Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh i’m tired I thought this said SIC lol
(edited by Loken.9724)
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh, you do realize SIC does not run weekends right? Well done baddie you killed a couple roamers on alts.
EXCUSES!!!! 10v10 plz.
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh, you do realize SIC does not run weekends right? Well done baddie you killed a couple roamers on alts.
EXCUSES!!!! 10v10 plz.
you want to fight us, you show up to 15v15. theres a reason no legit guild does 10v10 anymore. Its a joke.
That or you show up to our spvp night.
We have a private server, we invite friends from random servers in, we duel/do small group fights in there most of the night.
If you want to show up, It takes place Thursday night 7pm-11pm cst
Pm me in game for the info.
(edited by Loken.9724)
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh, you do realize SIC does not run weekends right? Well done baddie you killed a couple roamers on alts.
EXCUSES!!!! 10v10 plz.
you want to fight us, you show up to 15v15. theres a reason no legit guild does 10v10 anymore. Its a joke.
That or you show up to our spvp night.
We have a private server, we invite friends from random servers in, we duel/do small group fights in there most of the night.
If you want to show up, PM me in game.
clearly its much easier for 10 people to find 5 other people to join their group then it is for 15 people to ask 5 to sit out……
and as oozo said earlier the less people in a fight the more individual skill matters so clearly you are not confident in your guild member’s ability to do anything other then hammerstun on a target.
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh i’m tired I thought this said SIC lol
Even if it did, way to get aggressive over nothing..
He was thanking them (SC) for the fights.. We had about 10 battles with them this morning that were 4v4/5v5 and it was a lot of fun. He was sincere that we were disappointed that they stopped coming back.
Hey |SC| from Sbi. Ty for the fights. It was a fun afternoon. I know I was certainly disappointed when you stoped coming out. Rage quit ? Or was it just time to log?
Ugh, you do realize SIC does not run weekends right? Well done baddie you killed a couple roamers on alts.
EXCUSES!!!! 10v10 plz.
you want to fight us, you show up to 15v15. theres a reason no legit guild does 10v10 anymore. Its a joke.
That or you show up to our spvp night.
We have a private server, we invite friends from random servers in, we duel/do small group fights in there most of the night.
If you want to show up, PM me in game.
clearly its much easier for 10 people to find 5 other people to join their group then it is for 15 people to ask 5 to sit out……
and as oozo said earlier the less people in a fight the more individual skill matters so clearly you are not confident in your guild member’s ability to do anything other then hammerstun on a target.
LoL, yet you completely ignore the fact that I invited you guys to duel and do some 2v2,3v3, 4v4 and up in spvp. Strange. Doesn’t sound like you are exactly too confident at all in any of your abilities as all you have done from the very start was make random excuses as why you won’t show up.
Not enough guards to do 15v15 (lol you have 5)
Not enough players (hows that guild roster does it read more than 15? mine reads 18 btw)
You don’t do 15’s cuz you’re not baddies (LoL so i guess every major guild including AGG,RG,TW,EP and so on are baddies..right that makes sense)
So which is it? or would you like to find me another excuse?
Just keep ignoring the spvp invites, pretend it is not on the table man.
actually right now 3 of my players are on holidays, i don’t even have 15, i’d still just pick up pugs and do it.
You can keep your forum warring up, or you can do the easiest thing in the world and just PM me in game.
Offers are on the table. accept, decline, PM me, don’t PM me, I don’t give a kitten. You know the time and place of where you can get a fight.
(edited by Loken.9724)
Okay enough posting for me.
Best thing you’ve said all thread.
Someone sounds salty.
Had some good fights with Os earlier today! was fun!
I’m giving out internet high-fives for each ex-GoM player that gets killed in this matchup.
When did RH transfer to NSP or SBI ???
And cool, ill find someone from RISE, try repeatedly to kill someone and when I do you owe me a high five and you owe that person from RISE about 9 maybe 10 high fives
RH is still on GoM. I’m just keeping an eye on this matchup for some amusement because all three servers have ex-GoMs on it and I want to see who’s the best of those who left.
