9/6 BG/JQ/FA
Thanks [RQ] for the fights yesterday
@FA guilds, please check your challenges on gw2gvg, sending match invites for every day of the week, but the timezone on that thing is kinda confusing atm, so if it ends up coming out wrong, matches tue-thursday should be @ 10 PM EST
We would love to but that site removed the 5v5 category, as written in our guild description. We can only do unofficial 5v5 matches.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Hope, RQ, ATK, and my Dudes RISE. I love you guys longtime. Sorry for the big zerg balls I’m farming for my Legendary
But I think I fought Hope and ATK tagless a few times.
RQ you guys are kittening good. Keep up the good work. Tonight OnS will be going Tagless for most of the night so the fights between us will be a little more even. Tomorrow and the next day we’ll be down for GvG!!!!(R.I.P. GvG)
__________________________JQ- [NS] Night Shift Welcome to T1 BABY!
Likewise, its always about the fights here. [ATK] atm runs on average 8-11 in WvW but we are steadily growing as a guild. Cya on the battlefield
Also fun fight last night against [Leet] (I believe it was)
Guild leader of [BMS] Better Metal Snake
Fun times for [NOC] last night in Oceanic!
Nice warm up in south BGBL, turned the heat on in EBG, then cooled off in FABL.
Shout out to [TUNE] for the fun in BGBL, JQ for letting us PvD T2 SMC (where was the float team?), and Epic fight in FABL Hills lords room! that engage was on a knifes edge. Sorry we sniped that FA
[FirstLight] – BLACK DESERT ONLINE – EDAN http://www.firstlightgaming.com
Welcome to Tier 1, NS!
Thank you, looking forward for some great fights!!!
Night Shift
Welcome to Tier 1, NS!
Thank you, looking forward for some great fights!!!
NS in this tier? YES GVG!!!!!!!!
Oh wait, you’re on JQ too?
What’s wrong with Oceanic?
Is ESOL a pve guild?
Nice fights Ret and Rise
Tired to death right now, but kitten that was intense.
You know it was a lot of matches when you get 2 WXp ranks just from GvGs :P
Is ESOL a pve guild?
Why you say that?
What’s wrong with Oceanic?
its kind of…Flakey?
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
Don’t take what people write on the forums to heart, people have to feel superior to others in whatever way. I’ve seen some dumb-kitten PuGs on FA/JQ/BG, everyone has them – the op was just basically only trying to boost his own ego.
FA that golem rush on valley…absolutely awesome, you guys were a hair from capping it. I came back from being AFK at the perfect time lol!
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
Kudos. APS is a legit guild. I’m honored you took my comments so personal. You guys are like the ivory-billed woodpecker of BG. A very endangered North American species that is so rare that many believed it to be already extinct. Hopefully this rare footage will inspire other BGers to help preserve this extremely rare server treasure. With the help of other photographers like yourself someday just maybe you’ll raise enough awareness to this species that BG itself will stop its genocide through blobination. A powerful nerve disease that afflicts a staggering 80% of BGs population. Rendering them only able to press 1 and F while having torrets like outbursts about PPT.
Had some pretty good times fighting GoF and SF/SG on BGBL and then back over to FABL with Icoa. Glad to have this matchup and looking forward to tomorrow night.
Sorry HB…I don’t think we’ll be able to make it out during late Euro or EST at all this matchup
Fort Aspenwood – www.gw2hope.com
JEDSUS SAVES! Oh wait, no he doesn’t cuz someone reported his name and now he’s just JED SAVES….
Religious Persecution! Religious Persecution! Someone call the GW2CLU!
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
Kudos. APS is a legit guild. I’m honored you took my comments so personal. You guys are like the ivory-billed woodpecker of BG. A very endangered North American species that is so rare that many believed it to be already extinct. Hopefully this rare footage will inspire other BGers to help preserve this extremely rare server treasure. With the help of other photographers like yourself someday just maybe you’ll raise enough awareness to this species that BG itself will stop its genocide through blobination. A powerful nerve disease that afflicts a staggering 80% of BGs population. Rendering them only able to press 1 and F while having torrets like outbursts about PPT.
looks like someone got rolled hard by a passing BG zerg. i noticed you are the only one trying to troll.
