Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
8/30 AR/FC/DR
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
i just herpakitten ed into AR spawn legendaries in DR bl
to the [tiny] guy who walked up to my dead body: just laugh pls.
time for a break.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
To FC players at Mendon’s a bit ago, the answer to the riddle of that tower isn’t build more catapults. But if that’s what you guys want to try, go for it
I am not sure if someone will notice, but Gab is in AD which is now playing on EB. Crazy C is OBS, which is on Crystal Desert.
I have not seen your guild yet, but I am giving you props for whatever you do in wvw.
Any guild that stayed on AR and is giving both us and FC a good fight deserves praise.
Please ignore people who transferred to other servers and are here to just stir drama.This match has been great so far. Lots of fun.
Lion of The Wind
Both Gab and I still have accounts on DR that we still use and play on daily, so I do still have as much of a right to post here as anyone else does. Also my post was not intended to troll or to stir up drama, and in fact due to the intelligent and respectful posts that multiple people from TFH responded with, it didn’t cause any drama.
Good luck to TFH in the future, I hope you continue to improve and enjoy your fights.
Tarnished Coast
1 dude single handely derailed the thread because of one guild wiping his zerg
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
Diverting topic and would like everyone’s opinion.
Since we are all on the lowest tier of servers, what are your thoughts on the new League system coming out for us? Especially since apparently the first server you log into is the reward you will get no matter how many transfers you make in the 7 weeks.
Our horrible Devon Carver said he cant help how many ppl WvW on each server but we should all use this as incentive to make ppl WvW more and ask people to transfer to our servers which there is no incentive to do if your reward is based on the first server you log into. (WvW boards under server merge topic).
Yak’s Bend
Diverting topic and would like everyone’s opinion.
Since we are all on the lowest tier of servers, what are your thoughts on the new League system coming out for us? Especially since apparently the first server you log into is the reward you will get no matter how many transfers you make in the 7 weeks.
Our horrible Devon Carver said he cant help how many ppl WvW on each server but we should all use this as incentive to make ppl WvW more and ask people to transfer to our servers which there is no incentive to do if your reward is based on the first server you log into. (WvW boards under server merge topic).
in a wait and see mood. i dont like the saboteur implications of the original-server-performance rewards. but it IS some kind of resolution to population imbalances. whether it will work out or not… im not getting my hopes up yet.
im actually quite unexcited about it, i thought id be pretty into any kind of attempt to fix populations. but i see this as pushing the population problem completely into our hands, and weve already proven we cant handle solving it on our own between the rise and fall of random server communities (read: kaineng, et, sos, etc) and the existing and perpetual population imbalances.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Screw it. Everyone fun who doesn’t breed Drama Llamas … come to Ferg. There, now we have at least one server out of the “low end” that has numbers.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
i see this as pushing the population problem completely into our hands, and weve already proven we cant handle solving it on our own between the rise and fall of random server communities (read: kaineng, et, sos, etc) and the existing and perpetual population imbalances.
I agree completely. There isn’t any way for a player on a server to promote WvW short of PMing everyone they see or spamming Map chat. I doubt the League system will bring the low tier servers any more WvW presence.
The League system is kind of interesting (Dolyak finisher!), but with the information we have so far it’s not going to make any big waves.
Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
I guess I’m just really amused (I love that word) by TFH’s behaviour here. Are you guys under the assumption that I think DR doesn’t have zerglings that wipe easily? Are you guys under the assumption that I would give you mad props on the forums for wiping said zerglings? Neither is true, and even the notion that I was in that zerg is preposterous. Thanks to Opc for some balanced responses!
Oh, and to all the SoCo bears coming out from under their living story: Keep. It. Real.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Diverting topic and would like everyone’s opinion.
Since we are all on the lowest tier of servers, what are your thoughts on the new League system coming out for us? Especially since apparently the first server you log into is the reward you will get no matter how many transfers you make in the 7 weeks.
