Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
I think this might be a good week to go on holiday… anyway, have fun everyone
FIRE looking for GvGs this week!!! 15vs15 and up to 20vs20!! Wisper me either here or ingame on the name “Triplios”
Looking forward to a positive answer!!!!!
Haha make it 20 vs 80 and maybe you get some takers :P
TUP looking for GvGs this week 20v20 down to 15v15!! Mail me here or ingame on the name Dranul.
TUP looking for asuraball GvGs this week 5v5s!! Mail me here or ingame on the name Ruby Ruby Rubyyy.
What is asuraball? Check
By time I joined around 2 or so hours into reset, it was apparent that the lag on map due to the numbers was quite horrendous at times.
We take whatever is infront of us, you defending your homeland against on one hand huge numbers running as one, the other hand a few small groups looking for fights, was a unfortunate blend.
We took our fair share on the chin tonight, the only downside is the lag certain sized amounts bring, can’t press anything more than 1,1,1,1 leads to no reliable teamwork of casting xyz etc, makes it difficult to say the least.
I think they brought the big one for your BL, the other BLs they were much more manageable they must love you.
See you in the week
Lol Dranul the “big one”, yep yesterday night was hard in AG border, we played good strategy game aganist massive numbers, and defend the north party, hills had at least 6 on the north and a treb already build to counter treb, guess they want to play like that have fun.
Rank 14. vs 11. and so much QQ in here already.
Other Servers like Riverside gotta fight more than every 2nd week a T1 and/or T2 Server as rank 8-10 – so a much bigger difference in strength.
Stop QQing already and get over it, new Matchup System isnt fair.
@street, we dont QQ because we get teamed up with higher ranked servers, we QQ because we get ranked with the likes of AM that only runs in 70+ blobs and cause massive skillag which destroyes the game, and either run when they meet a guild group of 20 or WP out, which we have met LOADS of times unfortunately when facing those type of server. Most of us would LOVE to meet servers like PS, AR and BB, simply because we know they like to fight in the open field, and not just push the nr. 1 button on their keyboard
I’ll apologize on behalf of the AG people that you misunderstood so we didn’t say it clear enough
Haven’t fought Kodash since the SFR days, looking forward to fighting you again. Never fought against Abaddon’s before but I’ve heard the stories :P You lot cant be worse than Vizunah at blobbing and skill lag so looking forward to the fights against you too.
trip, are you really apologizing to a RS forum warrior? It’s not really that unfair, I just don’t like the skill lag, we’re almost with equal with Kodakitten the moment. As for AM, well, that was expected. Btw, I know the reason why RS keeps getting terrible matchups, it’s called karma (not the currency)
edit: what the? I wrote Kodash then at and apparently that’s a swear word xD, it’s like in guild wars 1 where quin and bite were swear words.
(edited by Silent Shino.7239)
… , we dont QQ because we get teamed up with higher ranked servers, we QQ because we get ranked with the likes of AM that only runs in 70+ blobs and cause massive skillag which destroyes the game, ….
After reset AM was running 3 Commanders at the AG borderland and some small groups, the size of the community zerg was below 40 players. If you call this “running only in large blobs” then i guess we are guilty for that crime.
(edited by Vortigern.1987)
well, at least we took your complete home border with 15 ppl today. thx
@ Seregon:
I’ll propose to my guild for asuraball, can’t promise anything but man, this looks awesome and hilarious!
Well, at AM borderland you ran with around 80, and after we what we got told from Kodash borderland it was closed to 100. But I dont rly care how many you guys run with, as long as I can use my abilities, which I have been more able to lately with those numbers. It just annoy’s me when you guys run when you see 20 people or WP out before you get in combat :/
the whole game seems to be a conspiracy against mighty AG^^
And ppl were complaining to Anet there is not enough of the living world in WVW, seems to me Kodash and AM play like they are in the queens pavilion, GG.
Now on a serious note, the only redeeming quality for us – AG in this match is that if you guys just mass up to push or deal with us, you of course get smashed by the other mass – for example – AM losing entire BL last night.
check out
Gandara and FSP vs Elona reach, compared to AG AM and Kodash
Have no worries, AG has been attracting organised guilds in last months, soon enough we will be farming these pug masses like piken, SFR and desolation, but mid tier scale.
