Desolation/Gandara/Abaddons mouth
Yh, you really wanted that… we could feel that. GJ and thx for bringing ur lootbags in anyway and thx for founding PT. I really like to stomp you guys.
Yh our commander needed to go off and so we were even more unorganized in your last pushed as usual, otherwise we would have tried to give you a proper fight for sure.
It’s allright! there’s no shame in being proud of getting a lot of lootbags with siege when you’re barely able (or dare?) to properly fight us
I get my daily ambient killer achievement killing PT guys. True story.
PT gets golden dolly finisher in exchange. True story.
Little things please little minds
…said the fox who could not catch the grapes.
That is not what the fox says.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Yh, you really wanted that… we could feel that. GJ and thx for bringing ur lootbags in anyway and thx for founding PT. I really like to stomp you guys.
Yh our commander needed to go off and so we were even more unorganized in your last pushed as usual, otherwise we would have tried to give you a proper fight for sure.
It’s allright! there’s no shame in being proud of getting a lot of lootbags with siege when you’re barely able (or dare?) to properly fight us
I get my daily ambient killer achievement killing PT guys. True story.
PT gets golden dolly finisher in exchange. True story.
Little things please little minds
…said the fox who could not catch the grapes.
That is not what the fox says.
What does the fox say?
So our commanders decided that you had your Waypoint in EB Keep way to long and so we took it. Did it in best Desolation Way of Battle but we even didn´t need a second try. Great job to all joined and specially those who prepared that! Thx for the fun!
Schneestern – Mesmer
Gandara – Bloody Pirates [YARR]
Little minds? I’ll give you a very nice example of what a “little mind” is. And this is by no way a generalization of what the players in Gandara or any other server are, it’s pointing the finger at a player that should be ignore by the whole community, by it’s own server and all others. Here goes…
As a player who was in WvW the whole season to play and not to get achievs I was this last week completing a few achievs since the season was mostly decided, so I went for the JP in Obsidium. Sadly I found out the very bad way that there was this guy from FART Guild from Gandara ganking and fearing people to the start of the JP. This is an example of a little mind, you can call it QQ from my behalf but sadly I thought I only got this kind of behaviour from other games where the community is, in my opinion, is worse.
This is one sad little minded player and all else being discussed in this forum is just plain PvP and WvW, my opinion and have fun with the screeshot, I hope this guy had is share of fun until a bunch of AM guys killed him and danced on top of his little mind.
My [BT] thief friends, I love fighting you all so much.
You make me stronger <3
Made an [ONS] guy rage at me tonight. I feel accomplished!
I get my daily ambient killer achievement killing PT guys. True story.
PT gets golden dolly finisher in exchange. True story.
Little things please little minds
…said the fox who could not catch the grapes.
That is not what the fox says.
What does the fox say?
Haki haki haki ho!
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Had some great fights in obsidian sanctum today. Shout out to the SIN ele, looking forward to see you if we get Gandara in a later matchup
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Gandara and organised don’t go in the same sentence. Melee train meta servers struggle against the Gandara mess as there is no center to target in open fields- our players are experts at fighting while running backwards, especially when the comm calls for a push! :-)) Half the time we don’t even have a commander…
Loads of upscaleds in EB last night- including me! Rolled another warrior for the giggles- at level 2 I was happily stomping level 80’s, just needed to keep changing the build as you really have to watch the armor, which drops from 2k toughness to under 1100 in a couple of levels…I appear to have learned all my weapon skills in EB! Of course if I was caught out of position then I died, but no more than anyone else.
Been a great week, many funny moments, thanks for all the fun!
Thank you all for joining me on my little adventure this morning <3
It has been a blast the last few days XD
And thank you deso for all your tier 3 towers and keeps
Cilag – Gaurdian
[RAIN] Wolfs Rain
Ty Cilag for leading us. Really good job, specially on EB later and sooooooooo much fun.
Schneestern – Mesmer
Gandara – Bloody Pirates [YARR]
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1
Thank you all for joining me on my little adventure this morning <3
It has been a blast the last few days XD
And thank you deso for all your tier 3 towers and keepsgreetings,
Twas nothing. Our pleasure. Thank you for ALL T3 towers and waypointed keeps on all maps yesterday
100k karma, 230 badges, 12 gold, and 6 times 120 slots full bags.
