8/9 - BP - YB - EB
just confirming that there are groups on Ehmry who just roam and fight. I could personally care less about most of the objectives.
It sure seems like the server that is losing says this a lot…
Well ya, they have to protect their ego somehow.
If I really cared about the points, I’d just turn around and list off every consecutive week for months where we dumpstered Borlis Pass again and again and again. I’m not interested in going through the motions of the inane posturing you people do. Servers gain and lose population in general and at different times of day. If you want to spout off garbage while following a brainless nightcapping zerg and pretend that it makes you skillful players, be my guest. I care only about the good fights I have out in the field.
I believe you. However, we are just having fun pointing out that when you all are losing in PPT the forum warriors tunes changed to “score? who plays for that? that’s for newbs, we just want to just fight pvp style”
But when you all were winning, all those weeks you “dumpstered” our server, you all sang the tune of, “BP is just bads who run around like savages. We at Ebay are far superior at WvW so allow us to enlighten you: we have structured guilds with dedicated groups for yak escorting, scouting, upgrading our structures, and zerg busting. Poor little BP is just bads; you should learn how to use siege and play for objectives you silly monkeys!”
Its nothing more than humorous to us, so don’t get all “rustled”.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
Stone, in fairness a lot of that was Archer and some other folks I don’t see in these threads anymore. And to continue this fairness streak, we said some of the same stuff back to Ebay, though the main thing we said was they only win with numbers, not skill.
Also, if you read some of the other servers’ match threads you’ll see all this same stuff where the winning server is called tower huggers, zergers, no skill, etc. I guess none of us like to lose, though we should all admit wvw is fun regardless of ppt, or 2/3 of the servers would not participate.
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…
I completely agree. We all try and justify our results, here just like elsewhere in life. We used to do it, like you said, claiming we had fewer wvw players, wvw guilds, and a list of other things.
My point was simply that if you go back and read through those old threads you would find an overall sense of superiority from Ebay (not necessarily unjustified) that was based on their use of strategy and organization that came from a lot of forum posters. It was quite clear that there was a focus on PPT and winning coming from Ebay and they rubbed our nose in the fact that they beat us.
I remember one reset night I watch in awe as Ebay’s guilds fanned out across BP BL, each heading to a specific tower, and after they capped they left behind guild members in the towers to to scout and build siege while their main force roamed around busting up any force we tried to get momentum with. That small amount of manpower in the towers was used so efficiently because it allowed 1-2 guys with arrow carts to defend a structure long enough to call back their zerg to wipe us before we could recap. Before we knew it, they had upgraded towers in our BL and we were struggling to just get out of Citadel. It opened my eyes to just how poor BP’s organization and coordination was as a server.
Those long months of getting stomped by Ebay are in part responsible for BP’s evolution. They forced us to learn to play the game better, and that’s resulted in things like leaving defenders in towers with siege or running yaks to upgrade structures, and to play with a sense of strategy.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
(edited by Stone.6751)
Ebay is sad, hurt and angry because they are now the AR of this match-up.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
When you RUN away, you effectively reset the fight for yourself as you get out of combat and completely heal up while leaving your opponent with conditions on them.
This is a low move in a 1v1 fight in my opinion. Anyone that breaks combat does not deserve to win that fight.
Bit like getting moa’d
I usually just break combat for long enough to give myself another advantage. I expect most people to blow CDs or initiative hoping to chase as well, so I consider it part of the fight, especially if they want to fight outnumbering me.
I believe you. However, we are just having fun pointing out that when you all are losing in PPT the forum warriors tunes changed to “score? who plays for that? that’s for newbs, we just want to just fight pvp style”
But when you all were winning, all those weeks you “dumpstered” our server, you all sang the tune of, “BP is just bads who run around like savages. We at Ebay are far superior at WvW so allow us to enlighten you: we have structured guilds with dedicated groups for yak escorting, scouting, upgrading our structures, and zerg busting. Poor little BP is just bads; you should learn how to use siege and play for objectives you silly monkeys!”
Its nothing more than humorous to us, so don’t get all “rustled”.
To be fair, I still consider the majority of the BP I’ve seen to be “bads”. Even as far as PPT is concerned, the one and only reason BP is successful right now is because of a large numbers and time-of-day advantage, not to mention the loss of prominent zerg busting guilds in Ehmry. If Ehrmy’s state were as it was before, BP would still lose horribly. Very little has actually changed in that department from what I have seen.
Nightcapping with a huge golem-led zerg is not server skill; you may as well brag about beating someone in a basketball game when they’re not even on the court.
Well Stone, when they do that and Borlis apparently adapts and learns to defend towers, what other results could you expect but to be called out for defending your lands and fighting for victory?
