Tee See
Tee See
OMG TC, ^^ you allways been like that never will accept that FA beat you ^^, allways will be excuses like we are in school, we are in vacation, our commanders was not online ? .
Dont you think the same thing happen on FA ? its TC the only NA server ?? dont make me laugh.
The big difference in those 2 weeks was, last week [BOMB] dont rally at Sunda/Monday when TC made their big big push, so basicly no1 stop them, but this week [BOMB] rally Sunday/Monday and TC cannot do anything, and dont say you dont send you entire forces because i have videos and dont meke me put some over here.
If you say at some moment of the days TC only have 2 commnaders, well FA at some points only has me commanding the 4 maps.
Please TC stop that crappy idea of " TC let FA wins " because that not true, FA win this week because " WE CAN " .
Those TC excuses make me remind SBI excuses when they lose the second place in Silver.
BTW, the entire FA will take good break next week so you are free to go rise your PPT ^^
stack-eh stack-eh eh-stack eh-stack eh-stack stack-eh
Empora empora empora empora
‘we made a truce with an sos guild because we wanted to have open field fights with Tc when they were outmanned in eb’
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