Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld
Personally I find this matchup much more interesting than last week’s. Sure, it may be hard, but I enjoy the challenge. Reset on our border was really intense, we gave it our all defending garrison and after a very long fight AG finally have up on it (though they successfully captured it later in the evening). For a moment I thought we were getting screwed over by a patch when we were at inner garrison to take it back, but fortunately we managed to quickly hop back to our border after WvW was up again and quickly captured Garrison :P
Looking forward to the rest of the week, and I’m hoping UW will give it our all rather than thinking the matchup is too hard and go PvE. It would only make things that much more difficult.
Just popped out of the game to say what an epic fight we just had trying to deffend EB SM from the Underworld and AG zergs… haven’t had so much fun in WvW for a long time (despite the skill lag). This is going to be an awsome WvW week no matter who will be 1, 2 or 3 after this week
FSP Server.
I also apologise to you FSV fokes, at 2hrs 20 mins-ish on your stream at bay I was the awkward mesmer that pulled 5 of your guys down. It was revenge for having it done to me earlier by some other FSP fokes
Hey, np, U have the skill to use it and it had to be done! FSV ppl are very bad people! xD
Am I really the only Underworld player who sees this as a week of horror?
We don’t cover anything during the week. These people put up resistance! :O
We only pull decent zergs against small servers, Ring of Fire & Blacktide, that week we had 3-4 maps filled every day.I’m afraid this week its going to be :
Eternal Battlegrounds: Queue
Homeborder : 10 Defenders, the gummies, and when they ring the alarm bell we’ll pull off 50 to 60 reinforcements from our natnional reserves in Lions Arch.
Enemy Borderlands : Off limits. Our soldiers are not trained enough, and I havent seen any serious damage done by any of our guilds in a long time. No offence, but we have no extremly organised guilds, best we can do is dust off some SWD players and sent them to battle, but that’ll be 20-25 tops.
I don’t mean to offend any of my fellow servermates, but I command 6-7 hours a day, and I havent spotted any guilds yet that can match our oponents organisation, VcY couldnt even be dealt with with our pugs. I hope I am strongly mistaken, but I fear that the best we’re going to show up with is homeborder defence, and Eternal Battlegrounds blobbing in 70-85 man groups from 12:30 till 01:30.
I’m not experienced with Aurora Glade, but I fear we, a mainly pug server named Underworld, will not meet your expectations.
Ok, enough negatvity. I’ll see you on the fields of Eternal Battleground
Underworld CommanderYes Archi, you are the only person who takes WvW so seriously that you can’t have fun unless you’re winning or farming sm for wxp.
Who cares if its a stacked match up? I had a lot of fun attacking AG last night, and if FSP had showed up any sooner we would have probably had garrison flipped too.
You command 7 hours a day and you’re a guild leader but you apparently don’t have a guild that matches the opponents organisation so why are you complaining that the rest of the server aren’t at that level in your eyes either? :P Surely if you play so much more than everyone else you should have the most organised guild ever?
Seriously, Our guild brought at least 46 players to wvw last night to AG border, half of those have barely played WvW and wanted to play it in a large guild event to understand how to play, Although we got slaughtered after we lost momentum we took bay several times, wiped FIRE several times and generally had a ton of fun and the new guys got some training hours in, you don’t have to win all the time to enjoy yourself.
[Mayh] thanks AG for the fun we had last night :P we will have to visit you again soon
In response to your post, I’m not sure who you are but that put aside. You’re on Underworld, and I would love to have the biggest, best organised guild. There is one problem I struggle with. Every guild on Underworld advertises they do “Organised World vs World” It only splits up our forces more then it unites them. We have 0 guilds that consistantly pull out 20 or more to the battle field, day in day out.
We have 30 if not 35 guild thats all pull 5-10 people, some do 15. And usually they do their own thing, away from the commanders. If I’m not mistaken, we ask people to get on TeamSpeak every 10 minutes. Yet only 25% of the whole servers WvW population shows up because they are either in their guilds teamspeak, or they think that commanders should write. (you’ll see these arguements daily on UW T_T)
Also, I’m very aware that the forces of grenth alliance attempts to setup public training sessions for the pugs as has been discussed for the past 2 months, but when the event actually takes place, the attendance is a laughter. Spam the messages for so long, complain over TeamSpeak meetings that this server needs organisation and training, and yet the guilds don’t come.
