i’m sure it will we usually rise to the occasion.
Decent theory, but when I am on we have as many, if not more compared to when we face TC/FA types.
Is it nap time in YB boarderlands? 2 man cap of briar woot!
I have seen some very fine tactical play this week. In particular, I love the work of the “LOOT” guild, legend ? rank character and his asura guildmate who show amazing perserverance while defending hardened targets.
Very good organisation, scouting and response from the DH and YB teams this week. I hope gamers from all three servers are enjoying the week.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Defending Garrison like a boss. C’mon YB/DH, throw more golem’s unto my oil. I’m hungry.
I have seen some very fine tactical play this week. In particular, I love the work of the “LOOT” guild, legend ? rank character and his asura guildmate who show amazing perserverance while defending hardened targets.
Very good organisation, scouting and response from the DH and YB teams this week. I hope gamers from all three servers are enjoying the week.
We do good on defense. A lot of our members have been defending our BL from the oceanic horde.
Are you guys an oceanic guild?
I wish, we are full of really insomniac NA players.
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
Wow, and here I was thinking y’all were professional.
1) Blaming the enemy for taking advantage of you and your group for being out of position makes you look like a fool. What did you expect of them, to leave you alone?
2) There is no official GvG in Guild Wars 2. The only thing that the title “Guild Wars” has anything to do with is the lore that goes with the name. It has nothing to do anything in game. Stop vomiting your uninformed garbage around.
3) Instead of saying “We’re not a GvG guild”, the person could have stated “We’re not a guild that dedicates our time to running around in circles with an enemy guild, hoping to kill a couple people before they kill ours”.
The YB group outside our spawn 10v1ing people, you guys are classy, I tell ya what.
LOL Godkitten vH. Brought the pain in bay haha.
Great fights with both servers in YB bl bay tonight, thanks for the fun time guys!
Also, <3 BANE.
Great fights with both servers in YB bl bay tonight, thanks for the fun time guys!
Also, <3 BANE.
Sorry for killing your member in the Yak tonic! We felt so bad lol. Fun fights tonight!
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
Wow, and here I was thinking y’all were professional.
1) Blaming the enemy for taking advantage of you and your group for being out of position makes you look like a fool. What did you expect of them, to leave you alone?
2) There is no official GvG in Guild Wars 2. The only thing that the title “Guild Wars” has anything to do with is the lore that goes with the name. It has nothing to do anything in game. Stop vomiting your uninformed garbage around.
3) Instead of saying “We’re not a GvG guild”, the person could have stated “We’re not a guild that dedicates our time to running around in circles with an enemy guild, hoping to kill a couple people before they kill ours”.
When you become somebody, if you ever do…. Your opinion might be worth something.
This statement kinda implies that you’re a somebody… Wait lemmie check. Yup, I’m still on the GW2 forums. Whew! For a minute there I thought I may actually be talking to someone who mattered! =D
To the big group of SoS players that killed me and then spammed /laugh over and over, I present to you my middle finger. I am the black warrior with the big kitten greatsword with [Zone] tag. I was by myself running from about 15 or so of you guys, then when finally died you all proceeded to /laugh. Well considering that I lasted a good 2 or so minutes taking in a major beating and not fighting back at all I’m beginning to wonder what the hell? I mean being seriously out numbered 1:~15 I should have melted. I wish I took a Screenshot now that I think about it, but oh well, expect anyone with a [Zone] tag to laugh over dead bodies for the rest of the matchup.
So, how did you like those supply traps in YBBL SoS?
So, how did you like those supply traps in YBBL SoS?
It took a few days to get used to but I think we’ve learnt to adapt. There’s a few of us now that like to run ahead and we’re all starting to recognize the few of you that like to suicide traps into the middle of us. As a staff guardian it’s nice to be able to warn your group that there’s someone on the other side of the gate, most likely planting the third supply trap since we started ramming.
(edited by SubHonour Guard.6498)
I’ll give credit to YB on that one, they are the first server we’ve seen that uses Supply traps often and effectively.
Well… I found all of darkhaven. lol
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
I’ve rammed doors harder then the kitten you talk. Come at me bro.
Well… I found all of darkhaven. lol
If you end up in an event zone overflow you’ll probably find SoS.
ANet keeps adding more and more farming events… you can find out this week who on your server is hardcore WvW that is for sure.
Well… I found all of darkhaven. lol
If you end up in an event zone overflow you’ll probably find SoS.
ANet keeps adding more and more farming events… you can find out this week who on your server is hardcore WvW that is for sure.
We don’t need this week to find out. We’ve known for a long time that our DH WvW attendance drops to garbage every 2 weeks. We expect it every two weeks actually.
Fun fights in YB Bl. Shout outs to the {Pro} and {Rag} groups
Thanks for the good fights tonight [BANE]
especially to [Abys] for GvGing us. It was a good time Take care and good luck with your next match up DH. This has been a great week.
Thank you [BANE] for the banners inside SM
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
Wow, and here I was thinking y’all were professional.
1) Blaming the enemy for taking advantage of you and your group for being out of position makes you look like a fool. What did you expect of them, to leave you alone?
2) There is no official GvG in Guild Wars 2. The only thing that the title “Guild Wars” has anything to do with is the lore that goes with the name. It has nothing to do anything in game. Stop vomiting your uninformed garbage around.
3) Instead of saying “We’re not a GvG guild”, the person could have stated “We’re not a guild that dedicates our time to running around in circles with an enemy guild, hoping to kill a couple people before they kill ours”.
When you become somebody, if you ever do…. Your opinion might be worth something.
Champion Wuffa? Really? You don’t know who you are speaking too? And you go ahead and insult a community member? Seriously, apologize to him.
