Augury Rock Vs Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square
votf are you ever running in less than 40? Fighting you creates massive skill delays even tho you’re almost alone. Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
40? We usually run at least 75, and we only have warriors, guardians and necro’s. We have some thief alts to place traps.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Dear enemy,
Please leave people protecting the buildings… Yesterday, three ninjas in a row in just one hour was almost hilarious.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
Dear enemy,
Please leave people protecting the buildings… Yesterday, three ninjas in a row in just one hour was almost hilarious.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Stop attacking stuff when nobody is defending. Just defend something that is under attack. Or go chase some zerg. There’s 12 shadows? You guys could do some real damage with 12 guys harrassing others.
P.S. gratz on the 3 ninjas, that is still quite the achievement.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
votf are you ever running in less than 40? Fighting you creates massive skill delays even tho you’re almost alone. Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
40? We usually run at least 75, and we only have warriors, guardians and necro’s. We have some thief alts to place traps.
Brb buying some traps.
VotF come from tier 1 you basically had to have around the numbers they have now to play there. It’s not like this tier doesn’t have its own blobs they can fight with those numbers. It all depends if the metagame is about blobs or guild. If it’s about guilds all running 20-25, sure everyone can run that number. If there are 60-70+ blobs running around zones, guilds might need that 30-35 to deal with that. But, yeah they will have a hard time finding a pure guild raid that fields similar numbers like they do.
Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
There are guilds in Piken which can field 30?!? Most active ones I know (yeah, I don’t know much) can barely get 15 in average nowadays… Speedbumps…
Getting 25 people in on Piken is easy!
If you start all start queueing at 16:00 BST, you should have everyone is between 20:00 and 21:00
votf are you ever running in less than 40? Fighting you creates massive skill delays even tho you’re almost alone. Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
40? We usually run at least 75, and we only have warriors, guardians and necro’s. We have some thief alts to place traps.
Brb buying some traps.
VotF come from tier 1 you basically had to have around the numbers they have now to play there. It’s not like this tier doesn’t have its own blobs they can fight with those numbers. It all depends if the metagame is about blobs or guild. If it’s about guilds all running 20-25, sure everyone can run that number. If there are 60-70+ blobs running around zones, guilds might need that 30-35 to deal with that. But, yeah they will have a hard time finding a pure guild raid that fields similar numbers like they do.
Trying to explain anything logical to Devitz is like drawing blood from a stone. Infact according to Devitz logic every transfer from T1 to T3 is plaguing T3 with their blob concepts. So we are all blobs together.
Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
There are guilds in Piken which can field 30?!? Most active ones I know (yeah, I don’t know much) can barely get 15 in average nowadays… Speedbumps…
Yeah we just get rolled by big groups like votf. When they can stand to loose 15 people and still outman you… Well the outcome is pretty given. Only way to challenge them is to bring two or more groups.
Its been a while since I saw a 30 man Piken guild roaming. Blobs sure, but full guilds are rare.
Good fights tonight, AR and BB in EB. (last half hour before I post this).
was fun killing your blobs and after that getting killed inside pangaloss (however I think if my zerg would’ve pushed out of the choke point we could have won).
really good fights
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
Awesome fights in Piken Border last night.. Tks to BuLL for probably the most enjoyable fight the whole night, and also tks to VF and Tohu for good skimrish
Nice skirmishes on AR border last night for us, we were fielding just under 10 but were pleasantly surprised finding similar sized group fights one after the other all over the map.
Thanks all
Piken Square
Peace people! Even though we’re enemies on the maps, could we unite for once in order to prioritise the WvWvW details that really matter?
Thank you in advance!
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Please don’t joke about stuff like that. After the AC debacle it is way too likely that they’ll actually do this.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
I’d vote for anything that brings joy to our fellow RPers. So everyone needs to vote for this, even you closet role players hiding on other servers!
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Second Law: Farewell, Piken Square
(edited by Wompage.4586)
That bull pack <3.
Second Law: Farewell, Piken Square
Thank you @nd and GL See you on the battlefield !
p.s. I meet a new AR guild called { WHAT] , what is it ?:)
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
BB you crack me up. =)
3:30 a.m. cest… big BB blob having fun alone with 10+ golems and paper doors in eb?
Red Guard
It seems that Baruch will receive reinforcements.
In order to increase our presence at the mornings any russian ally would be welcomed. Nice environment and no queues for sure during mornings.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
Second Law: Farewell, Piken Square
Thank you @nd and GL
See you on the battlefield !
p.s. I meet a new AR guild called { WHAT] , what is it ?:)
I saw those guys. I think they called themselves the Victimites. What?
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
(edited by Caliban.3176)
Very nice group
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
It seems that Baruch will receive reinforcements.
In order to increase our presence at the mornings any russian ally would be welcomed. Nice environment and no queues for sure during mornings.Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
no one expects the spanish inquisition !