We have 1 Ex-Gom.
But we happened to take the best one. MUAHAHAHHAHA.
I’d take JKFlippyfloppy over any of the guilds that the other servers got any day.
Awwwww <3
kitten dude, I wish Tele liked me that much, our conversations always go like this:
“Oh Tele, you’re roaming? Can I join?”
“No Kaz, stop being bad.”
Had some good fights with Os earlier today!
was fun!
Os is a “no fun allowed” type of guild, sorry.
why you so mean kash? I’m going to go into the corner and contemplate my life now.
To the ranger I just 1 shot in SBI BL. Hope you enjoyed that nasty 17k crit.
-That’s what happens when you chase. Stop doing it.
why you so mean kash?
I’m going to go into the corner and contemplate my life now.
When ever I need to think hard about something, this loops in my head.
just witnessed [RISE] and [OS] ignore each other to kill us….
yallmad? =p
[TE] had a great night in IoJ BL, particularly the fights for your garrison and the initial fight at hills when you still had a waypoint. Thanks to all the IoJ who came out to fight and defend your home map unlike most of the kitten kitten kittenes on your server. Respect!
I don’t know you yet Loken, but that was the realest post I’ve ever read in my life.
If you find yourself in need of a few extras give me a shout.
at least no repair bill~
Ty Buns for chasing me all the way into a corner. I could have wped anytime, but I thought you might just 1v1 me. Guess I was wrong, but I also guess I deserve it for last night =p.
Ty Buns for chasing me all the way into a corner. I could have wped anytime, but I thought you might just 1v1 me. Guess I was wrong, but I also guess I deserve it for last night =p.
That was indeed for last night! But from now on it is back to 1v1s should you run into us again. Unless you go snipe bass-kitten again like last night! -shakes her fist-
You know, with all this complaining about zergs, you would think us in SBI created this matchup, not Anet…..
Would you rather us run around in 10-15, 5 man groups? Think it’s hard to get across the map now? At least you know where the “blob” is and you can avoid them.
If you are being spawn camped, I have a little secret to tell you: There are 3 ways out of spawn.
THREE WAYZ OUT ?! Are you talking about them 4 huge portals ?? Because I count 4 not 3…
Never thought about the portals, but you could try those too. I am talking about the trails to the camps….One trail usually forks off to the left or right too, so you have even more choices!
You guys keep Durios farming and I keep missing it Sad dayssss.
You guys keep Durios farming and I keep missing it
Sad dayssss.
well, i g2g, you can have my superior ac, it is still up xD
You guys keep Durios farming and I keep missing it
Sad dayssss.
well, i g2g, you can have my superior ac, it is still up xD
Uni. In the AM, Sadly cant go XD About to hop on netflix, turn something on and doze off lmao
Ran into SIC for the first time while roaming today and lemme tell you, these guys are atrocious. No wonder they don’t wanna do anything that requires even the minimum of individual skill.
Incoming kittenstorm imminent.
Ran into SIC for the first time while roaming today and lemme tell you, these guys are atrocious. No wonder they don’t wanna do anything that requires even the minimum of individual skill.
LOLOLOL, no you didn’t run into SIC. You ran into my little NERF group, first time NERF group in WvW on IoJ, who had two SIC hovering around them. GG on beating up on a Pve engineer who entered WvW for the first time and wasn’t even on VoIP with me and another who was running in WvW for the first time with me.
P.S. NERF had a lot of fun. Thanks for helping me with showing new NERF members a good time.
(edited by Chaba.5410)
Odd considering SIC was not in wvw on Monday. I guess it is a large accomplishment for you to kill 1 of us.
Still no. Reply to duels. Odd.
Odd considering SIC was not in wvw on Monday. I guess it is a large accomplishment for you to kill 1 of us.
Still no. Reply to duels. Odd.
Well you offer [sPvP] duels, to a bunch of WvW players, what do you expect lol?
Why won’t you duel, 2v2, 3v3 etc… in WvW? Are you not a WvW’er? TBH I wouldn’t have a kitten clue where to begin making a sPvP build on my chars I don’t like the mode and I never go there.
