A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Desolation / Elona Reach / Kodash
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
You can keep your points, just please give us some opportunities to play the game the way we want to play, as well. Your players are so bored, owning every objective on foreign borderlands, they even take any opportunity to zerg-stomp small groups which aren’t interested in attacking your score donators but look for even fights out in the open.
My… so much fun and challenge in that…Will spend the week getting some nice small scale with Desos and Elonians interested in such things, i guess; and less with trying to have some mid-scale fun with my guildees, since there is no fun in having no evened encounter at any time.
Well not much people are interested in something that challenged and i dont see people which are bored, we still have fun and play the game like we want,like you do, when you cant cuz you dont find people that wanna play the game like you it isnt our problem. :P
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
I guess you gave out the command to siege up a sentry then? “ARROW CARTS!! ARROW CARTS!!! SIEGE UP THE SENTRIES! GOD FORBID WE LOSE ONE” Has Elona really dropped low enough to siege up a sentry point, if so that’s really nothing to be proud of.
The sentry must be near a keep or something and what is bad about defending our things?Its pretty funny when people come alone try to cap it and die to an ac over and over again.I’m proud of it cuz is fun and thats what everybody want.
(edited by rotsono.9176)
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
You can keep your points, just please give us some opportunities to play the game the way we want to play, as well. Your players are so bored, owning every objective on foreign borderlands, they even take any opportunity to zerg-stomp small groups which aren’t interested in attacking your score donators but look for even fights out in the open.
My… so much fun and challenge in that…Will spend the week getting some nice small scale with Desos and Elonians interested in such things, i guess; and less with trying to have some mid-scale fun with my guildees, since there is no fun in having no evened encounter at any time.
Well not much people are interested in something that challenged and i dont see people which are bored, we still have fun and play the game like we want,like you do, when you cant cuz you dont find people that wanna play the game like you it isnt our problem. :P
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
I guess you gave out the command to siege up a sentry then? “ARROW CARTS!! ARROW CARTS!!! SIEGE UP THE SENTRIES! GOD FORBID WE LOSE ONE” Has Elona really dropped low enough to siege up a sentry point, if so that’s really nothing to be proud of.
The sentry must be near a keep or something and what is bad about defending our things?Its pretty funny when people come alone try to cap it and die to an ac over and over again.I’m proud of it cuz is fun and thats what everybody want.
You are completely missing the point. Do I need to blob a sentry, sentries are usually easy to solo. Unless however the other team has siege placed there. Don’t you worry though, I gave only one loot bag to the poor soul that sat there waiting ( it was the sentry in the south ruins on borderlands, he was up on the vista) so no keep in the area. If it wasn’t you personally who built the arrow cart and felt the need to siege a sentry point, I really fail to see the point in defending an action so hopelessly pathetic
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Was great fights in EB yesterday, thanks for constantly attacking us GD we were constantly on the watch for you all night hehe just sorry had to blob you as only way to stop you. <3
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Before accusing Elona zerg with zoom hack, i wanna ask that is it possible to kill any siege weapon in the middle of courtyard behind the gate? (no catapult, treb or mortar was used to kill them).
which couldyard do you speak of? dont forget you can look above half of the gates on the map as the doors are not high enough to cover the entire entrance!
Cragtop, Cliffside, Dawn’s Eye, same clone towers. I am pretty sure there is not a high place near to kill them from outside. Moreover, that blob did not build any siege weapon to kill them. Till the arrow carts dies, only two aoe circles hit them and those circles were definitely player skill ones(one of them was meteor thing of elementalists).
Dragons Tooth ele no2 skill with scepter
come on deso less whine more fight, we can still take these germans!
Nice fights on Elona Border tonight :P
We had lots of fun looting your bags
Can i speak someone of Unit Team [Unit], i want to offer you something
Greets from EoW
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Tnx for the nice GvG(guard vs guard) at deso bl near the wurm yesterday, whoever that was! To bad you had to stomp me.