~ /LookingForLootbags ~
(edited by Savroula.4803)
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1
Theres no point doing what we do tbh, every server runs zergs all times of the day because winning the League is of paramount importance….. As a small scale group you spend most of your time feeling bad about steamrollering small groups of randoms or trying to pester a zerg enough so that a decent number follow you but not the whole lot, that happens once in a blue moon tbh.
In reality what happens is you spend a lot of time taking undefended camps, kill the odd straggler and then get zerged (and inevitably chased across the whole map) when you try and get something approaching an interesting fight by attacking a tower or the north camp (when its upgraded). When not fighting Deso and AM you can pretty much cap a whole BL with 2 golems and 4 people in the mornings and no one will try to stop you. None of the above is what we consider “fun”.
There are few small scale guilds in Silver League to fight, [team] on AG and [EscG] on Ranik are the only two I can think of, the best you can hope for is a fight vs some members of a raiding guild, at least that way they should be on TS and vaguely coordinated.
On Gandara in terms of 3-6 men there is us [TCHU], [BT] and [Yarr} (sorry about forgetting you the first time round) when they are running small ish, and the odd few guys who roam as pairs/trios. [TDA]s main roaming group left for Vabbi as soon as the leagues started for precisely the reasons above.
Edit – Actually the most annoying thing about the match ups at the moment occurs when you see an enemy zerg and you move out of their way to let them pass. Almost inevitably 2 or 3 of them have to come and attack you because they feel safe with 30 mates nearby. Seriously if you want to fight us stay behind when the zerg moves off and do it properly, we are either going to ignore you or kill you, neither of which is worth your time but the latter is pretty embarrassing if your whole zerg sees it happen. If you are zerging stay with your commander and do as he asks, if you aren’t wait til they pass then fight, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid.
(edited by Lord Jim.3971)
I’m getting quite annoyed at arenanet. 2 posts have been infracted now. Both non insulting nor offensive posts, completely relevant and maybe slightly provoking like expected in a war. Seriously gg anet. Not gonna be bothered with these forums anymore, it’s pathetic. Competitive posts get removed, tons of qqing is allowed…
Gg for this match up guys. Can’t say more about it cause it would probably get removed.
~ Desolation
Competitive posts get removed, tons of qqing is allowed…
a competitive post?
Is that post shoving at other posts on the starting line before the start of the race? :p
PS. As a member of a smallish roaming guild I would like to say ditto to everything Conchis said.
and hope you all have a zergtastic day in blob wars 2
on Piken Square and Gandara.
People should realise that Anet main purpose is war24/7. It is not about balance, but about choice. Anet gives you everything and a constant battleground, cuz spvp arena is not enough. At the first stages of wvw, there was no purpose in wvw othrr than economy and maybe lvling. On the second stage, random matchups according to wvw activity and speciall wvw skills were inroduced. But cuz economy and leveling was again the sole purpose, they had to make players get interested so the crowd more the realms so there could not be like 2 or 3 overpowered realms. Third stage and the leagues came up. Along with them free transfers for guilds that wanted to get rid of ridiculusly long queues and try to make a difference on weaker realms. Anet always gives us new choices. We create the balance, not them. Like NA guilds joined SFR and keep a very challenging night crew, so deso has ppl in different time zones and ppl like me, that due to my working hours, I can only run morning or night crews, and less often primetime crews. Ppl themselves chose a server they desire to make a difference on. You cannot blame another server for doing anything in its interest. Everone fights a 24/7 WAR and this is very respectable and admireable. Pesronally, I always hunt fights as i hope enemies do. When i see another server golemrushing deso, i do it also. An eye for an eye. I only want to show ppl that anything is allowed in this realm war. Even doubleteaming a realm… If only ppl fought for the fun, the adrenaline and even the hate of it, but not for complaining about op professions and unbalanced matchups. Whenever gandara or am uses strategy and tactics, the odds are even. Even pain trains are not that op if not organised and coordinated properly. And think it like this: if you died 10 times on the battlefield, 1/10 would be wrong commanders call, 2/10 would be cuz enemy was not scouted properly, 2/10 would be unexpected retreating due to a realm attacking a point of interest, 1/10 would be cuz enemy is actually better and bigger in numbers. But 4/10 would be cuz many player were not cooperating as they should amd gave advantage to the enemy. Just think of it.
~ /LookingForLootbags ~
PS. As a member of a smallish roaming guild I would like to say ditto to everything Conchis said.