To add another point of honesty, I don’t give two shts how good or bad you play GW2.. But I’d be happy to duel you or anyone else with any of my toons (in wvw), don’t worry I play all 6 regularly(ok not the ele!) and use multiple builds on all of them all the time so I am lacking any sort of ascended setup so I’m sure most have that advantage on me.. I also don’t have any legendaries either since I hate pve..
I’m sure anyone else in XOXO would be happy to do so as well.. We’ll gladly 5v5, and perhaps could scrape up a 10v10 if some spca/splt or tm wanted to join in.. But the reason we don’t do higher is mostly because we just don’t have that many online at once..
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
Odd considering SIC was not in wvw on Monday. I guess it is a large accomplishment for you to kill 1 of us.
Still no. Reply to duels. Odd.
Well you offer [sPvP] duels, to a bunch of WvW players, what do you expect lol?
Why won’t you duel, 2v2, 3v3 etc… in WvW? Are you not a WvW’er? TBH I wouldn’t have a kitten clue where to begin making a sPvP build on my chars I don’t like the mode and I never go there.
To add another point of honesty, I don’t give two shts how good or bad you play GW2.. But I’d be happy to duel you or anyone else with any of my toons (in wvw), don’t worry I play all 6 regularly(ok not the ele!) and use multiple builds on all of them all the time so I am lacking any sort of ascended setup so I’m sure most have that advantage on me.. I also don’t have any legendaries either since I hate pve..
I’m sure anyone else in XOXO would be happy to do so as well.. We’ll gladly 5v5, and perhaps could scrape up a 10v10 if some spca/splt or tm wanted to join in.. But the reason we don’t do higher is mostly because we just don’t have that many online at once..
Orb buffs. we also already have an organized night every week foe duels. That’s really why I offer it. We already have members of FA and JQ showing up. Figured its a fair even ground to have some fun.
so if u would like to come yay. If not no big deal.
Odd considering SIC was not in wvw on Monday. I guess it is a large accomplishment for you to kill 1 of us.
Still no. Reply to duels. Odd.
Well you offer [sPvP] duels, to a bunch of WvW players, what do you expect lol?
Why won’t you duel, 2v2, 3v3 etc… in WvW? Are you not a WvW’er? TBH I wouldn’t have a kitten clue where to begin making a sPvP build on my chars I don’t like the mode and I never go there.
To add another point of honesty, I don’t give two shts how good or bad you play GW2.. But I’d be happy to duel you or anyone else with any of my toons (in wvw), don’t worry I play all 6 regularly(ok not the ele!) and use multiple builds on all of them all the time so I am lacking any sort of ascended setup so I’m sure most have that advantage on me.. I also don’t have any legendaries either since I hate pve..
I’m sure anyone else in XOXO would be happy to do so as well.. We’ll gladly 5v5, and perhaps could scrape up a 10v10 if some spca/splt or tm wanted to join in.. But the reason we don’t do higher is mostly because we just don’t have that many online at once..
Orb buffs. we also already have an organized night every week foe duels. That’s really why I offer it. We already have members of FA and JQ showing up. Figured its a fair even ground to have some fun.
so if u would like to come yay. If not no big deal.
We don’t care about the orb buffs that much, a fight is a fight! We would likely not even have the buff anyway, so no scales tipping in our favor. I like difficult odds anyway. I would love some duel practice personally, but I’m a WvW girl. TBH I’ve never even used the sPvP tab except for free ports to LA, and I don’t feel like trying to figure it out. At least not today.
Some group stuff sounds fun though, I’d like to 5v5 or something.
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
I have it on video even.
Adlanna np. Pm me in game Tuesday or wensday night. Maybe we can get aonw open field stuff going.
Also id like to apologise for the misdirected comment about your guild earlier. I tried editting it when I realized my mistake
No hard feelings.
The fight at Durios in EB was extremely fun. Same with Bravost. Those numbers are really imposing SBI, but I think we held our own on those fights.
And then a nice 1-1 against a roamer NSP thief. Overall, a nice fight.
