8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ
Sorry, guess I forgot my “girl drinking tea” gif so…..
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
Sorry, guess I forgot my “girl drinking tea” gif so…..
My soul… it’s drained.
I had zero intentions of insulting anyone, I was simply stating/recommending that if SF ramped up the zerg/group tactics and worked together imo you’d devastate people. But in my experience this week, there’s a very good reason why the group I roam with doesn’t run from SF. It’s pretty well known that with working together we can cut through the big groups like hot knives through butter with only 10-15 of us vs 20+ (more often it’s a lot more than 20) SF players. I guess what I meant to say is that if you were a bit more organized instead of “omgush red names CHAAAAARGE” zerging….you’d wreck through some tiers.
If I was chest thumping the videos would’ve already been posted. Simply constructive criticism is all I was going for so don’t take my post the wrong way, no matter what server you’re on.
Also thanks to all of the guilds in the match-up that came to GvG us. The guys and gals in [HARD] had a blast and on behalf of them, thanks for the friendly competition. It helps us all become better players in the end. Kudos to you. And best of luck in the next matchup.
Sorry, guess I forgot my “girl drinking tea” gif so…..
My soul… it’s drained.
Less killing, More cliff jumping visi.
Did anyone get photos/video from the [ASH] mini-golem rush?
Here’s a pic from the IoJ point of view. Sadly I forgot to screenshot as we gate-bombed your golem rush.
Guildmaster of [CORE] Company of the Red Elite
Did anyone get photos/video from the [ASH] mini-golem rush?
Here’s a pic from the IoJ point of view. Sadly I forgot to screenshot as we gate-bombed your golem rush.
There was some good stuff after we wiped the first push. One of your guys was death-scouting in the tower, so the ASH guys surrounded him in their mini-golems and started a mosh pit on him. I was the quaggan with the red balloon.
I’m going to miss GoM and gifs
. Shout out to the ASH guild and people running with them, the mini golem zerg had us all laughing on teamspeak. When push came to shove you all became one of the more organized and disciplined zergs we came across all week.
Good luck and have fun with the reset, hope to come across you all again soon! Also, SOMEONE slacked on the girls drinking tea gifs -_-
This is the wonderful guy from IOJ right here! Hello Friend!
Oooh! I’m sorry! There is only so many with her! How about some Amy Pond…
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
I had zero intentions of insulting anyone, I was simply stating/recommending that if SF ramped up the zerg/group tactics and worked together imo you’d devastate people. But in my experience this week, there’s a very good reason why the group I roam with doesn’t run from SF. It’s pretty well known that with working together we can cut through the big groups like hot knives through butter with only 10-15 of us vs 20+ (more often it’s a lot more than 20) SF players. I guess what I meant to say is that if you were a bit more organized instead of “omgush red names CHAAAAARGE” zerging….you’d wreck through some tiers.
If I was chest thumping the videos would’ve already been posted. Simply constructive criticism is all I was going for so don’t take my post the wrong way, no matter what server you’re on.
Also thanks to all of the guilds in the match-up that came to GvG us. The guys and gals in [HARD] had a blast and on behalf of them, thanks for the friendly competition. It helps us all become better players in the end. Kudos to you. And best of luck in the next matchup.
What guild tags were in these zergs? Was there a commander tag? Need to know so we can work with whoever is running these unorganized zergs. Let’s be honest, while SF might have numbers (and from experience, the side you are on always seems to have less numbers most of the time) most of our WvW numbers are because of pugs and not organized guilds, besides the few that most people know about.
And believe me, we are working on training our non-regulars up as much as possible. When my guild runs a zergball we always get a large number of pugs with us because they know they will be getting easy wxp, etc. Many times I have seen it where our guild is going for a certain objective and the pugs will see red names and they break off to get them thinking everyone else will do the same. Of course we always are pounding it in to listen to the commander and do not leave the mass, but in this situation they zerg off on their own leaving the real zerg to do the real work we were in the process of doing anyways.
PS. Sorry if I sounded insulted, it wasn’t really your post I was referring to. I hadnt checked the forums since Tuesday and after reading all the passive-aggressive kitten talk from the other two server’s forum warriors, I was slightly perturbed. I have seen you post here before and you have always been a cool cat.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)
Did anyone get photos/video from the [ASH] mini-golem rush?
Here’s a pic from the IoJ point of view. Sadly I forgot to screenshot as we gate-bombed your golem rush.
There was some good stuff after we wiped the first push. One of your guys was death-scouting in the tower, so the ASH guys surrounded him in their mini-golems and started a mosh pit on him. I was the quaggan with the red balloon.
That was me in the tower! The golem dancing was pretty funny. The best part was that I was only scouting up there because we had another guy in the tower with me! We were waiting for you guys to leave so we could flip it ourselves. You foiled us with your presence!