I guess it’s supposed to be pretty obvious that learning to counter instantly makes you a lesser player, and “scared” of their superior skill. What the leaderboard says is obviously a lie, and no indicator of who fights harder or smarter.
@Amins/GF Guild,
To preface I will say I respect you a lot for your contributions to the Guardian forums, and by that extension your guild. I transferred to BP three days ago and joined VP. I haven’t fought many of you personally, but I have run for quite a few hours already with VP, and I don’t think any of the times we encountered the larger EB/YB zergs we backed down, we stand our ground or go in and do our best, if we die we die.
I’m not aware of what this big drama is, or why everyone wants to have such a huge kitten measuring contest over one tower being defended, but it’s whatever. A Yak’s [LOOT] (I think) zerg went by our SE Tower on YB Borderland this morning, and I spotted a GF Thief off to our West and dropped down to pursue. I’m only a Rank 16 Guardian and only have the one toon, so I’m not vastly experienced, but I dueled said Thief until a friendly BP Ranger came by to apparently help me, then broke off and met the Thief at ruins so the Ranger wouldn’t interfere. We continued South and /bow’d and dueled again on flat-open ground until I got the upper hand and downed her, then I left her to heal up, /bow’d again and we ran off separate ways.
I seriously don’t get what all the fuss is about, everyone fights differently, and skill means different things to everyone. Sure we all trash talk in our own Guilds about our opponents and we all hold out waiting to see that one [Server] [Rank] [Tag] [Profession] player again so we can measure up and duel, and hopefully win, but really, why take it to the forums?
Just keep the forums clean, it’s a community spot after all. This isn’t Barrens Chat and I don’t know about anyone else but I would much rather see, “Good Fight BP, it was an awesome test of skill for us to 3v10 you and win!” “Wow GF, way to slaughter our three times larger force, good fight!” than “l0l t0w3r d3f3ns3 1O1 BP scrubs suck at life brah, l2p game how we think it should be played”.
I didn’t bother to look who started the drama, our side or yours, but lets just shake hands and get over it. Anyways good fights, I hope to duel and smash forces with you all in the coming days if we get matched up again.
(edited by Wrath x CrAzY.5741)
Ebay, 2 guys I never see in these threads who used to be pretty prolific are PaleRider and Faux Shaux (spelling probably wrong). What’s the story?
I haven’t been able to play in almost two months. Keeping up with matchup threads and discussion is a tease and not worth the trouble if I cannot log in and do anything.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
I didn’t bother to look who started the drama, our side or yours, but lets just shake hands and get over it. Anyways good fights, I hope to duel and smash forces with you all in the coming days if we get matched up again.
No, BP, i for my part do not shake hands with you. This went beyond mere “drama”, and in case you do not know what your server accused us of or how you guys behaved this week, then you apparently do not visit your server’s Forum. (If any Forum mod wants to know what i am talking about, please feel free to contact me).
By the way, which server does your commander transfer to, the one that said he would transfer if YB doesn’t come 3rd this week? I will personally pay for it if he transfers to Maguuma.
No, BP, i for my part do not shake hands with you. This went beyond mere “drama”, and in case you do not know what your server accused us of or how you guys behaved this week, then you apparently do not visit your server’s Forum. (If any Forum mod wants to know what i am talking about, please feel free to contact me).
By the way, which server does your commander transfer to, the one that said he would transfer if YB doesn’t come 3rd this week? I will personally pay for it if he transfers to Maguuma.
You are correct, I obviously do not, as I stated above. I made it clear I just transferred, have no idea what’s going on, and don’t really care. It’s a video game, play for fun and don’t concern yourself with the forums, problem solved. You’re getting angry about people from around the world typing words onto a screen and posting it on one of gazillions of game websites.
As for the Commander, I don’t know who or what you’re even talking about again. I run with [VP] when they run and we don’t throw up tags, the other 50% of my game time I spend in PvE.
(edited by Wrath x CrAzY.5741)
I didn’t bother to look who started the drama, our side or yours, but lets just shake hands and get over it. Anyways good fights, I hope to duel and smash forces with you all in the coming days if we get matched up again.
No, BP, i for my part do not shake hands with you. This went beyond mere “drama”, and in case you do not know what your server accused us of or how you guys behaved this week, then you apparently do not visit your server’s Forum. (If any Forum mod wants to know what i am talking about, please feel free to contact me).
By the way, which server does your commander transfer to, the one that said he would transfer if YB doesn’t come 3rd this week? I will personally pay for it if he transfers to Maguuma.