Elementalist S : DD
You sure say sorry a lot.
We’re sorry that you have to stay in tier 1 to be honest. It’s not that great.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
I’m not sure what you’re saying here. BG had help from the JQ cannon in bay? I’m not seeing eight FA and four BG either. Two different screenshots with randoms in onesie-twosie fashion?
BTW, Static Discharge Rifle build… Try Personal Battering Ram instead of Rifle Turret. You must be pretty glassy running that build.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
(edited by Chaba.5410)
Thanks for all the fun fights tonight BG and FA. [SG] roamed around every single map today chasing around RIOT 5 mans , BG zergs and FA groups. FA’s [SG] trap in SM was pretty fun to deal with haha. I think if you actually had LESS ac’s it would have worked even better, the red carpet of ac fire was a little TO much. Good show though.
We had a good run in with HOPE from FA at one point and had about 10 minute drag out brawl in front of hills. HOPE n friends finally beat SG n friends at the end though! Good show grrrr! I think you guys have got a ton better since the last time we tangled. I will try to hunt you down next time I’m pinned!
See you all tomorrow!
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
Well… this is fun – I’d hate to say it but I look forward to fighting SoR again. Even if they do roll around with large numbers it at least beats the Pvd of this matchup.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Is ESOL a pve guild?
Why you say that?
Oh I was just gonna say they are “ok” for a pve guild.
Welcome to Tier 1, NS!
Thank you, looking forward for some great fights!!!
So in the wvw leagues will there only be 1 week of SoR/JQ/BG? out of a total of 7??
New bunker meta sux
So in the wvw leagues will there only be 1 week of SoR/JQ/BG? out of a total of 7??
what the fox say?
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
So in the wvw leagues will there only be 1 week of SoR/JQ/BG? out of a total of 7??
what the fox say?
fox who?
New bunker meta sux
NS went to an anti-gvg server!?
Sounds odd
Unless they decided gvg will be dead when the BL updates and Bloodlust is implemented and decided to play the T1 game. I’m not stating an opinion about it by the way, just throwing out a possible explanation. Who knows really, and it doesn’t matter either way.
We decided to move because we wanted fights and weren’t getting any good mathups for tha last month or more. This doesn’t mean we won’t do GvGs, we’ll always accept any and all GvG challenges that come our way (although we have been taking a small break, couple of key members were/are on vacation).
Anyway, we had good fights last night in both BG BL and JQ BL, its a relief coming from our last matchus. See you guys on the field
[NS] Nightshift you guys are very freaking good. I’m going to have to hunt you guys to improve my guild. Awesome fights on JQ BL and sorry for that one guy constantly emoting you guys. I noticed once he started all you guys started doing it as well. No disrespect to you at all. You whooped our kitten last night.
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev
Well… this is fun – I’d hate to say it but I look forward to fighting SoR again. Even if they do roll around with large numbers it at least beats the Pvd of this matchup.
Odd you should say that, no skill lag in SoR’s matchup this week. Hmmm what’s changed?
Youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpXd26ZeABJNWi83dXDjtoZ8Lf-4IJ9Gu
Well… this is fun – I’d hate to say it but I look forward to fighting SoR again. Even if they do roll around with large numbers it at least beats the Pvd of this matchup.
Odd you should say that, no skill lag in SoR’s matchup this week. Hmmm what’s changed?
Is SoR taking a break to earn some $$ like BG is doing this week?
New bunker meta sux
JEDSUS SAVES! Oh wait, no he doesn’t cuz someone reported his name and now he’s just JED SAVES….
Religious Persecution! Religious Persecution! Someone call the GW2CLU!
…wait seriously? It’s so funny and blasphemous at the same time.
Fun fights so far this week. I made a small clip with some highlights
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Score update. Good fights from FA tonight and the usual 1,000,000 BG players at BG BL.
My favorite part of that score update is that FA owns SMC.
My favorite part of that score update is that FA owns SMC.
There is nothing strange FA are fighting with what they have and they does well.
My favorite part of that score update is that FA owns SMC.
