When you try to defend things and get run over by yaks and db zergs 3-5x your size you tend to say kitten defending.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Trust me… DB has been there. Try going against T1 servers.. its horrible.
Trust me… DB has been there. Try going against T1 servers.. its horrible.
I believe it. And we will get that try..in October…..ugh…… [sarcasm]Sure can’t wait for league play![/sarcasm]
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction
Good Fights tonight One, had a lot of fun.
Good Fights tonight One, had a lot of fun.
Yep, you guys are really terrific and work so cohesively together, amazing fights tonight.
A great learning experience, thank you for your time!
- Jornosh, Suicidal Warrior of [One], getting a new perspective on how far we need to go.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
[ONE] played double duty tonight and had some good fights vs EE as well.
Great Fights from [One] and [Pro], I only got some footage of the [One] fight, but you guys are some great fighters. Hope there’s going to be a way to work around orbageddon so we can do this again!
Maguuma Server Dictator
Trust me… DB has been there. Try going against T1 servers.. its horrible.
I believe it. And we will get that try..in October…..ugh…… [sarcasm]Sure can’t wait for league play![/sarcasm]
Well what sucks is, its all zergggg this zerg that, 10000 of people non stop, no small size combat or what not. I cant imagine how bad the que was on t1 servers, soooo many people, made DB look like a deserted wasteland in comparison.
Even in that situation though.. quality of the toon over quantity will win 90% of the time, sometimes though throwing countless worthless toons can do the red wave of doom and win… lol
Thank you to all yaks bend and kaineng guilds for the fights this week, [CNB][FOW][One][Pro] and many others that i didn’t mention, [EE] has really enjoyed all the fun fights this week & hope we might meet again someday when coverage isn’t an issue anymore. Goodbye
Hi! Im from the [Hero] guild. Long time reader, first time talker. Sry about ruining your karma train yaks and sry kaineg. You were being annoying so my guild focus on building a waypoint in your keep.
Hi! Im from the [Hero] guild. Long time reader, first time talker. Sry about ruining your karma train yaks and sry kaineg. You were being annoying so my guild focus on building a waypoint in your keep
What a great first comment!
Hi! Im from the [Hero] guild. Long time reader, first time talker. Sry about ruining your karma train yaks and sry kaineg. You were being annoying so my guild focus on building a waypoint in your keep
Not sure what you mean. Our wxp train was a pretty good success this week. I myself earned over 150 ranks.
Had a fun week overall. Best of luck on your next matchups DB and Kain
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]