As a punishment for forgetting to mention Yarr, Conchis will be forced to man an arrow cart 8h/day on a northern tower in gandara borderland for a week, shooting at everyone who passes by but never ever engaging in an actual fight.
engie roaming vids:
(edited by Maskaganda.2043)
@Savroula I understand your point of view here. However we can’t really bring balance to the game that favours one style of play as the “efficient” way to play (ie. the melee train zerg) The maps (open fields for the most part not many chokes) and the game with AOE limits as well as a lot of others things that I can’t think off of my head is benefiting that style and makes it difficult for smaller groups to fight against them.
Also the zerg moves to fast in this game especially with all the waypoints up.
This game mode is not rewarding skill as much as I would like for a pvp mode.
@Mask – lol! poor conchis <3
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
PS. As a member of a smallish roaming guild I would like to say ditto to everything Conchis said.
As a punishment for forgetting to mention Yarr, Conchis will be forced to man an arrow cart 8h/day on a northern tower in gandara borderland for a week, shooting at everyone who passes by but never ever engaging in an actual fight.
I’ll sit there watching Speller’s stream and shout “epi” on TS every time I see a whole load of conditions on the target and he has it on CD.
@Savroula I understand your point of view here. However we can’t really bring balance to the game that favours one style of play as the “efficient” way to play (ie. the melee train zerg) The maps (open fields for the most part not many chokes) and the game with AOE limits as well as a lot of others things that I can’t think off of my head is benefiting that style and makes it difficult for smaller groups to fight against them.
Also the zerg moves to fast in this game especially with all the waypoints up.
This game mode is not rewarding skill as much as I would like for a pvp mode.
@Mask – lol! poor conchis <3
And it will never have a balance. Everytime something gets “balanced” something else will get out of balance. Anet implemented many restrictions like you said, but without at least those restriction such as aoe damage, it would favor another way of gaming as even the full tanks would not be able to withstand for more than 5 seconds the damage outcome of a zerker build zerg. Baseline is that every polishing and balancing will unbalance something else as it is a newly and fresh mmo. Track down mmo history and everyone will realise that no mmorpg is balanced. And throughout time, every rebalancing, evoles new playstyles and favors different things. But blaming players that want to win, is like blaming yourself that wants also to win. Some players does not accept that and this is the reason all this forum nonsense flourish.
~ /LookingForLootbags ~
Deso currently running 134 people on TS round lions arch in a celebration kitten up. Sorry if there’s not much in WvW lmao
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
And it will never have a balance. Everytime something gets “balanced” something else will get out of balance. Anet implemented many restrictions like you said, but without at least those restriction such as aoe damage, it would favor another way of gaming as even the full tanks would not be able to withstand for more than 5 seconds the damage outcome of a zerker build zerg. Baseline is that every polishing and balancing will unbalance something else as it is a newly and fresh mmo. Track down mmo history and everyone will realise that no mmorpg is balanced. And throughout time, every rebalancing, evoles new playstyles and favors different things. But blaming players that want to win, is like blaming yourself that wants also to win. Some players does not accept that and this is the reason all this forum nonsense flourish.
First I did not blame anyone.
Second putting aside the AOE cap the map size and design is favouring the zerg. If the maps were bigger and there was a hindrance to the travel speed of the zerg it would be better for the game IMO.
Think about it. Guerrilla warfare is an actual way of battle and the guerrilla fighters move faster than large armies. not so in this game.
anyway i am abandoning this conversation. Its probably worth while for a person invested in this game for the long haul. to me this game is a stopgap till CU or a proper RvR game comes out.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
i am not blaming you, not at all. And AoE is used as an example fact. It is a challenge to bring a taste of simulation, in an mmo like this one. I totally agree to broaden the maps. As for the speed, combo fields are still a bit op despite the fact of boon sharing limit and group prioritizing. I know about how real warfare goes from personal experience. Simulating real warfare in an mmorpg with vast but limited numbers, is not easy, no matter the game.
~ /LookingForLootbags ~
Deso currently running 134 people on TS round lions arch in a celebration kitten up. Sorry if there’s not much in WvW lmao
One could say a bunny of Pain Train, or possibly a drove or even a wrack for the younger members.
(edited by Lord Jim.3971)
@Savroula Fair enough
on a different note some videos
Guild video of some fun on Nov 1 on AM BL in Deso controlled bay supporting our commander by cutting reinforcements
and some roaming when I had the time and remembered to record
GG to AM and Deso thanks for the fun this week and in the season.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
Thanks [YARR] for twice having fun with my Charr. Kinda now think you actually are cool guys. Sorry about the Moose.