At first I was not going to say anything because I do not think that guilds should be involved in arguments, but Mayhem, this is the first time in 4 Months that your guild shows up with a decent goup (Larger then 20) and you’re instantly bragging about how you pull off 46 members. Mayhem, you have never done anything else then attend the Reset events. The rest of this week, you will have no precense on any borders so shoo.
Once more, with all do respect to the other Mayh out there, many of my friends love to run fractiles with your guildies, but I had to respond to this sceptical post of Phoenix.3614.
P.s – “Farming Xp” goes for Friday Farm Day only, but I guess it is more fun to turn a Mouse into an Elephant right?
- Archi
Had a few good scraps so far, but not many. Guess ending up wrong side of map ;p
Had two pests though, caught a necro doing this & minutes later a guardian. Shame some have to ruin it….
Ah well, will keep an eye out for duels etc, happy wars folks.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Going to be a good hard fights this match up. When you see the GuM tables, chairs and hammocks, don’t be scared, we mean you no harm.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
- Archi
Considering you used the FoG tag, it kind of shows how far behind you are, we haven’t used that tag for what 4 months now?
SWD pull those numbers daily. SPGR and the new SPGR cut off guild also pull large numbers, PAX, TKON, Mayh also pull good numbers too. I cant talk for the eb guilds since i don’t visit there often but they always have a full border so many of them will pull daily numbers such as RAIN and APE.
Mayh is a mixed focus guild, we run events of every part of the game not just wvw so we dont go daily but we have at least 2 wvw events a week not including reset always, with many players running together at peak anyway so please don’t talk about something you know nothing about. In fact mayh pulls over 30 players each week to reset and have done for longer than your guild has existed, i brought up the number when speaking to the AG clan we were fighting on reset, it wasn’t boasting in the slightest. For a Guild which isn’t WvW focused im fine with those numbers, 46 out of 70 players in wvw is awesome so of course i was excited :P
On reset the server teamspeak had closer to 100 players online from 5 or so guilds and pugs, which is fine in my eyes considering we recently moved here
WvW isn’t a job, and not many guilds on UW are only wvw focused, so spend less time slating everyone else and work on your own guild… look at the rest of the thread, the rest of us are having plenty of fun, maybe if you spent less time raging on the forum you would enjoy wvw.
Do you really think slagging off all of the other guilds is a good way to unite anyone? :P
I want to congratulate the 5 guys from FSP who took UW bay 5 min ago.
Gz also on the entire UW border for the complete lack of reaction for 5 min since the 1st request of help in bay.
Rant aside, good match up and good fights on all borders so far!
RoS [VM]
Talking about slagging off guilds. If you don’t know our name then don’t kittening mention us, Robert.
And I agree on some points with Archi.
Mayhem and AA use their numbers and their “Organized WvW” to attract potential pure WvWers which should be going to GuM or SWD, and being trained properly.
Having teamspeak and leading 30 people doesn’t make you an organized WvW guild.
also Greek Titans atm field 10-20 members, since its Summer. Expect our presence in September, that’s when we will get serious
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
I have removed my comment.
It does not belongs on the WvW Matchup thread, I’m sure that those who know me, know how I think about the diversity of our server, lets keep it at that.
On a serious note, I’ve had a lot of fun in Stonemist today, we just had to take advantage of Auroras attack on Stonemist. Sorry FSP, we could not allow you to turn it into Treb/Supplymist.
(edited by Eagle.7208)
UW doesn’t even need other servers to start a forum war….
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
UW doesn’t even need other servers to start a forum war….
Think you guys could use a good drink, bottoms up!
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
I have removed my comment.
It does not belongs on the WvW Matchup thread, I’m sure that those who know me, know how I think about the diversity of our server, lets keep it at that.
On a serious note, I’ve had a lot of fun in Stonemist today, we just had to take advantage of Auroras attack on Stonemist. Sorry FSP, we could not allow you to turn it into Treb/Supplymist.
I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the “last updated” line :P back then we had a lot more wvw players and had daily wvw events.
Anyway this match is a lot of fun :P keep it up guys, AG/Fire ill be visiting you guys later this week for some guild training if you would mind making sure your bay is sieged up nicely ;D
Talking about slagging off guilds. If you don’t know our name then don’t kittening mention us, Robert.
And I agree on some points with Archi.
Mayhem and AA use their numbers and their “Organized WvW” to attract potential pure WvWers which should be going to GuM or SWD, and being trained properly.