Our horrible Devon Carver said he cant help how many ppl WvW on each server but we should all use this as incentive to make ppl WvW more and ask people to transfer to our servers which there is no incentive to do if your reward is based on the first server you log into. (WvW boards under server merge topic).
Run of the mill Anet…. "sorry not our problem that you server is underpopulated and we make money when people leave your server. evil laugh oh free transfers to the ones under you…
Grievance [GVNC] – Our drunken WvW is the kitten
Devona’s Rest – Forever Outnumbered & Kittened upon by Anet
Diverting topic and would like everyone’s opinion.
Since we are all on the lowest tier of servers, what are your thoughts on the new League system coming out for us? Especially since apparently the first server you log into is the reward you will get no matter how many transfers you make in the 7 weeks.
Our horrible Devon Carver said he cant help how many ppl WvW on each server but we should all use this as incentive to make ppl WvW more and ask people to transfer to our servers which there is no incentive to do if your reward is based on the first server you log into. (WvW boards under server merge topic).
Run of the mill Anet…. "sorry not our problem that you server is underpopulated and we make money when people leave your server. evil laugh oh free transfers to the ones under you…
your ship sailed
now its sinking again =(
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I like how this TFH guild boasts about killing exp train pugs but the second a guild reminds them how they get stomped GvG they try to be humble. You guys should go over Public Relations 101 because if you were trying to get recognition of being a good guild it failed horribly.
We get recognition when we wipe you. I don’t particularly care about coming across as nice, although I do try my best to keep the flaming down if the situation doesn’t warrant it.
Anyway, read the whole thread when you make a reply, or at least make an attempt to address the points I made rather than just grabbing onto one and discounting all the others. Our opponents must be entirely made of “exp train pugs” because that’s all we seem to be running into these days whenever we wipe something. It’s a terrible excuse. I could of course, name names, point fingers, but we don’t want things getting personal in here. In any case, I know that a few people are not representative of the whole, so I wont make any judgements.
There’s 4 different people from TFH posting here, all about something subtly different, so naturally, there’s going to be different tones and arguments that gets carried across. I’m making a point in acknowledging that we aren’t the best guild around, because that’s what people are trying to accuse us of saying, because ONE person posted something ONCE about repeatedly wiping a large number of people in one day. Might I mention “a few people are not representative of the whole” again?
Also, there’s no need to be so defensive about the chest thumpings going on here. It’s not like AR is winning by a 30k lead and chest thumping about spawn camping noobs. We’re chest thumping about over coming extreme odds as a last place server and managing to push ahead of our opponents despite being so severely outnumbered, and it’s good for the morale. Every post in a wvw matchup thread is a chest thumped disguised in varying degrees of political correctness, so you’re being a hypocrite if you want to flame about it.
That said, I’m aware that certain posts in here are unwarranted and more overt than they should be, thus starting this whole argument, so I’ll repeat one more time “a few people are not representative of the whole”.
And, for those DR defending TFH note that TFH insulted their own server. There are better players on AR than them.
No idea how you came to that conclusion.
no, you said it’s going to get boring wiping people for long periods of time and sounded like a kitten elitist who actually isn’t good enough to call himself that.
next time take more care in wording your post so you don’t have to spend 4 paragraphs defending it.
Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
I guess I’m just really amused (I love that word) by TFH’s behaviour here. Are you guys under the assumption that I think DR doesn’t have zerglings that wipe easily? Are you guys under the assumption that I would give you mad props on the forums for wiping said zerglings? Neither is true, and even the notion that I was in that zerg is preposterous. Thanks to Opc for some balanced responses!
Oh, and to all the SoCo bears coming out from under their living story: Keep. It. Real.
Well hello Gab i knew it wouldn’t be long :P
Yak’s Bend
Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
I guess I’m just really amused (I love that word) by TFH’s behaviour here. Are you guys under the assumption that I think DR doesn’t have zerglings that wipe easily? Are you guys under the assumption that I would give you mad props on the forums for wiping said zerglings? Neither is true, and even the notion that I was in that zerg is preposterous. Thanks to Opc for some balanced responses!