(edited by petterikr.4263)
Found some earlier footage while browsing all dat stuff.
(edited by petterikr.4263)
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1Theres no point doing what we do tbh, every server runs zergs all times of the day because winning the League is of paramount importance….. As a small scale group you spend most of your time feeling bad about steamrollering small groups of randoms or trying to pester a zerg enough so that a decent number follow you but not the whole lot, that happens once in a blue moon tbh.
In reality what happens is you spend a lot of time taking undefended camps, kill the odd straggler and then get zerged (and inevitably chased across the whole map) when you try and get something approaching an interesting fight by attacking a tower or the north camp (when its upgraded). When not fighting Deso and AM you can pretty much cap a whole BL with 2 golems and 4 people in the mornings and no one will try to stop you. None of the above is what we consider “fun”.
There are few small scale guilds in Silver League to fight, [team] on AG and [EscG] on Ranik are the only two I can think of, the best you can hope for is a fight vs some members of a raiding guild, at least that way they should be on TS and vaguely coordinated.
On Gandara in terms of 3-6 men there is us [TCHU], [BT] and [Yarr} (sorry about forgetting you the first time round) when they are running small ish, and the odd few guys who roam as pairs/trios. [TDA]s main roaming group left for Vabbi as soon as the leagues started for precisely the reasons above.
Edit – Actually the most annoying thing about the match ups at the moment occurs when you see an enemy zerg and you move out of their way to let them pass. Almost inevitably 2 or 3 of them have to come and attack you because they feel safe with 30 mates nearby. Seriously if you want to fight us stay behind when the zerg moves off and do it properly, we are either going to ignore you or kill you, neither of which is worth your time but the latter is pretty embarrassing if your whole zerg sees it happen. If you are zerging stay with your commander and do as he asks, if you aren’t wait til they pass then fight, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid.
Ive never ever seen any server zerg run past a small group without killing them. and Gandara are definitely no different.
Asura – Desolation
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1Theres no point doing what we do tbh, every server runs zergs all times of the day because winning the League is of paramount importance….. As a small scale group you spend most of your time feeling bad about steamrollering small groups of randoms or trying to pester a zerg enough so that a decent number follow you but not the whole lot, that happens once in a blue moon tbh.
In reality what happens is you spend a lot of time taking undefended camps, kill the odd straggler and then get zerged (and inevitably chased across the whole map) when you try and get something approaching an interesting fight by attacking a tower or the north camp (when its upgraded). When not fighting Deso and AM you can pretty much cap a whole BL with 2 golems and 4 people in the mornings and no one will try to stop you. None of the above is what we consider “fun”.
There are few small scale guilds in Silver League to fight, [team] on AG and [EscG] on Ranik are the only two I can think of, the best you can hope for is a fight vs some members of a raiding guild, at least that way they should be on TS and vaguely coordinated.
On Gandara in terms of 3-6 men there is us [TCHU], [BT] and [Yarr} (sorry about forgetting you the first time round) when they are running small ish, and the odd few guys who roam as pairs/trios. [TDA]s main roaming group left for Vabbi as soon as the leagues started for precisely the reasons above.
Edit – Actually the most annoying thing about the match ups at the moment occurs when you see an enemy zerg and you move out of their way to let them pass. Almost inevitably 2 or 3 of them have to come and attack you because they feel safe with 30 mates nearby. Seriously if you want to fight us stay behind when the zerg moves off and do it properly, we are either going to ignore you or kill you, neither of which is worth your time but the latter is pretty embarrassing if your whole zerg sees it happen. If you are zerging stay with your commander and do as he asks, if you aren’t wait til they pass then fight, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid.
Ive never ever seen any server zerg run past a small group without killing them. and Gandara are definitely no different.
I can attest to that, I was running around alone on my alt to get 100% map completion two days back. I saw a gandara zerg and moved out of their way, and the zerg starts chasing me.
Velaeriyan – Sylvari Ranger
And it will never have a balance. Everytime something gets “balanced” something else will get out of balance. Anet implemented many restrictions like you said, but without at least those restriction such as aoe damage, it would favor another way of gaming as even the full tanks would not be able to withstand for more than 5 seconds the damage outcome of a zerker build zerg. Baseline is that every polishing and balancing will unbalance something else as it is a newly and fresh mmo. Track down mmo history and everyone will realise that no mmorpg is balanced. And throughout time, every rebalancing, evoles new playstyles and favors different things. But blaming players that want to win, is like blaming yourself that wants also to win. Some players does not accept that and this is the reason all this forum nonsense flourish.
