Fort Aspenwood
Fort Aspenwood first I felt bad for CD because you guys have low numbers in some fights.
THEN north camp happened. I brought 19 RET and you guys had atleast 30 people in the camp. We kited you up to the orb spot, and what do you guys do instead of fighting? you build 3-4 arrow carts that can reach the staircase. So I say ok back up a bit out of arrow cart range. We continue to kill you guys over and over so you build 2 more arrow carts and a few ballistas. So we back up more.
Eventually we had to kite you to another choke and keep killing you where you proceeded to build more arrow carts…I thought that was a t1 thing. When I went back to the camp for a final push we saw like 7 arrow carts 7 ballistas…
I was there and about the time you went to the orb the numbers were actually pretty even. You may have even had more.
It’s obvious from your post that you don’t have the ability (or refuse to use it in this situation) to try to see things from the enemies view point. How long had CD been outmanned this matchups battles? How much of CD’s borderland did CD control? Was the group at north camp enemy puggs or a guild group? I think if you answer these questions honestly (i know you can, you have wvw experience and im guessing at least smidge of common sense) you would get a answer to your questions that would lead you way from thinly veiled brag posts about wiping a pugg group.
(edited by kRAVen.4195)
Hope to see some fight clubs happening on FA BL throughout the week. ( closest spawns for CD and SOS + waypoints for FA )
Last night (4am-ish central) was great fun! Kurtis and TS have a great wvw community, loved tagging with you guys.
We are still looking for more GvG (15v15) with whoever would like to fight us.
Currently we are set to fight both AGG and TDS
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Yea. vH is.
We need more guilds on SoS :/ we dont have enough players. We fight as best we can, but we’re almost always outmanned 2 to 1. Its a bit ridic.
PvE buff patch made everyone farm, which makes it worse.
Some good opposing players on SOSBL today – they are from CD. respect to that confusion mesmer with the goofy backpack. you’d probably whup me alone but thanks for sticking around /salute
Haha, thanks for the shout out. Had some fun fights earlier.
Have a feeling it’s going to be a rough week for us solo roamers. Ah well, I have a bad habit of picking fights that aren’t in my favor anyway. No risk, no reward! ;P
Good fights earlier today in CDBL.
This matchup is a lot more entertaining than I thought it was going to be.
/salute to everyone we fought today
Had fun in Hills keep, will post some footage from there later.
Last night (4am-ish central) was great fun! Kurtis and TS have a great wvw community, loved tagging with you guys.
Did you leave before we made all of EB green? It was a shame a T2 server leaves EB to go to our undefended BL after getting wiped 6 times in open field combat against even numbers. In these matchups we just want some fights.
Good fights earlier today in CDBL.
This matchup is a lot more entertaining than I thought it was going to be.
/salute to everyone we fought today
Had fun in Hills keep, will post some footage from there later.
lol what matchup are you in?
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Is vH still in SOS? Please accept the proper score in the site. Give credit to the winners instead of putting in a troll score. Omen 6 – vH 0
Funny, Ultima Hyperion the Omen leader wanted a practice, nonranked GvG series of best of 5. Now he beats our 12 trials of a 15 team, and you all want it ranked afterwards?
And we’re the trolls? Nice jokes!
It was an agreed un official GvG due to us having all trial members in the GvG. We had 3 core at our peak. if we face you again we would love to face you guys in 2-3 weeks for an official one.
We lost members on our transfer over so we are not doing official GvGs which has been stated to multiple guilds interested in GvGing, In fact we have another this week that is un official due to us popping GvG cherries with alot of our new guys.
KGG Community Leader
Academy Gaming
zzzzzzzzz gg anet
ps. just thought I’d put this out here for those that don’t remember. Once upon a time FA was a crappy server. Then when they announced the closure of free transfers, they got a huge influx of fairweathers and bandwagoners. To this day, that’s all they are. They wouldn’t know what loyalty was if it kicked them in the kitten. SoS and CD are the losers of Transfer Wars, and FA was a big fat grubby winner. So remember that, boys and girls, while you are fighting out there.