Interesting. Whatever it was somehow escaped me anyway, I even went back to look and didn’t find anything so it must not have been that dramatic, or I’m just not good at finding stuff.
The Commander you speak of is Kalkz, and if you know Kalkz you would know that’s just Kalkz, it wasn’t a serious threat.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
To be fair, I still consider the majority of the BP I’ve seen to be “bads”. Even as far as PPT is concerned, the one and only reason BP is successful right now is because of a large numbers and time-of-day advantage, not to mention the loss of prominent zerg busting guilds in Ehmry. If Ehrmy’s state were as it was before, BP would still lose horribly. Very little has actually changed in that department from what I have seen.
Nightcapping with a huge golem-led zerg is not server skill; you may as well brag about beating someone in a basketball game when they’re not even on the court.
To be “fair”, we beat you down during prime time as well now. If you take a look at the income evolution on
you will see green higher than red every night this week at 8pm, smack dab in the middle of west coast prime time.
No, BP, i for my part do not shake hands with you. This went beyond mere “drama”, and in case you do not know what your server accused us of or how you guys behaved this week, then you apparently do not visit your server’s Forum. (If any Forum mod wants to know what i am talking about, please feel free to contact me).
By the way, which server does your commander transfer to, the one that said he would transfer if YB doesn’t come 3rd this week? I will personally pay for it if he transfers to Maguuma.
Meh, one person said “I am blaming Yaks Bend” in BP’s forums and then when someone from YB came on and said “it happened to us too” the accuser made a very tongue-in-cheek reply about the explanation not fitting in with the epic drama. You can’t very well have your reputation very sullied when 90% of the people in the match don’t have any idea of what the accusation was and only know there was some sort of “accusation” because you brought it up.
To be “fair”, we beat you down during prime time as well now. If you take a look at the income evolution on
you will see green higher than red every night this week at 8pm, smack dab in the middle of west coast prime time.
Once again, population levels rise and fall along with peak hours for each server. Congratulations, your mindless zerg can cap towers when nobody is playing during a large living story content week. If “you” want to beat “me”, perhaps you should actually fight me. Beyond that, at this point, it’s nothing but a game of PvDoor.
You have no idea how jealous I am reading this thread.
Hope to have a matchup like this one in the near future.
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Ebay is now Anvil Rock.
These are facts.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
To be “fair”, we beat you down during prime time as well now. If you take a look at the income evolution on
you will see green higher than red every night this week at 8pm, smack dab in the middle of west coast prime time.Once again, population levels rise and fall along with peak hours for each server. Congratulations, your mindless zerg can cap towers when nobody is playing during a large living story content week. If “you” want to beat “me”, perhaps you should actually fight me. Beyond that, at this point, it’s nothing but a game of PvDoor.
You claimed BP was winning because of PVD during off hours. I pointed out that you are losing in prime as well. You are the one making excuses, I am just pointing out how thin they are. Go sPVP if you want to duel and stop making excuses about WvW.
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Pretty soon it will be “from 6:15 until 6:27 on Friday night we are clearly superior, then we all go PVE or duel at the windmills.”
Enjoy you lack of lives on the weekend! I am heading out on the town!
You claimed BP was winning because of PVD during off hours. I pointed out that you are losing in prime as well. You are the one making excuses, I am just pointing out how thin they are.
Okay, we can play it that way.
You want to point out my “thin” excuses? Maybe you should take a kittening look at the undeniable facts I’ve already provided. There’s a rather living story update that a number of Ehmry’s players are occupied with, not to mention the PvE champion farming taking place. Ehmry has also lost prominent WvW guilds. As a result of both of these, Ehmry has lower population during prime time and off hours, although the off hours are exactly where BP makes its biggest point gains with almost no player opposition. One must also not forget that there is a third server by which to leech points from, or lose them to. It’s rather pathetic that this even needs to be clarified, but then I suppose someone who aims to insult me by calling my “excuses” thin without actually bothering to regard a single one of my other posts would exhibit such behavior.
Either way it’s PvDoor and zergballing to take advantage of higher population. Skill has nothing to do with it and your sad little forum posturing can do nothing to change that.
Now if you’re done with your absolutely pathetic efforts to point out my “thin” excuses in some desperate attempt to make a name for your horrible server and your unbelievably fragile ego which is for some bizarre reason based on the collective success of said server, this issue is now resolved as you have thoroughly demonstrated that not only do you have absolutely no argument, but that you are utterly incapable of reading and comprehending any comments which destroy such incompetent remarks to the contrary as you have total garbage evidence to provide in the name of whatever trash I was supposed to take as gospel truth from some forum warrior I’ve never encountered in-game and never care to.