Oh, and to all the SoCo bears coming out from under their living story: Keep. It. Real.
That linked post also shows how good you are at reading. Also pot-kettle much. You get all grump with someone for being self congratulatory yet your post has just the same flavor. I’m not holding it against you as 90% of forum post are thinly veiled boasts, just check your own attitude before you call someone else out.
Anyway, this is largely pointless argument. TFH has fun fighting ya’ll and we will continue to come out and play. Nothing for you to complain about there and I hope you all have fun fighting us.
On the other hand. A much more exciting thread this week. Who knew DR’s forum crew were so sensitive.
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
Lion of The Wind
So close at Mendon’s DR! I’m not sure why you decided to not build the other rams though. You may have gotten away with that then.
no, you said it’s going to get boring wiping people for long periods of time and sounded like a kitten elitist who actually isn’t good enough to call himself that.
next time take more care in wording your post so you don’t have to spend 4 paragraphs defending it.
Read the WHOLE thread and who is posting what before commenting. I didn’t make that comment, so I’m spending the time here to defend it on behalf of the poster. I neither agree nor disagree with the sentiment of the poster, but its a fellow guildie so I feel obliged to do so. I am logically explaining the rationale behind the heated post in a milder manner, so the least I can expect is a reply in kind rather than the continuation of the pointless flaming.
^ Here is where the first conclusion came from. Arrogant crap, IMO. Insulting other servers is one thing, but insulting your own? Only reason I’m here… kind of kitten ed me off for some reason.
I’ll repeat for the 4th time, “a few people are not representative of the whole”. However, I do believe the comment was directed at a specific guild in AR we’ve had problems with in the past few months (and it’s not us only). You’ve just seen first hand how arrogance comes across to other people, and that’s exactly what our past experience is with the said guild. I’m personally frustrated with them for splitting up the server like this and there’s some old bitterness in the argument, but that’s an internal issue that shouldn’t have been brought up in hindsight, and an outsider obviously wouldn’t have understood the reference.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
We actually have video recordings of the wipes, with clear numbers displayed on both sides. But of course, no one is ever going to be impressed by them because “any 10 guys with voice comm can do the same”. So moot point right from the start.
Also like I said earlier, the reason why the first brag post came about was because
1) People get bored and bring the battlefield with them to the forums. Happens all the time.
2) There WAS a lot of wiping. Like, a lot. It was completely unexpected for a t8 matchup and a few people felt the need to point out the irregularity. I’m sorry if it offended any one, but isn’t this what the wvw matchup thread is for?
3) Morale booster.
4) Self esteem booster.
Anet unfortunately don’t sell these boosters yet in the TP shop, so it’s up to the community to craft their own and spread the joy.
Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Your people were all too busy rage quitting to sing our praises. I mean, lets be honest here, when you get unexpectedly wiped you’re not about to think “Wow good play from these guys.” Your first response will be “$%^&*(” followed by “that was a fluke”, and finally “These guys need to outnumber us 2v1 to wipe us, they suck”.
Also, my posts are brilliant literary masterpieces of prose, and I don’t appreciate it being compared to the output of a feline sitting on the keyboard. I’m being very logical, my key arguments make sense, and yet no one’s really added anything new or tried to counter it. I’m repeating myself over and over again, and there’s only so any permutations before I have to start writing with a thesaurus. Rest assured I’ll get on tonight and “focus on getting better at this game.” By wiping more of you guys
In conclusion, Corn is right. Lets move on, there’s noting much to add now.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Just to chime in here again. Because it was the first post that caused all this trouble, perhaps I’ll rewrite it in a more palatable form to soothe over the delicate sensibilities of our opponents.