Goes about a other game, but explains the perfect imbalance good
About the zerg chasing solos or a smaller group of people. That happens in every server and you can see the commander most of the time on your server typing “stick together” “don’t chase” etc..
My theory is that when joining the zerg a perfectly sane person losses half their IQ and only keeps chanting loot bags over and over again. When they see something moving their head snaps up “loot bag?” (sea gulls of finding nemo fashion) and charge.
That is my theory and I am planning to submit it to the psychology magazine :p
Edit: Terry Pratchett put it perfectly in Jingo "“The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.”
I <3 Sir Terry
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
Been a crazy celebration evening on Deso. Here is a shot recorded by Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] Guild. Full video of the League and Deso’s Celebration will be up somewhere during the weekend for those interested!
Been a crazy celebration evening on Deso. Here is a shot recorded by Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] Guild. Full video of the League and Deso’s Celebration will be up somewhere during the weekend for those interested!
Was so much fun, first the walk of fame in LA, and then the inner beauty of deso came to light… killing Tequatl with the whole WvW crew with all those commander tags up. And then going to AM BL where BT just kept running away from us when attacking their garri, eventually wiping them with a portal bomb. Haha had a blast!
A big thanks to all commanders who commanded us to victory in the last few weeks. A bit shout out to all the Deso players to start playing WvW. And of course a big thanks to all the servers we could fight. For me it was a whole lot of fun to face that amount of a variety of servers and their own tactics.
And a little thanks to the forum trolls who kept me on the forums reading all those messages.
Now let’s get back to tanking so we can also win the Bronze League!
Guild Recruiter of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Desolation
(edited by epandi.2748)
Just thought I’d stop by to thank everyone for the few good fights and many heavily outnumbered fights. I’ve been online pretty much every night from around 3 AM these two matchups against Deso and have experienced more golem rushes on our keeps in these two weeks than ever before. By the way, it sure seemed like you needed all those omega golems! Because outnumbering us 3:1 or more obviously isn’t enough for you. But seriously, I do see some decent enemy players here and there, and it’s always a pleasure to fight you as long as you don’t rely on heavily outnumbering us/me.
Many of the decent 1v1 fights this week have been against mesmers, but the bearded [CTRL] mesmer I met in EB deserves a shout out for being the most challenging 1v1 fighter I’ve met this week by far.
I would also like to thank all the Deso who laughed, danced and sat on my body whenever I died in the past 2 weeks. You’re the ones who let me know I’m doing something right, so thank you. ^^
Now let’s just hope we don’t have to deal with this season bs ever again. More fun fights, less PPT!
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1Theres no point doing what we do tbh, every server runs zergs all times of the day because winning the League is of paramount importance….. As a small scale group you spend most of your time feeling bad about steamrollering small groups of randoms or trying to pester a zerg enough so that a decent number follow you but not the whole lot, that happens once in a blue moon tbh.
In reality what happens is you spend a lot of time taking undefended camps, kill the odd straggler and then get zerged (and inevitably chased across the whole map) when you try and get something approaching an interesting fight by attacking a tower or the north camp (when its upgraded). When not fighting Deso and AM you can pretty much cap a whole BL with 2 golems and 4 people in the mornings and no one will try to stop you. None of the above is what we consider “fun”.
There are few small scale guilds in Silver League to fight, [team] on AG and [EscG] on Ranik are the only two I can think of, the best you can hope for is a fight vs some members of a raiding guild, at least that way they should be on TS and vaguely coordinated.
On Gandara in terms of 3-6 men there is us [TCHU], [BT] and [Yarr} (sorry about forgetting you the first time round) when they are running small ish, and the odd few guys who roam as pairs/trios. [TDA]s main roaming group left for Vabbi as soon as the leagues started for precisely the reasons above.
Edit – Actually the most annoying thing about the match ups at the moment occurs when you see an enemy zerg and you move out of their way to let them pass. Almost inevitably 2 or 3 of them have to come and attack you because they feel safe with 30 mates nearby. Seriously if you want to fight us stay behind when the zerg moves off and do it properly, we are either going to ignore you or kill you, neither of which is worth your time but the latter is pretty embarrassing if your whole zerg sees it happen. If you are zerging stay with your commander and do as he asks, if you aren’t wait til they pass then fight, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid.
