[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks
go play spvp then
So how do you 1vs1 deso or miller. ya wait for their 2 buds to DC.
As solo roamer this is worse week in long time, low indivudal skill, and always groupped making it utterly boring.
But fighting against a bigger group is more challenging and challenge is fun? I just laugh if i get ganked xD nothing too serious
i also have had countless 1vs2/3 tonight and won most of them but again its millers so no wonder, but when they come with 10 people and golem you start to wonder if they are for real..
either way it lose it ´fun´ when they ´zerg´ ya spamming one :P
are you still around? we can do some duels in os, need to try my build moar
Good fights [SOUL] + [XxX].
Good fights [SOUL] + [XxX].
if u run with so many pug yes,why not,next time leave them at bay instead of let they follow u,or u prefer fight 20 ppl with 34+?because that is the number i counted on the wurm gate.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
I am currently in the process of uploading the fights we had earlier last night and looking through it I don’t think we had “34+” during that wurm-gate fight. I’ll let others decide when it’s uploaded.
good and dont cut the portal fail:p
ps: and i repeat if want a fair fight move alone because,even if u have few more we will fight,u know we have alrdy done a lot of it in the past matchup.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
I wasn’t on the portal so I cant cut what I cannot see
I wasn’t on the portal so I cant cut what I cannot see
too bad because only on that portal there are like 8 ppl dead,i have that fight too we can compare it:)
ps: if fsp dont have queue we will be there again tomorow with 17/20 ppl if want fight us.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
20.00 GMT – GVG XxX ? (15v15)
good and dont cut the portal fail:p
ps: and i repeat if want a fair fight move alone because,even if u have few more we will fight,u know we have alrdy done a lot of it in the past matchup.
You honestly think XxX scares us?
You have a strong melee train with thick legs, way tougher trying to catch you though. Talking about wanting “fair” fights coming from the person who admits to spying on TS and having no qualms about ganking anyone from Deso is an absolute joke.
Bring it on XxX we’ll leave the poor randoms, you leave your other FSP guild cohorts.
Doesn’t rivalry just spice this game up so much more!
You honestly think XxX scares us?
You have a strong melee train with thick legs, way tougher trying to catch you though. Talking about wanting “fair” fights coming from the person who admits to spying on TS and having no qualms about ganking anyone from Deso is an absolute joke.
Bring it on XxX we’ll leave the poor randoms, you leave your other FSP guild cohorts.
lol, not this spying thing again. Did nobody in that matchup actually read what we wrote? A guy from that guild started whispering us after a fight, about random kitten, and what was being said about us on their ts. Nem later called him our “spy”. But in reality, it was someone who wanted to brag and tell us how much their leader disliked us :P
He didn’t imply you were scared of us, just saying that if you run alone, we run alone
Oh man, Desolation night crew thank you for this intense fights tonight.
I think Rox was commanding tonight… man just respect.
At some point I’ve given up and thought you had OL. (When you opened Gate and both walls on inner)
But people on TS were pushing me to keep going… TY nightcrew from both FSP and Deso for this really nice fight and night.
Now I’m gonna go to sleep cuz I’m still shaking from the adrenaline rush.
Looking for Deso and Millers players that would like to do some duels and does not only run in groups of 5+ and if you get to be only 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 that dosn’t run back to the group of 10 when u get down to 70% hp.
Plz give me a PM if you would be up for some fun small scale if any of you actually exists!
Well, here’s the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZNgvMn4PaI
I don’t think there’s no more than 25 there.
20.00 GMT – GVG XxX ?
Don’t think this will go on
We like to play with all our members that are online, not just “x” and put the others on a sideline (you know…that can be pretty boring I think ..)
So how about we meet on the fields with just our guilds?
Thanks for all the fun last night on EB during our closed raid. Most especially Punk for the repeated fights <3 Sorry to XxX we couldn’t field the numbers to face you as our raid drew to a close, perhaps next time.
10 melee on 20 i dont call it a melee train where there are guild who play with 30+and like 25 heavy plate class(thanks anet for the balanced game),no we dont scare u marzattack but we want fight and as i alrdy said we will be on fsp border if we dont have queue,if not a will /tell to grotesque where we are,but our number is random we dont have a big roster 1 evening we can be 20 with good class and another 20 without class we need,or we can be less and this happen a lot of time
Thanks for all the fun last night on EB during our closed raid. Most especially Punk for the repeated fights <3 Sorry to XxX we couldn’t field the numbers to face you as our raid drew to a close, perhaps next time.
too bad we are facing only or big guild where their melee train is bigger than our number or blob with guild in a pretty kittening boring matchup.
I believe EXG was running 15-17 guys that evening and looking at broskis footage the only time we had more than 5 pugs was the fight west of the tower near garri. They acted more like rally bots anyway :P
(edited by Resouled.5614)
10 melee on 20 i dont call it a melee train where there are guild who play with 30+and like 25 heavy plate class(thanks anet for the balanced game),no we dont scare u marzattack but we want fight and as i alrdy said we will be on fsp border if we dont have queue,if not a will /tell to grotesque where we are,but our number is random we dont have a big roster 1 evening we can be 20 with good class and another 20 without class we need,or we can be less and this happen a lot of time.