Big Thank you to Kodash and Elona R for an amazing night of loot and laughter – we from the [CS] guild + Desolation defenders sure had some fun. From EB (stealing SM, Big fight at WC, Big under water fight twice, Big fight at klovan :P) to Deso BL (Fight everywhere loool) and also the the perseverance of ER in getting the garrison no matter how many times you were defeated but more gg to the Guys who stuck by me to taking it back. Good fun also outside bluebriar with the Unlimited Balistas <3
lets keep the spirit up – fine the match up is a bit sad but there is alot of fun still to come.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
had a lot of fun on the deso bl the last 4h. thx for not giving up deso. keep the spirit up!
Stomp some Piken!
Hey everyone I know the deso gui guys are a bit down about the numbers we are facing but take heart. During Fridays rest we stood or ground and not every fight was a fail. some of the highlights from AFTL raid deso BL
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Sorry typos… On the mobile
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Before accusing Elona zerg with zoom hack, i wanna ask that is it possible to kill any siege weapon in the middle of courtyard behind the gate? (no catapult, treb or mortar was used to kill them).
which couldyard do you speak of? dont forget you can look above half of the gates on the map as the doors are not high enough to cover the entire entrance!
I guess it’s still not fixed: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/WvW-Suggestion-Restrict-view-angle-in-WvW/2158274
No one needs a hack to reach disastrous viewing angles , window mode in GW2 offers you all you need.
Hey everyone I know the deso gui guys are a bit down about the numbers we are facing but take heart.
When I took command at Deso BL this noon the situation was eerie. I could see just one player beside me. Soon we had 3. We started flipping the camps and killed anything on the way.
I heard that full berserker [BUKA] group from Kodash had been farming Deso players earlier so everybody had left the map. We eventually run into those BUKA guys. In smaller numbers they die very easily, but once they have the number advantages we lost. I find this similar with Visunah style. Berserker builds are effective especially if you have at least twice as many and there are just PuGs and no guild teams on the other side. No raging here, just observations.
Anycase I left the BL in good shape and about 10 people were near my tag.
Yesterday evening our guild TLA was raiding Kodash BL and I have also been on other maps to see how it is there. It seems Deso BL is the most difficult map for Desolation for 2nd week already. Almost everybody goes to EB where we have good presence, but our own BL seriously lacks defenders most of the time.
Ayna Micro
PS. Compliments to my enemies who dare to fight underwater. I haven’t lost any fair fight there for many weeks, but I really appreciate those who are also into underwater combat as I really love the full 3D movement. I mostly see there enemy rangers, but any other common profession like warrior, thief or guardian is also typical.
Deniara, I don`t know in what world you live in, but nobody except our shatter mesmers is running gc or berserker gear at all… where do you got your information from? I haven`t seen any [TLA] tag ever in this matchup, so either you just die before I notice or you are flat out spitting nonsense.
We die easily in small numbers? Against your blobs, maybe…
I challenge you to find some friends and have a 5vs5 (i mean, you [TLA] guys seem to be super awesome players and we die easily when we`re low on numbers, right?) vs [Buka] to prove your big mouth is backed up by skill and that you`re not just a kittenhurt forum warrior crying… Feel free to contact me.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
Deso doesn’t fall drastically in rating because despite how we feel in situations where were out manned etc the matchups relating to score have not been a total blow out, when and where we have numbers we do exceptionally well and where we don’t there are times we can hold our own, last week is an example against Viz and BB we broke the 100k mark.
My observations on the whole home map thing boils down to the fact that if were doing well in our home map often that is at the expense of our EB efforts falling to pieces likewise when EB efforts are excellent our home bl suffers.
So my conclusion is that the meta for us of 1 and a half border maps still stands the problem that exists within our control is how long we prefer to keep the one strong map afloat at the expense of our brothers and sisters in the half populated map suffering without reprieve. Too many people get attached to the map with the best chance of success if that is EB in a typical night they will remain there and ride the karma train all night unaware of the remainder of the communities efforts.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Deniara, I don`t know in what world you live in, but nobody except our shatter mesmers is running gc or berserker gear at all… where do you got your information from? I haven`t seen any [TLA] tag ever in this matchup, so either you just die before I notice or you are flat out spitting nonsense.