Having teamspeak and leading 30 people doesn’t make you an organized WvW guild.also Greek Titans atm field 10-20 members, since its Summer. Expect our presence in September, that’s when we will get serious
I don’t know your guild name because its a new guild, if i had ignored you would have complained that i mentioned SPGR and not you :P so be fair.
Having teamspeak and having a large group of players stacked up, following orders and generally having fun to me means youre running an organised event, so saying we run organised wvw is right, we never claim to be hardcore wvw like SWD but we are still fielding a lot of players.
Organised group play is far far different to hardcore wvw focused, SWD is a Hardcore WvW guild so players who want hardcore go there while players who like everything everything go here, its how guilds generally work, some specialise and become hardcore and others don’t.
You can either complain that UW doesn’t have enough numbers OR complain about having to many untrained numbers but complaining about both is silly since you either scare off newer players or demotivate the guys you have playing all the time by making wvw sound hopeless.
Sure mayh brought 20 or so newer players into wvw this reset but the alternative was 20 less players in wvw :P we had some fun and wiped the AG zerg we were fighting for abit then lost steam when we got outmanned.
Id rather play with people who want to play wvw and have fun than people who are elitist and demand players be in a certain guild to step foot in their precious wvw
Wvw isn’t a day job, and you don’t have to play hardcore wvw to know what you’re doing
So far it has been a good weekend for me. Had awesome fights against Auroras CRUX, FIRE, TUP and others that i forget atm (my memory sucks :p).
@Crux – good fights and I must say I have lots of respect for you guys, it was really nice of you to not add when FSV was fighting FIRE in Bay. I even managed to do a /bow before i died
@FIRE, TUP – really good fights, most did not turn out too good for us, but its a learning process.
Looking forward for more action, so far its been a blast.
Hope everyone is having fun
3 wvw kills
@FSV had a good chuckle at your stream. Especially the comment about TUP must be 50 not 20.
But ye good fights thus far, what I won’t stand for is hypocrites though
“TUP has gone full german” on a night when one of our raidleaders who happen to be german wasn’t online – he will be disappointed or proud, not sure. He’s not very good at siege so not sure how german he is tbh.
Again TUP, available for GvG Thursday, whisper me/mail me ingame or here.
Kind Regards TUP Dranul
Aurora Glade EU
Hey guys, fili here, uw has been having some awesome fights in eb today against aurora, we might not field your numbers but we sure made you bleed when you came running into out corner this afternoon, after two attempts for quent and one for bravost you were off over the hills to FSP corner, which was a massive relief for us haha.
Anyhow, don’t let this one negative UW influence your opinion of us, we are a strong server, and our eb presence is nice, we might not have big numbers but our players know what to do under the right commander. – the one that posted the comment above tags on “6-7” hours a day when we’re against opponents he can farm wxp from.
That Aside, This week promices to be a great fight, i hope we can have another bay battle like last time which i believe someone from AG all ready mentioned, that was one of the greatest fights i’ve had in this game. Gl on the battlefield all.
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3
(edited by VaaCrow.3076)
wow so much advertisement for SWD in this thread haha
I havent played reset for long this week, kinda wasnt in the mood to play that time
looking forward to this matchup, always looking for a nice fight
@FSV had a good chuckle at your stream. Especially the comment about TUP must be 50 not 20.
But ye good fights thus far, what I won’t stand for is hypocrites though
“TUP has gone full german” on a night when one of our raidleaders who happen to be german wasn’t online – he will be disappointed or proud, not sure
. He’s not very good at siege so not sure how german he is tbh.
Again TUP, available for GvG Thursday, whisper me/mail me ingame or here.
Kind Regards TUP Dranul
What you hear in TS should be taken with a grain of salt since 80% of the time, people in TS go in full kitten mode. I doubt most of us can count over 20 anyways, and the ones that can are rather blind
All jokes aside, sometimes it is hard to tell how many people a guild has since pugs (aka rallybots) seem to enjoy tagging along organized groups.
I`ll be working most of this week and i will not have much time to play, but i look forward to more fights against you guys
PS – sorry for the german jokes, we were up against blobbadon far too many times :P
3 wvw kills
What you hear in TS should be taken with a grain of salt since 80% of the time, people in TS go in full kitten mode.
So…. It wasn’t all my fault then? =D
So underworld, i was commading in your border at prime time tonight , i think the enemy commander was from AA atlantic army not sure, i hope to don’t see arrow cart in open field again from UW, was pretty bad.
