Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Not in the face please Kain, not in the face. * horrid flash backs*
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Good luck Kain and GoM!
RICH from GoM please stop blinking into our keeps and garrison
Already gonna be a fun match up =D
RICH from GoM please stop blinking into our keeps and garrison
GWH engi from Yak’s Bend, please stop fast cast skill hacking & with ele skills… (No I wasn’t in air attune when fighting then, I was in water attune switching from fire attune from the theif burst when I got bursted by the engi, last two SSs prove it.) >.> I doubt any engi can spam this many skills within 1 second to insta-down me -_- And yeah, I have the combat logs to prove it.
(First pic is the accusee, rest are chat logs from the “fight”)
(edited by Colt.9051)
not saying this is right but if hes a berserker static shot engy you can pump out some wicked damage, tool belt skills dont share a global CD and you can pop them all in 1-2 secs. Well it was like that when i last played my engy months ago.
Intense fights in GoM borderlands, having a blast =) This is the match a lot of us have been waitin for!
Hell, haven’t fought Yak’s Bend since October!
yeah.. yaks assault on bay was a long one and outstanding, first time I had to run as a staff ele in a long time.
yeah.. yaks assault on bay was a long one and outstanding, first time I had to run as a staff ele in a long time.
yeah.. yaks assault on bay was a long one and outstanding, first time I had to run as a staff ele in a long time.
don’t be too disappointed honeybuns.. we wiped them numerous times and I got a lot of loot. they never succeeded. well as far as I know since im not on now..
yeah.. yaks assault on bay was a long one and outstanding, first time I had to run as a staff ele in a long time.
LOL I share Pita’s sentiments, I’m glad I was running a staff ele as well :P SO MANY BAGs xD
yeah.. yaks assault on bay was a long one and outstanding, first time I had to run as a staff ele in a long time.
LOL I share Pita’s sentiments, I’m glad I was running a staff ele as well :P SO MANY BAGs xD
Those who can do, those who can’t staff ele.
Awesome morning duking it out against YB at GOM Bay.
This is the matchup we’ve been waiting for all along!
Should be an interesting week thank you anet!
yeah YB took bay, but we took it back within minutes. more or less a free repair.
RICH from GoM please stop blinking into our keeps and garrison
GWH engi from Yak’s Bend, please stop fast cast skill hacking & with ele skills… (No I wasn’t in air attune when fighting then, I was in water attune switching from fire attune from the theif burst when I got bursted by the engi, last two SSs prove it.) >.> I doubt any engi can spam this many skills within 1 second to insta-down me -_- And yeah, I have the combat logs to prove it.
(First pic is the accusee, rest are chat logs from the “fight”)
Not saying he isnt but Hip shot is an extremely fast shot, I used to play an engi until i realized they were teribad at WvW…
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
GWH engi from Yak’s Bend, please stop fast cast skill hacking & with ele skills… (No I wasn’t in air attune when fighting then, I was in water attune switching from fire attune from the theif burst when I got bursted by the engi, last two SSs prove it.) >.> I doubt any engi can spam this many skills within 1 second to insta-down me -_- And yeah, I have the combat logs to prove it.
(First pic is the accusee, rest are chat logs from the “fight”)
Educate yourself.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
Did you think you’d leave and we’d become the Gates of Sadness?
What bullkitten :c
Best reset night I’ve played in a very very long time.
Kaineng is less monstrous than in last december for sure ;-)
Keep it up folks, and keep this thread classy.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
Having a blast !! YB and K are what a lot of us have been eagerly awaiting.
The kain we face today compared to that of months ago…
what happened >.> and then i see the nightcrew at work….
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
It was what we needed as a sacrifice to the WvW gods.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
It was what we needed as a sacrifice to the WvW gods.
I think all those legendaries are what did the trick
Well, now I know what it feels like to be AR or ET when in the wee hours of the morning with so few ppl to work with we get massively golem rushed in the Borderlands. Ah well… I didn’t wanna go down without a fight at least, but had to leave at the bleakest hour. (That and it’s 8 AM…) This’ll be a fun week indeed haha
Yea being on the other end of the goblem rush we couldnt believe that there so few of you guys on defending . We were expecting garrison and hopefully hills and if we were really lucky bay but by the end of it we had all 3 plus towers which shocked us all ( then again I think we had 2 omegas and 8 – 10 alphas used all up , not much you can do about that ) . All in all been a good matchup and hope it continues to be close score wise for the rest of the week
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
Only if we can have your first borns.
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
we could also ask that the zerg balls fight each other and not just us.
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
Only if we can have your first borns.
Gamers don’t complete the requisite actions required for first borns.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
stay out of this thread.
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
stay out of this thread.
Don’t be so mean! wvw leaving GOM is the reason we moved up! Thank them for ceasing to bring down our averages!
Figures as soon as we leave GoM gets an interesting match up.
stay out of this thread.
Don’t be so mean! wvw leaving GOM is the reason we moved up! Thank them for ceasing to bring down our averages!
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
Only if we can have your first borns.