I really hate to admit it, but I agree with you!
and i want add only a thing if weak guild move with some pug its really dosent matter sometimes u can kill 40 of them with half number,but when good guild have 5/10 more the fight is simply unbalanced i know many who play that game prefer doing gvg to make fair fight,but where is the point of making gvg while u can do the same all the evening during the week without run with 30/40 ppl or com tag on,but as i alrdy said i counted u all in front of wurm gate and before release i saw u moving that way this is why i called soul so can be my mistake if u was less on the tower than wurm gate,soul like us move 90% of the time alone so dont blame us for that fight.
Haha we know the feeling of not having the classes we need, not having a Mesmer for a raid makes a big deal. Our 14 INVI left couldn’t take the group you guys had.
and i want add only a thing if weak guild move with some pug its really dosent matter sometimes u can kill 40 of them with half number,but when good guild have 5/10 more the fight is simply unbalanced i know many who play that game prefer doing gvg to make fair fight,but where is the point of making gvg while u can do the same all the evening during the week without run with 30/40 ppl or com tag on,but as i alrdy said i counted u all in front of wurm gate and before release i saw u moving that way this is why i called soul so can be my mistake if u was less on the tower than wurm gate,soul like us move 90% of the time alone so dont blame us for that fight.
Oh I don’t blame anyone, getting ganked by multiple guilds happens all the time. I’m still wondering how u got to 34 at the wurm gate. When I look at broskis footage I’d say 20-25 max.
the portal fail 6/7 dead on the portal and cant see it from where the recording started add them to the 25 this are 32 ppl.
PM me tonight then, we’ll settle a map and meet eachother on the field. I promise it will be quick
The Reaper is coming!
Oh and how many portal bombs failed in this game since the begining? Oh… thousands? You are so awesome, all of you… really! Look, everyone!
And so important to say (more precisely write) at least 3 times… sure if anyone missed it! Grow up folks, its a game, if you wanna be “great” then you go to Third World and help poor and starving ppl for exaple…
Warning heavy irony and sarcasm…
Oh and how many portal bombs failed in this game since the begining? Oh… thousands? You are so awesome, all of you… really! Look, everyone!
And so important to say (more precisely write) at least 3 times… sure if anyone missed it! Grow up folks, its a game, if you wanna be “great” then you go to Third World and help poor and starving ppl for exaple…Warning heavy irony and sarcasm…
You do realize he is mentioning the portal bomb over and over to clearify the number talk, and not as an “in your face” type of thing? :P It’s mentioned cause you can’t really see it in the video, and it looked like some of the people had already respawned when you see the portal location in the video. But it really does not matter, it’s just a small discussion about numbers.
Peeps on the forum always take everything in the worst possible way
Looking for Deso and Millers players that would like to do some duels and does not only run in groups of 5+ and if you get to be only 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 that dosn’t run back to the group of 10 when u get down to 70% hp.
Plz give me a PM if you would be up for some fun small scale if any of you actually exists!
You can whisper me when I’m on and not afk or just go to OS and you’ll find people to fight there I’m sure.
how many guild in this matchup have filled the spreadsheet for the beta map,and how many get invited in after sending the list to them?because its sems only big guild are getting the invite.
ps: cant we stop this thing about number everyone have alrdy said what there is to say.
EXG got in at the first week. Glad they are finally inviting more Guilds now, as the Alpha have been a wasteland. Do not worry though, as they only let an x-amount of guilds in at the time. Patience, Im sure XxX receives one too
If I’m not completely wrong, FIRE also have got invited to the beta and or alpha map aswell. Can’t say I’m completely sure, but I’ve been on vacation for a bit over a month now so not up to par with everything :P
Can’t say we are a “big” guild either.
I think every guild that signed in, big or small received a invitation by now or will still get invited, looking at the list on the beta forums of guilds participating at least.
And if they have not had an invitation yet, I am reasonably sure they will still get one.
Oh man, Desolation night crew thank you for this intense fights tonight.
I think Rox was commanding tonight… man just respect.At some point I’ve given up and thought you had OL. (When you opened Gate and both walls on inner)
But people on TS were pushing me to keep going… TY nightcrew from both FSP and Deso for this really nice fight and night.Now I’m gonna go to sleep cuz I’m still shaking from the adrenaline rush.
Man….Far Shiverpeaks, you definitely have my full respect! Your night crew defending Overlook was freaking amazing! You guys from [PunK] and [Tank] and everybody else did an amazing job defending that keep.
We threw everything but the kitchen sink at you. Was a real battle of wits with you guys. I was so kitten tired and I was seriously running out of ideas in the end, lol. We came so close though!
But those arrow carts, holy crap! But yeah great job, and I hope to see you guys again before the week ends, for more fights!
Also great job to our Deso night crew, we had great teamwork going trying to crack that keep.