We die easily in small numbers? Against your blobs, maybe…
I challenge you to find some friends and have a 5vs5 (i mean, you [TLA] guys seem to be super awesome players and we die easily when we`re low on numbers, right?) vs [Buka] to prove your big mouth is backed up by skill and that you`re not just a kittenhurt forum warrior crying… Feel free to contact me.
Best regards
Calm down. I got this information from a fellow Desolation player as I was surprised to see our map so eerily empty. I am definitely not sad nor angry if I lose one fight. I lost one fight, that’s it. One death in couple of hours. We did well concerning we had just 2-3 players to begin with.
TLA does guild raids usually twice per week e.g. yesterday we were at Kodash BL and captured Garrison twice. What borderland and what exact time is our next raid, I won’t reveal. Today I was alone from TLA at Deso BL, but TLA tag was on. About that 5 vs 5, I need to discuss with other TLA players.
All I see is a forum warrior trying to dodge my challenge…
Who is this mysterious Desolation player that knows exactly what gear we are wearing? Must`ve been a [TLA] player, I don`t know them, never see them, but apparently they know everything and give us beatings everyday…
No back up, just words on the forum, you`re a brave and great hero, Deniara!
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Well I wonder why they don’t merge servers if they are having trouble with their rating system. I think there are quite a few lower tier servers that struggle even more than Desolation. Why not simply merge them together…? Transfer the smaller server to the bigger server -> more players -> hopefully more equality in WvW.
Ehhh! Don’t tell this! I have specially made an account on the Vabbi for interesting WvW! There are only one server that have zerg from the three, everyone knows where the zerg is running now and just pass it by. But fighting 5×5 and 10×10 is much more interesting on tactics and skills than dumb zerg. There are no AC rains, brake the gate is a difficult task, because you need resupply twice and make fake swords on map. Just believe – I’m not a one. Many ppl have two accounts and if the Vabbi will be merged than we will find another medium or low server. On high servers interesting only situations when one zerg want take citadel that good defended. So, If I want battle, I’m going to Eternal SM on Desolation, but if I want interesting fights, I’m going on medium server.
All I want is anet should remove POI from WvW maps – many ppl waiting for vista while you sitting in queue
Thank you [RAGE] for the nice 1vs1. I was the big Charr @ ER BL [TyCr]
Zeptil – Mavelion – Xentinel – Wyzriel – Thranax -Jarthas – Wretch
All I see is a forum warrior trying to dodge my challenge…
Who is this mysterious Desolation player that knows exactly what gear we are wearing? Must`ve been a [TLA] player, I don`t know them, never see them
One of our officers should have contacted you in the game.
The clear things out:
- I am mostly a solo roamer in WvWvW (or run with a very small party)
- I really like the lake, thus some Deso players call me “king of the lake” or “lord of the lake”
- I am a PuG commander, usually on Deso BL, very rarely commanding on other maps
- I am just a regular member of TLA (plus some other guilds)
- The opinions I post in these forums are my own, not the official opinion of our guild
We are still discussing the 5 vs 5 thing. I am up for that, but I really cannot dictate what the others would do. Anycase, I gave you some pretty good hints where to find me. Plus my id is of course visible here.
@ Deniara:
Looking forward to the result of the discussion.
Your guild officer did indeed contact me and clarified that your opinion is neither representing the guilds official position, nor the opinion of their members, including him.
I highly respect his efforts to clean up your mess and there`s no feelings hurt on our side. I`d appreciate if you could stay on facts in future and keep your frustration and assumptions for yourself.
Thank you in advance and best regards.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Thanks Elona again for the funny evening
Big thanks to [WdR], too.
Is there really noone of Unit Team [Unit] to whom I can speak to???
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
The guild Good Old Days [GD] is looking for GvGs.
just /w me
We have time on tuesday and thursday.
We prefer 20 vs 20 and 25 vs 25.
If you wish we can do fun matches as well with 15 people.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Good fun on Deso bl tonight [CS] under Candy had things under control so our small [AFTL] group became a Havoc squad painting Elona and Kodash camps and towers in the lower half of the map Green.