Despite the lugubrious matchup of this week, dismal right from the start, the server of Anvil Rock prevails in the face of overwhelming odds. Such courage could not be captured better than the moment when fellow guildmates of The Fluttering Horde stood strong together in the defence of Durios Glutch, just like the Spartan soldiers of old. With balls of purest steel, The Fluttering Horde refused to falter at the sight of the dreaded red blob, immense in its radiating wrath, tremendous with its mindless raving, irrevocable in its approach. The terrible sight greeted our brave heros, who with righteous fury and judicious use of the divine power granted to them by the anvil of the war gods, proceeded to meet the incoming tide – “For Great Justice!”. The unstoppable force meets the immovable object; time stops, worlds collapse. The fabric of the time-space continuum itself implodes in a phenomenon known as the “tunnel vision”. Reality reasserts itself an instant later, to find our favoured warriors very much alive despite being heavily bruised, the dead bodies of the Enemy strewn around like marionettes with their strings cut. They had survived, in spite of the sheer numbers of the opposing force, but the victory was hollow for they knew it was just the start. The battle was won, but the war was far from decided. The Master of the puppets had not been defeated, merely forced to affect a retreat. He will be back, bringing with him even greater numbers to feed the frenzy of the Zerg. But for now, the news of this battle shall marshal the forces, boost the morale of the too long suppressed people of Anvil Rock. We will rise again, rise again strong and smite our foes from their smug positions above us!
So if you will excuse the uncouth tongues of my fellow soldiers, who lay weary from battle and remain untrained in the refined arts of the Bard. They’re too tired and irritated to be polite.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Go home you’re drunk…. Next!
Zerguson’s Crossing. 11111 all day, er day.
Inebriation does not lend itself to such genius output of words.
Also, my characters are all asura, so I have an excuse to sound arrogant. I’m “roleplaying”.
(edited by Opc.4718)
That linked post also shows how good you are at reading.
It does?
Also pot-kettle much. You get all grump with someone for being self congratulatory yet your post has just the same flavor.
Would you please elaborate on this?
I’m not holding it against you as 90% of forum post are thinly veiled boasts, just check your own attitude before you call someone else out.
Yeah, I agree. Now if only your guildie would have followed this advice before he started all this drama in the first place. I find it amusing that you collectively have to come out and defend him just because he is unable to do so himself with his driveling. (Pro-tip; you guys aren’t doing too hot either).
Anyway, this is largely pointless argument. TFH has fun fighting ya’ll and we will continue to come out and play. Nothing for you to complain about there and I hope you all have fun fighting us.
When on earth have I complained about the fact that you are having fun playing the game?
On the other hand. A much more exciting thread this week. Who knew DR’s forum crew were so sensitive.
Uhm, I make one post calling you out on your bullkitten and when I check forums again I see ~30 posts discussing it, and you are calling me sensitive?
Phew… Let me take this in for a second.
We actually have video recordings of the wipes, with clear numbers displayed on both sides. But of course, no one is ever going to be impressed by them because “any 10 guys with voice comm can do the same”. So moot point right from the start.
I implore you, please show them.
Also like I said earlier, the reason why the first brag post came about was because
1) People get bored and bring the battlefield with them to the forums. Happens all the time.
2) There WAS a lot of wiping. Like, a lot. It was completely unexpected for a t8 matchup and a few people felt the need to point out the irregularity. I’m sorry if it offended any one, but isn’t this what the wvw matchup thread is for?
What the match up thread is for, I’ll let each and every one decide for themselves. However, if you reserve the right to call out all of DR, I’ll reserve the right to call you guys out on being no-skill zerglings.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Why does someone in this thread come across as extremely condescending, as well as throughout their entire posting history?
Regardless, had some great fun setting up and defending Mendon’s for the day.
no, you said it’s going to get boring wiping people for long periods of time and sounded like a kitten elitist who actually isn’t good enough to call himself that.
next time take more care in wording your post so you don’t have to spend 4 paragraphs defending it.
Read the WHOLE thread and who is posting what before commenting. I didn’t make that comment, so I’m spending the time here to defend it on behalf of the poster. I neither agree nor disagree with the sentiment of the poster, but its a fellow guildie so I feel obliged to do so. I am logically explaining the rationale behind the heated post in a milder manner, so the least I can expect is a reply in kind rather than the continuation of the pointless flaming.
