~ Desolation
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
Let this be a week full of blobbing and nightcapping!
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
These threads are awful. Thank god they’re shutting them down so everyone can just play the kitten game.
Don’t worry about our beaver blob during the night. They look scary but with 30 guys it’s an instant depop
GoD you make my day with that spamm laugh 30 vs 17
Nice fights there blackhorde.
sarcasm doesn’t often translate well through text.
but running away in hills when numbers were similar?
How very entertaining.
Don’t worry about our beaver blob during the night. They look scary but with 30 guys it’s an instant depop
GoD you make my day with that spamm laugh 30 vs 17
Fairly sure we used /wave though? if you can’t get that right i don’t trust your ability to count character models that can stand inside of each other -_-
BLAK lol your 17 guys must have been overshadowed by the other 50 members of your blob but hey who cares desolation is used to FR running away so your guild is nothing new :P
I Don’t complain about the number but on your behaviour. Honestly, i prefer to be outmanned but this spamm was unnecessary.
(On the first screenshot we were falling back from low land when we saw 35+ deso)
(On the second one i missed the laugh spamm)
PS: we played more alone than inside the blob.
Whatever i’m waiting our full guildraid.
ye first screenshot you ran,
second one we had just killed the rest of your blob and you and a few where the last survivors, that fight was rather funny as we where completly outnumbered at the top but most of your guys pulled bck when they noticed who was winning :P
Oh yes, I knew I could trust GW2-community! I thought I would’ve had to come here and specifically encourage everyone to flame wars, but u guys bravely started it from the first post, nice!
As this most likely will be the last matchup thread in this subforum for our servers, I’d like to encourage everyone to give trolling, flaming and ensulting a one last push! It will be in recognition of every troll, flame and tear that’s ever been shed over these subforums, giving us strong emotions from hysteric laughter to the most bitter of anger.
Numbers is always a good topic to resort to. I would also remind everyone how nightcapping is not morally sustainable. And as we are Tankolation, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of more subjects to choose from.
Happy matchup to everyone!
Oh, god…. didn’t you see that there were 2 groups ? One Pu zerg with ~35 players and the BLAK raid ?
On some occasion, like in your screen in Bay, these 2 groups fight together…. but was it a real blob ? no.
on some occasion?, whenever there was a fight to be had you mean, otherwise alot of running was involved from certain people on AR.
Thanks for the Fights CoN, BLAK, Yak and anyone else I forget when I got on at about 7pm GMT, especially Yak and the other guys who followed you; you had some impressive coordination and movement going on. I’ve got some footage of that Epic fight inside Garri which goes on for 8 mins.
I don’t know if you’ll read this Truebanana but I spotted you earlier, I remember you dueled with a few of us from Desolation sometime ago.
I guess it’s our last chance to QQ since these forums are closing down, so let’s make the best of it without going into Shino levels of bad trolling.
Looking forward to this New years week!
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Many thanks to YAK for letting us run alongside you’re event it was good fun had some epic fights.
Altough Coin is on Christmas break yesterday felt as good as oure own events many thanks for that.
I guess it’s our last chance to QQ since these forums are closing down, so let’s make the best of it without going into Shino levels of bad trolling.
I’m only here since my name was mentioned^^
It’s not trolling if it’s only Tankolation forum warriors/ trolls who cry over my posts
Some people just really hate it when they’re confronted by logic.
btw, in case you’re wondering what logic is, here’s a link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic
thanks for the fights this morning at AG bl, fun stuff.
cheers to the gvet guys, had fun fighting you. sorry I pulled you into the guards but in my defense, you were trying to stealth gank me 4v1. and Im not going anywhere near you guys alone when your necro is around.
cya around ^^
I guess it’s our last chance to QQ since these forums are closing down, so let’s make the best of it without going into Shino levels of bad trolling.
I’m only here since my name was mentioned^^
It’s not trolling if it’s only Tankolation forum warriors/ trolls who cry over my posts
Some people just really hate it when they’re confronted by logic.
btw, in case you’re wondering what logic is, here’s a link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic
I don’t need a definition to tell you seriously lack it, now please leave. Not only is this not your matchup thread but even if it was you really aren’t wanted here.
