Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
hey guys, who blobs more? Banners hold or Far Shiverpeaks?
(sorry, I just had to)
I feel the only way to deal with these people is to bring it out publicly, it wont be resolved within the community as the guilds/leaders responsible for this pay 0 attention to anyone in our community aside from when it gets them Wxp. I’m hoping this post will either shame them into rethinking their coawrdice, or (longshot) a moderator will see this and ban them for match manipulation. Either way the only way they can be brought to justice is if they see what the entire community thinks of them.
Also Bez i’m sorry to see that you left uw, i know we didn’t always agree, but you were a valueable commander to our server, and you will be missed.
So many sources of drama in one forum thread, has to be some kind of record.
Also Bez i’m sorry to see that you left uw, i know we didn’t always agree
True that Even though we didn’t get along, we always did the best we could for UW, but there comes a point when you just get exhausted. Getting a bit of fresh air is sometimes needed.
Peace & Respect
I read some of the posts in that topic in the UW Forums. It was extremely disappointing. I seriously hope you “good” UWs keep doing all your best as a server and prevent that thing to happen.
If you want easymode 11111 just follow your PvE Champ Trains.
All my respect to those who will keep playing WvW as they always did
On another note, I made an expensive tomb to this dead mesmer in SM:
I feel the only way to deal with these people is to bring it out publicly, it wont be resolved within the community as the guilds/leaders responsible for this pay 0 attention to anyone in our community aside from when it gets them Wxp. I’m hoping this post will either shame them into rethinking their coawrdice, or (longshot) a moderator will see this and ban them for match manipulation. Either way the only way they can be brought to justice is if they see what the entire community thinks of them.
Also Bez i’m sorry to see that you left uw, i know we didn’t always agree, but you were a valueable commander to our server, and you will be missed
I am aware that it is none of my business but just curious, was this decision widely voted through huge part of the community or was it initially discussed by a few select leaders/commanders/people? A decision this big should have everyone’s thoughts in mind, and before going ahead with it find out who “will” actually transfer out if this decision is made. Seems like it was made before finding out it’s consequences and losses to the community, (though im probably wrong).
So many sources of drama in one forum thread, has to be some kind of record.
lol yeh its like a British soap, brb popping down the Queen Vic for a pint
I feel the only way to deal with these people is to bring it out publicly, it wont be resolved within the community as the guilds/leaders responsible for this pay 0 attention to anyone in our community aside from when it gets them Wxp. I’m hoping this post will either shame them into rethinking their coawrdice, or (longshot) a moderator will see this and ban them for match manipulation. Either way the only way they can be brought to justice is if they see what the entire community thinks of them.
Also Bez i’m sorry to see that you left uw, i know we didn’t always agree, but you were a valueable commander to our server, and you will be missed
I am aware that it is none of my business but just curious, was this decision widely voted through huge part of the community or was it initially discussed by a few select leaders/commanders/people? A decision this big should have everyone’s thoughts in mind, and before going ahead with it find out who “will” actually transfer out if this decision is made. Seems like it was made before finding out it’s consequences and losses to the community, (though im probably wrong).
None of my guild were informed prior to this decision being made, though as soon as monday came about rumours we’re flying. I don’t know about the other guilds still fighting in eb/bl and if they knew as i can’t speak for them, though i doubt they did.
In all likely hood it was just the few bigger guilds who started that thread that had agreed to do it. it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve upset the server like this.
So much hypocrism in this thread, i can totally understand UW’s thought of willing to drop, when being a server with a lot of pugforce behind their strenght, and knowing you’ll have to fight 7 weeks of being outmanned vs mostly bunkerguilds and higher numbers the prospect doesn’t look rather fun, not everyone wants to play in a bunkerguild to compete or enjoys bunkerwars as much as these people do, nor does everyone want to transfer away from their home server.
If anything the massive transfers with the announcement of the league’s the past months have changed the landscapes of servers more then any of these players have, and sadly their approach is simply a naturel reaction of the motion set in place by Anet’s decision to hold league’s.