Uw border was full upgrade so hill and garrison was taking too much time to have any fun.
Uw you come out and fight sometimes that’s good, just don’t build AC and ballista in open field is just bad, plus you got wipe and farmed for 40min, see you tommorrow.
For the super Sneaky thief, the ac our treb from inside the open tower, now we know a new place ty, very creative, GJ
Guild Leader
Ahh, arrow carts on open field. To be honest, if you let the other team to stand still so long that they are able to build arrow carts and use them against you, well yea. You can always back off from the range or just spread the people and have couple hit the cart shooter. I don’t know why using a intended game mechanic is lame.
And while you were fighting there in the north, your other group was down south between Hills and Lake tower and yea, they did the same “lame” thing as our commander there in the north. Built AC’s on open field battle, but I don’t mind. They used them to give us little bit more pressure, but we are a little bit too persistant to let it go because of AC’s.
And what I find boring is wooden towers, usually its a quick and dirty capture where you plant multiple rams just to cap it before defenders get there. And I like long fights because… they are long! It tests your endurance and it’s always fun to watch what we and the enemy come up with, was it defending or sieging.
Anyways, long story short. The match up has been very fun so far! More of all of this :P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
I had a great evening today commanding UW BL for sec…
I started with AA group of 15 3 pugs at FSP border to keep the pressure up. Then more and more came and I tried to assault keeps, but AC wars 2 won again. Eventually somehow AA ended up with 155 pugs in FSP bay lords room where 40 AG and 40 FSP were fighting for the capture of bay! FSP there AC pressure made us almost optionless but still we killed about in total 40-45 in there over a amount of time untill FSP went with 35 on us(great push tbh).
Then I came back on UW cuz AG was kittening our border up. No commander there so there I went commanding pugs again. Despite my attempts to get equal numbers of that AG zerg at dawns in TS we kept trying to attack you. Eventually I got about 25 on TS vs 45 AG that knew how to do their kitten. It was hard to get a proper fight w/o having all pugs getting insta wiped. Also it was frustrating for 1 hour or so since we had full queu but yet with /supplyinfo I had 29+ 6/7 walking away from me, but we kept trying.
Eventually a small group that was on TS with me left to S UW BL and started taking towers and farming some AG groups and FSP groups that were bigger then ours…
To end the evening , I will join the UW force on FSP and get some more PPT and loot…
Shout out to AG for their good amount of numbers and coverage everywhere! Far Shiverpeaks, its always a pleasure to fight you so GL!
Also to UW ppl, stop kittening on eachother on the match up thread, you are making a fool of UW to the rest of Europe servers. How can we ever get more ppl to join UW when we show in public that we are not coorperating that much!
Good Luck AG UW and FSP!
PS: The AC and the ballista were not ordered by me, they were placed and ofcourse finished by other ppl!
What you hear in TS should be taken with a grain of salt since 80% of the time, people in TS go in full kitten mode.
:PSo…. It wasn’t all my fault then? =D
not quite sure yet :P
3 wvw kills
yeah i was thinking that, btw AG had 30 people not 45 because i do also supplyinfo and i know how many i have, UW started outmanned but quickly got the numbers.
For Ac not order you that’s fine, when my pugs do that, i move away i fight where the ac is now useless so that i can get a fair fight with the enemy.
Ac wars is the same thing that we found in UW border, hills had at least 3 AC every door but i think it was much more.
See you tommorrow, btw in case you want to fight with exact number i’m always open i’ll do gvg even with pugs i don’t care just wisper me, i stopped attack your stuff and we fight in open field we looking for fight not siege, when i trebbed garrison it was to get you out of Tier3 stuff.
Hope your pugs get better, they are not really mobile.
@Paavotar Well i found lame using Siege in open field if the enemy is not using anything and ready to come out, for the other group i don’t controll them, if you want to call them out go ahead i don’t care, i call my enemy i can’t call out other group in Ag if i’m in the other side of map without communication with them.
I REPEAT IF YOU SEE DAWN PEOPLE try to wisper to me will give you a fight always, we count yours, you count ours, we always want to fight, i really dislike siege.
Guild Leader
So far so good this weekend. The scores are close to eachother and there are some good fights on the BL’s. This is going to be a nice week!
@FSV: Thank you for entertaining Twitch vid of the Reset Night.