I guess it’s our last chance to QQ since these forums are closing down, so let’s make the best of it without going into Shino levels of bad trolling.
I’m only here since my name was mentioned^^
It’s not trolling if it’s only Tankolation forum warriors/ trolls who cry over my posts
Some people just really hate it when they’re confronted by logic.
btw, in case you’re wondering what logic is, here’s a link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogicI don’t need a definition to tell you seriously lack it, now please leave. Not only is this not your matchup thread but even if it was you really aren’t wanted here.
did you really just quote me and demand that I leave while telling me that I lack logic?
Thank you [Hobo] engi and [TAC] thief for not killing the naked sylvari running around sm. You guys were fun
And shame on Yak commander for rolling over me while i was bowing and waving. I don’t drop precursors sadly.
Unlocked loads of achievements today Got corpse- jumped, -danced and arrow carted and you even built that. I’m so proud of what I achieved! Still worse than Broskis 7k deaths :/ Long way to go. Have fun guys
I guess it’s our last chance to QQ since these forums are closing down, so let’s make the best of it without going into Shino levels of bad trolling.
I’m only here since my name was mentioned^^
It’s not trolling if it’s only Tankolation forum warriors/ trolls who cry over my posts
Some people just really hate it when they’re confronted by logic.
btw, in case you’re wondering what logic is, here’s a link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic
they have a saying in my country about your kind of logic. budali more do koljena:P
Shino is not a troll nor some bright champion of logic… just a really sad and controversial hater… some part of the world ppl worrying about food or work, his problem is Deso. In a game. Serious man. And he will be here less than 1 hour to complain about this. And after 2 days the whole matchup junkpile will be nuked. So much hater energy… vain. Gz!
When this subforum dissapears, everybody move here: http://www.gw2wvw.net/forum/5
Weli was so nice to start another thread for us there even for this match-up. The tier 1 NA servers have allready written a few pages on their thread!
Happy match-up! Thanks to the duels with the ele that lasted forever, and the warrior I killed 3 times! Fun times!
Also: Surprise buttsecks from CoN! We were 2 people!!! Cmon!!
Shino is not a troll nor some bright champion of logic… just a really sad and controversial hater… some part of the world ppl worrying about food or work, his problem is Deso. In a game. Serious man. And he will be here less than 1 hour to complain about this.
And after 2 days the whole matchup junkpile will be nuked. So much hater energy… vain. Gz!
and you just contributed to it…
well, you’re the first Tankolation to admit that I’m not a troll, I’ll give you that. Btw, I’m not a champion of logic, I am merely a priest of logic and Tankolation forum warriors are the eternal enemy of all that is considered logical.
now, to stop this before this thread completely disintegrates into Tankolation tears: The next person (in this matchup thread) who quotes me is a mindless lootbag hungry zombie!
Some good roamers in this setup. Lovely fight with a AG warrior this morning, 10 mins long. some good fun aswell in romaing fights., See you around
Shino is not a troll nor some bright champion of logic… just a really sad and controversial hater… some part of the world ppl worrying about food or work, his problem is Deso. In a game. Serious man. And he will be here less than 1 hour to complain about this.
And after 2 days the whole matchup junkpile will be nuked. So much hater energy… vain. Gz!
and you just contributed to it…
well, you’re the first Tankolation to admit that I’m not a troll, I’ll give you that. Btw, I’m not a champion of logic, I am merely a priest of logic and Tankolation forum warriors are the eternal enemy of all that is considered logical.now, to stop this before this thread completely disintegrates into Tankolation tears: The next person (in this matchup thread) who quotes me is a mindless lootbag hungry zombie!
I wonder how many times shino has to post before he realizes that he is the one crying?
Some good roamers in this setup. Lovely fight with a AG warrior this morning, 10 mins long. some good fun aswell in romaing fights., See you around
Osicat, great to see you posting man!
When you guys coming home to Deso? I want Frou Frou back, can we haves her, please?!?
So it was you Osicat who I bumped into along with that Engineer on Deso Borderlands, I was that [EXG] thief who kept escaping cause I was actually just scouting around that area..