Go sPVP if you want to duel and stop making excuses about WvW.
sPvP is vastly different in terms of build setups and overall scenarios to the point where they are not even comparable for the sake of what you’re so badly trying to accomplish with this feeble statement. If I wanted to play sPvP, I would go play sPvP. As it stands there is a niche of us who prefer to do what we do in WvW, as we do it, and that is what we shall continue to do whether you prefer to hide in towers or not.
And in this vein, since you apparently lack the basic mental capabilities of reading what I said above, WvW has little to do with “you” and “I” unless you are dueling me. Until you actually face me in a duel, you have not “won” anything over me; I understand how difficult this concept can be for those people still stuck beating their chests, but those of us who walk upright would prefer to use forums for something beyond such laughable exchanges.
Good day.
(edited by Sil.4560)
US: Hey Japan! Why you have to be cowards hiding in caves bro? Come out and fight like men!Japan: Hey US, why you have to zerg around all day and use field siege like Hello Kitty comfort girls? GvG 1000 on 1000 with swords to show who really has skillz!
Not gonna lie, I lol’ed.
I’d say have fun this week BP, but it looks like you guys are gonna be bored as kitten.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Ebay is now Anvil Rock.
These are facts.
[Lost] is free bags and nullifies your opinion
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Things would be a lot different right now if EB’s wvw skills were as good as their excuse making skills.
F minus minus.
Come up with something new. You bore me.
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Things would be a lot different right now if EB’s wvw skills were as good as their excuse making skills.
F minus minus.
Come up with something new. You bore me.
New, like grading posts on the internet?
New, like grading posts on the internet?
Typical response of someone trying to sound clever, going through more of the motions, etc., etc. Perhaps you should harass one another, I’m sure you’d find it endlessly fascinating.
New, like grading posts on the internet?
Typical response of someone trying to sound clever, going through more of the motions, etc., etc. Perhaps you should harass one another, I’m sure you’d find it endlessly fascinating.
Yes, because you have proven to be Oscar Wilde of the interwebz. Go flex your kitten in your current match-up, this is part of the 30 hours or so you can actually do well, so don’t miss a minute of it!
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Im talking 2 you tho…..
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Im talking 2 you tho…..
Word of advice, if you are making that sort of mistake here, you should really never, ever go to Thailand. Ever… Really… Trust me.
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Im talking 2 you tho…..
Word of advice, if you are making that sort of mistake here, you should really never, ever go to Thailand. Ever… Really… Trust me.
So what you’re saying is you only dress like a woman….
Yes, because you have proven to be Oscar Wilde of the interwebz. Go flex your kitten in your current match-up, this is part of the 30 hours or so you can actually do well, so don’t miss a minute of it!
More of the motions, blah, blah, blah. It’s dreadful that people such as yourself are allowed to exist. Anyway, I spent tonight watching Netflix because we’re matched against Fort Aspenwood, who has a distinct population advantage against both Ehmry and Crystal Desert, so there was little point.
Perhaps you giving up easily is why you lost to BP. We did after all, lose to ehmry bay for 3 months straight. It only made us better though. Unlike you, we’ve never thrown in the towel. All those times you crowed over leading us coming into the work week? Well, we beat you in the end. Since March, Borlis has never come in last place. Maybe once you stop giving up, you’ll manage to win against us.
Incidentally, why is this thread still running?
Perhaps you giving up easily is why you lost to BP. We did after all, lose to ehmry bay for 3 months straight. It only made us better though. Unlike you, we’ve never thrown in the towel. All those times you crowed over leading us coming into the work week? Well, we beat you in the end. Since March, Borlis has never come in last place. Maybe once you stop giving up, you’ll manage to win against us.
Incidentally, why is this thread still running?
I actually played every day and was a part of our night defense in keeping our assets safe from roamers and small groups up until the nightly lolzerg came while I was asleep.
No, the point difference was due to the living story content and different population levels at different times of day, not to mention a loss of prominent WvW guilds. Saying that Ehmry “gave up” is just some sad effort to make Borlis Pass look better after months of being stomped into the dirt and you honestly do not know me or the people I play with if you condescend by saying we “give up easily”. Maybe you’ll understand if you’re matched against FA next, lol
(edited by Sil.4560)
Living story content effects everyone equally. As for population levels, there was a difference. In your minds anyhow. We always try and make our server forces look bigger then they actually are. Its a lesson Ehmry Bay taught us
Oh lord, no, your nighttime zerg was far outnumbering Ehmry’s nighttime defenders. It’s undeniable. Enough posturing.
Yes, because you have proven to be Oscar Wilde of the interwebz. Go flex your kitten in your current match-up, this is part of the 30 hours or so you can actually do well, so don’t miss a minute of it!