I’m glad FSP got some much needed love and we’ll at least be able to hold our ground in the silver league now, but without the influx we recently gotten i can imagine, offpeak and not being in a guild in primetime could turn a lot of our pugs also down in a similiar situation.
Let’s face it people prefer somewhat balanced matches and not stomps, 300k to 100k matches or even worse are often not the most fun overall for either side, and if you’d have to choose to be on one of those sides it’s naturel most would choose to be on the stomping side.
I feel the only way to deal with these people is to bring it out publicly, it wont be resolved within the community as the guilds/leaders responsible for this pay 0 attention to anyone in our community aside from when it gets them Wxp. I’m hoping this post will either shame them into rethinking their coawrdice, or (longshot) a moderator will see this and ban them for match manipulation. Either way the only way they can be brought to justice is if they see what the entire community thinks of them.
Also Bez i’m sorry to see that you left uw, i know we didn’t always agree, but you were a valueable commander to our server, and you will be missed
I am aware that it is none of my business but just curious, was this decision widely voted through huge part of the community or was it initially discussed by a few select leaders/commanders/people? A decision this big should have everyone’s thoughts in mind, and before going ahead with it find out who “will” actually transfer out if this decision is made. Seems like it was made before finding out it’s consequences and losses to the community, (though im probably wrong).
None of my guild were informed prior to this decision being made, though as soon as monday came about rumours we’re flying. I don’t know about the other guilds still fighting in eb/bl and if they knew as i can’t speak for them, though i doubt they did.
In all likely hood it was just the few bigger guilds who started that thread that had agreed to do it. it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve upset the server like this.
Shame that, and thumbs up to you and the other guilds that are still pushing on although i wouldn’t be happy if my own server made me have to push harder due to them purposely slacking.
So much hypocrism in this thread, i can totally understand UW’s thought of willing to drop, when being a server with a lot of pugforce behind their strenght, and knowing you’ll have to fight 7 weeks of being outmanned vs mostly bunkerguilds and higher numbers the prospect doesn’t look rather fun, not everyone wants to play in a bunkerguild to compete or enjoys bunkerwars as much as these people do, nor does everyone want to transfer away from their home server.
If anything the massive transfers with the announcement of the league’s the past months have changed the landscapes of servers more then any of these players have, and sadly their approach is simply a naturel reaction of the motion set in place by Anet’s decision to hold league’s.
I’m glad FSP got some much needed love and we’ll at least be able to hold our ground in the silver league now, but without the influx we recently gotten i can imagine, offpeak and not being in a guild in primetime could turn a lot of our pugs also down in a similiar situation.
Let’s face it people prefer somewhat balanced matches and not stomps, 300k to 100k matches or even worse are often not the most fun overall for either side, and if you’d have to choose to be on one of those sides it’s naturel most would choose to be on the stomping side.
I totally agree with this. Its so easy screaming that is shameful to intentionally lose. But most if not all the servers in the same spot would come to this conclusion. People play this game for their own fun, and they make decisions to improve their fun. With a big chance to lose every kitten fight in the coming weeks ain’t fun. And don’t come with crap like it a good opportunity to improve your skills. wvw is sadly all about having big numbers in wvw, something being a pve server underworld lacks . Putting the discussion about dropping a tier or not aside, I find it very sad that vaacrow decided to put this on the matchup thread while it is something underworld self must work out.
Sincerely a underworld player
So much hypocrism in this thread, i can totally understand UW’s thought of willing to drop, when being a server with a lot of pugforce behind their strenght, and knowing you’ll have to fight 7 weeks of being outmanned vs mostly bunkerguilds and higher numbers the prospect doesn’t look rather fun, not everyone wants to play in a bunkerguild to compete or enjoys bunkerwars as much as these people do, nor does everyone want to transfer away from their home server.