Well don’t we have a horribly biased and blinded point of view, lets actually look back and remember shall we.
CD Started out at a higher rank period, having nothing to do with game play at all. After 8 or so weeks from launch we leap frogged you and never looked back. So we were a bad server? I think not. At the begining CD was slightly better than us, slightly. And I only remember this because I hated them with a steaming passion because they gave us the best fights EVER at the time, but we just couldnt beat them yet. Until TC became our rival CD bore that honor.
Oh noes transfers…… Keep riding that excuse, lets see how far that gets you. FA still has a rather large core of pure FA players. And not even that matters, every server deals with what they have.
Having said all that, I had some of if not the best fights yesterday morning when I finally had 3 guildmates in WvW with me for the first time in ages. The planets must have been aligned or something because we got to fight so many even and close number fights in CD and SOS BL’s. I have not gotten that excited since the 24 hour matches. My one guildmate who wvw’s all the time must have caught the bug too because even when we were fighting thieves who were just trying to kill my under lvl’s engy, he was enjoying himself.
Can’t wait till the sun comes up here so we can get some more small fights going.
(edited by kortam.2948)
I feel like I’m running a marathon trying to fight FA, never seen so many players that do nothing but run away. Even the ones that I’m already attacking just continue running away until they are downed. I need more DB, at least the few players that I found alone tried to fight back.
zzzzzzzzz gg anet
ps. just thought I’d put this out here for those that don’t remember. Once upon a time FA was a crappy server. Then when they announced the closure of free transfers, they got a huge influx of fairweathers and bandwagoners. To this day, that’s all they are. They wouldn’t know what loyalty was if it kicked them in the kitten. SoS and CD are the losers of Transfer Wars, and FA was a big fat grubby winner. So remember that, boys and girls, while you are fighting out there.
Well…I am a transfer to FA from TC. I transferred awhile back, because of two reasons:
1) There was an all Engineer Guild forming in FA called NERF, and I wanted to be a part of it, and
2) Was getting tired of RP.
Needless to say, in the first two weeks of transferring to FA, I learned so much about WvW, group tactics, movement, and gosh darnit, just the simplicity of HAVING FUN.
I remember, in my days on TC, when I first hopped into WvW, I got facerolled by an FA. Said FA player then did a /bow, and took off. I found, even when I was gettin’ whooped on (I’m average now. Better than before! LOL) by FA, that they were VERY GOOD at what they do. They are also not a bunch of tools, or have the “I pwnd u lulz” attitude. They are a bunch of weirdos, who like to have fun, and do strange voices on TS. It’s true. Some of them freak me out. But that’s a good thing
Needless to say, I couldn’t think of a finer group of freaks I’d rather play with
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
Good fights in CD borderland SIC and Corp. Was lots of fun especially shaking off pugs.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer
Thanks for the fights BANE! I joined the party late but it was great locking horns with you guys
This match is exactly what I needed. There are far less zerg balls running around on the BLs in this grouping than our last couple matches.
Cheers CD and SOS. I appreciate your fighting
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
After roaming for a few hours today I must say I am disappointed. FA seem to have a “strength in numbers” mentality. Majority of solo people I found seemed to be lost sheep that wandered away from the herd. Some tried to put up a fight but mostly they continued running even while being crippled, chilled and on fire.
There were a couple of nice fights tho, got owned by a guardian, lost a close fight against a necro ( but I got him a few minutes later). Overall, most of my day consisted of trying to WP before whatever group I ran into managed to hit me.
Now, I’m not some super hardcore roamer, I lose about 30% 1v1 fights, but I’m trying to improve. You already have a 20k points lead, this match was decided before it began, everybody knows that. So go out, try some solo roaming, you might even like it… it’s not all about the karma wxp trains…
Good fights in CD borderland SIC and Corp. Was lots of fun especially shaking off pugs
We were having a lot of fun fighting you guys. We kept getting upset when pugs would jump in with us, so running up and fighting up north was perfect
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
I need more DB, at least the few players that I found alone tried to fight back.