We were taking Bluebriar with 5 of us and a larger elona group of 10 ran right past not even noticing it was contested not to mention flipped supply camp south of Bay as the zerg moved in returning before CD and placing upgrades to drain camp lol
(edited by Axle.5182)
Good fun on Deso bl tonight [CS] under Candy had things under control …
Ah! Good times! Good times!
Candy was doing the Sugar Rush Rap on TS! I can’t wait for the Jerk Chicken Run!
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
Seems only night times its fun to play Guildwars 2.
This we get daily:
Same Situation for us Kodashians, Magnetron. This morning Elona ran down all Maps as usual with 50 players and 10 golems vs handful defenders. Kinda boring to play offtimes vs. Elona masses, but what can you do.
Take it easy and cheer up, there’s still fun to be had in this matchup.
(edited by danlarusso.2790)
Same Situation for us Kodashians, Magnetron.
Oh Lord! I read this and had this vision of a zerg of dark haired celeb Armenians coming full tilt at me! Thanks for that, danlarusso! :-)
Agree that it can’t be much fun for you either, though! I’ve enjoyed most if not all the fights we’ve had with the Karda.. erm.. Kodashian mobs!
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
I am seriously tired of being matched up against biggest zerging servers which happen to be from the same nation over and over again. We were matched up against 2 french servers for weeks and now 2 german servers. I was cursing anet devs for minutes today because while elona was attacking klovan with the hugest zerg that a server can have, kodash was attacking wildcreek with the same numbers. It is obvious they gathered all their numbers at deso towers even though they both are defenseless and vulnerable in their own lands. Any of them can easily get SM or all other towers easily but they keep choosing attacking us at the same time either on our towers or on SM. They dont have an agreement written on a stone but I am sure they somehow got each others back and I am sure most of their players are not even aware of this. A few big wvw guilds are enough considering they have the commanders leading in wvw and casual players just follow them.
I think it is neither RUIN, IRON nor french, german servers that destroyed desolation wvw player base, it is the anet devs that destroyed deso with their ridiculous match ups for months or their impotent algorithm that does it. And I am on the verge of quitting gw2 which has unbearable amount of NCsoft influence on it.
Great evening today on ER Borderlands,
big shout out to the guilds [Unit], [INVI], [TEQ] and [VifT] (hope the last one is right, actually don’t know.
We had lot of funs fighting you guys, it was the best evening in this matchup, keep the good work up!!
Greetings from Eyes Of Wars [EoW]
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Now double blobbing…
Gz krautz!
Wow a 3 Server Fight , thats , hmm, just ….. Wow and you have been able to capture that…
dont know what to say instead of, Wow
(edited by Dropper.9176)
Big thank you to Elona and Kodash for yet another time of fun and laughter. [CS] has some fun fights against both servers at more locations than i can name. But gg to Elona for defending hills with their lives it was fun. Sorry you lost fully upgraded bay to Candies.
Keep the fighting spirit up <3
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Now double blobbing…
Gz krautz!
Complaining about blobbing is completely, utterly pointless because:
a) every server seems to do it in this state of the game if they have the numbers
b) ppl only seem to see the other server blobbing – not theirs
c) the argument that you are only forced to blob because the evil other server is doing it, is childish at best.
I can assure you, players do indeed exist from here, who hate blobbing too (maybe not on Elona :-P ) . As a side note – I also absolutely hate (Sauer)Kraut!
Attachement: The other point of view (notice the outmanned buff, it was 23:30 CET and we had around 10 people on the whole map) – and no, I am not complaining about that.
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
(edited by Lemoncurry.2345)
thanks to all the peeps who followed me once again on deso borderlands last night. Popped in and got roped into commanding unexpectedly . Turns out we ended the night with two keeps on deso BL good times
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
thanks to all the peeps who followed me once again on deso borderlands last night. Popped in and got roped into commanding unexpectedly . Turns out we ended the night with two keeps on deso BL good times
Yeah good job Screen at some point in the night hills was the only structure not ours. Good Job to Galax [CS] also for taking over after screen. But stilll good job to the other servers for the fun night"
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Now double blobbing…
Gz krautz!