If anything the massive transfers with the announcement of the league’s the past months have changed the landscapes of servers more then any of these players have, and sadly their approach is simply a naturel reaction of the motion set in place by Anet’s decision to hold league’s.
I’m glad FSP got some much needed love and we’ll at least be able to hold our ground in the silver league now, but without the influx we recently gotten i can imagine, offpeak and not being in a guild in primetime could turn a lot of our pugs also down in a similiar situation.
Let’s face it people prefer somewhat balanced matches and not stomps, 300k to 100k matches or even worse are often not the most fun overall for either side, and if you’d have to choose to be on one of those sides it’s naturel most would choose to be on the stomping side.
Yeh i totally get what your saying, but for the last 4 weeks UW have been sitting at rank 17 which is silver league material, and we can go back even further they were rank 16 and 14 etc. Which they have proved they are a strong force. My point is that in the last 30 weeks they would have only dropped into the bronze league twice (if leagues were in place going by rank) so they don’t actually belong in bronze league. 3 weeks ago they they won against us with a 68k lead (I know we had 2 guilds transfer since this match up). 6 weeks ago they beat GH while GH was ranked higher than them. I’m aware that server strength changes a lot due to transfers week in week out, but from how it looks the people are only jumping ship since this decision was made (which sounds like it was a bad decision), so before that they were practically at roughly the same strength within that 6 week period.
Edit: I wont say any more on this situation or reply to anyone quoting me on it, as i am not from UW and the people are right in saying it should be dealt with within UW community, I am however sad to here that the community within UW aint at its best atm and wish you all the best.
(edited by Twinny.9304)
So much hypocrism in this thread, i can totally understand UW’s thought of willing to drop, when being a server with a lot of pugforce behind their strenght, and knowing you’ll have to fight 7 weeks of being outmanned vs mostly bunkerguilds and higher numbers the prospect doesn’t look rather fun, not everyone wants to play in a bunkerguild to compete or enjoys bunkerwars as much as these people do, nor does everyone want to transfer away from their home server.
If anything the massive transfers with the announcement of the league’s the past months have changed the landscapes of servers more then any of these players have, and sadly their approach is simply a naturel reaction of the motion set in place by Anet’s decision to hold league’s.
I’m glad FSP got some much needed love and we’ll at least be able to hold our ground in the silver league now, but without the influx we recently gotten i can imagine, offpeak and not being in a guild in primetime could turn a lot of our pugs also down in a similiar situation.
Let’s face it people prefer somewhat balanced matches and not stomps, 300k to 100k matches or even worse are often not the most fun overall for either side, and if you’d have to choose to be on one of those sides it’s naturel most would choose to be on the stomping side.
I totally agree with this. Its so easy screaming that is shameful to intentionally lose. But most if not all the servers in the same spot would come to this conclusion. People play this game for their own fun, and they make decisions to improve their fun. With a big chance to lose every kitten fight in the coming weeks ain’t fun. And don’t come with crap like it a good opportunity to improve your skills. wvw is sadly all about having big numbers in wvw, something being a pve server underworld lacks . Putting the discussion about dropping a tier or not aside, I find it very sad that vaacrow decided to put this on the matchup thread while it is something underworld self must work out.
Sincerely a underworld player
As i have said before.
I feel the only way to deal with these people is to bring it out publicly, it wont be resolved within the community as the guilds/leaders responsible for this pay 0 attention to anyone in our community aside from when it gets them Wxp. I’m hoping this post will either shame them into rethinking their coawrdice, or (longshot) a moderator will see this and ban them for match manipulation. Either way the only way they can be brought to justice is if they see what the entire community thinks of them.
People like this don’t get dealt with by our community, Times has proven that, The only way to deal with that is to show them what other people think of their plan. as they will not listen to reason or appeal in game.
UW = people always leaving if there is some server a bit stronger in rating. Then we are outmanned most of the time. If we are stronger according to rating then we even have queue on EB during week evening(even if if’s only a few seconds… still there was queue sometimes).