It’s nice to see some JDGE back around as I kinda heard you stopped playing a few weeks after we had that GvG. I always admired what you could do with smaller groups against the odds when you were back on Deso – back when I was just a EB pug.
@Gamgee Haha, we saw that Warrior with the Afro on Ganadara BL with one other guy Trebbing Hills, while we were fighting a big group of BLAK + randoms around the gate. (They got blobbed in the end lol)
Also that was quite some coordinated Gandaran Zerg on EB, you had us tearing our hair out with our group of guys, who eventually got it together.
Credit to your commander(s?), I think you swapped commanders or the tags were just bugged.
I also noticed quite a few Coin members among the Gandaran Zerg that I remember..
My footage from the Garrison Reset fight will have to wait a bit, as I’ve had a few connection problems sorry.
Let Rangers go wherever they can enjoy the game with their friends and pets…
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
It’s nice to see some JDGE back around as I kinda heard you stopped playing the week after we had that GvG. I always admired what you could do with smaller groups when you were back on Deso – back when I was a EB pug.
@Gamgee Haha, we saw that Warrior with the Afro on Ganadara BL with one other guy Trebbing Hills, while we were fighting a big group of BLAK + randoms around the gate.
Most core members went to FF, people are coming back more and more now though it seems. We are spread a bit, half JDGE is on Gunnar’s Hold and the rest on Gandara atm. (The whole being like 12 people)
It must have been a year since we were on Deso soon?
Dat afro is whack ;D
I love AR , her Mentality is rly nice ,
Come with 1 zerg , see oh kitten we not many , so run away come with 2 zergs , oh kitten we lose again with 2 zergs we run in tower all time <3
thx f or deso btw for nice duells and any stuff but shame on AR expl to Tz roaming pro´s
Thanks deso and thanks gandy for all the bags
and lol at gandy commander not even lvl80 friday night xD
This [Way]-guild from AR really impresses. Comes to EB with an 20-30 man guild group, caps one of our towers and starts emote spamming while AR loses two towers to Gandara. Then they wipe constantly to our pug’s. Keep it going.
The tower we lost were T0 and we took them before the end of the countdown for the score, your tower was T3 and we kept it a long time enough for the score
Its just a question of time and strategy
Me and two JDGE buddies did some zerg diving today on Deso border. We charged into bay and a 40-man zerg with several guilds inside and they basically kited us(them, I diead early on:<) around for 10 minutes, was hilarious so I had to take a screenie.
The tower we lost were T0 and we took them before the end of the countdown for the score, your tower was T3 and we kept it a long time enough for the score
Its just a question of time and strategy
I’m fairly sure his point was about the dying to PUGs, towers schmowers who cares, even we stoop so low as to cap stuff, dying to the unwashed masses however….
Thanks Augury Rock for the amazing fun this evening on the Gandara Borderlands! Got to say you ran quite the numbers, compared to our 11 man squad guild raid. Though, real teamwork and sportmanship was shown from you guys to never leave an ally behind! Hope you had as much fun as we had! We recorded the fights and made a little video out of it too!
P.s. little roleplay in the end after the final scene!
Also Thanks [CoN] for the scrims tonight! Much appreciated, we had a lot of fun to finally fight you guys!
(edited by Grotesque.6480)
Every time I go to EB I hope to see some [YARR] players. It’s so much fun trying to hunt you down throughout a zerg/small-scale fight! Especially that female warrior… Ooh Ima get her real good. drools No hard feelings guys!
On another note, here’s a selfie I took with my new friend
Just saw us take Augury Overlook on EB, that was a nice attempt to defend against the odds that we even had to build arrow carts – oh well. I have good memories of that keep this year!
I have a screenie of that JDGE Warrior with the Afro on the cliff next to the treb, but this Scorpion had to spew venom as soon I took the screenie that you can’t see the treb.
I’ve also haven’t seen much Crow about lately, I miss you guys!
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Every time I go to EB I hope to see some [YARR] players. It’s so much fun trying to hunt you down throughout a zerg/small-scale fight! Especially that female warrior… Ooh Ima get her real good. drools No hard feelings guys!
I haven’t come across [YARR] so far during this match-up.. must be having a well earned rest for the New Year festivities.