That is Kelthos. One of the longest active community members on SoS. I don’t always agree with Kelthos, but your failure to show respect is noted. He was there before I showed up on SoS.
That dude has done more work for the SoS server community that you. You are still new….you don’t know the server history…do you?
I am very disappointed to see this behavior on the forum from vH. Are you unaware of the needs on SoS? Didn’t enough people speak with you? There were high hopes that your crew could fill in badly needed roles…(leadership being one of them) and here you are making “friends,” with the SoS natural born?
Too many children. Not enough adults to keep the community healthy…
Thank you [BANE] for the banners inside SM
Thanks for the loot bags as well
You guy’s LOOT and MEX who chased the guardian to our spawn…. Just, lol….
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
I wonder how, too.
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
I wonder how, too.
it’s pretty easy, you set up a ac near the gate and you aim for inside the gate through the gap.
Been some good fights, got some great Fraps to go through and sort, thx for the fights YB/DH.
YB you guys are amazing at defending.
3 hours before we could even take your bay tonight >_>
It’s time [PD] steps up their smack talking to us in game PM’s and accepts our GvG challenge. Easy to be forum warriors but [vH] prefers to fight on the field. And don’t even reply back with ‘We are not a GvG guild’, that’s the most pathetic line on GW2. It’s called GUILD wars for a reason.
Wow, and here I was thinking y’all were professional.
1) Blaming the enemy for taking advantage of you and your group for being out of position makes you look like a fool. What did you expect of them, to leave you alone?
2) There is no official GvG in Guild Wars 2. The only thing that the title “Guild Wars” has anything to do with is the lore that goes with the name. It has nothing to do anything in game. Stop vomiting your uninformed garbage around.
3) Instead of saying “We’re not a GvG guild”, the person could have stated “We’re not a guild that dedicates our time to running around in circles with an enemy guild, hoping to kill a couple people before they kill ours”.
When you become somebody, if you ever do…. Your opinion might be worth something.
Champion Wuffa? Really? You don’t know who you are speaking too? And you go ahead and insult a community member? Seriously, apologize to him.
Folks we have our own site and room for people to discuss this and we need not concern the good folks at YB and DH with internal issues.
Please move this there.
Thanks for the fun at our Hills this morning, SoS! We were loathed to repair our gates because we enjoyed your visits so much!
What i mean is our NA usually performs exceptionally well and doesn’t fairweather unlike many other servers (take a look at us facing some tougher matches you will find our relative strength quite consistent). all i meant is we are lacking in the numbers department this week and i’m pretty sure it’s because people are taking breaks because it’s an easy win. Hopefully next week when we get a tougher match our numbers will return which i’m sure it will we usually rise to the occasion.
err, so now…sorry, gotta deny you now the place of hero of the week kinda (also maybe not, a sudden increase of upgraded stuff and wp have been reported, also the new pve content might come in handy). We got enough people on the server, and i have said it like a hundred times its not only a numbers games (except maybe t1/t2, and its more the lag thats killing). Ever since I joined and we went down it was “we are not motivated”, “it`s an easy win dont bother”, “we will loose anyway, dont bother”, “oceanics will get it, dont bother” and if all fails “we dont have the numbers, dont bother”.
But on those occassions when na forgets about all that and actually work togehter they are very good. Also, on the pro -side, the number of times someone called a keep lost and we kept it anyway has increased. You got commanders on the map sometimes that are incredible good at working together with everyone, na have some as well but they are still rare. So what you are not lacking is people it`s leadership distributed on a lot more shoulders and not just a few, no matter if you play 20 mins or 2 hours.
Also, might i remind you kindly of the whining after weeks against t2/t1 matches (while ironically we had no problem destroying sbi for 10 weeks in a row in the old system)
Also, might i remind you kindly of the whining after weeks against t2/t1 matches (while ironically we had no problem destroying sbi for 10 weeks in a row in the old system)
No one was enjoying the 10 week stint locked in T4. Everyone was eager to move up and also eager for EB to replace SBI.
All messed up by having DB in T3 pushed us down so hard that it was taking forever to move up, even as Kaineng was imploding and taking forever to lose rating.
It’s a a little different now too btw. DH has been riding an upsurge and enthusiasm, whereas YB is fighting in the headwinds of their drop in fortunes.
Mix that with NA that has been exhausted after weeks of T2 adventures (the DB mega-zerg and the horrible quality of fights we had initially against FA) it’s not surprising that many NA weren’t fired up for the week.
This matchup is so lopsided that it prompted AGG to go to greener GvG pastures.
Either way, thanks to BANE and others for pushing hard the last couple of nights and putting this “SoS only has OCX stuff to bed”.
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
That’s a zoom lock hack.
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
That’s a zoom lock hack.
No, as stated above, you can build an ac near the gate and target through the gap above the door.
Only defender in Veloka against the SoS PvDoor’ers. :’(
How the heck are you guys getting red circles that far in?
That’s a zoom lock hack.
Plus any one can expand their field of view just by going manipulating the window size in window mode. Not to mention those with multiple monitors. It’s really difficult to detect some one legit and some one using a zoom hack.
So there’s pretty much only one thing you can do.
Nah, I am not complaining, it’s going to happen whether we want it to or not. Our server has been accused of it A LOT (i.e. IoJ/DH threads).
vH – thank you for the fights tonight. We def learned a lot those first few fights. Thank you for an accelerated education into the GvG world.
4-6 advantage vH. Good fights.
YB, it’s been a pleasure. Real shout out to the LOOT guild, you guys stood out as great adversaries.
DH, you proved that quality WvW doesn’t end at T4 and we really appreciated the way you brought the fight in spite of the score.
May reset treat everyone kindly and no one will be offended if I hope for a completely different matchup.
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