GoM players are well aware of this, but you see, I hail from a town we call Schwanzberg in the high high hills of kittensylvania.
I’m happily married banging to my loving wife this dude of three years from last night and we have four children dogs.
Edit: WHY CAN’T I SAY kitten! Its my real name!
happily marriedbangingto my loving wifethis dudeof three yearsfrom last night and we have fourchildrendogs.
yup…err….um…yup. welcome to the thread Lae.
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
Only if we can have your first borns.
GoM players are well aware of this, but you see, I hail from a town we call Schwanzberg in the high high hills of kittensylvania.
happily marriedbangingto my loving wifethis dudeof three yearsfrom last night and we have fourchildrendogs.Edit: WHY CAN’T I SAY kitten! Its my real name!
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
we could also ask that the zerg balls fight each other and not just us.
No kidding, and its not even just the Zerg balls! Last night when saw a lone alpha golem attacking Briar (Kaineng’s golem) and one escort defending it and I ran maybe 3 ppl there to try to stop it, WHY would a random Yak’s Bend thief attempt to attack ME and my crew of ALL things? I mean c’mon, if that wasn’t bull itself, what is?
Atleast this week we can have fun on the forums and have some good natured trolling without SF/FC/ET being sore losers on the forums and reporting every kittening post.
Also, We only ask that we’re allowed to have SM on Thursday for the Commander Ritual.
we could also ask that the zerg balls fight each other and not just us.
No kidding, and its not even just the Zerg balls! Last night when saw a lone alpha golem attacking Briar (Kaineng’s golem) and one escort defending it and I ran maybe 3 ppl there to try to stop it, WHY would a random Yak’s Bend thief attempt to attack ME and my crew of ALL things? I mean c’mon, if that wasn’t bull itself, what is?
You are short and shinny… I want to put you in my pocket….. maybe he wanted to steal you….
not liking this weeks match,to bad we couldn’t have gotten one or the other both at once will make a rough week to hold a tower…. mine changed guild hands 5 times today….
I should put something in my sig about my eng but am lazy.
(edited by Ninjapotpie.6973)
Versing 2 servers from higher tiers is teaching us more about wvw than we had the opportunity to learn in earlier match ups. I have enjoyed the challenge so far (and the nice change in rating points!)
I don’t see any solo roaming happening this week however we’ve found some exciting small man groups in the BLs already and look forward to meeting more of you!
Thank you all for lending your support today! Special mentions to RH, ASH, FGJ, ICON, RICH and RUN!
Gotta say YB has incredible response times to camps being flipped. Attempted 4 man Golanta resulted in this photo ^.^
Gate of Madness zergin the crap out of this thread!
Gate of Madness zergin the crap out of this thread!
go go gadget gom thread zerg.. hey, according to et sf and all those other servers.. since as of right now we are gaining rank, does that mean we are better than YB and Kain?
Oh snap look at who just got hit with the ARM smackdown in SM.
Zero siege in the lord room, and you couldn’t make it in.. roflcopter
LOL To all of you saying how we are not the same is because everyone left our server Kaineng was so last year so they all left to the “IN” server
You fighting LESS then what we had on T8….its that bad
yeyyy Sorry if you were seeking revenge like everyone else we have faced they all moved to the top servers since they couldn’t get there themselves
To the 3 Yak mesmers and theif that we just fought at GoM ruins, that was one HELL of a fight! I’m still so pumped from that small battle that just never wanted to end! xD You managed to get quite a lot of us PuGs down and we got couple of u a few times, but for me and Paragues (the ASH warrior) we had a BLAST as we were unable to down each other, even when it was just the two of us left :P I SO hope we have more fights like this later this week! <3
(edited by Colt.9051)
Did a head count in EB, GoM has 7 people all up defending against 2 zerg balls from both servers too scared to touch each other or even so much as flip each others camps.
Did a head count in EB, GoM has 7 people all up defending against 2 zerg balls from both servers too scared to touch each other or even so much as flip each others camps.
zerg balls not hitting each other doesn’t really matter to me.. but I love the gif
Yak’s Bend, I can’t say I expected this shenanigans on any other day than Friday just before reset. Thanks for making my morning a unique one.
Couple months with Maguuma and you have to expect a few converts to their Flame Ram religion
To the Asura warrior i just fought in the NE of our BL, if an opponent does not kill you when downed you should not get up to attack again – especially not while using Vengeance, makes you drop dead after a few seconds. You could have healed and walked away. GoM not used to 1 vs 1 ?
To the Asura warrior i just fought in the NE of our BL, if an opponent does not kill you when downed you should not get up to attack again – especially not while using Vengeance, makes you drop dead after a few seconds. You could have healed and walked away. GoM not used to 1 vs 1 ?
Plenty of us are used to 1v1 situations and I often let my opponent get back up (especially if it’s a great fight and they didn’t make me chase them all over the map). There are still those guys who don’t understand a duel situation and as such they either charge in (when one is going on) or do as you just experienced. I, personally, try not to charge in a fight when I see it as a 1v1 situation to wait and see if it’s a duel. I will instead ask (in Say chat) or look to see if one of them spikes.
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