8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


Hey BS, you are all good players and you run really good groups with tight coordination. I respect many of you. What I don’t respect is being asked to duel and then being told my build is cheese and the only reason I won is because of a certain food. If you can’t take losing and have to resort to insults or excuses then don’t duel.

I’m gonna switch my build up and adapt to fights, you can’t expect me to run the same thing every single time. There’s an infinite number of factors that can play into a fight. Some of your members are just really rude and it’s not something I’m gonna miss.

I agree BS is rude they call my necro cheese all the time call tons of builds cheese even their own builds cheese. Everyone calls condition cheese or regen bunker cheese or stealth cheese evade spam cheese….. the only thing not cheese for these people is direct damage. Clearly the only skilled meta was the start of the game when some classes could spam a few buttons and kill a target in seconds.

Yeah its pretty funny when a guild running full groups of everyone using perplexity calls another build cheese.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nordic Natedog.4360

Nordic Natedog.4360

It has been a fun week GoM and ET. I was waiting for this match-up for so long after I switched to NSP, but by the time it came so many of the guilds I had grown with on GoM had left. It was nice to finally test my mettle against ASH/RH/FGJ and of course BS again. Sometimes I wish I was in more coordinated small man groups, but I still had my fair share of good and fun fights.

Now I’ve got my eyes set on fighting either IoJ or SBI. You’re not getting away that easily RISE =p

I don’t think I got to fight you this week.

You fought my necro next to SE camp in your BL. Where all the fireflies are next to the drop down from my spawn.

I’ve fought a few people there over the course of the week.
What does your necro look like?

Also, you might have fought Raithien instead of me. He runs double-pistol and is dressed exactly the same, except he’s an engi.

I def fought a thief with quip. I am dressed in all black human female. Arah legs and shoulders with a hood.

Sounds like me. Sorry I don’t remember that fight.
Send me a party invite next time!

I have to say that I’m loving the gunslinger setup, Taquito. I’ve tweaked it of course. I’m using some celestial armor (chest and pants) as well as the soldiers. I have found it to give me similar survivability but a good deal more punch through crit and crit dmg.

I’ve been thinking about that as well. I started with the Soldier armor and never really strayed from it, but now that I’m a much better player than I was when I first chose my gear, I should probably edge a little more towards damage. I’m also slowly replacing my weapons with the new Assassin stat set.

And with condi being the new flavor of the month, I’m thinking about picking up sword just because of the overwhelming lack of cleanse options available for thieves that don’t stealth. As it stands, I’ve got no shot against condi-spam necros/engis even if I outplay them.

Yeah, I already made my weapon sets both assassins instead of zerkers. I’m currently at near 2.2k armor, 16.5k hp, 67% crit, 105% crit damage with 3.2k attack as my base with food.

Mag (PA)
Figrin the Healer (Guard), Angelic Renae (Mes), Death by Figrin (Thief)