Ive never ever seen any server zerg run past a small group without killing them. and Gandara are definitely no different.
I can attest to that, I was running around alone on my alt to get 100% map completion two days back. I saw a gandara zerg and moved out of their way, and the zerg starts chasing me.
And the whole of PT chased my upscaled warrior when i was running on my own- this sort of thing happens all the time, to all people on all servers. Personally if I can pull a whole zerg off course (or even 10-15 of them) for 20-30 seconds then I’ve won, as that may be the difference in us winning a battle/claiming a tower, etc.
Commanders will say ‘leave them’ but there will always be some that ignore the commander and chase any rabbit that pops up!
Been having fun on the upscaled warrior- especially when thiefs see an upscaled and try double teaming me..then realise I hit quite hard and have 2500 toughness (3.5k armor), 26k hp..sword/axe, hammer, stomp- I love that explosion finisher!
(edited by Victory.2879)
Or the other way around. People have no intention on killing but the commander says “Go get him!”.
Either way, it’s always an individual decision leading to kittened actions. No matter if it’s someone using zoomhack, teleporting into keeps, rezzing through walls, dancing on corpses, taunting and laughing after a 10vs1 and so on ….
Worst case is if everything starts with a kittened commander…but then you can also only blame the commander. If he has nothing better to do than that…well.
Where i’m trying to go is this: In the future just don’t give a whole server a bad reputation for some idiots. Yes, they are on this server, but they aren’t the server. You’re doing all those people wrong who have done nothing at all yet they get compared to those individual morons…that’s just not fair :p
Thanks for the interesting experience of this first league.
We had quite some nice fights in that time and I hope that Anet learned from it to keep those Achievements out of WvW for the next season…one can only hope and dream.
Been a crazy celebration evening on Deso. Here is a shot recorded by Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] Guild. Full video of the League and Deso’s Celebration will be up somewhere during the weekend for those interested!
We are the best around!
It’s Raining FSP Golems! Amen!”
– The Weather Girls
Nice stunt Ganada zerg in EB! Rez Mesmer through gate.. your commander should be ashamed (or stripped of his tag) and the rest of you who followed in. I have been refraining myself from/sit spamming your poor players but no longer XD
Been a crazy celebration evening on Deso. Here is a shot recorded by Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] Guild. Full video of the League and Deso’s Celebration will be up somewhere during the weekend for those interested!
We are the best around!
Well… Tenth best…
Little minds? I’ll give you a very nice example of what a “little mind” is. And this is by no way a generalization of what the players in Gandara or any other server are, it’s pointing the finger at a player that should be ignore by the whole community, by it’s own server and all others. Here goes…
As a player who was in WvW the whole season to play and not to get achievs I was this last week completing a few achievs since the season was mostly decided, so I went for the JP in Obsidium. Sadly I found out the very bad way that there was this guy from FART Guild from Gandara ganking and fearing people to the start of the JP. This is an example of a little mind, you can call it QQ from my behalf but sadly I thought I only got this kind of behaviour from other games where the community is, in my opinion, is worse.
This is one sad little minded player and all else being discussed in this forum is just plain PvP and WvW, my opinion and have fun with the screeshot, I hope this guy had is share of fun until a bunch of AM guys killed him and danced on top of his little mind.
This is how the game works. They designed the obsidian map to be competitive and have chokepoints and traps to encourage people fighting each other. You just reported someone for playing the game as it was intended.
Personally I like running quickly to the end of the JP and not fighting, and I don’t get any pleasure from ganking people, but that’s not how the map is designed. They built it for the “little mind” players who enjoy camping the choke points and have no shame in having FART as their guild tag. You can try and kill the people blocking you, wait for more people to help or come back at a different time. It can be quite fun to finally kill the people blocking the path. That’s when the design kind of works well.
EB keep defended against all odds in this early morning. Was fun.
I was “leading” that zerg and believe me, the odds were very much in your favor. I was telling the ranged to keep the walls suppressed to stop you guys firing on our golems… so obviously they stood halfway down the ramp and waited for those nasty red circles to disappear. I told the melee of a safe spot to stand in and smash the door down… so obviously they went off looking around the side of the keep instead. When we finally broke the door down, I screamed over TS to focus on the siege and push you lot out of the keep… so obviously they went and stood in the lords room and died like flies to your AC fire.