BANE/vH/Whoever else. Come gvg us sometime this week
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
It was an agreed un official GvG due to us having all trial members in the GvG. We had 3 core at our peak. if we face you again we would love to face you guys in 2-3 weeks for an official one.
We lost members on our transfer over so we are not doing official GvGs which has been stated to multiple guilds interested in GvGing, In fact we have another this week that is un official due to us popping GvG cherries with alot of our new guys.
LAWL….you didn’t loose members due to transfer, you lost members due to you and hexxed being trolls to your own guild.
One of these days you will find the strength in your heart to move on. Because we sure have.
It was an agreed un official GvG due to us having all trial members in the GvG. We had 3 core at our peak. if we face you again we would love to face you guys in 2-3 weeks for an official one.
We lost members on our transfer over so we are not doing official GvGs which has been stated to multiple guilds interested in GvGing, In fact we have another this week that is un official due to us popping GvG cherries with alot of our new guys.
LAWL….you didn’t loose members due to transfer, you lost members due to you and hexxed being trolls to your own guild.
One of these days you will find the strength in your heart to move on. Because we sure have.
Sure. When you admit truth.
It was an agreed un official GvG due to us having all trial members in the GvG. We had 3 core at our peak. if we face you again we would love to face you guys in 2-3 weeks for an official one.
We lost members on our transfer over so we are not doing official GvGs which has been stated to multiple guilds interested in GvGing, In fact we have another this week that is un official due to us popping GvG cherries with alot of our new guys.
LAWL….you didn’t loose members due to transfer, you lost members due to you and hexxed being trolls to your own guild.
One of these days you will find the strength in your heart to move on. Because we sure have.
Sure. When you admit truth.
Alright, I confess. I am the one who kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby! #1932
-FA gets an influx of map completion fairweathers as every server does when they dominate match-ups like this
-Said fairwathers cause SoS/CD to complain about FA’s alleged horrible roamers and zerglings.
The never ending cycle of forum threads in ANet’s new match up system.
-FA gets an influx of map completion fairweathers as every server does when they dominate match-ups like this
-Said fairwathers cause SoS/CD to complain about FA’s alleged horrible roamers and zerglings.The never ending cycle of forum threads in ANet’s new match up system.
Don’t know what thread you’re reading mate but there has been no complaining from SOS’ers thus far. FA are fun to fight they don’t roll in map size zergs like DB
Sea of Sorrows
Missing the match-up that I was really looking forward to. Hopefully I finish moving quickly so I can come out and play with FA/CD
Missing the match-up that I was really looking forward to
. Hopefully I finish moving quickly so I can come out and play with FA/CD
Get on it man!
It’s been a great match so far and CD loves the pressure that everyone puts on their BL all the time XD
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Good fights in cdbl hills yesterday
-FA gets an influx of map completion fairweathers as every server does when they dominate match-ups like this
-Said fairwathers cause SoS/CD to complain about FA’s alleged horrible roamers and zerglings.The never ending cycle of forum threads in ANet’s new match up system.
Don’t know what thread you’re reading mate but there has been no complaining from SOS’ers thus far. FA are fun to fight they don’t roll in map size zergs like DB
Except Chris who makes his weekly whine post (surprised he didn’t cry about failed 2v1’s this time), SoS as a whole are a respectable bunch. Oceanic/SEA prime time has been fun!
-FA gets an influx of map completion fairweathers as every server does when they dominate match-ups like this
-Said fairwathers cause SoS/CD to complain about FA’s alleged horrible roamers and zerglings.The never ending cycle of forum threads in ANet’s new match up system.
Don’t know what thread you’re reading mate but there has been no complaining from SOS’ers thus far. FA are fun to fight they don’t roll in map size zergs like DB
Except Chris who makes his weekly whine post (surprised he didn’t cry about failed 2v1’s this time), SoS as a whole are a respectable bunch. Oceanic/SEA prime time has been fun!
I said last week that I had given up on CD doing any 2v1. No sense in complaining about something that will never happen!
Speaking of no need for complaining, finally got some fights against FA that didn’t require immobilizes and speed buffs.
On top of that, CD is holding their ground well and we have a good 3-way match now.