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
BB you crack me up. =)
3:30 a.m. cest… big BB blob having fun alone with 10+ golems and paper doors in eb?
So… if another guilds/servers do PvDoor while we sleep/study/work and nobody is in the maps, it’s fine.
But we can’t do it. Can you explain why?
BB you crack me up. =)
3:30 a.m. cest… big BB blob having fun alone with 10+ golems and paper doors in eb?So… if another guilds/servers do PvDoor while we sleep/study/work and nobody is in the maps, it’s fine.
But we can’t do it. Can you explain why?
I neither said you couldn’t nor did I say it would be fine when others would do it.
Red Guard
Hey don’t try saying we do it, we don’t have the manpower to, the little outmanned symbol is on almost permanently between 11pm-11am. AR neither these days, tis a bit quiet from them at night since TZ left. We all know if you play for points night time is the best time to get them(not saying it’s bad, most things in war are valid tactics), it’s why servers like BB and RS are so high in the rankings.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
I think that BB try to compensate at night that no one appears before “siesta”, or later, in a spanish server :P
Wellcome Scnd Law to BB, its an honor for us!! In DsD hope share BL with you. <3
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the warm welcome we’ve received so far on BB. You guys have been awesome <3
there are rumors that an tactician will come to aid AR guilds, and it is personal advisor of RG and VOTF , confirm ?
Nice to see BB have already taught [Scnd] how to play properly, always hold hands when near each other so you don’t get lost. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others………….in a supply camp. Same with the next dozen times. makes me sad to see people roll over like that so easily.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Nice to see BB have already taught [Scnd] how to play properly, always hold hands when near each other so you don’t get lost. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others………….in a supply camp. Same with the next dozen times. makes me sad to see people roll over like that so easily.
where?? say a BL at least pz… At this time are only 3 or less Second law in BB mate, and if you talking about reset nigth i doubt about it. Another lie.
Anyway all servers play blob some times, pleaase stop the blob drama and have fun. GL to all this week guys!!
Raid was called tonight at 22:30, anything that you saw afterwards was not an official raid, I logged as did half the guild at the above time. We weren’t even in the map with DsD, siN and BuLL tonight, we were in AR BL. Whatever you saw was after-hours play from a few people that wanted to stay up.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Nice to see BB have already taught [Scnd] how to play properly, always hold hands when near each other so you don’t get lost. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others………….in a supply camp. Same with the next dozen times. makes me sad to see people roll over like that so easily.
recommend you to buy a new glasses or at least try to stay at front of the piken blob.
Dear sIN we decided to change border after midnight(nice fights at AR tho – till a little Anet break) and we found it hard to catch one guild from BB without addition of others. When we engaged on you, 10 seconds later other raid jumped on our shoulders. Maybe you tried to walk alone but also used the possibility to jump at others with NuKe, CS, BuLL or any other guild you had there
At the beggining INC consisted of 30, after swaping border – 23 + 3 GH mates. Thanks everybody for intensive fights.
Nice to see BB have already taught [Scnd] how to play properly, always hold hands when near each other so you don’t get lost. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others………….in a supply camp. Same with the next dozen times. makes me sad to see people roll over like that so easily.
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
there are rumors that an tactician will come to aid AR guilds, and it is personal advisor of RG and VOTF , confirm ?
The one and only master strategist IanBoyd.
About blobing on BB… well, i have to say that in the comunity there are few high ranked from important guilds that have several times directly said that it was nocive for them to go on raid with random people. So blobing in BB… maybe when some friendly guild come togheter to reach big objectives… but knowing that a lot of guilds doesn’t like each other in BB… well, anyways, you can always say we’re blobing when you see several differents tags, but you can’t say that, for exemple, Piken’s VotF are few people. I play with VF ( what i said is only by me, nothing comes from this guild), and i have to say that when we reach our max numbers of ppl on raid, there are stills enemy guilds that outnumbers us by almost the double sometimes, like VotF ( even if we enjoyed fighting them ^^ ). So, blobing on BB… i think we blob everywhere, u just QQ when u are less, like everybody does when u see 2375610274560 feets steping on your face.
it’s getting old all this blobing affair…
Well, anyways, wellcome to [Scnd], hope they enjoy this server as much as we do!
Btw, sorry for that hacking thief, disgusting to play a game vs and with that kidn of ppl :/
piken hsa no guild called VotF just FYI Dalmiro^^
@ Khrums – Where is the love man
Btw if AG pull off a miracle and get Piken I will be playing this (the full length on reset of that week and wont stop the raid until song ends ;o)
Aurora Glade EU
Most of Piken’s run 20-25-30max as far as I’m concerned
There are guilds in Piken which can field 30?!? Most active ones I know (yeah, I don’t know much) can barely get 15 in average nowadays… Speedbumps…
Getting 25 people in on Piken is easy!