Grats on the defence though. You had more siege in there than I had even anticipated and our omega golems melted once we hit the top of that ramp. Thanks for all the camps and towers though
Deso deserves the first place in Silver, and I’m stating this as a Gandara player. No one cares whether they have 4x the population of our server, or they have bunch of Australian players who play when we sleep – the fact is that they are better organised thanks to some nice guilds and commanders. Still, we did well here and we got a 2nd place, not losing as many small points to Deso as other servers did in between 1-2 place in Gold and Bronze leagues.
Nevertheless, the fact remains: Deso wins the league – congrats on that! We are definitely happy with our second spot. Who is third, btw?
Been a crazy celebration evening on Deso. Here is a shot recorded by Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] Guild. Full video of the League and Deso’s Celebration will be up somewhere during the weekend for those interested!
We are the best around!
Well… Tenth best…
Was talking about silver league stomp/steamroll/undefeated streak/… or whatever you want to call it
It’s Raining FSP Golems! Amen!”
– The Weather Girls
Who is third, btw?
AG! fist bump
Gandara used to have some great roamers, but now only TCHU and a few individuals live up to that standard. Everyone else is now running ganksquads or revengesquads (coming back with 2x numbers – lol).
Not sure what happened, gandara was stronger in week 1Theres no point doing what we do tbh, every server runs zergs all times of the day because winning the League is of paramount importance….. As a small scale group you spend most of your time feeling bad about steamrollering small groups of randoms or trying to pester a zerg enough so that a decent number follow you but not the whole lot, that happens once in a blue moon tbh.
In reality what happens is you spend a lot of time taking undefended camps, kill the odd straggler and then get zerged (and inevitably chased across the whole map) when you try and get something approaching an interesting fight by attacking a tower or the north camp (when its upgraded). When not fighting Deso and AM you can pretty much cap a whole BL with 2 golems and 4 people in the mornings and no one will try to stop you. None of the above is what we consider “fun”.
There are few small scale guilds in Silver League to fight, [team] on AG and [EscG] on Ranik are the only two I can think of, the best you can hope for is a fight vs some members of a raiding guild, at least that way they should be on TS and vaguely coordinated.
On Gandara in terms of 3-6 men there is us [TCHU], [BT] and [Yarr} (sorry about forgetting you the first time round) when they are running small ish, and the odd few guys who roam as pairs/trios. [TDA]s main roaming group left for Vabbi as soon as the leagues started for precisely the reasons above.
Edit – Actually the most annoying thing about the match ups at the moment occurs when you see an enemy zerg and you move out of their way to let them pass. Almost inevitably 2 or 3 of them have to come and attack you because they feel safe with 30 mates nearby. Seriously if you want to fight us stay behind when the zerg moves off and do it properly, we are either going to ignore you or kill you, neither of which is worth your time but the latter is pretty embarrassing if your whole zerg sees it happen. If you are zerging stay with your commander and do as he asks, if you aren’t wait til they pass then fight, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid.
Ive never ever seen any server zerg run past a small group without killing them. and Gandara are definitely no different.
Actually, was planning to go to Vabbi but we never got that far. Spent few amazing weeks in FoW and Arborstone and now we are in GH. Maybe during the random match ups we will get to face Gandara and we can have a little sawdance that includes swinging my awesomesaw at you guys and dodging Tekno’s!
Surprisingly there are some nice zergs every now and then that leaves people be. Before we transferred, PT from Deso was running some sort of a motherblob with lots of randoms and they let us be in peace, not a single random pug from their blob even tried to chase or hit us when it was just the 3 of us. However I don’t think these days they would let us be seeing the hate that’s going on between Deso and Gandara. Either way, kudos for PT for that, they may have some forum warriors but they can also act quite classy out in the field time to time :>
Congratulations Desolation! What does a golden dolyak say?
Hehe most the time i do order people not to attack random people or duelers, usually so many “friendlies” with us that they never listen lol
Great day fighting in EB all day guys, Gandara you just dont stop coming, i think we’ve had about 15+ fights for SM total lol! Anyway you can have SM now, some of our guys need the caps, we taking 15 min break. Thanks again, great day of fighting <3
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Thank you for sending this video to me Tankolation it was much appreciated.
May you end up getting matched with Riverside and Jade Sea every week without break until the next season; where you will no doubt end up in silver league through mysterious circumstances.
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
(edited by Silent Shino.7239)