You do realize he is mentioning the portal bomb over and over to clearify the number talk, and not as an “in your face” type of thing? :P It’s mentioned cause you can’t really see it in the video, and it looked like some of the people had already respawned when you see the portal location in the video. But it really does not matter, it’s just a small discussion about numbers.
Clarify? LOL, its just a game not a court, no-one remembers like this after 2-3 weeks. Complain about from a “verrry-very” important thing… Kindergarten…
You do realize he is mentioning the portal bomb over and over to clearify the number talk, and not as an “in your face” type of thing? :P It’s mentioned cause you can’t really see it in the video, and it looked like some of the people had already respawned when you see the portal location in the video. But it really does not matter, it’s just a small discussion about numbers.
Clarify? LOL, its just a game not a court, no-one remembers like this after 2-3 weeks. Complain about from a “verrry-very” important thing…
Dont take us “Trollers” to serious. But this guy is a master of contradiction. You impressed me.
Nice fights on miller tonight, O and nice stacking those guilds fs was a laugh:) everytime we had killed one another one or two ran in! your precision timeing was awesome hats off to you^^
Good fights [SOUL] + [XxX].
Good fights [EXG] + [CS] + [PT]+Pugs and parents!
just joking dont be mad!
Good fights [SOUL] + [XxX].
Good fights [EXG] + [CS] + [PT]+Pugs and parents!
just joking dont be mad!
GG! Pity they’re nerfing the forums though.
And I wasn’t there to participate… Rats!
Very enjoyable night with especially FSP making simultaneous pushes on both our EB keep and our Garrison in homeborder. Keep it up guys, I am too pumped to sleep with the fighting spirit you lot are showing!
I haven’t seen much of Desolation so far, but I rather have that monster taking a nap.
Some nice fights on FSP border tonight.
Nice to see guilds running everywhere with reasonable numbers.
EXG, PunK, DFC, XxX and PT.
Go on the same map tomorrow and do it again please.
Good fights [SOUL] + [XxX].
Good fights [EXG] + [CS] + [PT]+Pugs and parents!
just joking dont be mad!
Ah come on now! We offered fair fights format but you wouldn’t take it. Instead, you wanted to play WVW ‘normally’ and thus be prepared for such occasions.
Some nice fights on FSP border tonight.
Nice to see guilds running everywhere with reasonable numbers.
EXG, PunK, DFC, XxX and PT.
Go on the same map tomorrow and do it again please.
Sure! Meet you there
Nice fights on EB at Wednesday evening.
We had a lot of fun there and thanks to [PunK] and [GODT] for the awesome fights ;-)
Hope we will see us again :-D
Some nice fights on FSP border tonight.
Nice to see guilds running everywhere with reasonable numbers.
EXG, PunK, DFC, XxX and PT.
Go on the same map tomorrow and do it again please.
We went to FSP and didn’t find too much action after first fight so we hopped :/ was not much action at all tonight unfortunatly.
Because i won’t be here tomorrow, a little early end of the matchup for me;
Thanks all for the nice fights this week, after the drastic changes we had in PT the past week we really needed to measure our strength a bit. Special thanks to [dF] for offering us great resistance while we (heavily) outnumbered you guys. Really shows us we got a lot of work to do (and yes, we are cleaning our roster as we speak and getting away from the open blob raids more and more). Obviously thanks to all other enemy guilds and allies too!
Hopefully Anet will make sure the matchup do not allow us to meet the same servers AGAIN soon, so hopefully not seeing u lot next week
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
Love it when Deso laughs after they win a fight they were losing by bringing in the blob! Yes, it IS hilarious when it takes 4 times as many of you to beat us!!! =P Keep up the good work!
Some nice fights on FSP border tonight.
Nice to see guilds running everywhere with reasonable numbers.
EXG, PunK, DFC, XxX and PT.
Go on the same map tomorrow and do it again please.We went to FSP and didn’t find too much action after first fight so we hopped :/ was not much action at all tonight unfortunatly.
Because i won’t be here tomorrow, a little early end of the matchup for me;
Thanks all for the nice fights this week, after the drastic changes we had in PT the past week we really needed to measure our strength a bit. Special thanks to [dF] for offering us great resistance while we (heavily) outnumbered you guys. Really shows us we got a lot of work to do (and yes, we are cleaning our roster as we speak and getting away from the open blob raids more and more). Obviously thanks to all other enemy guilds and allies too!
Hopefully Anet will make sure the matchup do not allow us to meet the same servers AGAIN soon, so hopefully not seeing u lot next week
Thnx for the fights! Good to hear you are cleaning the roster . Hope next time we meet the numbers will be more equal and we can get some good fights with you again:)
Love it when Deso laughs after they win a fight they were losing by bringing in the blob! Yes, it IS hilarious when it takes 4 times as many of you to beat us!!! =P Keep up the good work!
That would be really funny….. if it was true!
Shout out to Driven by Fury [dF] – You guys are classy, keep it up, thoroughly enjoyed the clashes with you yesterday afternoon, in my opinion, one of the standout guilds from Miller’s Sound. Looking to forward to meeting you again in the future!
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