Apathy Inc [Ai]
Dec 20th, KN/GoM/DR
Kaineng ran a wintersday event where there was gift exchanging, running around as reindeer/moose/dolyaks in wvw. I’m sure the other servers saw our weird zerg which was half transformed. We died a lot but had a good time listening to seasonal music.
There will be screenshots!
Personally I wont be playing much till after the holiday – really busy time of year.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
I don’t know about anyone else, but facing off against DR for the 4th straight time?
Sigh, this week just started and I already want it to end.
http://postimg.org/image/y8lsqjrfx/It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
Yes, it’s possible. Very much in the same way that you’re able to target outside with the arrow cart you were using.
http://postimg.org/image/y8lsqjrfx/It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
Heya, I was that engi that was nade spamming your AC on that screenshot! But yes, from where I was standing I can arc my grenades just over the door and just under the archway over it at max distance with my grenadier trait to hit that AC there. It’s quite a handy trick sometimes Idn if the necro can manage to target that without a LoS tho, as I was sure I was the only one hitting it at the time. I’ll provide a screenie to this tomorrow when I wake up.
(edited by Colt.9051)
http://postimg.org/image/y8lsqjrfx/It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
Heya, I was that engi that was nade spamming your AC on that screenshot! But yes, from where I was standing I can arc my grenades just over the door and just under the archway over it at max distance with my grenadier trait to hit that AC there. It’s quite a handy trick sometimes
Idn if the necro can manage to target that without a LoS tho, as I was sure I was the only one hitting it at the time. I’ll provide a screenie to this tomorrow when I wake up.
As a necro I always use DS #4 to hit ppl through walls.
I don’t know about anyone else, but facing off against DR for the 4th straight time?
Sigh, this week just started and I already want it to end.
Same here and I think Kain are lower wvw pop then us now so with this time of year n all DR will still have high numbers 24/7 while Kain and us lose a few and maps will be red at off hours. We get some nice battles off DR when you don’t call the other maps though.
http://postimg.org/image/y8lsqjrfx/It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
There are certain abilities in the game that are area of effect and not line of sight, those can hit you there. The point blank area of effect spells in particular.
Kaineg: Yes we saw your reindeer. I especially saw your Kaineg general Reindeer who amazingly stayed alive through everything as a Reindeer! Great use of endure pain sir!
DR Zerg:
I don’t remember which northern tower we were fighting in, possibly Kaineg Sunnyhill .Fight was around 12:10AM EST? I know that sooo useful to get everyone to remember the fight :p
Anyhow that was one of the most down to the wire even fights I have had in a long while. I think it was just 3 of us standing at the very end there. If you were wondering there were about 15ish of us.
/salute to you guys. Happy to see your server coming back out of its shell a bit. Hope to get more fights like that (including the part where its 3 of us standing at the end instead of 3 of you. Hey sue me I like winning )
Gates of Madness Community
DUI Co-Founder
(edited by Easterbunny.6170)
http://postimg.org/image/y8lsqjrfx/It is possible to target someone here. Reason I ask is in all my time playing I have never been hit there. I was targeted by both a necro and an engineer while operating the arrow cart.
There are certain abilities in the game that are area of effect and not line of sight, those can hit you there. The point blank area of effect spells in particular.
__________________________________________________________________Kaineg: Yes we saw your reindeer. I especially saw your Kaineg general Reindeer who amazingly stayed alive through everything as a Reindeer! Great use of endure pain sir!
DR Zerg:
I don’t remember which northern tower we were fighting in, possibly Kaineg Sunnyhill .Fight was around 12:10AM EST? I know that sooo useful to get everyone to remember the fight :p
Anyhow that was one of the most down to the wire even fights I have had in a long while. I think it was just 3 of us standing at the very end there. If you were wondering there were about 15ish of us.
/salute to you guys. Happy to see your server coming back out of its shell a bit. Hope to get more fights like that (including the part where its 3 of us standing at the end instead of 3 of you. Hey sue me I like winning
Yeah it’s quite nice seeing that more then the usual amount have been popping into WvW, though the amount all most all ways falls down to a max of 10-25 people across all borderlands during the weekdays.
[kYrO] Gaza Strip
That was a good fight inside our Garrison and then later on in DR’s Garrison last night.
We get an equivalent drop down though Hyper at least in the borderlands. By 11pm EST you guys actually had numbers on us last night for instance. I just don’t think you realized it
Gates of Madness Community
DUI Co-Founder
This quote seems appropriate for the impending end of these match-up threads atm:
“This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.” (T.S. Eliot – The Hollow Men)
This thread’s dragging! So here’re some random pictures of stomping people as a doll (sorry for those who were casualties of the rampage, and shame on those who killed me—especially that mesmer, you know who you are!):
The Orange Asura with the Sun Kite
Friend and I messing with KN, I didnt get many ss but group did get bigger!
Happy Holidays to all! Wishing you good health and success in the coming year. And, as always, good luck on the battlefield.
Well another of the few remaining wvw guilds on DR seems like it is starting the transfer process.
Well another of the few remaining wvw guilds on DR seems like it is starting the transfer process.
