“I see dead people”
8/2 Underworld vs Arborstone vs Gunnar's Hold
“I see dead people”
I honestly can’t believe Anet let the points tick during maintenance, that’s some well timed morning capping there.
Does anything interesting actually happens during those morning caps? Some from GH seems to love waking up early and taking stuff, but do any good fights happen then, because I might think of waking up early too then.
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square
Yeah sorry Botinhas we were camping outside bay. As this picture of the battle shows, we clearly outmanned you 2 to 1, maybe even 3 to 1. But even with such odd in our favour we were just too scared to push on you. I do apologies, you’re too pro guys. Just too kitten pro.
Smart of you to take the print when you had guys on walls manning ac’s and cannons and prolly WBC had already left at 2am, you should have taken that print at 22gmt, but i yeah, we only have proof of what suits us, right?
Just like when you both go to our BDL with 60 ganged up, nothing aggainst that, infact, i love it, just didnt expect to be fighting more numbers + ac’s or any other siegeHonestly, i rather face Aurora or even RoS with which we can have amazing fights than you guys,
Or you could look on the map of their screenshot and see you are wrong……
I was about to point that out
or you could look at the times he stated,conveniently no clock on the map in the ss….
Yeah sorry Botinhas we were camping outside bay. As this picture of the battle shows, we clearly outmanned you 2 to 1, maybe even 3 to 1. But even with such odd in our favour we were just too scared to push on you. I do apologies, you’re too pro guys. Just too kitten pro.
Smart of you to take the print when you had guys on walls manning ac’s and cannons and prolly WBC had already left at 2am, you should have taken that print at 22gmt, but i yeah, we only have proof of what suits us, right?
Just like when you both go to our BDL with 60 ganged up, nothing aggainst that, infact, i love it, just didnt expect to be fighting more numbers + ac’s or any other siegeHonestly, i rather face Aurora or even RoS with which we can have amazing fights than you guys,
Or you could look on the map of their screenshot and see you are wrong……
I was about to point that out
In that screenshot minimap, you can’t see those that had wiped and went to bay wp…
Nice try though, nice timing with the ss, gz there
Yeah sorry Botinhas we were camping outside bay. As this picture of the battle shows, we clearly outmanned you 2 to 1, maybe even 3 to 1. But even with such odd in our favour we were just too scared to push on you. I do apologies, you’re too pro guys. Just too kitten pro.
Smart of you to take the print when you had guys on walls manning ac’s and cannons and prolly WBC had already left at 2am, you should have taken that print at 22gmt, but i yeah, we only have proof of what suits us, right?
Just like when you both go to our BDL with 60 ganged up, nothing aggainst that, infact, i love it, just didnt expect to be fighting more numbers + ac’s or any other siegeHonestly, i rather face Aurora or even RoS with which we can have amazing fights than you guys,
Or you could look on the map of their screenshot and see you are wrong……
I was about to point that out
In that screenshot minimap, you can’t see those that had wiped and went to bay wp…
Nice try though, nice timing with the ss, gz there
Yea the Bay WP which is contested. Nice try though
Also there is 1 person on inner bay i dont know what you are smoking..
Victrixx [xVx]
Contested by the time you took the SS, that btw, no1 knows what time it was, and the person in on inner south wall, doesnt mean anything, nice try
Hello guys!
This is what happened. Short vídeo.
Have fun you all.
C ya ingame
Bonwor Jr –Human Thief
[SLAY] The Soul Slayers – 162k Kills, and counting.
I think it was my bad for calling him a spy when he just did 200% epic trolling by telling Archi he got sold out for 1g If i recall the incident now he didnt tell us anything that he couldnt have seen by simply scouting around WC. Sorry for causing this drama.
Archi the reason we were 1 step ahead is you did exactly the same thing as the day before and im not stupid :P Also we didnt have AS crashing on SM for 5 hours straight so it was much more easy dealing with you, also as your numbers were lower and lacked the punch of the day before (as proven at mendons).
I think it was my bad for calling him a spy when he just did 200% epic trolling by telling Archi he got sold out for 1g
If i recall the incident now he didnt tell us anything that he couldnt have seen by simply scouting around WC. Sorry for causing this drama.
In no way do I think YOU are the drama queen
Gunnars hold had an amazing morning this morning, so good in fact we got to take a 5 hour break at 8am and not worry about the tick. though, i guess all you guys did. Stop complaining about our tactics and accept that all is fair in love and war, we will win this week, and we will do it whether you kitten or not. Don’t blame it on numbers when the truth is we are just a superior server. Now, back to Stomping all over your faces i go. Oh and whoever called NNF walking lootbags, again, come fight us in an evenish battle, and we will turn you guys into dead lootbags. Have fun guys. Gunnars Hold 4 eva!!!
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
Such a fun night that was
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
Gunnars hold had an amazing morning this morning, so good in fact we got to take a 5 hour break at 8am and not worry about the tick.
though, i guess all you guys did. Stop complaining about our tactics and accept that all is fair in love and war, we will win this week, and we will do it whether you kitten or not. Don’t blame it on numbers when the truth is we are just a superior server. Now, back to Stomping all over your faces i go. Oh and whoever called NNF walking lootbags, again, come fight us in an evenish battle, and we will turn you guys into dead lootbags. Have fun guys. Gunnars Hold 4 eva!!!
I called you walking lootbags because you are just that.You sure had an amazing night/morning doing PvD thats about the only time you don’t get wiped….o and when ya running with ya zerg of TEO/Rage.First you complain about ac’s so you have to use Golems,then it’s ….“you had more numbers than us”..lol any excuse.
Golems Hold for eva
Contested by the time you took the SS, that btw, no1 knows what time it was, and the person in on inner south wall, doesnt mean anything, nice try
Omg there are no player markers on inner bay how are you finding this so difficult? There are like 2 on outer bay then the WBC/TEO group. So please explain to me who has respawned?
Victrixx [xVx]
Yes we like open field fights very much, especially on our own guild group. Too bad late last night on Bay half of our already few people were pugs and when you saw us standing there most of the time our commander was explaining them how to use our tactics. Everyone can judge the numbers themselves from videos and pics shown here, I wont comment on that.
Earlier while WBC was there on their full strength I remember us mainly fighting more closer to your tower, way out of cannon range.
Anyways I’ve enjoyed the match up so far, looking forward to following fights.
Crimson Conspiracy [CC]
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Goodi.7931)
Gunnars hold had an amazing morning this morning, so good in fact we got to take a 5 hour break at 8am and not worry about the tick.
though, i guess all you guys did. Stop complaining about our tactics and accept that all is fair in love and war, we will win this week, and we will do it whether you kitten or not. Don’t blame it on numbers when the truth is we are just a superior server. Now, back to Stomping all over your faces i go. Oh and whoever called NNF walking lootbags, again, come fight us in an evenish battle, and we will turn you guys into dead lootbags. Have fun guys. Gunnars Hold 4 eva!!!
I called you walking lootbags because you are just that.You sure had an amazing night/morning doing PvD thats about the only time you don’t get wiped….o and when ya running with ya zerg of TEO/Rage.First you complain about ac’s so you have to use Golems,then it’s ….“you had more numbers than us”..lol any excuse.
Golems Hold for eva
I figured it out! you can’t afford Golems! Aww Underworld are too poor to Golem Rush? enjoy what is about to happen
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
Did Underworld enjoy the Golem Rush of their Borderland?
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
How old are you ballyboy… nvm figured with a name like not more then 12… well at least you act like one that’s for sure. Anyway I prefer fun fair fights then trying too proof basically nothing on the ranking list.
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
How old are you ballyboy… nvm figured with a name like not more then 12… well at least you act like one that’s for sure. Anyway I prefer fun fair fights then trying too proof basically nothing on the ranking list.
I just have a strong dislike for your Server, so i will do everything in my power to screw you over, have a good week <3
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
I’ll just leave this commercial here…
edit typo
(edited by Vazir.5867)
How old are you ballyboy… nvm figured with a name like not more then 12… well at least you act like one that’s for sure. Anyway I prefer fun fair fights then trying too proof basically nothing on the ranking list.
I just have a strong dislike for your Server, so i will do everything in my power to screw you over, have a good week <3
Ah so your mentally disabled, dunno about others but I have a lot of other stuff to do. So except people who are like you who don’t do anything beyond playing GW2 and taking it so serious, your not screwing any one over
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
I’ll just leave this commercial here…
edit typo
Norn Commander of [HT]
“Golems Hold” Server
Our community has turned in to a bunch of gloating kittens, grow up naz.
[Re] Rerolled
I’ll just leave this commercial here…
edit typo
Although i’m an Underworld victim.. I just have to LOL at this…
But where are all these golems people keep whinning about.. that cant be it surely
How old are you ballyboy… nvm figured with a name like not more then 12… well at least you act like one that’s for sure. Anyway I prefer fun fair fights then trying too proof basically nothing on the ranking list.
I just have a strong dislike for your Server, so i will do everything in my power to screw you over, have a good week <3
Ah so your mentally disabled, dunno about others but I have a lot of other stuff to do. So except people who are like you who don’t do anything beyond playing GW2 and taking it so serious, your not screwing any one over
Well in all honesty I think you seem to be the one taking it a little too serious in my opinion, what with the nasty name calling and all…. if you got other stuff to do I would suggest you go do it cos the forums seem to be affecting you in an adverse manner
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
Ever heard of multitasking… Anyway if your defending this kid then our community does not too seem to be better then :P. Anyway I’m not taking the game too serious but I dislike internet heroes like ballyboy who is “name calling” a whole server so i name call him in something that suit’s his post’s.
People can say anything about me since I don’t give a rats kitten about that, but being this childish against a whole server vs people he don’t even know about is so weak.
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
Our community has turned in to a bunch of gloating kittens, grow up naz.
Same for UW but then about the whining, ppl should learn to think twice before posting…
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
I’ll just leave this commercial here…
edit typo
Brilliant,first class..gave me a chuckle in RL i tip my hat to you sir
This whole thread sounds like a primary school playground. Seriously people, grow/man up a bit.
Guys, I’ve got a serious question concerning your anger about golem rushes.
Why don’t you do it yourself if it’s so easy to win a match with that?
I think the answer to that question is fairly obvious if you had paid attention to the posts me and Paavotar made, and it goes for quite a few people at UW. A lot of us simply don’t enjoy golem rushes, be it our golems our the opponent’s. Sure, we can’t fault you for using siege that is available to everyone in the game, but is it neccessary to throw omegas at keeps every time you want to capture one? Not really.
As to what is intended gameplay and what is not, there’s so much stuff that players do in WvW that is not intended. Duels, GvG, all of that is not intended by A-net but players do it because it’s fun. Golems are intended, but that does not make it neccessarily fun to use them. Maybe you think so, but a lot of us don’t. But in the end everyone is free to do whatever they want, but don’t expect us to enjoy being golem rushed all the time.
I can see where you’re coming from but consider this: If a server is playing for fun against a server that is playing to win, you’ve got to be prepared for a loss.
Of course, golem rushes aren’t always fun, I didn’t even participate in any this matchup, yet I understand that it might be necessary for us to win. It’s not spiteful or creating a bad reputation for us, it’s merely supposed to make us 1st.
To be honest, I don’t think you are supposed to experience joy when losing a tower.
Gunnar’s Hold
I’ve always been prepared for a less though, it’s just that some of our losses I personally found a lot more enjoyable than losing this matchup. But you know that and I’ve said it plenty of times. And yeah, usually losing a keep of tower won’t make you happy, however there’s atleast some satisfaction if you’ve managed to hold off superior forces for a longer period of time, though there’s no chance doing that if the attackers are using 5+ omegas. But I don’t want to complain about golems any further, and I actually stopped caring since yesterday. I don’t expect us to do well for the remainder of the matchup either, especially with that PvE content being released :P
I guess you’re a server that’s playing for the points mostly, it’s too bad really. It’s a game, and winning a matchup is hardly worth anything as far as GW2 goes. If not for the fun I would have quit WvW a long time ago.
(edited by Okaishi.8320)
I have no problem with people using golems as golem rushes are a lot more fun than trebbing, more importantly saves a heck of a lot more time as well. The only fun in this game is lag-free fights, sieging is a means to provoking fights and should not be what you have to spend most of your time doing. Nothing more boring than standing around while someone trebs and the enemies just sit inside building as many arrowcarts and ballistas as they can.
Obviously I’d have to disagree with that. For example, some matchups ago we had a 3 to 4 hour long siege on our Bay against Far Shiverpeaks, and I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed WvW more than that evening. Trying to repeatedly take their trebs out, rushing their zerg while a small group uses AoE from the back on the trebs, seeing the wall go down but being able to hold in the lord’s room, etc. It was an intense siege for the entire duration. For me 5-minute golem rushes don’t even compare in the slightest. But to each his own I guess.
(edited by Okaishi.8320)
I may have been having a debate with a UW player that got silly but some of the GH members here need to learn some humility. Im pretty embarrassed by it and ive hardly been an angel on this thread. As Fab said Naz tone it down you are giving your guild and us (GH) a bad name. I appreciate the work you have put in this week but that doesn’t mean you should act like this.
Victrixx [xVx]
surely a nice collection of “you are mean, you beat us using normal legal game mechanics” post
i love the fact that GH can take AS bl EB and be on UW bl all with less players almost every zerg fight i face againt you guys you have more numbers (im not bothered by that fact at all) but pls stop saying your outnumbered by UW when cleary you are not. And last night outside bay was pretty boring numbers where reasonably even and you would not move out of range of siege and i dont think you can say you wiped us when the only time you moved was to wipe 1 person who had strayed from our group (normally me btw) did expect more of a push from you guys but it didnt happen. The only time i seen you want open field fights is when we are 19-20 and you are 30-40, got no problem with that either as we would do exactly the same if the roles were reversed.
@genotix As far as i remember you were attacking bay and teo and wbc came and wipe you.
We was at the door because we wanted you to come and fight we had no intention of taking bay we just wanted open field fight didnt really happpen though as you were happy to sit inside siege range for almost 4 hours.
Hope we get more fights with reasonably even numbers as its fun dont care who wins dont care about lootbags. J ust want some fights where both sides have even numbers as being the larger zerg it gets boring steamrolling and being the smaller zerg it gets boring running away.
Afaik all offers to a fair gvg (doesnt need to be a guild on your side, can also be just15 or 20 randoms) have had no response from UW. Gunnars guilds are awaiting your challenges for fights on equal footing without lame excuses about numbers and siege. Show us what you got.
imo GvG proves nothing.Take a guild with 70 members who take on a guild with 30 members,the larger guild is going to put out it’s best geared,highest ranked,(whatever) players.The guild with 30 members puts out..well the 30 they have.(30v30).Not everyone min/max’s,some have never been to PvE since lvl2.15 or 20 randoms against an organised guild using voice coms?yea right that’s really going to show how good you are
How about this Underworld and Arborstone members, instead of taking to the forum and crying about the fact we Golem rush etc why not try fighting back in-game?
Fun for all, and less drama.
Its a game after all!
Hottest Necro in all of Gunnars!
~Causing Chaos In All Fights~
How about this Underworld and Arborstone members, instead of taking to the forum and crying about the fact we Golem rush etc why not try fighting back in-game?
Fun for all, and less drama.
Its a game after all!
How about this?… you get a clue and stop posting such drivel. it’s hard to fight back when sleeping,you didn’t paint the map red in prime time so someone somewhere had to be fighting back.
we won this match
we won this match
Indeed, by nightcapping (right before a long downtime) and golem rushing.
Is that really a fun way to win?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
we won this match
Indeed, by nightcapping (right before a long downtime) and golem rushing.
Is that really a fun way to win?
we have the night people avaiable so we can use them , golems are part of siege so we can use them.
Indeed, by nightcapping (right before a long downtime) and golem rushing.
Is that really a fun way to win?
Mos Matchup shows Gunnars scoring most on primetime, only time Underworld scored big points was Saturday before primetime and 3am on Monday morning.
As for the guy who is anti-gvg, just because a guild is big doesn’t mean it will have better players. In fact more likely to be weaker in even fight as they won’t be used to fighting tight and together. Also GvG and roaming is not just about winning, every fight teaches you something, about class composition, about communication and about fighting as a tight group. These are all vital components of competitive pvp, if you don’t see them as valuable than that explains a lot as to why Underworld struggles so much. If you can only win with a big zerg on public commander, you deserve to lose against those who play more organised.
(edited by sendmark.4731)
Where’s everyone ? WBC is running around UW border for few hours already and not even 1 decent fight :/
Ever heard of multitasking… Anyway if your defending this kid then our community does not too seem to be better then :P. Anyway I’m not taking the game too serious but I dislike internet heroes like ballyboy who is “name calling” a whole server so i name call him in something that suit’s his post’s.
People can say anything about me since I don’t give a rats kitten about that, but being this childish against a whole server vs people he don’t even know about is so weak.
From a viewers perspective you both are acting like kids and in the process attempting to derail the thread – two wrongs don’t make a right …. is all im saying
Where’s everyone ? WBC is running around UW border for few hours already and not even 1 decent fight :/
Welcome to Underworld PVE server. There was a content patch today so we’ll be back next matchup. Thank you for the fights this week.
Gunnars hold had an amazing morning this morning, so good in fact we got to take a 5 hour break at 8am and not worry about the tick.
though, i guess all you guys did. Stop complaining about our tactics and accept that all is fair in love and war, we will win this week, and we will do it whether you kitten or not. Don’t blame it on numbers when the truth is we are just a superior server. Now, back to Stomping all over your faces i go. Oh and whoever called NNF walking lootbags, again, come fight us in an evenish battle, and we will turn you guys into dead lootbags. Have fun guys. Gunnars Hold 4 eva!!!
Dont blame the numbers… So the morning cap when you got way more numbers than us, also on primetime, and at night…. Means superiority? Good4you, enjoy the win, but dont get to full of yourselves, when the only 2 guilds from gunnars, left the server. And btw Runty, when you mention WBC/TEO group, you mention 50+ guys well organized… so keep that in mind when you say only “the WBC/TEO” group
Enjoy the rest of the week, dont wana get into a flame wars for the first time since the game started
when the only 2 guilds from gunnars, left the server.
Care to elaborate on that?
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
Where’s everyone ? WBC is running around UW border for few hours already and not even 1 decent fight :/
Yeah, PvE content plus the fact that everything’s wood anyway so noone really cares anymore.