Not sure about their female warrior – the only one that stands out for me is that kittening great big Charr that keeps thumping on my head! Sheesh! And cats usually like me!
Desolation sure do a lot of talking on the forums.
Anyhow, thanks at least to EXG for the scrims, although it was a shame that the delays and constant dc’s prevented us from squeezing more rounds in.
Circle of Nine
Every time I go to EB I hope to see some [YARR] players. It’s so much fun trying to hunt you down throughout a zerg/small-scale fight! Especially that female warrior… Ooh Ima get her real good. drools No hard feelings guys!
I haven’t come across [YARR] so far during this match-up.. must be having a well earned rest for the New Year festivities.
Not sure about their female warrior – the only one that stands out for me is that kittening great big Charr that keeps thumping on my head! Sheesh! And cats usually like me!
I don’t really go on borderlands much so I don’t know about but when I go to EB they’re always there
Every time I go to EB I hope to see some [YARR] players. It’s so much fun trying to hunt you down throughout a zerg/small-scale fight! Especially that female warrior… Ooh Ima get her real good. drools No hard feelings guys!
I haven’t come across [YARR] so far during this match-up.. must be having a well earned rest for the New Year festivities.
Not sure about their female warrior – the only one that stands out for me is that kittening great big Charr that keeps thumping on my head! Sheesh! And cats usually like me!
I don’t really go on borderlands much so I don’t know about but when I go to EB they’re always there
Some of us took a short break over xmas but many are back for this week. We border hopped yesterday running a fun sized group with [Crow] members on Deso at the start.
We saw you CS guys trying to cata hills wall wiped you guys but then got zerged by another Deso bunch.
Ported to GBL were we met a sea of french ( [Tz] with pugs and [BLAK] – they made a nice waterfall effect when they jump off walls)and some EXG around south bay. Thanks to the GBL commander and DiVa for the fun fights together.
In the end to EB to fight some AR blobs.
That warrior is a human? It could be our raid leader unleash. you should kill him! :p
You can also kill the asura engi ( since I don’t go to EB much I am safe in making that statement >:) )
Yesterday I went over to the darkside (warrior hate or EB) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj54Y_o6dDk
I feel 40% sorry and 60% still feels its funny :p
(edited by oblivious.8074)
Anyhow, thanks at least to EXG for the scrims, although it was a shame that the delays and constant dc’s prevented us from squeezing more rounds in.
Circle of Nine
Thank you too [CON], we’ll be better organised next time as this was a last minute request straight after guild missions.
Thanks Augury Rock for the amazing fun this evening on the Gandara Borderlands! Got to say you ran quite the numbers, compared to our 11 man squad guild raid. Though, real teamwork and sportmanship was shown from you guys to never leave an ally behind! Hope you had as much fun as we had! We recorded the fights and made a little video out of it too!
P.s. little roleplay in the end after the final scene!
That video reminds me of this:
Grass eaters will be grass eaters.
Me and two JDGE buddies did some zerg diving today on Deso border. We charged into bay and a 40-man zerg with several guilds inside and they basically kited us(them, I diead early on:<) around for 10 minutes, was hilarious so I had to take a screenie.
I was with VdE during this evening…. You were so annoying ! Like mosquito… not very harmful, but always on our back and always during the worst situations
Not very harmful 3 vs 30 – get JDGE on even numbers or 3v5 and chances are good you’re going down. I’d take one of them over ten of you any day.
This match up proves were not gold league, hopefully this puts any question marks into doubt when we thrash you all in silver league in Febuary
This match up proves were not gold league, hopefully this puts any question marks into doubt when we thrash you all in silver league in Febuary
You’ll be number 9 right behind Augury Rock
I dont mind if you are a gold or silver league server, you are just boring as hell
(edited by Daftendirekt.5280)
Says the person who has bigger blob than the enemy. We’ve been pretty much outnumbered in all the borderlands this whole matchup except prime time when we might have que to one borderland + eb. So I’d say the same to you. Roam more blob less pliz
I dont mind if you are a gold or silver league server, you are just boring as hell
You make it sound as though Gandara are good, you cant even blob good unless AR have your back, outnumbered and were still 30k ahead of you, thats embarrassing lol
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