Complaining about blobbing is completely, utterly pointless because:
a) every server seems to do it in this state of the game if they have the numbers
b) ppl only seem to see the other server blobbing – not theirs
c) the argument that you are only forced to blob because the evil other server is doing it, is childish at best.I can assure you, players do indeed exist from here, who hate blobbing too (maybe not on Elona :-P ) . As a side note – I also absolutely hate (Sauer)Kraut!
Attachement: The other point of view (notice the outmanned buff, it was 23:30 CET and we had around 10 people on the whole map) – and no, I am not complaining about that.
Hmm this was not a blob, this was just a guild with some random pugs.. But yes i agree, you guys were outmanned.
A blob is everything on the map combined in one PC destroying machine rampaging over the map.. not letting the other server press skills because of skill lag. Thats a blob
What happens when 5 fearless Desolation players decide to kill The allmighty Grub?
Grub goes and hides in the keep and gets blobbed by a… blob.
Just read through this thread and had to comment on this:
@ Deniara:
I highly respect his efforts to clean up your mess.
Woah there young man.
He hardly said anything and you spat your dummy and became abusive. ALL of your posts have a really kittenty tone to them. Seems Dominik.5162 is correct in what he said about your guild. If you ever get bored of Kodash, I’m sure you’d fit in well on SFR.
haha thats a good use of a grub :P
sad that i have to fall in the back of my own guildmates, but zumy you are as childish as nealry all 99% of the active users in the matchup threads.
Stomp some Piken!
I did not know what else to reply.
If you followed the threads regularly you would have noticed, that Junkpile tends to insult us and then delete his posts again or get them deleted.
I figured he might have a major issue with us and am trying to reach him my hand in peace.
That I am childish isn’t really a secret. I try to make the best out of it.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
That I am childish isn’t really a secret. I try to make the best out of it.
true story
Stomp some Piken!
Just read through this thread and had to comment on this:
@ Deniara:
I highly respect his efforts to clean up your mess.
Woah there young man.
He hardly said anything and you spat your dummy and became abusive. ALL of your posts have a really kittenty tone to them. Seems Dominik.5162 is correct in what he said about your guild. If you ever get bored of Kodash, I’m sure you’d fit in well on SFR.
Like we need more rallybots.
What guild where you in again? You seem to be quite hostile towards us. Sorry if we made you feel bad farming you. It is a game, you know?
Keep it up! If you need some help on your Ele, feel free to contact me.
Average player wanna help crappy player? I sure need help with my ele if i some day play it again, but i probably ask some good player to help me.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Thanks for all the fights over the last 7 months Deso, been fun but i can’t be bothered with all the PvE PUGs anymore. Had a blast and will miss a lot of people that we fought with tooth and nail everyday, every week and every matchup but it’s just not enough and with the match ups constantly screwing Deso in the rear it’s time to move on and create a new chapter on another server where we can have fun 24/7 and where a blob is considered 30-40 people lol
Every week the regulars were disappearing or going inactive and all the people we trained up to actually stand a fighting chance are all but gone.
The only server i’ll miss zergvszerg fighting is Elona, your pugs with a GD backbone give the most intense and fun (but laggy) fights haha
To anyone else that has had enough, drop me a PM and come with me to form a new guild and re-build.
Best regards,
The Paiiiiiiiiiiiiin train commander Mr Ins
PM me for a guild invite to keep track of what we’re planning on doing as quite afew are willing.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
(edited by Ins.7139)
Hmm this was not a blob, this was just a guild with some random pugs.. But yes i agree, you guys were outmanned.
A blob is everything on the map combined in one PC destroying machine rampaging over the map.. not letting the other server press skills because of skill lag. Thats a blob
When is a blob a blob – your mileage may vary, but for me that’s just semantics.
I somehow doubt the server will discriminate between 60+ ppl consisting of ‘just a guild with some random pugs’ and 60+ ppl consisting of several small guilds and random pugs when it comes to producing lag.
The only reason no lag was felt in that particular situation was that we simply had not the same amount of people for a PC-destroying machine rampaging clash on that map (and i usually try to hide as far away from that as possible, while the lag seems to find me anyway)…
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
(edited by Lemoncurry.2345)