If you guys feel the need to talk on what happend that night, don’t hesitate to send me a message.
wiped FIRE several times and generally had a ton of fun and the new guys got some training hours in, you don’t have to win all the time to enjoy yourself.
Several times? :P Pics or it didn’t happen :O
We were wiped a couple of times, we even managed to get into some sort of unspoken agreement where we let each other have some mini gvgs with other guilds :P But several times is definitely stretching it a little xD
(edited by Blacktoes.7623)
Ah this has been a very enjoyable week so far.
Had a very fun time defending lake against I dunno how many.
I missed the last match up against FSP due to being away but I swear I was watching as often as possible it will be good to join in the fray this time and actually see what is really happening behind those little markers on the map.
Good luck to everyone I am pretty sure this is already going to be one of my favourite match ups.
At last, some quality opposition!
Great fights yesterday on EB, especially during night hours. Defending against both Underworld and Far Shiverpeaks for hours. After a really dull week against outnumbered servers, at last we have some big groups to fight, wipe and get wiped (rarely though).
Reset night was pretty hard for our guild raid of 10 people, but it was great practice for all of us in [CRUX]. Hoping for some more action with equal numbers during the week.
Keep it up!
PS. Underworld, those arrowcarts in your t3 towers are really hellish…
So underworld, i was commading in your border at prime time tonight , i think the enemy commander was from AA atlantic army not sure, i hope to don’t see arrow cart in open field again from UW, was pretty bad.
Uw border was full upgrade so hill and garrison was taking too much time to have any fun.
Uw you come out and fight sometimes that’s good, just don’t build AC and ballista in open field is just bad, plus you got wipe and farmed for 40min, see you tommorrow.For the super Sneaky thief, the ac our treb from inside the open tower, now we know a new place ty, very creative, GJ
So let me get this straight. in the same post you are telling them not to build ACs in open field but also saying how you wiped them plenty and farmed them for 40 minutes.
Seriously? If they are outmatched what do you expect them to do? How easy to you want the match to be? The should ( and I am sure will) be able to build whatever they like, wherever they like, and the rest of us should adapt out tactics accordingly.
So far it has been a good weekend for me. Had awesome fights against Auroras CRUX, FIRE, TUP and others that i forget atm (my memory sucks :p).
@Crux – good fights and I must say I have lots of respect for you guys, it was really nice of you to not add when FSV was fighting FIRE in Bay. I even managed to do a /bow before i died
@FIRE, TUP – really good fights, most did not turn out too good for us, but its a learning process.
Looking forward for more action, so far its been a blast.
Hope everyone is having fun
We enjoyed our fights with you, they were a good challenge! I do apologise for those times when we were fighting and the other groups added in. We like to have our own battles aswell, and try to give other guild groups the same respect.
Our numbers can have a large variation night on night, but typically between 18 up to around 30 or so, with 25 being normal I guess… But we most certainly have never been 50! (though my ego likes the idea of us hitting like 50). We were a little light on reset with people being stuck in queues, and a few dcs, so I think we averaged out around 20.
We’ll be around tonight and I’m looking forward to more of the same! We’ve got the potential here for a really fun match up, so let the repair bills be crippling and the loot within range before we go down!
We feel you on the German related jokes side of things. There’s nothing more demoralising than knowing you’re up against RS or AM. I expect Berlin will soon be the location of the first half human, half arrow cart child. (Drakkar and Millers deserve respect, though.)
We’re looking for some gvg this week, also, so drop us a line if you’re interested for a Thursday match up.
Edit: auto correct on an iPad is awful. Why anyone buys apple products is beyond me!
Related note: WTT iPad for surface.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
(edited by Raeyne.5086)
@natzmc The numbers were pretty close on both side UW didn’t have half of us, the commander said it was pugs that dropped siege is fine, it happens i don’t blame the commander, i understand is position, sometimes it happens the same on my side and i get mad at my own pugs because i want fight with skill not siege, in that case i try to move away from the siege so that we can fight not win for siege only.
In future if they want to build siege on open field WHEN the numbers are close is fine but you’re gone get callout all the time.
For my position, siege in keep is fine, siege in openfield when you have less than half is fine, in that case you try to get make to pair level with the opponent, but on open field with close numbers, nope, i think it doesn’t help the people to get better in combat and in wvw.
If you think that is a valid tatics and helpfull go ahead, do whaterever you like but you’re gone get call out.
AG is ready to give you a fair fight all the time, just ask/wispher you will find plenty of people rdy.
Guild Leader
I expect Berlin will soon be the location of the first half human, half arrow cart child.
Hahaahha belive it or not i almost spilled my coffee when i was reading this)
You sir, are awesome
3 wvw kills
WTF AG, outnumber us 10:1 and building arrow carts!! You serious? Grow a pair
[team] Team Team Team Team Team Team
[TUP] The Unlikely Plan
@natzmc The numbers were pretty close on both side UW didn’t have half of us, the commander said it was pugs that dropped siege is fine, it happens i don’t blame the commander, i understand is position, sometimes it happens the same on my side and i get mad at my own pugs because i want fight with skill not siege, in that case i try to move away from the siege so that we can fight not win for siege only.
In future if they want to build siege on open field WHEN the numbers are close is fine but you’re gone get callout all the time.
For my position, siege in keep is fine, siege in openfield when you have less than half is fine, in that case you try to get make to pair level with the opponent, but on open field with close numbers, nope, i think it doesn’t help the people to get better in combat and in wvw.If you think that is a valid tatics and helpfull go ahead, do whaterever you like but you’re gone get call out.
AG is ready to give you a fair fight all the time, just ask/wispher you will find plenty of people rdy.
I said outmatched, not outmanned, You said yourself you wiped them and farmed them, they were outmatched by better organisation on your part, so the point is if they arent as good as your group then building siege is fair game in my opinion, cause its either that or just roll over and die.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night chaps. It’s your boy Mesmer Mukuro here and I’m here to share with you a video edited from reset of a bit of our reset action, we being FIRE.
The person who edited this also comments ‘hoped to get it online today but im gonne start all over. not happy with it:P i’ll try to get it online for raid otherwhise tomorrow morning’. – Anonymous (Bonesplitter)
So after watching it their was a bit of mushy weird glitchy stuff going on, spelling errors, but it still has a handful of good fights. He didn’t record my epic joke though Q_Q. Keep an eye out for that sexy mesmer in the video (that’s me) and enjoy the video, There may be an improved version perhaps with some more fights in soon.
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager
(edited by flameinabox.8913)
@natzmc i understand your point, and seeing from a causual player side, of course they can think that Siege is awesome, the problem begins when stuff like that happens all the time, i just wanted to make it clear, our toughts on that, why we think that when you’re outmatch you should get better not use siege to remove the skill part in combat.
We don’t want an other server that fight with siege all the time, we like fighting server, for now UW show that they came out of towers so that is already a big improvement from servers in higher tier, keep it up
Guild Leader
What you hear in TS should be taken with a grain of salt since 80% of the time, people in TS go in full kitten mode. I doubt most of us can count over 20 anyways, and the ones that can are rather blind
All jokes aside, sometimes it is hard to tell how many people a guild has since pugs (aka rallybots) seem to enjoy tagging along organized groups.
I`ll be working most of this week and i will not have much time to play, but i look forward to more fights against you guys
PS – sorry for the german jokes, we were up against blobbadon far too many times :P[/quote]
Yeah I didn’t take much offence to your team speak comments, especially when one of your guys thought we were around 20 lol (we were 10 guys :P). Also when he called us gays for not pushing at the NW tower, if you were in my situation you wouldn’t of pushed either, from my point of view it was 20-25 FSV?? and then maybe 10 DW next to you I would of got steamrolled if I pushed you. Anyways we enjoyed reset a lot and thanks for your kind words towards CRUX see you on the field
Am I really the only Underworld player who sees this as a week of horror?
We don’t cover anything during the week. These people put up resistance! :O
We only pull decent zergs against small servers, Ring of Fire & Blacktide, that week we had 3-4 maps filled every day.I’m afraid this week its going to be :
Eternal Battlegrounds: Queue
Homeborder : 10 Defenders, the gummies, and when they ring the alarm bell we’ll pull off 50 to 60 reinforcements from our natnional reserves in Lions Arch.
Enemy Borderlands : Off limits. Our soldiers are not trained enough, and I havent seen any serious damage done by any of our guilds in a long time. No offence, but we have no extremly organised guilds, best we can do is dust off some SWD players and sent them to battle, but that’ll be 20-25 tops.
I don’t mean to offend any of my fellow servermates, but I command 6-7 hours a day, and I havent spotted any guilds yet that can match our oponents organisation, VcY couldnt even be dealt with with our pugs. I hope I am strongly mistaken, but I fear that the best we’re going to show up with is homeborder defence, and Eternal Battlegrounds blobbing in 70-85 man groups from 12:30 till 01:30.
I’m not experienced with Aurora Glade, but I fear we, a mainly pug server named Underworld, will not meet your expectations.
Ok, enough negatvity. I’ll see you on the fields of Eternal Battleground
Underworld Commander
Says the commander who thinks blobbing 20+ golems wins all and if it doesn’t then its everyone elses fault…. you need to chill out Archi. Sorry to say but your not as good a commander as you think you are and your 6-7 hours a day has often been met with 6-7 hours of foul mouthed kittening cos you couldn’t take SM over and over.
I respect you have the courage to tag on and try to make a difference, but rather than blaming everyone else on the map take a time out and consider your own part in it.
We may be mae up of pugs a lot and we may not be a strong a server as the earlier days in WvW but we still do alright and for many of us its about fun not “we must win or I am not playing anymore”
On a personal not I would add that so far this matchup has proven to be pretty decent, some good action and a learning curve for future engagements with these AG and FSP. Sure AG like to blob but actually so do UW at times.. just 3 hours ago some comm thought the only way to take SM was to try and blob with countless numbers of golems.. only to be met with complete failure each time and of course felt scorning others was the best way to excuse the fact that tactically we were out manoeuvred, tactically inferior and far too focused on one thing . SM, which had only recently been turned wooden… all the 6 or 7 failed attempts did was to fuel the comms disdane of his followers and result in many players porting out to LA, or other maps or worse to just log off….
So just quit with the overbearing attitude and learn to enjoy the match-ups.. I mean I didn’t hear you complain all too much on the last match up when it was UW ripping everything apart due to the imbalance favouring us.
What you hear in TS should be taken with a grain of salt since 80% of the time, people in TS go in full kitten mode. I doubt most of us can count over 20 anyways, and the ones that can are rather blind
All jokes aside, sometimes it is hard to tell how many people a guild has since pugs (aka rallybots) seem to enjoy tagging along organized groups.
I`ll be working most of this week and i will not have much time to play, but i look forward to more fights against you guys
PS – sorry for the german jokes, we were up against blobbadon far too many times :P[/quote]
Yeah I didn’t take much offence to your team speak comments, especially when one of your guys thought we were around 20 lol (we were 10 guys :P). Also when he called us gays for not pushing at the NW tower, if you were in my situation you wouldn’t of pushed either, from my point of view it was 20-25 FSV?? and then maybe 10 DW next to you I would of got steamrolled if I pushed you. Anyways we enjoyed reset a lot and thanks for your kind words towards CRUX see you on the field
I wanted to say that we were in full ret/ar/d mode, but the word is censored by some reason :P (really anet, its not such a bad word)
I apologize to both AG and UW if anyone got offended by anything said on TS and hope you will forgive some of our more “vocal” members
However, being a simple member in FSV, i can only speak for myself. I just wish people would stop arguing in this thread (and other places) and just be happy that we have a nice matchup. Win or lose, there are still good fights to be had.
We should make the most of this week and be happy that we`re not against some server that just rolls in 60 man blobs on every map.
Rock on
3 wvw kills
@Kaleygh – you sir are a sane and reasonable chap Not often does one see that on these forums. You remind me of
Even though a lot of guilds, my own included have people enjoying vacations (wishing it was me!) I hope the rest of the matchup continues in the spirit of the action on reset.
Remember all, fight for glory and loot bags! Or just for fun and a good time. Either way, win or lose keep the fights coming
Aurora Glade EU
@Kaleygh – you sir are a sane and reasonable chap
Not often does one see that on these forums. You remind me of
Even though a lot of guilds, my own included have people enjoying vacations (wishing it was me!) I hope the rest of the matchup continues in the spirit of the action on reset.
Remember all, fight for glory and loot bags! Or just for fun and a good time. Either way, win or lose keep the fights coming
Hah thank you Dranul
I must admit, i do my fair share of trolling sometimes, but honestly, none of the servers in this matchup deserve to be trolled. Quite the opposite
3 wvw kills
@Kaleygh – you sir are a sane and reasonable chap
Not often does one see that on these forums. You remind me of
Even though a lot of guilds, my own included have people enjoying vacations (wishing it was me!) I hope the rest of the matchup continues in the spirit of the action on reset.