^ Here is where the first conclusion came from. Arrogant crap, IMO. Insulting other servers is one thing, but insulting your own? Only reason I’m here… kind of kitten ed me off for some reason.
I’ll repeat for the 4th time, “a few people are not representative of the whole”. However, I do believe the comment was directed at a specific guild in AR we’ve had problems with in the past few months (and it’s not us only). You’ve just seen first hand how arrogance comes across to other people, and that’s exactly what our past experience is with the said guild. I’m personally frustrated with them for splitting up the server like this and there’s some old bitterness in the argument, but that’s an internal issue that shouldn’t have been brought up in hindsight, and an outsider obviously wouldn’t have understood the reference.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
We actually have video recordings of the wipes, with clear numbers displayed on both sides. But of course, no one is ever going to be impressed by them because “any 10 guys with voice comm can do the same”. So moot point right from the start.
Also like I said earlier, the reason why the first brag post came about was because
1) People get bored and bring the battlefield with them to the forums. Happens all the time.
2) There WAS a lot of wiping. Like, a lot. It was completely unexpected for a t8 matchup and a few people felt the need to point out the irregularity. I’m sorry if it offended any one, but isn’t this what the wvw matchup thread is for?
3) Morale booster.
4) Self esteem booster.
Anet unfortunately don’t sell these boosters yet in the TP shop, so it’s up to the community to craft their own and spread the joy.Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Your people were all too busy rage quitting to sing our praises. I mean, lets be honest here, when you get unexpectedly wiped you’re not about to think “Wow good play from these guys.” Your first response will be “$%^&*(” followed by “that was a fluke”, and finally “These guys need to outnumber us 2v1 to wipe us, they suck”.
Also, my posts are brilliant literary masterpieces of prose, and I don’t appreciate it being compared to the output of a feline sitting on the keyboard. I’m being very logical, my key arguments make sense, and yet no one’s really added anything new or tried to counter it. I’m repeating myself over and over again, and there’s only so any permutations before I have to start writing with a thesaurus. Rest assured I’ll get on tonight and “focus on getting better at this game.” By wiping more of you guys
In conclusion, Corn is right. Lets move on, there’s noting much to add now.
I guess you should work harder. You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players!
Being up 33% more players wasn’t enough time to call in the rest of the crew
Like I said stop spending 30+ minutes typing up these crafty hipster responses and work on your game.
Eredon Terrace
Duels inside Fort Yarr right now guys!
Hello, My name is Mëpi and I approve this post.
I passed out so I wasn’t there =(
Lots of fun fights last night and this morning between AR and FC!!
Yak’s Bend
Gotem, you did read the part where I said…“a few people are not representative of the whole” right? Otherwise I’ll assume all you fellow guildies from SKIL are dishonourable duellists, /bowing one moment then going around backstabbing spectators when they become preoccupied with something else. As was the case today with one of your thieves. So I ended up 1v1ing out of revenge for the dishonourable kill, and got the upper hand before FC ran in and ruined the fun.
Obviously that was an isolated incident sparked by a misunderstanding, but a less understanding soul would be making lions out of the kittens and claiming all of SKIL are bads who can’t win without resorting to dirty tactics. That kind of generalisation isn’t fun when you’re on the receiving end right?
“You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players!”
I’ll reserve judgement until I am part of the group you miraculously wiped. Also note, small man engagements are a whole different beast to zerg busting and medium group vs group fights, and I did emphasise that we aren’t top notch duellists or 3 man pew pew teams. If I was deliberately roaming with a small man team, I’d be taking the rangers and thieves, which will easily squish the team builds TFH is running when we wvw in an equal fight or even outnumbered. That’s an entirely different story and bears no relevance on the original point.
It should also occur to you that since we’re running as a team, it shouldn’t be too surprising when the rest of the team runs over you after you picked off the scouts or stragglers. That’s kind of their job.