When [Os] members are tea bagging people naked then you know guild wars 2 has truly gone to kitten.
To the NSP thief from [Os] that /sit on me about 30 times after being ganked by 3 people after guildies ran into tower.
Please learn how 22222222*shadowstep*2222222 better. Kthxbai.
Adlanna np. Pm me in game Tuesday or wensday night. Maybe we can get aonw open field stuff going.
Also id like to apologise for the misdirected comment about your guild earlier. I tried editting it when I realized my mistake
No hard feelings.
Wow, you are a real clown aren’t you. First you respond to something that wasn’t for you.Then you proceed to toss out sPvP duel invites…
I was thanking SC guild for the fun fights. I don’t even know who you are.. honestly.
15v15…… Lol…
Lets save the 28 people’s time and let them sit this one out. How about a simple me vers you? … Stacks/orb buff either way I don’t care. Windmill or ruins .. I let you choose.
To the NSP thief from [Os] that /sit on me about 30 times after being ganked by 3 people after guildies ran into tower.
Please learn how 22222222*shadowstep*2222222 better. Kthxbai.
Sounds like something i’d do…
Hello to you. We enjoy this crazy pointless zerg in SBI as much as you do. It ruins much of the game play for us roamers.
Well if it was just 1 week of you guys, I’m alright with that. But we have been through 3 weeks of this. First you guys, then CD and then you guys again. The fair-weather players are practically all gone and the core wvw people are pretty sick of always fighting blobs as well. But good fights with you guys, hopefully I can try fighting you guys with an organised team instead of almost all pugs with me.
We were actually hoping to bunker the hell out of hills considering that our server took every single tower/keep in the game leaving us nothing to do at all. Then the crazy zerg showed up and repaired all our doors despite us telling them not to. After that happened you guys were no where to be seen, much to our disappointment.
Yeah after seeing that blob I felt very frustrated and tired so I went to take a break. Had been in wvw for almost 10hours by then. And considering the fact that you guys defended garrison, I thought you guys would defend hills as well since it is the easiest keep to defend and I was right.
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
I am but a mere PvP’er and lack the intellectual capacity to learn the higher skills necessary to be a WvW zerger. Mrs. Honeybuns has a proven track record of success and can help you far better than I.
But, as promised, here is a new instructional video on thiefing for my friends over on NSP. Please forward especially to Timada so that he can one day have the chance to win a fight.
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.
I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
awww aren’t you just the sweetest!
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
I am but a mere PvP’er and lack the intellectual capacity to learn the higher skills necessary to be a WvW zerger. Mrs. Honeybuns has a proven track record of success and can help you far better than I.
But, as promised, here is a new instructional video on thiefing for my friends over on NSP. Please forward especially to Timada so that he can one day have the chance to win a fight.
This is good, ty. I take notes so I can study up and learn. This build is hard and very confusing, but I practice: 444444222244444244444442222222222222222. Right?
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
And we thank you so much for your lessons. Like the perfect composition of guardians to anything else in a group, or the proper method of teabagging your opponents. Your methods are truly fantastic and hold us in awe on IoJ!
But seriously, fighting BAGS/DDLG has to be some of the best fun I have because even if we lose to you guys, it enrages us enough to become better in small groups and in our guild group. We keep honing our skills and are ready to come back the next time. Though I will say we are probably still more scared of SPCA/XOXO on NSP than any roaming group on SBI.
Toodles until later our former DR adversaries!
This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..
And we thank you so much for your lessons. Like the perfect composition of guardians to anything else in a group, or the proper method of teabagging your opponents. Your methods are truly fantastic and hold us in awe on IoJ!
But seriously, fighting BAGS/DDLG has to be some of the best fun I have because even if we lose to you guys, it enrages us enough to become better in small groups and in our guild group. We keep honing our skills and are ready to come back the next time. Though I will say we are probably still more scared of SPCA/XOXO on NSP than any roaming group on SBI
Toodles until later our former DR adversaries!
Guardian > Condi Meta
Pure of Voice ftw!
(edited by Kcrook.3945)
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