It’s sad. If all those farmers just would start to understand that we can’t get stronger like this…. and with them we even would be able to fight against some servers that are only 50 rating points stronger(but at this already a lot stop playing here). Of course the others are 50 rating points higher then… if we are not fighting them.
Could even get good loot.
I doubt there will be good loot against Vabbi. Maybe some karma and WXP from capping and recapping stuff.
Would be more loot in Silver League if people didn’t stop playing. If we have queue and some good commander(some are fun – I like Archi, he really can motivate people to fight for example like Augury Rock back then when he said “pull those precursers out of their a**” ha ha fun and we were fighting them at our home borderlands) then we could get good loot… of course others still might be better organized.
But biggest problem atm are imho the numbers.
The simple fact of life: You learn from your mistakes, You learn by fighting a stronger enemy.this!
GvG isnt an option – All of you big guilds should go GvG in open field in 20 ppl cap – this would really improve everybodies entertainment
Actually, you’re kinda right..
But big guilds need to show-off in open field so they can recruit some more xD
So much hypocrism in this thread, i can totally understand UW’s thought of willing to drop, when being a server with a lot of pugforce behind their strenght, and knowing you’ll have to fight 7 weeks of being outmanned vs mostly bunkerguilds and higher numbers the prospect doesn’t look rather fun, not everyone wants to play in a bunkerguild to compete or enjoys bunkerwars as much as these people do, nor does everyone want to transfer away from their home server.
If anything the massive transfers with the announcement of the league’s the past months have changed the landscapes of servers more then any of these players have, and sadly their approach is simply a naturel reaction of the motion set in place by Anet’s decision to hold league’s.
I’m glad FSP got some much needed love and we’ll at least be able to hold our ground in the silver league now, but without the influx we recently gotten i can imagine, offpeak and not being in a guild in primetime could turn a lot of our pugs also down in a similiar situation.
Let’s face it people prefer somewhat balanced matches and not stomps, 300k to 100k matches or even worse are often not the most fun overall for either side, and if you’d have to choose to be on one of those sides it’s naturel most would choose to be on the stomping side.
So basically dropping your own server (which is for a decent long time in Silver League) to Bronze League (and so, putting a Bronze League’d server into Silver League) is a good thing to do?
In my honest opinion, that’s a selfish act and you won’t build up a decent WvW-community, you’re building up false hope because once league is over, they’ll get “roflstomped” and quit again because your community is used to do the roflstomping but will get roflstomped 24/7 and quits WvW again and even more might quit or change server..
i don’t agree with it but it’s not much different from guilds jumping from one server to another really.
UW in its current state isnt a silver league server.
Guys you should know that Vaacrow is trolling and making major exaggerations.
One guild on underworld had a vote with its members and has decided to have a break from defending.
Another guild leader from a smaller guild posted a thread on our forum about what we should do about the league idea.
Noone has agreed to anything, noone is dropping on purpose, it was just posted in a thread.
Vaacrow just likes posting that everyone who disagrees with him is a traitor to their server and that real wvwers would do this or that all the time :P
The reality is nothing is decided and we couldn’t go 4 comments without name calling :P
Infact hes using it as a political stunt, no matter how many times i say i wouldn’t agree to it unless the majority wanted it first and therefore nothing I could do anyway he keeps telling everyone its my idea…
The truth is Underworld is fairly screwed because of our very high population, and playing silver league isnt an easy environment to be able to try to get new pvers into wvw, thats why this was brought up unfortunately maturity isnt a strong point of this kind of talk :P
Noone will let us lose, thats not going to happen, so calm down, we will see you in a few weeks dont worry :P
(edited by Phoenix.3416)
[Rain] is a really cool guild. I hope UW stays in silver league but gets more guilds joining. Seems a good choice for top guilds to move to for fights.
Guys you should know that Vaacrow is trolling and making major exaggerations.