That sucks. I wish more people would have a sense of loyalty for their server.
I don’t know about anyone else, but facing off against DR for the 4th straight time?
Sigh, this week just started and I already want it to end.
Yeah… No offense to DR, we’ve had our great fights, but I’m bored of the match-ups we’ve had. Guess it makes me feel less torn when spending time away from WvW for the holidays though.
[ART] Gate of Madness
Merry Christmas, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng!
man you can tell we’re bored we don’t even feel like heckling each other <.<
anyway murreh crimmah
I main an ele but playeth all the things
Fun fight in DR garri this morning. Can someone tell the DR silver rank commander that he has made the [HERO] commander from KBL/DRBL overnight have a fun week. Merry christmas yall.
Fun fight in DR garri this morning. Can someone tell the DR silver rank commander that he has made the [HERO] commander from KBL/DRBL overnight have a fun week. Merry christmas yall.
that necromancer from [HERO] so good. who is that
Hey guys, this is Gear from GoM Server. Me and my guild have had a fun time playing WvW against you guys ! Cheers! Merry Christmas!
Blissful Epidemic [Blis]
Gate of Madness
Fun fight in DR garri this morning. Can someone tell the DR silver rank commander that he has made the [HERO] commander from KBL/DRBL overnight have a fun week. Merry christmas yall.
that necromancer from [HERO] so good. who is that
Which one? little asuran or the human? I tried to change up my armor so you guys would stop going straight for me, that lasted all of 5 minutes.
Fun fight in DR garri this morning. Can someone tell the DR silver rank commander that he has made the [HERO] commander from KBL/DRBL overnight have a fun week. Merry christmas yall.
that necromancer from [HERO] so good. who is that
Which one? little asuran or the human? I tried to change up my armor so you guys would stop going straight for me, that lasted all of 5 minutes.
Wait a minute. kitten it Wizz! Haha. Get your kitten online.
We spy some GoM trying to ruin our x-mas party in AR-LA sadly he was repping a guild we know didnt belong here.
Merry Christmas to yall best of luck with the matchup
(edited by Shiny.7429)
We spy some GoM trying to ruin our x-mas party in AR-LA sadly he was repping a guild we know didnt belong here.
Merry Christmas to yall best of luck with the matchup
I found that picture way too entertaining for how terribly drawn it is
Anyway, I’d like to say Merry Christmas to all (in particular Jyuan and his friends)! May your presents—both given and received—have been filled with items that bring joy to you and those you care about.
The Orange Asura with the Sun Kite
All I want for Christmas is some guilds to transfer to DR!!!!
Any1 wanna have fight night tomorrow? Say where and what time.
Compassionate [FAP]- guard
Gate Of Madness
I will miss the match up threads… Where has everyone gone this is the dullest thread ever. Is there already a new host out there?
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
I will miss the match up threads… Where has everyone gone this is the dullest thread ever. Is there already a new host out there?
Nope, many of us are just playing this game less, posting less, and spending more of our time on other games.
I will miss the match up threads… Where has everyone gone this is the dullest thread ever. Is there already a new host out there?
Nope, many of us are just playing this game less, posting less, and spending more of our time on other games.
Ahh you just need to troll moar.
I will miss the match up threads… Where has everyone gone this is the dullest thread ever. Is there already a new host out there?
Nope, many of us are just playing this game less, posting less, and spending more of our time on other games.
Ahh you just need to troll moar.
But I like the people on these two enemy servers.
well you can help me troll the thieve forum, i finally got my first infraction today
guess they don’t like it when you ask employees how much they make
It’s not really that people are playing less or other games it’s more that it’s the Christmas holidays and New Years is coming up and people are busy. Plus there is a severe lack of trolling in this thread.
I main an ele but playeth all the things
I will miss the match up threads… Where has everyone gone this is the dullest thread ever. Is there already a new host out there?
you still rock Phlogus keep it real on Devona’s !!!
i hope this is the last thread week before this sub is closed down, so kn and dr can go out together as they came into this world- flailing in the bottom tier 100k pts behind the 1st server <3
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
DR seems to be going for one last hurrah.
I gotta give Kaineng some credit as they are persistent and don’t seem to give up. Though I have never come across a server that does more spawn camping than Kaineng.
That was one epic battle in GoM’s EB keep just then.
Fun times this week in EB
All we want to do is make a camp loop but we can’t take 2 camps without a decent fight.
YouTube Channel
i ran into your leveling group a couple days ago at golanta, you where fighting an army of upscaled kainieng. was a long and fun fight.
Haha I think I remember that. An uplevel alone is tasty. An army is just plan delicious ^,.,^
YouTube Channel
A big thanks to RED, HoD, and BRL, among many others for last night’s WvW fest on DR. These guys put together an organized and fun effort and to see 80+ of us coordinating effectively when morale is extremely low was really cool. They also pulled in quite a few players who had not played WvW that much, which is really what we need. If only we could maintain that level of participation we might climb more than one rank occasionally. When I stopped playing 11 months ago, DR was steadily climbing. I was shocked to come back so many months later to see us at the bottom. Oh well, it’s what gives us our vim and vigor…