I’m happy as can be now.
Bored bored bored, hoping the new changes coming to wvw soon make things a little less /yawn
Bored bored bored, hoping the new changes coming to wvw soon make things a little less /yawn
Hey I was just about to type something similar
Unreal Aussies [uA]
Embrace the Enemy [Corp]
Good fights in cdbl hills yesterday
wave Hi Archer! I miss your siegetasticness <3 Hope all is well on FA, and I hope to find & kills you at some point this week
And hello there CD, you guys come here often? We had a couple good fights last night on your BL, just couldn’t seem to get on evenish numbers. North camp fight was hella fun though!
Bored bored bored, hoping the new changes coming to wvw soon make things a little less /yawn
OH MY GOD! Mez You Up!!! I was wondering what happened to you! ♥
You’re on SoS?? That’s awesome!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
This pretty much sums up my experience solo roaming this weekend. Maybe next week…
Mez has a stalker! Omg its Eva!!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Mez has a stalker! Omg its Eva!!
OMG! It’s you! I miss you! lol
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
Mez has a stalker! Omg its Eva!!
OMG! It’s you! I miss you! lol
It’s been a long time! <3
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Bored bored bored, hoping the new changes coming to wvw soon make things a little less /yawn
OH MY GOD! Mez You Up!!! I was wondering what happened to you! ♥
You’re on SoS?? That’s awesome!
Hiya Eva and Yup SoS for a while now <3
Bored bored bored, hoping the new changes coming to wvw soon make things a little less /yawn
OH MY GOD! Mez You Up!!! I was wondering what happened to you! ♥
You’re on SoS?? That’s awesome!
Hiya Eva and Yup SoS for a while now <3
Hi Mez! Good to see you’re still playing
I miss our roaming adventures and your cheerful /team banter
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Good job [TDS] from [SIC]. Good luck, hope to see your improvement in the future.
Thanks for the GVG tonight TDS! Sorry for the trolls that were poking at your group at the beginning
/respect and I look forward to the next one
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
To whoever those people are on the first page…yes yes, tears are delicious, blah blah I get it you’re real demons. Regular misanthropic sadists who torture small animals and drive people to suicide. /sarcasm
To Mr.Kortam yes of course it’s my opinion that is biased. Certainly not yours. Not that any of it matters. After all it’s the victors who get to write the history books. So please continue pretending like the momentum of every server in this weeks match-up wasn’t radically changed by majors transfers.
It’s all Anets fault anyway. It seems to completely slipped their grasp that GW2 =/= Chess, and that uneven match-ups have distorted outcomes that don’t accurately reflect on that servers true ability.
Thank you for fighting us [TDS] was a lot of fun. Any time you want a re-match with us official/unofficial, its yours.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Tough going for our small man(generally 2-4) but do get some fights occasionally that turn out good fun. Whilst trying to avoid the RAM guild mini zerg and the main zerg balls.
[lion]~ riperonis
Bored again and this thread is looking dead soooooooooooo… How about that new Breaking Bad episode?
Unreal Aussies [uA]
Embrace the Enemy [Corp]
Bored again and this thread is looking dead soooooooooooo… How about that new Breaking Bad episode?
Kinda po’d at myself….passed out right after Hank had his “panic attack”
Bored again and this thread is looking dead soooooooooooo… How about that new Breaking Bad episode?
Bored? Maybe if you guys didn’t roll out in such big zergs vs 10 people or havok groups we’d have more on our maps.
The really sad thing is that even though we have virtually no presence on the maps CD is gaining points on the MOS site.
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer
The really sad thing is that even though we have virtually no presence on the maps CD is gaining points on the MOS site.
This is the problem when you pit together different servers without some form of control over the population. CD are correctly positioned where we are right now, above the likes of Ebay/SBI/YB but below Mag/SOS. But that is just looking at things simple. The truth is, there is a big gap between CD and SOS/Mag in terms of wvw participation, like there is one between SOS/Mag and FA/TC/DB. The gap between CD and the servers below are smaller, hence the tighter scores, but overall, we are just about right where our strength puts us, which is neither here nor there.
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§