Great week everyone
Something I also noticed with you all is that when CoSA isn’t in WvW, you guys really drop off. I’m sure you have other good commanders and guilds, but it seems to be a problem that most of your good WvW players are all in the same guild.
That’s actually a little of column A and a little of column B.
While it’s mildly coincidental there were a lot of CoSA tags logging off at around that time, the cold hard truth is that you got to witness the coverage gap brick wall that we have as US primetime ends. We’ve known from since before we dropped down into T8 that there’s no transition between primetime numbers and skeleton crew for us; we hit the same brick wall at roughly the same time every night and 90% of our numbers just vanish.
The reason why GoM felt so outmanned this week (at least during the times I was on) was because we made a concerted effort to hit hard during your relative coverage gap during US West primetime, just like how we expected IoJ’s (and to a lesser extent GoM’s) night presence to bend us over the table.
The coverage gap isn’t something we can fix without months of hard work and recruiting, but it’s something that we’re at least learning how to lessen the impact of when the opportunity presents itself.
That said, after a couple weeks in a row of euthanizing underpopulated servers, this week was a blast. Echoing what someone said barely before Sunday was even over, I hope this matchup happens a lot more often.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
So…not it’s not PvDoor with, according to you, 2 uplevels in the BL defending. Right. Gotcha’. I mean, whatever you all need to justify this absurd move is ok with me. I only hope you all enjoyed the trip to our BL, and that the doors were pleasant enough to fold without too much effort on your part – they can be rather rigid sometimes.
No…no. I get it…really. It’s easier to prove skill and tactics vs the third place and under-manned server rather than making a move on a more challenging target. Padding your score with a PvDoor sweep like that is slightly dodgy and pretty pathetic.
Just stop it man. Stop trying to act like there is some moral high ground we can occupy here. The weeks when we’re coming first by the amount IoJ is we do the exact same thing, and the response from most people is something along the lines of “hurr hurr dey can’t hold dere bl. lern 2 taktiks”.
Sure, we may have been hit pretty hard by the pavilion this week, but I’ve seen some things that suggest we might’ve lost everything anyway. Open field trebs between wood and garrison despite a treb already being built inside wood. Another treb on the north gate of hills that could hit literally nothing. People who were just incapable of grouping up and coordinating without a blue nacho to follow, and people hitting SF bl while IoJ were steamrolling through our bl, leaving a skeleton crew to try and defend.
I was hoping that Natronix’s post might inject some class and stop some of the whinging that always seems to pop up. I am sorely disappointed
So…not it’s not PvDoor with, according to you, 2 uplevels in the BL defending. Right. Gotcha’. I mean, whatever you all need to justify this absurd move is ok with me. I only hope you all enjoyed the trip to our BL, and that the doors were pleasant enough to fold without too much effort on your part – they can be rather rigid sometimes.
No…no. I get it…really. It’s easier to prove skill and tactics vs the third place and under-manned server rather than making a move on a more challenging target. Padding your score with a PvDoor sweep like that is slightly dodgy and pretty pathetic.
Just stop it man. Stop trying to act like there is some moral high ground we can occupy here. The weeks when we’re coming first by the amount IoJ is we do the exact same thing, and the response from most people is something along the lines of “hurr hurr dey can’t hold dere bl. lern 2 taktiks”.
Sure, we may have been hit pretty hard by the pavilion this week, but I’ve seen some things that suggest we might’ve lost everything anyway. Open field trebs between wood and garrison despite a treb already being built inside wood. Another treb on the north gate of hills that could hit literally nothing. People who were just incapable of grouping up and coordinating without a blue nacho to follow, and people hitting SF bl while IoJ were steamrolling through our bl, leaving a skeleton crew to try and defend.
I was hoping that Natronix’s post might inject some class and stop some of the whinging that always seems to pop up. I am sorely disappointed
2nded. Never was I more frustrated by what I saw of the defense last night, and usually I have little complaints. Idn what it is, but our server seems to be highly focused more on offense than defense, and its really disgusting me as a defensive commander.
Tips to make forum clean.
1. Don’t whine or Brag.
2. Do not count numbers. In your view you will always say you DON’T have the numbers even if it’s clearly 20v10 in favor of your side.
3. Laughing/Thumping/etc. on corpses are part of the game. If you don’t want it, go play PvE where the mobs do not have emotes.
4. Do not visit/reply on the matchup forums.
5. Be calm and go PvE (just what I did this week).
Nice week SF and GoM. Goodluck to our next matchups. Peace.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Get better GoM, but not really I enjoyed all the bags you net me.
Get better GoM, but not really I enjoyed all the bags you net me.
match up is over breh, get over it
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.