Remember all, fight for glory and loot bags! Or just for fun and a good time. Either way, win or lose keep the fights coming
Hah thank you Dranul
I must admit, i do my fair share of trolling sometimes, but honestly, none of the servers in this matchup deserve to be trolled. Quite the opposite
You’re not a troller, you are a pair of sweaty balls waiting to get soaped.
Love you though <3
- Archi
Considering you used the FoG tag, it kind of shows how far behind you are, we haven’t used that tag for what 4 months now?
SWD pull those numbers daily. SPGR and the new SPGR cut off guild also pull large numbers, PAX, TKON, Mayh also pull good numbers too. I cant talk for the eb guilds since i don’t visit there often but they always have a full border so many of them will pull daily numbers such as RAIN and APE.
Mayh is a mixed focus guild, we run events of every part of the game not just wvw so we dont go daily but we have at least 2 wvw events a week not including reset always, with many players running together at peak anyway so please don’t talk about something you know nothing about. In fact mayh pulls over 30 players each week to reset and have done for longer than your guild has existed, i brought up the number when speaking to the AG clan we were fighting on reset, it wasn’t boasting in the slightest. For a Guild which isn’t WvW focused im fine with those numbers, 46 out of 70 players in wvw is awesome so of course i was excited :P
On reset the server teamspeak had closer to 100 players online from 5 or so guilds and pugs, which is fine in my eyes considering we recently moved here
WvW isn’t a job, and not many guilds on UW are only wvw focused, so spend less time slating everyone else and work on your own guild… look at the rest of the thread, the rest of us are having plenty of fun, maybe if you spent less time raging on the forum you would enjoy wvw.
Do you really think slagging off all of the other guilds is a good way to unite anyone? :P
I support this idea of fun
Its pointless responding I just spent the best part of 20mins in game being told by Archi that UW needs serious training cos no one listens there’s no decent guilds putting numbers out and many of us shouldn’t be WvW cos were all too PvE focused so don’t belong in these matchups…. talk about trying to unite the clans with ways of praise ):
As for guilds, it seems there is only one guild that is putting out (according to one person) but I have to agree its not all about EB and across UW there are some pretty decent guilds putting consistent support into our matchups, but unfortunately many of us cant be on 24/7 let alone 6-7 hours a day.
I log in most days for some fun but I have began to drift from EB to UW or opposing maps where actually there are some very good, very aware guilds and commanders who don’t need to rely on berating others and choo choo trains
- Archi
that discussion is for your internal server forum, thanks.
- Archi
that discussion is for your internal server forum, thanks.
shhh it’s even worse there, believe me xD
Seems to have turned into an UW vs UW forum war lol.
@Archi from an outsider perspective UW seems to be doing fine I have come across a few guild groups and they put up a hell of a challenge, but on the other hand I mainly play on BL’s, seems to me this problem ur speaking of is EB? if so then its not unusual to have pug zergs and upscaled players on EB as u well know, nothing against that but just pointing out it’s not just an UW thing buddy, hell i’ve taken a few upscales to EB.
Forget about the points just have fun there is more enjoyment in a match by having fun “everyday” than checking scores every 5 mins to see if ur infront (gets quite stressful). Like last weeks match for instance, although we were against 2 tough servers, I aint got a clue how many points we all had at end of it and wouldn’t waste my time to check mos to find out, because no matter what, I really had some great fights, and regardless of points would quite happily have last week all over again (minus AM lol ).
Chin up buddy, see u out on the field and have some fun
P.S if u dont like the setups of UW’s WvW guild groups, make one urself and put in place the guidelines u have in mind. It beats arguing about it with ur own community infront of 2 opposing servers
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
AG, you can tell you have been playing the German servers too long, you seem to have adopted their tactics. You crossed over to the the darkside!!
FIRE and CRUX plus pugs running together, huge numbers.
(edited by natzmc.2895)
AG, you can tell you have been playing the German servers too long, you seem to have adopted their tactics. You crossed over to the the darkside!!
FIRE and CRUX plus pugs running together, huge numbers.
I wouldn’t go that far xD we and our good friends at CRUX have a mutual agreement to not push together, it makes the fight too blobby if we did and that’s no fun xD. If you have a look next time you will notice us or CRUX casually waiting on the side until the other is defeated. But anywhos, a lot of fun today, this is a jolly good week
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager