Aurora Glade - Drakkar Lake - Riverside
^hero spotted, he has friends, bbq and beer, what a guy!.. It’s a very contructive post man!! We should all stop whining, stop playing and go real life and not care about them polluting our game pvp game.
Can I be as awesome as you, I doubt it, but I’m gonna buy a bbq now for sure!
^hero spotted, he has friends, bbq and beer, what a guy!.. It’s a very contructive post man!! We should all stop whining, stop playing and go real life and not care about them polluting our game pvp game.
Can I be as awesome as you, I doubt it, but I’m gonna buy a bbq now for sure!
this post is as constructiv as the 5 pages of whine and flame before it!
coal or gas for your bbq?
NOOOoooooo…don´t steal my delicious forums! ….bbq does sound delicious too though…
and yeah we on DL also run around in zergs, so what.
Nothing wrong about those, we just hope they wouldn´t disappear as fast as they do.
so more of them please, make yourself a reputation, TUP-guys.
We would like to, but you´re not fighting us.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
coal or gas for your bbq?
Who in their right mind would use gas if there´s coal available?
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
I am not going to make that joke. No, I am not.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I think we are playing different Games this week. We had yesterday a GvG, the day before also one.
Had some decent fights against equal,lower, or bigger numbers.
You may Not have a 24/7 coverage on the battlefield but here for sure.
Almost unbeatable showing amazing skills.
I can only speak for me and my guild, you are good but for sure we
Are not running away from you .
Perhaps pugs but not separate guildraids
Greets Myrmi
because the joke is offensiv? or you could make it in our german forum?
gas is for the convinience, if you plan on bbq-ing a lot, in the evening after work and you can’t spend a lot of time. Or if you happen to live in a place on the 3rd floor with only a balcony and some difficult neighbours.
but i’m all for coal to!
For the 1st time since this thread opened, I like the direction it’s heading in: Beer & BBQ.
…I’m also always in favor for the coal one.
It would suit a lot of people in here to chill a bit more => Beer & BBQ is a great way to do that. A lot of comments might have some truth to it, but the phrasing and tone is often just way off…. That goes in all directions / servers.
Live and let live.
You want to play PvP: well post it in the forum and arrange it with other minded guilds. But don’t be offended if not all like your play style.
You want to siege a fortress and have epic battles for a tower. Go ahead and look for one that suite your purpose. But don’t be offended if you only find one, where the opponent outnumbers you or has more siege than you.
You want to do solo and roam around. Just do it, if you find a likeminded player, great. But don’t be offended if you don’t find anyone or if a zerg happens to roll over you.
There is no right or wrong in WvW. It is just a great platform for a lot of different play-styles.
And one more thing: it always looks like the opposing force has at least twice the numbers than you do, but normally it is not. Unfortunately the display shows the entire address book and favorite websites over top of each enemy, being it player, pet, minion or whatever. So please consider it next time before posting. That would help a lot…
Okay, now back to my lawn chair and enjoying beer & bbq (while checking this thread for entertainment value every once in a while)…
Let RoS face AG next week <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash Go there plz. Go there plz.
But i´m not from texas….
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Let’s talk about football instead, or anything but this game. Cause everything is more enjoyable then this game.
What do you like to do in your freetime?
What do you like to do in your freetime?
BBQ & beer…
sorry, I could not resist.
But anyway, I still like the occasional wvw round. Still think it is not that bad.
What do you like to do in your freetime?
Builc acs.
~ RS warrior.
Ps. Sorry i could not resist.
Tell me more about your interesting life on a GW2 forum please!
Shadowresli – what does zergs have to do with anything TUP have posted? We WANT you and RS to bring the fights, Riverside fail to do so. As for DL – I remember them having more spirit, you had a 70man + blob in your own Borderland, we kicked you out of it last night, I was telling the raidleader, take their garrison, it will call in more from other maps – I was wrong. Seems like the huge zerg you had didn’t like being wiped a few times. Ended up with 0 defending your garrison – but well over 20 siege weapons :s
So we went to AG BL and helped kick the germans out of that zone – Kudos to [IF] appreciated the action.
If desiring fights or complaining about a server’s mentality for craving something other than fights – gets up your nose and you want to “label” TUP something – go ahead. Reality is TUP just want you to fight and play for fun, nothing about blobs or zergs – bring them atleast its a fight – which is all we want, fun and action.
@hydeaut – so do please explain what “reputation” TUP are building for you?
Beggers of action? Cravers of fights? Desirers of fun? Cause I would have to agree to all the above.
Every server that knows TUP, knows we don’t map change after a defeat, we don’t run away from action – sure we might have to use terrain when necessary against the mega zergs (rational). We seek out the biggest force on map, a typical night on map chat..
TUP: Any eyes on the zergs?
Superscout: 30 RS SE camp
Proscout: 60+ DL N Bay
TUP: Dibs on bay
So write and think what you want, the only truth is TUP want action. Your server for the most part (DW + IF excluded) do not give it. Hence the clash.
We like fun and action, you for the most part like points. The only time you guys (as a server) are fun is on reset, when you crave your “operation hills” and bring your mass and try to take points – but fighting to earn your “rewards”. Just wish the rest of the week would of been the same.
What I will say is – you both gave us, our best night of WvW @ Reset. Some servers are extremely weak on reset = leads to a boring night. But you both brought big numbers and didn’t log after a wipe. Fights make the game fun, for that we thank you.
Zorn, VU, IF, DTK, DW… Maybe many more guilds whose tags escape me, lead the way for your server, get that fire in your belly for fights again. Your server has some good quality guilds, while some of you might not see eye to eye with our vision of playing. It’s in your hands to turn Riverside into a fighting machine (while still keeping your points high). People may one day, look forward to fighting you – be like “oh kitten , tough week ahead, lots of fights this week”. Instead of “oh kitten its Riverside, well that’s my week over”
It can be hard to accept cold hard truths, people can say this thread is full of wine and cheese. Reality is no one is complaining about you being out in the lakes in a force (like blobadon’s thread) – we are actively trying to get you to fight. Trying to engage with you, a lot of your “leaders” and trolls, fail to see that. So if anything the “flame war” only comes as a result of you being blinkered and not accepting a server (not just one servers opinion, but many over the weeks and months) asking you to fight and calling you out, for hiding (with numbers) on superior siege in T3 keeps and towers.
So if asking you to fight is offensive – so be it. I thought it was a WvW, Player Vs Player based game, and simply want my opponent to fight. If you want to give TUP labels and a reputation for that go ahead.
The other 20+ Servers know what they get with TUP:
A bunch of misfits who when not drunk, wish they were. A comms full of banter and always looking for the next fight. Who try not to run over small scale foes, unless they attack/in the way. Who will not add in to even fights involving allies (let them have their fun).
Who also get upto to silly things (almost daily)
So think what you want, we won’t stop trying to get you to fight.
PS: Appreciate it last night [IF] @ NW tower, 2 TUP ran up hill past you and pugs (I guess around 25 or so in total) – your guys left us be, alas the 8 or so pugs wanted my kitten pretty badly lol.
So on a ending note: cheers for the fights when we could find em, you don’t have to be lonely in your towers forever RS <3 we give free group hugs.
But seriously, thanks for the fights and hope AG gets opponents more suited to its style, and hope RS gets what it wants.
Kind Regards TUP
Aurora Glade EU
I hope they bring in GvG sooner than later, so all of you dont have to abuse a game mode for something it was simply not designed for. :-P
So long play your way, but please stop complaining if it does not fit your way…
I hope they bring in GvG sooner than later, so all of you dont have to abuse a game mode for something it was simply not designed for. :-P
So long play your way, but please stop complaining if it does not fit your way…
Ppl complain on the forums because ppl complain on the forums. So if you go on the forums, you’ll find ppl complaining to not complaining on forums? So what are forums “designed for” (quote)? Complaining? If they’re “not designed for” complaining then don’t complain in the forums… But who decide for what things are “designed for”? I’m confused now… O.O
Coal for my BBQ! Absolutely coal! Aaaah the taste!
so, what should we see in this picture, that’s conspiracy worthy??
i’m really glad, when this match up is over, this constant flamewar over different playstyle, as entertaining as this tale is to read, it starts to annoy.
to the tup guys complaining here since last friday, why didn’t you took the week of and enjoyed real life with barbecue and beer?
complaining here won’t change anything. and for the record, during the time i played this matchup (not so much, cause beer and barbecue) the amount of big zergs running around are equaly distributed between AG and RS.
and yeah we on DL also run around in zergs, so what.
I was a RS and DL playing hanging out together and attacking people together. Most likely 2 friend who are on different servers hanging out. We thought it was funny.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
whats the average age of AG? must be like 12y or something…
ur complaining about blobbing?
i just saw a 40+ zerg of you guys getting wiped at our spawn tower.
yesterday i outplayed 3 of you guys as of them added me and called me a hacker and taunted me in a real mean way…just embarassing
if there was an award for flaming and harassing AG would be on top, thats for sure…at least one thing you are good at
yesterday i outplayed 3 of you guys as thief.
Give a beer to the kid playing a thief and outplaying others! He deserves it!
(edited by Karahol.9840)
WvW Coordinator
Well, we did what we could AG, mostly grab aggro it seems. It was fun!
Hell of a fight earlier tonight in AGBL’s Hills. DL and RS staring at eachother and all of us Gladians holed up in the lord room
We hung on for dear life and went down like heroes. That was a truly awesome fight.
Overall, very impressive defensive play in AGBL, as it should be.
Keep on bringing it!
Well, we did what we could AG, mostly grab aggro it seems. It was fun!
well yeah, mostly friendly aggro, was fun stalking you and your party, carter (sorry couldnt resist :p)
thanks to the anet chaps for running around with us lots of fun this evening. Heres some screen shots of Warmera and I being the best warriors ever!
(edited by DominicB.4821)
Well, we did what we could AG, mostly grab aggro it seems. It was fun!
You were only on for like 2 minutes on RS BL, wasnt enough time to pick on you
I hope you got to see how much “fun” it is playing with german servers! And from that realise that Arrow Carts need to be reset to how they were pre 80% buff, it is simply no fun at all as servers are building ACs by the bucket-load making all other siege useless as players die in seconds! Whats the point of making rams last longer if players cannot use them for more than a few seconds.
We also found it hilarious, when you came to RS BL, we got a couple guild members who were in EB to let everyone there know you devs had moved there, this allowed us to goto EB as everyone was trying to get onto RS to play with you
So was your visit to AG just for the night, or will you be spending the next week here?
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
(edited by Omaris Mortuus Est.2738)
@ Damon Carver
Hope you guys enjoyed the fine folk of AG community, heard you had quite the following in EB. Offer is still there to join us for a drinking night tonight
Here’s to a good week ahead (I hope)!
Aurora Glade EU
@ Damon Carver
Hope you guys enjoyed the fine folk of AG community, heard you had quite the following in EB. Offer is still there to join us for a drinking night tonight
Here’s to a good week ahead (I hope)!
I have the sneaky feeling that we will be facing AM and MS, so you better drink a lot tonight! In fact, save some for me I’ll definitely need a lot as well! <3
I have the sneaky feeling that we will be facing AM and MS, so you better drink a lot tonight! In fact, save some for me I’ll definitely need a lot as well! <3
I don’t think so. You’ll get RS and AM, because there defenetly must be a way to increase the amount of whine per thread every week! :p
[DSV] Drakkar See Vorhut
(edited by SirPumpkin.7846)
I have the sneaky feeling that we will be facing AM and MS, so you better drink a lot tonight! In fact, save some for me I’ll definitely need a lot as well! <3
I don’t think so. You’ll get RS and AM, because there defenetly must be a way to increase the amount of whine per thread every week! :p
Just copy-paste all posts and put it in the new thread ….
we had`nt the fun that we had a week earlier against PS and gunnars (<3). my guild mates were mostly outnumbered, though we looked for situations like that for training.
at the beginning of the week you tup guys circled around our 5 men grp and let us be. looked seriously impressiv and i just wanted to write about it here but i was really irritated about whats going on here. again. like the week before. and it seems it`s getting on the nerves of everybody. rs has wvw guilds and there`re more on the way. everything needs time. why ppl fear their pixellifes, i don`t get it eather. it`s just not farmeville stile if you throw everything in just for the sake of throwing everything in. i gues it needs comrates to laugh about situations 3 v 10 and giving them a hard time. most zerglings don`t have These. just playing for themselfs and the sake of farmeville.
just a Suggestion.. as you make up your gvg`s maybe it`s possible to make up a match tup v zerg if you talk with the commander on the other side. he could ask his zerglings if they want a training lesson or something, he probably wants them to be more trained ^^
we are a Server full of ppl skilled for dungeons and pve events. give us some time and we will strike back hard. for the time being: shake Hands and i hope you will find more fun the next week.
(edited by shinta.8906)
Ok i am calling it now, AG will be facing RS and RS (RS have somehow self replicated ala Agent Smith) Either that or we face Sagitta Plaustrum (the god of Arrow carts)
War Dad TUP
Ok i am calling it now, AG will be facing RS and RS (RS have somehow self replicated ala Agent Smith) Either that or we face Sagitta Plaustrum (the god of Arrow carts)
War Dad TUP
Oh man, you did not break a mirror, did you??
Ok i am calling it now, AG will be facing RS and RS (RS have somehow self replicated ala Agent Smith) Either that or we face Sagitta Plaustrum (the god of Arrow carts)
War Dad TUP
Nah, it’ll be MS and DL again.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
I hope for like Gunnar’s hold and Gandara, but probably will be RS and AM, fun times not.
Guild Leader
@Shinta – while we might get stoked up on the forums, when a point of view is unseen, leds to frustration. We try ingame at all times to live and die by our example. I hope the individuals and small groups noticed – just like you mentioned, that we will leave you alone, if you stay out of the “steamrollers path” / don’t attack. There is no fun or challenge in running over a small group. We let you look for your fights of xyz scale, we look for the bigger ones.
An organised GvZ nice idea – but ye If Riverside Commanders wanted to train their troops against TUP – my guys love fights, would be up for getting in contact.. Running on X map and letting the Commander(s) know. We’ve done it with guilds in the past, saying we will be roaming on (eg: Drakkar Lake BL) and it leads to action.
Yes RS have guilds, and slowly week by week, they are becoming more open. [IF] have both surprised and impressed me this week. Watched our private video back of reset night and you guys kept coming back and engaging, really tested us. You have other guilds like DTK (only saw once this week – probably stuck to AG BL :/ ) ZORN, VU, DW and others. You could really surprise servers in the future if those guilds got stuck in with more open combat.
Good luck all in your next matchup
o7 Kind Regards TUP
Aurora Glade EU
thanks to the anet chaps for running around with us
lots of fun this evening. Heres some screen shots of Warmera and I being the best warriors ever!
You are the worst-dressed sentient being in the known universe.
lol Dran atleast you got his last name right this time… haha I was expecting Damon Carter to be honest :P
I hope you Anet guys enjoyed your short stay on AG, even though you visited at the worse prime time possible (for us) I know you guys have limited time slot/opportunity… but with this being our most boring matchup, you picked the quietest day of the week and the worse zone (Eternal battlegrounds initially) so not much of a representation of usual way things are
But it was nice to see you guys not forget the European playerbase… Piken,Vabbi,AG?
I should have some fraps footage of you guys which I might turn into a movie… we will see I hope you appreciated all the blueprints I threw down for you in EB hahaha
/kind regards TUP
might share guild reset movie later on
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Well, we did what we could AG, mostly grab aggro it seems. It was fun!
as i understood you liked our aggro – freestyle in www , but what are your thoughts and conclusions after that ?
Good luck for next matchup to all servers.
Hope we fight DL again with the same numbers :D
Idk what need TUP? Why need TUP help by Arena Net? Is your guild Rebel Rising [rawr], War Maschine [WM] and so on?
Idk what have you problem vs. Riverside? Thats the Game and pls dont QQ! I though piken sqare is the QQ server but i see the AG server is nothing better.
I hope the GvG is incoming. Than we will see it. I hope than come back the best´s Gw1 guild´s!
And A-Net i hope you dosen´t intressting the german server´s!
GG and Gl HF! Thx for nice fighting in Eternal Map…….
We see ya again ……………..
(edited by Mefk.9167)
For the sake of the Eternal Alchemy, please, Mefk, ask someone to help you with your English. I (partially) understand what you mean, but what you write can only be taken as a very rough approximation of a forum post …
On-topic: At the beginning of the match-up, I had only one tiny wish for this week:
The inflammatory accusations from last week had been enervating enough. Could we please at least try to have a civil discussion this time?
I am still very sad that I have been disappointed again.
I hope you guys will grow up one day to realize that respect is not a currency that has to be earned through actions (by rules that you assume to have the right to specify for everybody else), but that it is rather a universal matter of course to approach people in a respectful way.
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
(edited by MRA.4758)