(edited by Jayne.9251)
9/6 ET/SF/DR
Clint, are you on now?
Wouldn’t mind arranging a duel.
Logging in now.
I was totally kidding and had no basis for saying that a character deletion duel was coming.
…but man that would be awesome.
Good luck on finding some duels anyways lol. I would if I wasn’t at work.
Sylvari Rouge
Clint, are you on now?
Wouldn’t mind arranging a duel.
Logging in now.
I was totally kidding and had no basis for saying that a character deletion duel was coming.
It’s just me and the pigs at the moment…..
I’ll stick around if anyone cares to try a few rounds. Always good practise and good way to improve.
Clint, are you on now?
Wouldn’t mind arranging a duel.
Logging in now.
I was totally kidding and had no basis for saying that a character deletion duel was coming.
It’s just me and the pigs at the moment…..
I’ll stick around if anyone cares to try a few rounds. Always good practise and good way to improve.
Does anyone in this cluster do fight clubs or dueling sessions? I’d be down for one before reset if there’s interest.
Sylvari Rouge
And STILL a better love story than Twilight.
wait is there duels?! i’m bored XD someone say yes
Oh a lovely thief from LH came and joined me. I’m happy. He’s kicking my butt, lol.
Ok fight club starting to happen at windmill on SFBL if anyone cares to come .. six here now Fights have been lots of fun so far, everyone respectful and no ganking. Lovely!
Usually fight club is Thursdays but I love when one randomly starts. I would come if I didn’t have to work.
Haha, sorry I messed up the order and snuck one in About 10 here now.
Thanks btw to everyone who came out. Some spectacular learning for me.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Tooo bad im at work -_-;;!
And now we have an extra page… Nothing like start a discussion to heat things up…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
This is what happens when we have a good commander on
[url=https://] [/url]
Haha, sorry I messed up the order and snuck one in
About 10 here now.
Thanks btw to everyone who came out. Some spectacular learning for me.
Never be sorry. We’re all about MOAR FIGHT CLUB.
This is what happens when we have a good commander on
Congratulations on proving you have more coverage than either ET or DR. Oh wait, we already knew that.
This is what happens when we have a
good commander ona lot of gold to use tons of omega golems against outnumbered servers
Fixed that for you.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
This is what happens when I take a quick screenshot of the map after one server zergs the zones down, most likely without much opposition. I know this happens in most match ups for each server at least once, but I thought people would care this time for some reason.
Sylvari Rouge
This is what happens when we have a good commander on
Wait .. you were in WvW?
I was talking with you in game for a 1v1 and you said you had PVE to do first.
And you posted this pix minutes after I left.
Well bah. I guess you didn’t want to 1v1 me.
This is what happens when we have a good commander on
Wait .. you were in WvW?
I was talking with you in game for a 1v1 and you said you had PVE to do first.
And you posted this pix minutes after I left.
Well bah. I guess you didn’t want to 1v1 me.
Nah that was a pic from last night dawg, i just got to WvW. (You can whisper me whenever the next time your gonna do it)
and you all didnt fix anything for me, my original message still stands.( Those edits were cute tho)
[url=https://] [/url]
(edited by clint.5681)
This is what happens when we have a good commander on
Wait .. you were in WvW?
I was talking with you in game for a 1v1 and you said you had PVE to do first.
And you posted this pix minutes after I left.
Well bah. I guess you didn’t want to 1v1 me.
Nah that was a pic from last night dawg, i just got to WvW. (You can whisper me whenever the next time your gonna do it)
and you all didnt fix anything for me, my original message still stands.( Those edits were cute tho)
oh yes, i remember that, i was asleep saying to myself ppt night zergs are so pro.
oh yes, i remember that, i was asleep saying to myself ppt night zergs are so pro.
Ahhh, take it easy on him. :P He is just excited that for once the other servers’ night coverage isn’t running rampage all over our EB and borderlands.
By that I mean, if you look at our history in matchups, we have lost many due to our very poor nighttime (NA) coverage. We hang with the other servers during our strong times (mainly NA primetime, we have a large west coast population) but lose the matchups because of our sleep/work schedules.
So ya, people tend to get excited around here when we can actually hold (and/or take) things during our night/work times.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)
Night ppt zerg is chogosu
You don’t even need a good commander because this happens, and that wasn’t even all of them. We wiped atleast 30+ before they came.
You don’t even need a good commander because this happens, and that wasn’t even all of them. We wiped atleast 30+ before they came.
Alright there is alot of unwarranted SF hate on this thread. Seems like some are mad the we have more wvw people active on our server than the other two servers(some are just mad). Thats cool and all, when we went against Ioj and Hod last week we had less than either, we didnt sit around and complain mind you, but it happened to us also.
As for that picture you posted im sure you had plenty of time to see a zerg of that size coming.
[url=https://] [/url]
^Mad?? Nah, You guys need those #s for lack of skill anyways. ^ >^
You don’t even need a good commander because this happens, and that wasn’t even all of them. We wiped atleast 30+ before they came.
You have a full group so at least 5, you should of killed them all friend no excuses.
ET less QQ more pew pew
|Stormy Knightz~ war| |Ranged Iceburn~ Ranger| |Jizmoh~ Engi|
→ Sorrow’s Furnace
I miss real forum warriors…PPT is srs bzns, and whatnot.
SF is bad at stuffs we get it…Only undermanned servers have quality players, hopefully next week we will get an outmanned match again so that our “quality” will skyrocket once more.
In other news I have enjoyed exploding level 80s with bad builds/gear this week with my upleveled guardian. I have gotten it handed to me a few times as well, mainly because I keep jumping into the middle of 4-5 people like I am still on my main toon.
I for one have no misconceptions, every server has bads and every one has good players. The problem is on every server the bads/fairweathers/PVE’ers tryin to get those badges for that legendary…make up about 75% of the population.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
Was solo roaming ET borderlands and ran into a Sylvari Warrior a few minutes ago, and wanted to give a shout out. And if you are reading this great duel! I was the Guardian with the GS/Staff and it was back and forth for a solid 5-10 minutes trying out maneuver each other using terrain and our skills to the best of our abilities, anything we could use to get a advantage. But ended with a stale mate. So we saluted and went our ways. Respect.
Fun fights this morning, guys. Especially in ETBL. Props to the engi who wasn’t afraid to fight!
I miss real forum warriors…PPT is srs bzns, and whatnot.
But… But… I haz froum warrioring skillz…
SF is bad at stuffs we get it…Only undermanned servers have quality players, hopefully next week we will get an outmanned match again so that our “quality” will skyrocket once more.
Every server from the “Bro-Trio” improved a long way, but WvW is a number game… You can win fights with skills, but in the end, the numbers will decide the outcome of the war….
From #22, #23 and #24, we’re now #19, #20 and #22 (hopefully FC will make it to #21), as AR, DR and GoM go down… Those servers are dealing with what we have dealt before and now will have to improve in fighting outnumbered or die in oblivion. (However I still find funny that I never see DR with the outmanned buff, and ET have it in 2-3/4 maps this week. You guys got more people over there?)
That said, SF has the right of being on the top of our former group, as they not only have superior numbers, but their core improved by fighting against outmanned odds.
I for one have no misconceptions, every server has bads and every one has good players. The problem is on every server the bads/fairweathers/PVE’ers tryin to get those badges for that legendary…make up about 75% of the population.
Badges are so easy to get now that I’m not really sure if that argument still valid… I can just run around a borderland taking 7 sentries, 6 camps, 3 quaggan nodes, the temple and doing Wurm/Warg/Harpy/Centaur/Skritt, for easy Wexp, which result in ranks that result in more badges. But who knows…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Badges are so easy to get now that I’m not really sure if that argument still valid… I can just run around a borderland taking 7 sentries, 6 camps, 3 quaggan nodes, the temple and doing Wurm/Warg/Harpy/Centaur/Skritt, for easy Wexp, which result in ranks that result in more badges. But who knows…
Yes but you are an experienced WvW’er bro, these people are running PVE builds and following that 100-gold blue roadmarker to “success”…They don’t realize that doing PVE in a PVP map is viable. I know I have gotten about 20 levels this week just from standing in circles, dat karma train. I mean we legitimately have people that have been farming PVE for the last year that just have popped into WvW, some of them even have tags. While this is a good time to break-in new commanders, hopefully they realize that WvW is not: Cap camp : run to next objective : throw 2 rams : kill lord /repeat. Can’t really blame them for doing it, but the main thing is to realize that there are people on SF (just like any server) see “Server ____” and they think “time to get my WvW on!”
Plus not sure if you boys and girls noticed, but there appears to be fewer badges drop off of players now (compared to pre-wallet days), maybe it is because like you said you are getting them from ranking up etc.
I know I used to get about or just below a full stack (250) of them on reset days, last week I think I got around 115. And if I am going to zerg I am greedy and tag everything, many others said they noticed the same thing when I brought it up in our VoIP.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
ET less QQ more pew pew
Holy Crap its Cosa!!!
I’d like to take a second to thank you guys for all the loot and wxp this week, it has been great.
Sylvari Rouge
I, for one, would like to thank SF for bringing their massive PvE population into WvW. They have been a rich source of lootbags and go down in one or two hits. Not to mention they don’t know the map at all and therefore are easy to chase down.
Please continue to be the overpopulated^1 server we all love to hate.
^1 Overpopulated relatively for T8 the tier of dead/dying WvW servers.
I guess ET is upset with all the spawn camping. I’m sorry guys, I’m usually the one that gets that spawn camping going, but you guys are so easy its hard to resist the free loot. Please don’t judge SF on my account.
LOL, I’ll pay 1 gold 50 silver 5 silver for each screenshot of Breh’s corpse.
I had to revise the amount because I realized I couldn’t pay for the 2,000 screenshots I was about to get.
I challenge you all to show up to fight-night this week (Thursday SF BL?), then I further challenge someone to remind me to transfer back and remember that thursday is fight-night. (Sorry the zerg servers we have been facing dont fight night so I am out of practice)
LOL, I’ll pay
1 gold50 silver5 silver for each screenshot of Breh’s corpse.I had to revise the amount because I realized I couldn’t pay for the 2,000 screenshots I was about to get.
So where are these 2000 screen shots?
@Aeneasx. I’ve already publicly shamed all of you. The only one with anything to gain in a duel would be you. I’ve clearly been making BS upset since way back when I got on here to shame them when they were whining to that pancakez guy.
No coincidence that BS always spouts a challenge when someone has done so. Your only way to repair your easily bruised ego, but mine is self sustaining. I need not validation with a poor mans tpvp to keep it. I’m just good like that. If you want me, get me while I laugh at the BS corpses.
(edited by breh.5987)
You know what ET and SF remind me of?
Matrix Revolution, where Neo(ET) fights Agent Smith(SF) outside in the basketball court.
No matter how many SF Agent Smiths get their butt kicked by a small group of Neos from ET, they just keep coming and coming, multiplying and multiplying, until eventually we get overrun, like so.
Here’s another way to think about it. ET is like the US army, small, organized, and powerful. SF is like the chinese army, large but clumsy and expendable.
" Let me repost the same screenshot, maybe it will be cooler this time" -Geoski
[url=https://] [/url]
LOL, I’ll pay
1 gold50 silver5 silver for each screenshot of Breh’s corpse.I had to revise the amount because I realized I couldn’t pay for the 2,000 screenshots I was about to get.
So where are these 2000 screen shots?
Whoa, did you already get 2,000 deaths in the past hour? I am impressed. I did not know anyone was so bad at this game.
LOL, I’ll pay
1 gold50 silver5 silver for each screenshot of Breh’s corpse.I had to revise the amount because I realized I couldn’t pay for the 2,000 screenshots I was about to get.
So where are these 2000 screen shots?
Whoa, did you already get 2,000 deaths in the past hour? I am impressed. I did not know anyone was so bad at this game.
I used to know a bad engi that morphed into a guardian that could have vied for that kittene.
“Get him off me!”
All this complaining about our numbers. The reason why we have so many is that once all our PVE players saw how badly we were stomping you guys, they came in wvw to farm ET/DR. There were quite a few times this week (mainly in ET BL) where the group I fight with was outnumbered by a group twice our size and we wiped them completely. The “Chinese Army” which you are comparing us to is composed of pve players running around, many of which have never played in wvw before.
Mr Pocket Rocket~Charr~Guardian~Commander
Ok iv kept my mouth shut for some time now, ET has way more skill over DR and SF the only thing you have is coverage over both I cant even count how many fights outnumbered we’ve whipped SF multi times over and over and over again, all ima say is thanks for all the bags fo real, wheres all your guilds at all I see you doing is running together 40+ zergs wheres the guilds at that aint scared to run alone and take kitten wheres the skill? Just because you come and take our t3 keeps when no ones on or on low coverages days/nights big deal.. you think your good but your wrong if your so good you wouldn’t be sitting where your at with all your numbers you should be way more org. and beating way more servers, I sense a internal problem? ET has way more skills just not enough coverage, we have way more communication and skill in fights and we know what we doing.
I dont know how many times SF has tried to take our boarderlands this week at night and failed getting whipped over and over again I give you props for your numbers but thats it, at least ET puts up way more of a fight outnumbered then DR, you think you know ET but your strongly mistaken!
IoM Leader
IoM/ET Commander
ET less QQ more pew pew
lol I thank you for posting these screenshot, especially the one us holding it down at the gate whipping all of you that was an epic night holding it down at the gate outnumbered that was pretty sad on SFs part fo real again thanks for all the bags!
Ok iv kept my mouth shut for some time now, ET has way more skill over DR and SF the only thing you have is coverage over both I cant even count how many fights outnumbered we’ve whipped SF multi times over and over and over again, all ima say is thanks for all the bags fo real, wheres all your guilds at all I see you doing is running together 40+ zergs wheres the guilds at that aint scared to run alone and take kitten wheres the skill? Just because you come and take our t3 keeps when no ones on or on low coverages days/nights big deal.. you think your good but your wrong if your so good you wouldn’t be sitting where your at with all your numbers you should be way more org. and beating way more servers, I sense a internal problem? ET has way more skills just not enough coverage, we have way more communication and skill in fights and we know what we doing.
I dont know how many times SF has tried to take our boarderlands this week at night and failed getting whipped over and over again I give you props for your numbers but thats it, at least ET puts up way more of a fight outnumbered then DR, you think you know ET but your strongly mistaken!
IoM Leader
IoM/ET Commander
Why are you getting involved in this really? I mean its just randoms arguing over stuff that is moot….So now you wanna brag about your guild group rolling over pug zergs? That is what guilds are for (organized groups to cut down the mindless zergs) in wvw, if pugs rolled you then that would be tuurrrible. Whatevs bruh.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
Got to say i’m quite enjoying this thread lol
Got to say i’m quite enjoying this thread lol
I am enjoying this thread as well. Enjoying internet trolling is an acquired taste though. Sorta like coffee.
I have been on my work schedule which often takes me away from my ability to keep up with this forum thread stuff, and even a bit of participation. I guess I really only have one questions with all of this negativity being spewed.
Q: How is is that with all of that superior skill these servers are not stomping our kittens about (being the pathetic server we are) sic.
A: Just another excuse.
Truthfully I agree with a previous comment above. SF gets the same treatment from the other servers when we go up the tiers and it does no good to spew the monkey hate around. Enough of that going about in this weeks PVE Super Adventure Box.
By your own admission skill has nothing to do with it all. Just accept thakittens a numbers game and get over it. This is a game and its about time to enjoy it. If you cant enjoy then maybe its time to reconsider it all, eh?
Guardian – Dragonbrand
ET less QQ more pew pew
lol I thank you for posting these screenshot, especially the one us holding it down at the gate whipping all of you that was an epic night holding it down at the gate outnumbered that was pretty sad on SFs part fo real again thanks for all the bags!
Haha your post mad me laugh, look at the screenshots mini-map again, all of them were in your bay, owned by us. The comment about you holding it down outnumbered was us against you, during your attempt to use a golem in getting it back. You also interpreted my post in the wrong way, it was not to brag or say we are better than you, but to show you that you have numbers and that you should stop crying on the forums about not having them.
|Stormy Knightz~ war| |Ranged Iceburn~ Ranger| |Jizmoh~ Engi|
→ Sorrow’s Furnace