I’m glad you find my responses so hipster, but I’m rather insulted you think it takes me that long to type it up. I have to write 1.5k word essays in 40 minutes for upcoming academic exams, so I like to think that I’m picking up my game for that by practising the necessary skills here.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Gotem, you did read the part where I said…“a few people are not representative of the whole” right? Otherwise I’ll assume all you fellow guildies from SKIL are dishonourable duellists, /bowing one moment then going around backstabbing spectators when they become preoccupied with something else. As was the case today with one of your thieves. So I ended up 1v1ing out of revenge for the dishonourable kill, and got the upper hand before FC ran in and ruined the fun.
Obviously that was an isolated incident sparked by a misunderstanding, but a less understanding soul would be making lions out of the kittens and claiming all of SKIL are bads who can’t win without resorting to dirty tactics. That kind of generalisation isn’t fun when you’re on the receiving end right?
“You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players!”
I’ll reserve judgement until I am part of the group you miraculously wiped. Also note, small man engagements are a whole different beast to zerg busting and medium group vs group fights, and I did emphasise that we aren’t top notch duellists or 3 man pew pew teams. If I was deliberately roaming with a small man team, I’d be taking the rangers and thieves, which will easily squish the team builds TFH is running when we wvw in an equal fight or even outnumbered. That’s an entirely different story and bears no relevance on the original point.
It should also occur to you that since we’re running as a team, it shouldn’t be too surprising when the rest of the team runs over you after you picked off the scouts or stragglers. That’s kind of their job.
I’m glad you find my responses so hipster, but I’m rather insulted you think it takes me that long to type it up. I have to write 1.5k word essays in 40 minutes for upcoming academic exams, so I like to think that I’m picking up my game for that by practising the necessary skills here.
Doubling down on these 30 minute essay responses I see. I don’t buy your last paragraph for a second since I know you will respond with read what I said.
Eredon Terrace
Why does someone in this thread come across as extremely condescending, as well as throughout their entire posting history?
Regardless, had some great fun setting up and defending Mendon’s for the day.
Also, Opc; why do you dismiss his 2v3 victory? My original post was totally about your members being mostly zerglings who couldn’t handle themselves in small scale combat where you have to rely on your competence rather than the incompetence of the enemy zerg. Gotem’s example definitely serves to reinforce this theory.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I guess you should work harder. You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players! up 33% more players wasn’t enough time to call in the rest of the crew
Like I said stop spending 30+ minutes typing up these crafty hipster responses and work on your game.
To be fair to you guys they had 50% more players, not 33%. You guys did much better than you should have!
Also the tears in this thread are lovely. My only request is that you break up your blocks of kitten a bit more. Big blocks of kitten are harder to read.
Thanks in advance,
-Y Not
I guess you should work harder. You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players! up 33% more players wasn’t enough time to call in the rest of the crew
Like I said stop spending 30+ minutes typing up these crafty hipster responses and work on your game.
To be fair to you guys they had 50% more players, not 33%. You guys did much better than you should have!
Also the tears in this thread are lovely. My only request is that you break up your blocks of kitten a bit more. Big blocks of kitten are harder to read.
Thanks in advance,
-Y Not
Well technically they had 50% more players not me. And technically I suck at math.
Eredon Terrace
no, you said it’s going to get boring wiping people for long periods of time and sounded like a kitten elitist who actually isn’t good enough to call himself that.
next time take more care in wording your post so you don’t have to spend 4 paragraphs defending it.
Read the WHOLE thread and who is posting what before commenting. I didn’t make that comment, so I’m spending the time here to defend it on behalf of the poster. I neither agree nor disagree with the sentiment of the poster, but its a fellow guildie so I feel obliged to do so. I am logically explaining the rationale behind the heated post in a milder manner, so the least I can expect is a reply in kind rather than the continuation of the pointless flaming.
^ Here is where the first conclusion came from. Arrogant crap, IMO. Insulting other servers is one thing, but insulting your own? Only reason I’m here… kind of kitten ed me off for some reason.
I’ll repeat for the 4th time, “a few people are not representative of the whole”. However, I do believe the comment was directed at a specific guild in AR we’ve had problems with in the past few months (and it’s not us only). You’ve just seen first hand how arrogance comes across to other people, and that’s exactly what our past experience is with the said guild. I’m personally frustrated with them for splitting up the server like this and there’s some old bitterness in the argument, but that’s an internal issue that shouldn’t have been brought up in hindsight, and an outsider obviously wouldn’t have understood the reference.
Excellent post! TFH reminds me of Mend from HoD. Their only way of getting recognition was to post in the thread too about how they supposedly wiped a million DR zerglings for hours. TFH being from AR just makes the whole thing laughable, because we all know how good they are at counting.
We actually have video recordings of the wipes, with clear numbers displayed on both sides. But of course, no one is ever going to be impressed by them because “any 10 guys with voice comm can do the same”. So moot point right from the start.
Also like I said earlier, the reason why the first brag post came about was because
1) People get bored and bring the battlefield with them to the forums. Happens all the time.
2) There WAS a lot of wiping. Like, a lot. It was completely unexpected for a t8 matchup and a few people felt the need to point out the irregularity. I’m sorry if it offended any one, but isn’t this what the wvw matchup thread is for?
3) Morale booster.
4) Self esteem booster.
Anet unfortunately don’t sell these boosters yet in the TP shop, so it’s up to the community to craft their own and spread the joy.Considering your guild’s name has never been mentioned in any team/map chat or on these forums until you had to make a self brag post you guys must be doing a kittenty job at wiping people.
The only guild that has got mentions in map/team chat over the last few weeks has been Yarr and Basic(ET guild).
So in short stop trying to talk like a kitten and focus on getting better at this game.
Your people were all too busy rage quitting to sing our praises. I mean, lets be honest here, when you get unexpectedly wiped you’re not about to think “Wow good play from these guys.” Your first response will be “$%^&*(” followed by “that was a fluke”, and finally “These guys need to outnumber us 2v1 to wipe us, they suck”.
Also, my posts are brilliant literary masterpieces of prose, and I don’t appreciate it being compared to the output of a feline sitting on the keyboard. I’m being very logical, my key arguments make sense, and yet no one’s really added anything new or tried to counter it. I’m repeating myself over and over again, and there’s only so any permutations before I have to start writing with a thesaurus. Rest assured I’ll get on tonight and “focus on getting better at this game.” By wiping more of you guys
In conclusion, Corn is right. Lets move on, there’s noting much to add now.
no disrespect but…. wayyyy TL;DR not here to read literature
no disrespect but…. wayyyy TL;DR not here to read literature
hes practicing for college essays
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Had some fun fights today, mostly writing to bump thread :p
Also had some fun fights today, mostly writing to bump Jesse :p
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
Why does someone in this thread come across as extremely condescending, as well as throughout their entire posting history?
Regardless, had some great fun setting up and defending Mendon’s for the day.
Also, Opc; why do you dismiss his 2v3 victory? My original post was totally about your members being mostly zerglings who couldn’t handle themselves in small scale combat where you have to rely on your competence rather than the incompetence of the enemy zerg. Gotem’s example definitely serves to reinforce this theory.
Going back 4 month’s. All I have to do is look at ALL of your posts. gg. But why so bitter Gab?
Had some great fights this weekend in AR, DR, and FC borderlands. Thanks to those who came out to play!
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
bb wvw
c ya when the sab gets boring
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Also had some fun fights today, mostly writing to bump Jesse :p
Thank you lol wheres Ohai been this matchup? only seen maybe 1 of your memebers
Late night stonemist take by 4 kittened TPvPers
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
Just a shout out to the OHAI and HOTS 2-4man thief gank squads around Golanta – some very fun fights over the past couple days. Looking forward to more!