You mean the opportunistic moves made on SMC when BG attacked JQ? They were going around to cap FA/JQ towers and camps with a zerg train. In the end 10+ brave people capped Klovan and SMC as revenge and holding it for a good 30 minutes (borrowing some manpower from JQBL, but the main force that capped klovan and SMC were only 10+ people)? Where were you guys, oops, watching the free show.
After which FA came over to SMC for free taking because JQ got them angry and BG started attacking JQ for the next hour. I am wondering why you (guys) are trying to praise yourself.
(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)
My favorite part of that score update is that FA owns SMC.
You mean the opportunistic moves made on SMC when BG attacked JQ?
But this is war. Opportunity plays a great role in that. Sun Tzu talks about the use of opportunity in war. Why you would qq about an opponent’s good capitalization of opportunity?
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
We like your coattails JQ. Its the only way we get to praise ourselves, and we enjoy the table scraps from the tier 1 super servers of epic awesomeness. We wouldn’t be able to hold a camp if you didn’t keep BG in check all the time.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I’m new to WvW but FA you guys were relentless last night on WC, 3 Trebs hitting it from SMC and I think you had a cata in the dredge cave pounding on the wall. A few of us were running around with supply trying to keep it up but in the end you guys were to much for are small group. Awesome work
(Nade spamming Engineer)
And what the frick shini?! Are you serious?! How dare they alter jeds toons name. The nerve!
BG miltia is bad and they should feel bad.
Four random BG, no voip, no comp, versus eight FA (Six APS, two pugs), possible voip, most likely no comp. You may notice I put a numbers over two Knights because one is a mesmer and the other is a necro. I was the only BG that got downed in that fight due to a JQ on a cannon in bay.
Kudos. APS is a legit guild. I’m honored you took my comments so personal. You guys are like the ivory-billed woodpecker of BG. A very endangered North American species that is so rare that many believed it to be already extinct. Hopefully this rare footage will inspire other BGers to help preserve this extremely rare server treasure. With the help of other photographers like yourself someday just maybe you’ll raise enough awareness to this species that BG itself will stop its genocide through blobination. A powerful nerve disease that afflicts a staggering 80% of BGs population. Rendering them only able to press 1 and F while having torrets like outbursts about PPT.
looks like someone got rolled hard by a passing BG zerg. i noticed you are the only one trying to troll.
Well… this is fun – I’d hate to say it but I look forward to fighting SoR again. Even if they do roll around with large numbers it at least beats the Pvd of this matchup.
Odd you should say that, no skill lag in SoR’s matchup this week. Hmmm what’s changed?
Is SoR taking a break to earn some $$ like BG is doing this week?
Part of being in TW is devoting prime time to the team. So no, we’re always in wvw when we’re at our computers to do so. I have however been enjoying the new Civilization expansion during non-prime..
So I guess yes and no, same numbers less often.
Youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpXd26ZeABJNWi83dXDjtoZ8Lf-4IJ9Gu
Had some pretty good times fighting GoF and SF/SG on BGBL and then back over to FABL with Icoa. Glad to have this matchup and looking forward to tomorrow night.
Sorry HB…I don’t think we’ll be able to make it out during late Euro or EST at all this matchup
kitten you
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus
Score Update!!!!!!!!!
And look who’s back!!!!!!!!! Welcome back Veritas! <3
<3 from the LOVE Asuras <3
(edited by CuddleStrike.8215)
Score Update!!!!!!!!!
And look who’s back!!!!!!!!! Welcome back Veritas! <3
<3 from the LOVE Asuras <3
Hmm, Veritas is cuter!
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
My favorite part of that score update is that FA owns SMC.
With the PPT score as it is, Commanders aren’t generally concerned with holding SMC. There’s dragonite in them there hills.
The alternative to swapping SMC is to PvE. I’ve done some world boss fights and WvW is elite athletics compared to those skill-less encounters. I’ve washed my hands, but I still can’t get the stain out.
When do the good Blackgate players log in?
Just kidding. I know you don’t have any.
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud
Uh oh! Clown shoes trolled our whole server! He’s so clever and original, I wish I had a keep to hide in since were so good at it!
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer