AG/MS/UW (27/09)
all i can say is EB epic farm tonight <3
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
all i can say is EB epic farm tonight <3
so NP are the new Kiss of Ag?hehe congrats.
We had a lot of fun on MS BL yesterday, greets to all the guilds we fought!
And today is the perfect example why country-servers are OP. GG German holidays.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
all i can say is EB epic farm tonight <3
so NP are the new Kiss of Ag?hehe congrats.
Last time i saw XxX maybe 3 days ago, they were running back to keep and team up with 30-40 PUG before they turned to face… hehe congrats
so that makes XxX to the KISS of UW?
You cant run always guild events. Farming sometimes come handy. :P
Desolation – [TEU]
(edited by gaborkaldy.3210)
all i can say is EB epic farm tonight <3
so NP are the new Kiss of Ag?hehe congrats.
Don´t you guys often raid EB? Go and give NP some fights then, so they don´t have to farm. They´ll be more than happy to fight anyone and anything, those guys have balls size of boulders.
It´s real shame that fights dried up so fast on Uw/AG borders last night, left us craving for more.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
And today is the perfect example why country-servers are OP. GG German holidays.
Its not the german holiday why we loose.
Though we wtfpwned MS every single primetime evening we never stood a chance to win this week.
The reason is simple: we dont have night / morning coverage while they do have. Once AG somehow gets a decent coverage will grow up to the bigger ( not biggest) servers.
Desolation – [TEU]
(edited by gaborkaldy.3210)
GG German holidays.
that explains a lot
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
Congratz to the [NO] guild, you succesfully did a warrior sweep in garri.
To bad you had to send the whole guild raid after me just so you could jump on a corpse lolz.
Guess you got bored of the karmatrainday today.
all i can say is EB epic farm tonight <3
so NP are the new Kiss of Ag?hehe congrats.
No NP ant the new KISS of AG, we are the guidl that mad eyou post this and QQ
but nem on the other hand i had alot of respect for your guild, but you just bring it down with all this rage and QQ so please dont say anything about NP being KISS when all you did was run from, us last night and hug the UW blob, i would be so happy to fight you any numbers any time just stop the QQ its only a game
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
O hai Quackers!
Trick is to ignore certain people
I can vouch that your nothing like KISS :P as much as I could make comments, by the bucket load, I wont. What I will say is no guild has bigger balls than us, except you come close :P Sometimes to the point of recklessness btw like making charges a bit harder for us by being a tad bloodthirsty <3
The truth is on the battlefield. People kitten and form opinions of guilds over time fighting against them. Nothing one guy can say can change it.
Good to see the map hopping is strong in a lot of so called roaming guilds. Was a shame could of been a much more action packed week.
Aurora Glade EU
i was only joking and yes we want to fight but no 70 ppl.
well we have to make up for our lack of numbers some how but we always know when we push you are waiting to follow and rob our kills
looking forward to the fight tonight nem
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
well we have to make up for our lack of numbers some how
but we always know when we push you are waiting to follow and rob our kills
looking forward to the fight tonight nem
u cant alone we are 20 but u can push us with the whole border:D
all i can say is <3
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
I feel Wafflefairy might finally have found a flirt.
Princess Quakers has a good ring to it.
Aurora Glade EU
Good to see the map hopping is strong in a lot of so called roaming guilds. Was a shame could of been a much more action packed week.
To many zerging this week, mostly from millers side as you rarely see them 5-. I’m not gonna sit duck and wait for the next train where I have to perma stealth my kitten out. I’d rather hop a border and see if life is better there.
Ymilia – Elementalist
Shade of Underworld – Thief
quick vid from yesterdays action and to the millers trying to spawn camp, thank you for the bags.
(edited by Asrok.2193)
Wasn’t bad. Millenium website does not show a big rating loss for us(Underworld). Millers were a bit stronger it seems(they even beat AG which had a little bit more rating than them). Also yesterday was national holiday in Germany and probably a lot are also not working today taking 1 day vacation if it’s a friday between some holiday at thursday and weekend.
I have not played that much… when I was online it often seemed we got pwned. But they just have better coverage even if there is no holiday. That’s why they are even stronger than AG.
Also as usually we often have outnumbered when we could have more players(last week even during week sometimes a short few seconds queue on EB). Players only playing when we are winning(if they still played now we could have even been better – more enemies = more loot if we had the zerg to fight).
Hoping for some good balanced matchup next week again(little bit stronger enemies so there is a kittenallenge – like this week – this is okay).
Yeah i remember Underworld last time was way better in number and could hold his own, probably now we have too many number to do and effective defense.
I remember GuM last time did a fantastic job, to denied supply, very good small ops and havoc.
Miller, has a stable coverage that both Underworld and Ag doesn’t have, Miller start showing up again at 2am-4am and that keeps going till primetime.
While the coverage in miller it’s stronger so they won, plus national holiday, wvw patch that negated Ag the Points in Primetime and restarted right for the morning capping to go.
What miller seems now from few months ago it’s a new old riverside(with a bit less numbers) They play for points, they have fun that way.
I like miller way more when QQ and MYA was there, it was roaming guild doing good fight.
Now miller it’s a server that in primetime, when people are playing lose everything in their border while they have plenty sitting in their tower, and they lose it fast.
I went to miller border 5 times this week and the lost everything 5 times, one time we couldn’t enter due queue, they didn’t lost garri and other time was the patch.
While playing for PPT it’s ok, you will come to understand that it’s sustinable, watch Vizunah, BEST PPT server for like forever, now new SFR has more people and they lose.
Teaching your people how to fight and winning in open field it’s something that stays, the fun doesn’t go away when you’re in a hard matchup, it goes up, Because slaying mega-blob of mindless unskilled pugs/zombie has his own reward.
And if you find a good guild on the other side it’s always very fun and test for you and your people if they can hold aganist good people.
Said that have fun, Gl for the league, don’t think you needed you have plenty of coverage, till the next big fish comes around.
Guild Leader
Kind of boring to see entire server, that only knows how to play keep-turtles with a gazillion arrow carts, stay inside walls for the entire better portion of the prime time hours, then when honest people go to sleep and work, come with your zerglings and golems and take all of our keeps just because it was 5 of our defenders vs all of your invaders.
Yesterday in primetime we have shown, how maps would look like, if we had actually people online also in those very late/early hours (see screenshot below). But I guess some of us play WvWvW because we like to have big fights vs big groups, others rather play 50 vs 5 and go for that easy win and for some of that good old über-ganking.
But not even all your fortresses couldn’t keep us out and they all fell sooner or later. Better start to learn how to fight properly, without help of arrow carts and behind the safety of concrete walls. There is an entire world outside.
Anyway, guys from Miller Sound, I am thankful for all the lootbags you bring, because on those rare occasions we actually do meet in open battlefield, you know what happens. Be thankful you had holidays in this matchup. Next time we meet, you won’t be so lucky.
Borderlands map look like this, when AG starts to clean up. Screenshot from yesterday night, MS garrison fell few minute after.
Well, Last time you fought UW, you had less primetime guilds, (extremelly good guilds btw, like vcy) and we didnt had to fight vs AG and MS both at primetime, with (due to the numbers i assume) queue from both on our bdl’s. It was good seeing MS 24/7 in our bdl with always a 50+ blob, and if it wasnt enough, they’d get more, unforfunatelly i couldnt play these last 2 days, but, thank you for all the loot, and a special thanks to TUP, VCY and NP for the awesome fights. Always a pleasure fight you guys, and see you soon
Peace & Respect
Aurora, like said before in this thread, I would say Underworld has lost some of its “pressure” because ANet has been hindering defensive play more and more with every patch.
Bloodlust + Ram mastery kinda kills the defensive playstyle out. While bloodlust ain’t that big thing in defense, it still favors the stronger server, which UW clearly wasn’t in this match up
There was times when AG or MS had all three buffs and UW had its own buff every now and then.
Also, us GuM have been consentrating more on guild roaming than defense lately. So no thousand supply traps, not that many drained supply camps or Hills with thousand AC’s. The Ram mastery was kinda the breaker for it.
But but, the matchup was fun overall though. I had fun roaming with my guild
Thanks for all the fights AG and MS
PS. If anyone wants to do some before reset Duels, Im all up for that
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
The name change is on it’s way ^^
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
not a great week, but certainly a good one. thanks for some good fights UW, thanks for being as dull as expected MS.
Aaah finally Friday and reset! Hopefully we will have a better matchup for the incoming week…No offense, but it’s not even fun anymore to face Millers
But well I guess thanks for the loot bags and w.exp….
Yeah Ram MASTERY it’s the best thing they ever done ever. While i understand the fun to defend your garrison aganist so many,i like way more open field fight, blob or not blob,fight.
Ram Mastery and plus now my bit more exprience in siege helps a lot.
Yes our primetime i don’t think can really be matched from any server up to maybe T1 or something like that(Probably Gh it’s the same level of us not sure)
We have good guild that pressure the enemy kitten primetime.
And Yep Uw didn’t have the number to pressure Ag this time, we still offer Gvg, many guild in Ag offer Gvg no matter buff, that’s the best we can do for a fair fight or at least as fair as it can be.
Guild Leader
I miss the old millers server, where Mya and QQ lead the way, and you had plenty of others like bots, sm etc around… use to be my favourite server to fight for awhile
The new millers reminds me of a very old abbadon playstyle. Fight avoidance to the max if they lose a couple of fights which is a bit bleh and working in shifts avoiding primetime way too much just for ppt/pvd. As mentioned previously UW didn’t defend as committed or hard as they have done in the past… which made it a bit too “dull” or “easy” at times when entire bl is painted AG and que’s on other borderlands… and the one night we don’t get ques on AG and UW… we swap after enemy many times back and forth. I Personally don’t get the running away from action part but whatever floats their boat.
That being said there was some good fights, just expected you guys to be a bit stronger as you were in the past. So thanks for the fights and we shall meet again in the league soon.
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)