(edited by Oren.1736)
We were on AM borderlands yesterday, starting off with 3 guys, meeting some old friends from [CE] and [ADAC] (both transferred from Kodash to Abaddon), getting more and more momentum and finally taking hills. Since then it went “up-hill”, and our guys got to siege it up and fortify the kitten out of, still having the outnumbered buff. Abaddon players were free kills, even when facing them 1vs3-5 at times; Later on we flipped camps with 3 and had some challenging fights against the odds, and still won most of them (AM players, y u so bad?). It was a blast, meeting some guys from Aurora, especially from [TUP] and [team] (that CC-warrior’s damage output, wtf! If you read this, I’d be glad to get to know your warrior’s build). You wiped the floor with us in 3vs3 and even 3vs4 situations – Very nice team play and also individual skill, which my group and I were looking for for such a long time.
Unfortunately you guys don’t seem to be able to stage big huge numbers like AM or Kodash (at times) – Speaking for myself and my fellows, you are the ones, who make this match worthwhile for us. You offer the challenge in small to midscale fights and skirmishes, which AM could not provide yet. Please keep it up!
I don’t get Why AM guilds wont run alone. Like example ADAC is fielding same numbers or bit more than AG guilds like TUP and FIRE. You see AG guilds running alone. Most of the time u see ADAC guild inside 80 man blob. In AG u wont see any guilds who can field 20+ inside blob.
In AG when guilds are holding open mic events if we get too many peeps in TS we switch to private channel. Its no fun to run in blob and spam 1 and steamroll everything that comes to our way. Not to mention that lovely skill lag.
You wont see me much in WvW this week due to RL reasons. I would like to farm Germans like i farmed french last week
Was “fun” meeting ADAC again at bay on Kodash borderland… 20-30 of them, they failed on their first push on us when we were ramming the gate. Then we get the gate down, they still wont try to push us even though they now got around 20 more pugs in, they still gotta wait for the 10ish Hot, 10ish CE and 10ish DP before they even dare go outside of the walls to do a push xD and we were only 16 people ourself at that time! Let’s just say we had a big laugh about that on TS xD
Hoping to meet the AM guilds running more alone today and the rest of the week, especially those 4 guilds which I know can fuel 20-40 people! Looking at you guys ADAC, FAME, DP, CE and Hot!
Also rly looking forward to the GvG on monday, Hot! Great fun to see you guys again, just now both on different servers! :P (Not that we’ve been on the same, but you Hot guys know what I mean)
Unfortunately you guys don’t seem to be able to stage big huge numbers like AM or Kodash (at times) – Speaking for myself and my fellows, you are the ones, who make this match worthwhile for us. You offer the challenge in small to midscale fights and skirmishes, which AM could not provide yet. Please keep it up!
Just my point of view: “to not be able to go with big numbers”, and “to not WANT to go with big numbers” are 2 different things. Seeing how nowadays every server has a community ts/mumble and the quality of the pugs has increased, everyone is able to roll the zerg and start to pvdoor running in a circle on the opposite part of the map to avoid the enemy zerg. But that’s so dull and boring that i wonder why i should do that. When on a group you past the 30 numbers, you become totally useless, your presence as a player don’t make a difference, your build don’t care to anyone, your level is useless, your skills not needed, even the supplies you carry don’t make a difference. You are absolutely no one… I’ll never understand the fun in that as a player i want to be useful, and i think that’s what a lot of AG players (like some other servers and guilds) think.
Thank you for cheering for us maeegle, i hope we’ll be able to smash zergs around a bit, as always we’ll try
I don’t get Why AM guilds wont run alone.
Can’t be that hard to figure out.
Please AM, just give up on your garri. We aren’t leaving until we cap it.
Well, I guess you actually DO;)
Commander of one of the two group in your garrison Ty for the loot we had to spend 3 merchant, Hope you liked as aswell.
Between the banner of the lord, i think it was easy over 100 banner throw down, the cap reset everytime, Ac build on top, outside of the inner, the portal from citadel to outside garrison. Well i think some mechanic needs fixing, when one side keep losing for 1 hour and 10 minutes and still keeps garrison. See you in 2 days.
Well we didn’t lose. Otherwise garrison would be blue now but it isn’t. Did you have the upper hand for quite some time? Yes! But you didn’t win.
The only real “winner” was my banker… god kitten bankers =)
Upper hand you kidding you guys GOT FARMED HARD, for 1 hour, we got garrison nope, you guys won 1 fight? Nope. AM lost every single fight for 1 hour inside garrison.
In pvp the fixed the game when time was just rushing into points to hold in lost fight and keep winning the game with that, will see what happends in the future.
Yes we didn’t cap, maybe is because there a mechanic that a banner made to ress down people, ress defeated Npc, while RESETING the cap, so instead of using normal mechanic, of manual ress an enemy, the same tatics kept getting use(banner), and that’s fine until they fix that, question do you think you deserve to keep it?
Oh yes. So many taxes to pay tonight. Evon gonna be pleased!
Thanks for the farmfest AM in garrison. I had more than 100 heavy loot bags which sold for about 3 gold alone. It was so much better than farming Crown Pavilon. Keep up the good loot bags.
(edited by Frax.4562)
TUP thanks AM for the fight of garrison. Quite heroic defending there. Anet need to implement a fix on the champ rezzing though, I think I got 20+ champ loot bags, he must of been rezzed 60+ times.
Fairplay banners, signet necros, eles, guardians all throwing themselves to res the lord. Endless stream of bodies. Quite insane there. Alas I made one bad call after we were last in keep and got my guys wiped but otherwise insane.
To the kodash blob (need a new term to define mass of players) Surprised with your number how you sat in your third and did not a great deal, was a shame. Got some action in drips and draps when we provoked your spawn tower but alas no real action.
Aside from the big numbers two or three times, few defeats few wins, but why build superior acs and a lot of em when you outnumber your enemy 2-1? Curious.
Crazy amount of loot, hundreds of bags missed during the first 30+ mins of garrison as my bags were full
Anet needs to look at the champ rezzing or atleast why the circles progression resets… 60+ resses is a bit extreme Keep it up guys was fun.
cmon AG u guys play 2 modes:
1. no single person on the map!
2. 80 people blob! (just the trueth)
and btw AvA destroyed u at the reset. about 20 AvA against 60+ AGs in golanta so many times and u just get owned haha
To the kodash blob (need a new term to define mass of players) Surprised with your number how you sat in your third and did not a great deal, was a shame. Got some action in drips and draps when we provoked your spawn tower but alas no real action.
Aside from the big numbers two or three times, few defeats few wins, but why build superior acs and a lot of em when you outnumber your enemy 2-1? Curious.
Are you talking about the fights around 22:00-23:00 CET on AM homelands? I kid you not – when you started building the trebuchets in the ruins we were [outnumbered] and around 20 peeps. Kodash’s WvW population drops rapidly at this time – we only have a limited number of off-time-players during normal work-days.
We had to call in reinforcements from other maps but still had clearly inferior numbers when AM took advantage of your attack and took the hill from us (no scouting on our part coupled with too few defenders left in a fully upgraded hill filled to the brim with supplies and defensive weapons – meh).
(edited by Lemoncurry.2345)
I think he was relating to the earlier stuff… not when you guys kept sacrificing yourselves to appease the rng WvW gods
AvA u gvg? 15v15 20v20?
To lemoncurry – was more the whole primetime, I appreciate the german servers tend to die off in activity earlier than others due to timezone. It felt like both AM and Kodash didn’t have an aggressive bone in their body on AM BL last night. They were both happy sitting in their 1/3rd. Once we took NE tower and distracted a huge amount of AM kodash took Bay. Other than that we skirmished 3 maybe 4 times against the Kodash number and AM stayed North. Very lacklustre, missed the usual aggression from enemies. Especially when both had much bigger groups.
Was a good test though, rough at times but none the less a good challenge.
I don’t get Why AM guilds wont run alone.
Can’t be that hard to figure out.
We do, alomost every evening. But we can hardly “fuel 20-40”, as we are only 30 in guild. So having 20 in the evening is like the most we can field. Anyway, looking forward to the next GvGs! Three more to go this week :-)
Good fights so far. Did not see much from AG as I like to focus on AM but what I have seen so far pleased me overall.
Some good sneakactions, some smaller scale skirmishing. Lets see what this matchup brings up during the week.
Honestly I will be working mostly on expanding my signature though as I am close to Bifrost and a little annoyed by the condition/stun meta.
I am a “Dungeon Master” now and guess I will get bullied by the rest of my friends for that.
Cheers everybody and best regards.
(edited by Zumy.6318)
To the kodash blob (need a new term to define mass of players) Surprised with your number how you sat in your third and did not a great deal, was a shame. Got some action in drips and draps when we provoked your spawn tower but alas no real action.
Aside from the big numbers two or three times, few defeats few wins, but why build superior acs and a lot of em when you outnumber your enemy 2-1? Curious.
Are you talking about the fights around 22:00-23:00 CET on AM homelands? I kid you not – when you started building the trebuchets in the ruins we were [outnumbered] and around 20 peeps. Kodash’s WvW population drops rapidly at this time – we only have a limited number of off-time-players during normal work-days.
We had to call in reinforcements from other maps but still had clearly inferior numbers when AM took advantage of your attack and took the hill from us (no scouting on our part coupled with too few defenders left in a fully upgraded hill filled to the brim with supplies and defensive weapons – meh).
He meant, for example, when we faced 50-60 of yours in the s/e camp and they built 4(!!!) arrowcarts in the open field to kill our 28-ish
Nobody seems to have the guts to go 1on1 in this match-up either. Wake me up when something interesting happens.
Was “fun” meeting ADAC again at bay on Kodash borderland… 20-30 of them, they failed on their first push on us when we were ramming the gate. Then we get the gate down, they still wont try to push us even though they now got around 20 more pugs in, they still gotta wait for the 10ish Hot, 10ish CE and 10ish DP before they even dare go outside of the walls to do a push xD and we were only 16 people ourself at that time! Let’s just say we had a big laugh about that on TS xD
All i will answer is: Learn to Count.
Thanks for the nice duels META thief and TDS mesmer, sorry I wasn’t much of a fight (FIRE mesmer), Aussie primetime now atm, and living in a complex with around 1000 other studens on the same internett connection, so you can probably guess why xD
@Phobos We might have some recording of that day, so maybe we can make a video or something so you can see it with your own eye’s Have a nice day, maybe we’ll meet tonight in the small raid we’ll have before our GvG with Hot. Loads of respect towards them, seems to be almost the only guild running by themself from Abaddons this week :/ Seen a guild called RC or something aswell, but only their shadows as they run unfortunately :/
Well hope to see you guys tonight so there can be some more guild on guild fights and not just huge blobs from all sides :/
(edited by kribre.9683)
Nobody seems to have the guts to go 1on1 in this match-up either. Wake me up when something interesting happens.
1vs1ing on a necro must be hard these days :P.
Hook me up tuesday or wednesday night, I guess I can get you some customers. At least I should be in for some fun.
The amount of germans using bunker-condition builds is too kitten high!
Are people really playing what is considered “the best” to maximise ones chance of winning, even if it means playing something that you do not find enjoyment in?
If you’re playing Condimancer no wonder people won’t take a duel with you.
(edited by KrisHQ.4719)
@Phobos We might have some recording of that day, so maybe we can make a video or something so you can see it with your own eye’s
Yeah a video would be nice.
And have fun with the GvG against [Hot].
@Phobos We might have some recording of that day, so maybe we can make a video or something so you can see it with your own eye’s
Yeah a video would be nice.
And have fun with the GvG against [Hot].
The GvG was really nice, unfortunately we didn’t have any recording from saturday, but we did from sunday.
So here you are guys, and enjoy!
Didn’t have recording from saturday :/ only from yesterday^^
Here is what we had fun with yesterday, enjoy!
Thanks to all the duelists I’ve met today on Kodash BL, especially some guys from TDS and that insane TUP ranger! Quite entertaining fights
Really enjoying this matchup so far. Lots of 1v1s, 2v2s and 3v3s. Kodash and AG, I think I love you <3
Thanks to all the duelists I’ve met today on Kodash BL, especially some guys from TDS and that insane TUP ranger! Quite entertaining fights
Really enjoying this matchup so far. Lots of 1v1s, 2v2s and 3v3s. Kodash and AG, I think I love you <3
Thank you 2, for the duels! I just remembered by your RAGE tag (and your nice colors), that we allready roaming-dueled a few days ago. Big fun. : )
Lol where are the 50% Parts when you become Kicked your Asses?
Oh i know its Cut^^
Lol where are the 50% Parts when you become Kicked your Asses?
Oh i know its Cut^^
Then let us go do a GvG, it will test your skill as a guild and will give you a chance to kick our butts to put on youtube.
@Phobos We might have some recording of that day, so maybe we can make a video or something so you can see it with your own eye’s
Yeah a video would be nice.
And have fun with the GvG against [Hot].The GvG was really nice, unfortunately we didn’t have any recording from saturday, but we did from sunday.
So here you are guys, and enjoy!![]()
Didn’t have recording from saturday :/ only from yesterday^^
Here is what we had fun with yesterday, enjoy!
I am a bit sad that I cant see my zerg from saturday ;(
But thanks for the video from sunday
Lol where are the 50% Parts when you become Kicked your Asses?
Oh i know its Cut^^
Sorry we refrained ourselves from uploading ‘the other 50%’, due to a possible copyright issue with the footage being exactly the same as the movie ‘300’. That being the thousands of Persian soldiers, or in your case Germans, manning the hundreds of arrow carts and blocking out our sun with hundreds of arrow, and like the true Spartans we were running in to our deaths.
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