One guild on underworld had a vote with its members and has decided to have a break from defending.
Another guild leader from a smaller guild posted a thread on our forum about what we should do about the league idea.Noone has agreed to anything, noone is dropping on purpose, it was just posted in a thread.
Vaacrow just likes posting that everyone who disagrees with him is a traitor to their server and that real wvwers would do this or that all the time :P
The reality is nothing is decided and we couldn’t go 4 comments without name calling :P
Infact hes using it as a political stunt, no matter how many times i say i wouldn’t agree to it unless the majority wanted it first and therefore nothing I could do anyway he keeps telling everyone its my idea…
The truth is Underworld is fairly screwed because of our very high population, and playing silver league isnt an easy environment to be able to try to get new pvers into wvw, thats why this was brought up unfortunately maturity isnt a strong point of this kind of talk :P
Noone will let us lose, thats not going to happen, one guild is just having a break and voted to have some time off although i can understand how you could get the idea that they are “cheating” by playing wvw less by choice.
Please look at the scores of our last matchup against both fsp and gh, and tell me this has had no impact, also please re-read the community thread and tell me where i insulted you baselessley, You earned every bit of what has been given to you this day for your once again poor decisions. And less of the personal attacks on me because you got caught with your hand of the cookie jar, please, the moment jarni posted that thread up it was enacted by those guilds immideatley. No other guild was informed about your plan and do not claim otherwise. You acted once again as a small sect as you always have. So please, don’t defend your match manipulation in this thread. Nobody here will pity you. Because that thread is all about match manipulation and no amount of deleting your posts will take that away.
The first thing you wrote on the thread?
“You are all three of you a disgrace to our server”
I played devils advocate and said it would give is time to reorganise but its ethically messed up, I never said i was agreeing to it or was going to do it yet you started personal attacks because 1 guild had voted on it already even if ironically you blame 2 other players not in that guild :P
It wasn’t my plan, i came online and saw a thread, commented on it. I haven’t been on guildwars today, haven’t spoken to any of the other guild leaders about any such plans and don’t actually agree with doing it.
Anet screwed us over in my opinion, I don’t blame the other 2 guilds for venting about it on our forum though and they should be able to bring it up even if its everyone else saying they disagree.
Why you keep saying “your plan” i have no idea, even the guys who made the thread said it wasn’t my idea and they haven’t spoken to me about it… you need to stop causing flame wars without actually reading what people write its embarrassing for uw, we cant make a thread without someone like you causing a flame war because you didnt actually read it.
hey guys, who blobs more? Banners hold or Far Shiverpeaks?
(sorry, I just had to)
Doesn’t matter. Neither can match the skill-less blobbing of the noobs over at AG.
hey guys, who blobs more? Banners hold or Far Shiverpeaks?
(sorry, I just had to)
Doesn’t matter. Neither can match the skill-less blobbing of the noobs over at AG.
haha, well played, but I’m not going to add to the flame, random half-kittened trolling is enough for me. ( and also, it is the best samurai that let’s his katana rust in its scabbard)
(edited by Silent Shino.7239)
I would regret UW in bronze league because we had much fun against you guys for several match-ups.
But to be honest, i understand that many UW players don’t want to be in silver league. The outmanned buff is a joke and now the stronger servers also have the bloodlust buffs. I wouldn’t enjoy that if that happens most of the time. We, on FSP, are lucky with the input of some good new guilds (ofcourse together with the old good ones) so we can give nice fights.
I hope the lower league servers will find eachother in the match-ups and mainly focus on the high tiered ones of theire league.
The first thing you wrote on the thread?
“You are all three of you a disgrace to our server”
I played devils advocate and said it would give is time to reorganise but its ethically messed up, I never said i was agreeing to it or was going to do it yet you started personal attacks because 1 guild had voted on it already even if ironically you blame 2 other players not in that guild :P
It wasn’t my plan, i came online and saw a thread, commented on it. I haven’t been on guildwars today, haven’t spoken to any of the other guild leaders about any such plans and don’t actually agree with doing it.
Anet screwed us over in my opinion, I don’t blame the other 2 guilds for venting about it on our forum though and they should be able to bring it up even if its everyone else saying they disagree.
Why you keep saying “your plan” i have no idea, even the guys who made the thread said it wasn’t my idea and they haven’t spoken to me about it… you need to stop causing flame wars without actually reading what people write its embarrassing for uw, we cant make a thread without someone like you causing a flame war because you didnt actually read it.
TBH Phoenix the forum posts are just a minor additive to what most of us playing WvW have already seen with our own eyes… the maps are all but desolate of our prime guilds and AA stated they were now withdrawing from their defensive holds.. add to that the lack of any queing during primetimes and a complete turnaround in matchup points again this week… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to draw any other conclusion to that which Vaacrow has highlighted.. and whether its UW community forum or GW2 public forum is irrelevant, things have been discussed and made clear behind other closed doors and the knock on effect is a drastic demolition of UW WvW of late.
You can paint it in as many shades of grey as you like, but others see it as black and white, but that said tbh I don’t care if those guilds/players and commanders disappear from the server whether by choice or by enforcement (though we know ANET aren’t that brave to do anything about matchup manipulations for fear of loosing more than it can gain) in fact I think I would prefer to let UW rebuild off the back of it even it that means dropping down even lower. I play for the fun aspect not the politics though what I consider fun doesn’t involve commanders pre -arranging map flips with other servers or running WXP/Karma trains against inferior numbers so with these players doing what they want to do can only make my WvW more fun whether I stomp or get stomped by other server players. Its just disappointing to find out its happening and by the guilds involved.. like I said though earlier I guess others idea of fun is zerg farming across maps endlessly and then log/transfer off when they suddenly see they have to put some skill and effort in to get rewards when matched up against better guilds/players from other servers.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
Silver league is gonna be packed. I heard some guilds transfered to FSP in hope they will dominate silver league, but their face run straight into mighty gunnars fist.
I think you will need guild or two more to get on our level.
First of all: I’m seriously sorry for all this in Match discussion on behave of the caring WvW players in Underworld.
Second of all: Please forgive me for making another long post about this topic on this forum.
Alright to clear things up here from my perspective of Underworld now.
People here are stating that Underworld wants to drop to Bronze League on purpose.
This is not true however.
Some guilds that represent an “Underworld Community*” wish to do this. However some guilds that are actually still playing, still caring, still being there day in day out, each day again and again for over longer then a year now do however NOT support this idea.
The Underworld Community is not much of an community however. They do not understand the word communication yet, so I will just deny them to be a community for all of that. The only communication they have is pre reset meetings were which guild states where they go on reset. After that on reset there is no open communication and everyone plays for himself. Highly there is a whisper between 1 or 2 commanders on times that they need help somewhere.
The other meeting is on Sunday and they discuss how to kill tequatl (never worked for them), or if to use supply traps yes or no ( in other words, common sense meetings).
However apart from this, there are still other guilds out there on Underworld. Caring each day for there own game. Playing it the way they feel like contributing into WvW. Instead of commanding Gendarran Fields they come to defend a Tower or Keep, scout the map for you so you know where the enemy is.
Underworld is not all dead yet in WvW. We still have some awesome guilds out there really trying their best.
Just wanted to clear that up here, cause some that are to active here are not giving the total picture of who and what Underworld is.
Alright enough now, it just needed to be off my chest.
Alright bring it on again ! Try to get your supply camps back from me
( and also, it is the best samurai that let’s his katana rust in its scabbard)
And fights with bare hands!
And …. this makes this the most exciting match up thread I have posted in. Not only do we have the normal blob complaints and what not but we now have the piece to resistance. Inner server fighting that has leaked onto the wvw match up forum. I would like to thank everyone for participating and add that if you want to see more UW turmoil, we run free shows daily in our LA.
Bring your own popcorn, Also boxes of fun are requested by all Gum members.
Nice demonstration of handholding by Fury, CHvc, FG and TEO on FSP border just now grabs popcorn
How else would you kill a “War Machine”
One guild which happens to be a member of the UWC had a guild vote on it and decided to take a break
Noone else did… although the what 15 other guilds in the community not agreeing or doing it don’t matter because one private guild decided to do its own thing? :P
its not as major as people seem to make out :P although its kind of like chinese whispers, the story changes everytime someone new tells it haha
I allowed the thread because locking and censoring players will just make them do it in secret, its better to do it openly then have players convince each other until its sorted out than ban people talking of certain topics.
Quite the group you have at Bluewater GH Fury is a paintrain
Nice demonstration of handholding by Fury, CHvc, FG and TEO on FSP border just now grabs popcorn
Someone died in WvW.
How else would you kill a “War Machine”
If it’s a machine, just pull the batteries out, kitten!
Looks like PunK is having fun on their walls with their AC’s
holding hands with 3 other guilds creates lag which is no fun….ac’s are always fun
Looks like PunK is having fun on their walls with their AC’s
Im not in WvW yet, will be heading in soon, but they are probably playing target practice with some fluffy Fury animals. Sorry typo I meant Furry…
Grabs popcorn
Looks like PunK is having fun on their walls with their AC’s
Im not in WvW yet, will be heading in soon, but they are probably playing target practice with some fluffy Fury animals. Sorry typo I meant Furry…
Grabs popcorn
Meh, just thought PunK was on Open Field guild.
Not a PPT guild
Divert all non essential power to the popcorn machine, let’s hope it holds out for 2 more days.
Looks like PunK is having fun on their walls with their AC’s
Im not in WvW yet, will be heading in soon, but they are probably playing target practice with some fluffy Fury animals. Sorry typo I meant Furry…
Grabs popcorn
Meh, just thought PunK was on Open Field guild.
Not a PPT guild
I thought Fury let other guilds brawl before stepping in….and CHvc is fast giving you the nickname Runners Hold grabs more popcorn
Divert all non essential power to the popcorn machine, let’s hope it holds out for 2 more days.
talking of which; grabs some popcorn
Some intense fighting, had a blast gg GH and UW
I apologize to AA, they want what they think is best for uw even if that means they have to resort to match manipulation to get it.
no more forum show for you forum dwellers, shoo.
P.s if you enemy servers happen to see AA Make sure you wipe them with inhuman hostility and give them our regards!
If far blobberpeaks didn’t hide in keeps until they had punk, AoA along with randoms and greatly outnumber any of our guilds then we wouldn’t be force to work together as guilds.
Good to see VoTF knows how to “advance in the other direction” after a bunch of them get killed and they can’t seem to kill the other group. hehehe
Good fights so far on Uw border, hope to see some more during the rest of the evening. ;p
Keep it up fellow Underworlders, we can slap them back to where they came from!
Good to see VoTF knows how to “advance in the other direction” after a bunch of them get killed and they can’t seem to kill the other group. hehehe
Good fights so far on Uw border, hope to see some more during the rest of the evening. ;p
Keep it up fellow Underworlders, we can slap them back to where they came from!
In before they say..“we was outnumbered you had the whole UW zerg on us”..yup the whole of UW was on you all 23 of us.
Good to see VoTF knows how to “advance in the other direction” after a bunch of them get killed and they can’t seem to kill the other group. hehehe
Good fights so far on Uw border, hope to see some more during the rest of the evening. ;p
Keep it up fellow Underworlders, we can slap them back to where they came from!
When we were fighting at Northwest camp against you? Yea we went back to Bay because GH was on the inner gate. But that would be hard for you to know so I forgive you
We were talking today about it feeling like we fought Abaddon again, you rezz as much as they do midcombat. Quite boring because eventually you stop giving wexp.
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