More of the motions, blah, blah, blah. It’s dreadful that people such as yourself are allowed to exist. Anyway, I spent tonight watching Netflix because we’re matched against Fort Aspenwood, who has a distinct population advantage against both Ehmry and Crystal Desert, so there was little point.
Yes, “The odds aren’t stacked in my favor, so I won’t play”, that’s the attitude that built…. well nothing. Have fun in your basement assuring your collection of action figures that you are the bestest ever!
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Im talking 2 you tho…..
Word of advice, if you are making that sort of mistake here, you should really never, ever go to Thailand. Ever… Really… Trust me.
So what you’re saying is you only dress like a woman….
Oh Jinks, you are projecting your fantasies out loud again. You should go, I can see the call home now “Ma, you and Pa lose the bet, I’m married! She has the nicest eyes and the cutest little adam’s apple!”
lol @BP thumping chest about winning ppt.
FYI when looking at the breakdown of scoring this match you see a lovely trend.
Ebay was in the lead until Monday am when BP/Yaks got to PvD us.
Again Ebay was winning until we all log off on the weekend allowing PvD to take place.
Couldn’t even PvD Ebay on the weekend and had to wait until the work week started.
These are facts.
Admits to not having a rebuttal
Spends another Friday night editing quoted text on the internet. Wonders what talking to girls is like.
Im talking 2 you tho…..
Word of advice, if you are making that sort of mistake here, you should really never, ever go to Thailand. Ever… Really… Trust me.
So what you’re saying is you only dress like a woman….
Oh Jinks, you are projecting your fantasies out loud again.
You should go, I can see the call home now “Ma, you and Pa lose the bet, I’m married! She has the nicest eyes and the cutest little adam’s apple!”
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, “The odds aren’t stacked in my favor, so I won’t play”, that’s the attitude that built…. well nothing. Have fun in your basement assuring your collection of action figures that you are the bestest ever!
I didn’t feel too much like fighting huge zergs during primetime. It’s really a matter of preference.
I want to ask Stormbluff server a question. So as long as you guys have SM, BP can have your keeps in your bl, right?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
Good for you. I am all for “special people” marrying as no children are involved. How’s the weather in Vermont?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, I will only be marrying you in your dreams.
I will say that the Cat in the Hat motif is more amusing than your usual post ratings, quote editing and fix’t it for ya’s. Keep stretching yourself.
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
Good for you. I am all for “special people” marrying as no children are involved. How’s the weather in Vermont?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, I will only be marrying you in your dreams.
I will say that the Cat in the Hat motif is more amusing than your usual post ratings, quote editing and fix’t it for ya’s. Keep stretching yourself.
Hrmm 2 days to type out a fail you’re not effecting me post……
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
Good for you. I am all for “special people” marrying as no children are involved. How’s the weather in Vermont?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, I will only be marrying you in your dreams.
I will say that the Cat in the Hat motif is more amusing than your usual post ratings, quote editing and fix’t it for ya’s. Keep stretching yourself.
Hrmm 2 days to type out a fail you’re not effecting me post……
More like 2 minutes. You have to realize, I actually have a life besides this Very Serious Business™.
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
Good for you. I am all for “special people” marrying as no children are involved. How’s the weather in Vermont?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, I will only be marrying you in your dreams.
I will say that the Cat in the Hat motif is more amusing than your usual post ratings, quote editing and fix’t it for ya’s. Keep stretching yourself.
Hrmm 2 days to type out a fail you’re not effecting me post……
More like 2 minutes. You have to realize, I actually have a life besides this Very Serious Business™.
You keep saying this yet your actions say other wise….you miss me a lot I can tell
Sorry anet decided we must be apart now
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
Good for you. I am all for “special people” marrying as no children are involved. How’s the weather in Vermont?
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man.
I will not marry you in drag
I will not marry you in a rag
I will not marry you in a bag, on a quag, or for a gag
I’m sorry Dio but I’m a married man and will definitely not marry you on the server Mag!
Yes, I will only be marrying you in your dreams.
I will say that the Cat in the Hat motif is more amusing than your usual post ratings, quote editing and fix’t it for ya’s. Keep stretching yourself.
Hrmm 2 days to type out a fail you’re not effecting me post……
More like 2 minutes. You have to realize, I actually have a life besides this Very Serious Business™.
You keep saying this yet your actions say other wise….you miss me a lot I can tell
Sorry anet decided we must be apart now
My actions eh? Hmmm. It takes me days to respond. You reply within minutes of my posts. I am casually interested in annoying you. You are obsessed with me. Your response to this will only further prove my point.