If you start all start queueing at 16:00 BST, you should have everyone is between 20:00 and 21:00
But if you strugle in queues and you are worry about Piken Border get gems and swap server so Piken land will still in good hands. To Victory for Pikeeeen!!!
@ Khrums – Where is the love man
Btw if AG pull off a miracle and get Piken I will be playing this (the full length on reset of that week and wont stop the raid until song ends ;o)
We feel rejected so many times sending AR or River with love to you guys but you … you stil there some far way QQ
(edited by Khrums.3765)
. Seriously guys i thought you hated this whole blobbing and handholding yet the 1st time i see you it 15 of you, 20DsD, 10 sIN, several Bulls and a few others…………..
Mmmmm…. It seems your glasses count the double.
On one hand they do not share map.
On the other hand if they attack your last garrison standing…what do you expect? Some of them will gather unintentionally in your last defending keep…
Changing the topic, any decent roaming guild out there? We have not found heavy resistance yet.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
/ fun mode on
God bless the allmighty lords!!!!
They must survive at any cost!!!
/ fun mode off
I hate the outnumbered buff… specially when there’s football and dinner time
Btw so much fun late in the night with the siestas and cervezas jajajaja :P
Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
Btw so much fun late in the night with the siestas and cervezas jajajaja :P
And don’t forget the sangria! So much fun commanding in spenglish, should do it more often. I love the atmosphere on Baruch, you Spanish people are sure crazy!
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
Changing the topic, any decent roaming guild out there? We have not found heavy resistance yet.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Try to find outside waypoint
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Dear sIN we decided to change border after midnight(nice fights at AR tho – till a little Anet break) and we found it hard to catch one guild from BB without addition of others. When we engaged on you, 10 seconds later other raid jumped on our shoulders. Maybe you tried to walk alone but also used the possibility to jump at others with NuKe, CS, BuLL or any other guild you had there
At the beggining INC consisted of 30, after swaping border – 23 + 3 GH mates. Thanks everybody for intensive fights.
What? do you think that you would have survived at north of Bay if CS and us coordinated a charge together instead of one after another? why dont you complain to the other so called pvp guild (lol) that kitten you while were still fighting???? (not once but twice)
Why did you run away from longview when there was a large distance between us and whoever was at the tower.
You are another guild that take almost no risk and only try to fight with an advantage and when it doesnt happend you cry like a baby.
You had 26 guys? perfect, not sure you but after our dinner break we had 0 elemenalist and others (dont have to be you) wouldnt even leave the spawn with less than 3.
(edited by SAC.7862)
You scared us, no doubt ! Create more warriors and guardians
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Dear sIN we decided to change border after midnight(nice fights at AR tho – till a little Anet break) and we found it hard to catch one guild from BB without addition of others. When we engaged on you, 10 seconds later other raid jumped on our shoulders. Maybe you tried to walk alone but also used the possibility to jump at others with NuKe, CS, BuLL or any other guild you had there
At the beggining INC consisted of 30, after swaping border – 23 + 3 GH mates. Thanks everybody for intensive fights.What? do you think that you would have survived at north of Bay if CS and us coordinated a charge together instead of one after another? why dont you complain to the other so called pvp guild (lol) that kitten you while were still fighting???? (not once but twice)
Why did you run away from longview when there was a large distance between us and whoever was at the tower.
You are another guild that take almost no risk and only try to fight with an advantage and when it doesnt happend you cry like a baby.
You had 26 guys? perfect, not sure you but after our dinner break we had 0 elemenalist and others (dont have to be you) wouldnt even leave the spawn with less than 3.
I remember the situation near longview – we wanted to take you on open field(no, no, 2 other raids are not necessary to fight just our), just 5 seconds more and we would meet because we turned in your direction a seconds later and you were gone.
I also remember situation up on bay where you got wiped, near wurm where you got wiped and RG jumped on us from behind. Yes I know it, don’t worry We paid them in the same way later.
and… set-up of your raid is really not my problem.
our setup is not your problem same as we dont care if you are 26 or 36.
our setup is not your problem same as we dont care if you are 26 or 36.
I think is not sIN cry for help so we got zerged is just lame behavior other guilds which cant respect enemy when engage more likly same noumbers that time was CS and Nuke? That is pug-zerg way to play and shame. Some people seems not care, they just crazy rush any time seing red maybe becouse spanish corrida infuence on some players. Red =dead no matter if is fair play hehe
But no worries bring it on, we dont care if you zerg and ruing afraid all togheder, we have same amount of respect to BB guilds now as towards any pug blob.
Red is dead
You are another guild that take almost no risk and only try to fight with an advantage and when it doesnt happend you cry like a baby.
You had 26 guys? perfect, not sure you but after our dinner break we had 0 elemenalist and others (dont have to be you) wouldnt even leave the spawn with less than 3.
Your playstyle is very impressive. What a risk . It was so very dangerouse situation for you close 6:04
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square