Vaedrig – Charr Guardian
[EDGE] on Fergusson’s Crossing
Too much TL;DR here… brain… burning… aching. Halp.
Sempiternal Order [SO]
Northern Shiverpeaks
Just a shout out to the OHAI and HOTS 2-4man thief gank squads around Golanta – some very fun fights over the past couple days. Looking forward to more!
Hehe that was most likely Caliber and Jyuan :o
Thank you
lol wheres Ohai been this matchup? only seen maybe 1 of your memebers
We’ve been in EB mainly. Haven’t had too many runs either :P … yet (although we did run into Yarr a few times already in EB )
YouTube Channel
Saw some Yarr ranger the other day running in a guild group as longbow. Was wondering if someone in Yarr could ask him how he gears his LB ranger stat wise as I’ve been messing around with LB but can’t seem to find a decent gear set for it (down ~80g so far).
Condition ranger getting too easy need a challenge!
Eredon Terrace
Saw some Yarr ranger the other day running in a guild group as longbow. Was wondering if someone in Yarr could ask him how he gears his LB ranger stat wise as I’ve been messing around with LB but can’t seem to find a decent gear set for it (down ~80g so far).
Condition ranger getting too easy need a challenge!
He actually was running condi build but says it was to easy xD so he went back to a harder build, i’ll ask him for his build later but if i remember correct he uses a mix of knights and cavalier gear.
Saw some Yarr ranger the other day running in a guild group as longbow. Was wondering if someone in Yarr could ask him how he gears his LB ranger stat wise as I’ve been messing around with LB but can’t seem to find a decent gear set for it (down ~80g so far).
Condition ranger getting too easy need a challenge!
k first of all let me tell you this build sucks for dueling but if you have 4-5 players in front of you it’s full of lulz and pewpew.
so main weapon is LB (berserker) with fire rune
secondary is greatsword (knight) for mobility and block
traits 30/30/10/0/0
marksmanship 1,10,11
squirm 2,10,12
wilderness 10
armor : knight except chest which is berserker rune is divinity
jewelry: berserker amulet, 2 berserker accessory, 2 cavalier ring
utility : lighting reflex, quickning zephyr, signet of stone
you can replace number 11 on markmanship by piercing arrow for even more pewpew but signet of stone’s invul can save you from bad thieves spamming HS.
other than that this is by far the funniest build i found on ranger
Kaze pewpew_80 Elementalist
Fergusons Crossing (Yarr)
Just a shout out to the OHAI and HOTS 2-4man thief gank squads around Golanta – some very fun fights over the past couple days. Looking forward to more!
Hehe that was most likely Caliber and Jyuan :o
Yup, that was us. It was super fun.
Thank you
lol wheres Ohai been this matchup? only seen maybe 1 of your memebers
We’ve been in EB mainly. Haven’t had too many runs either :P … yet
(although we did run into Yarr a few times already in EB )
I know! I’ve missed our Yarr encounters.
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist
Saw some Yarr ranger the other day running in a guild group as longbow. Was wondering if someone in Yarr could ask him how he gears his LB ranger stat wise as I’ve been messing around with LB but can’t seem to find a decent gear set for it (down ~80g so far).
Condition ranger getting too easy need a challenge!
k first of all let me tell you this build sucks for dueling but if you have 4-5 players in front of you it’s full of lulz and pewpew.
so main weapon is LB (berserker) with fire rune
secondary is greatsword (knight) for mobility and blocktraits 30/30/10/0/0
marksmanship 1,10,11
squirm 2,10,12
wilderness 10armor : knight except chest which is berserker rune is divinity
jewelry: berserker amulet, 2 berserker accessory, 2 cavalier ringutility : lighting reflex, quickning zephyr, signet of stone
you can replace number 11 on markmanship by piercing arrow for even more pewpew but signet of stone’s invul can save you from bad thieves spamming HS.
other than that this is by far the funniest build i found on ranger
Will give it a shot for some reason I really want to play a LB spec
Eredon Terrace