It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Enjoyed tonight as started on engineer, then switched to ranger, then finally necro and had some good fights.
Highlight of the day for funny moment was building a sup bally in Umber camp whilst a Viz guardian watched, moving back and forth and obviously calling for help so he could attack- then realising he had got too close as I unleased the 10k damage on him, ty for the loot bag, then the ranger that came charging in, me hiding in the ogres, wait for him to be stunned by vets and BANG ‘man down!’. And then finally the brave soul who tried to ress the guardian, only to be downed as the guardian didn’t get out of range fast enough and the splash got you downed…
Ruined of course when WIPE came along with their 4 man (2 thief, one confusion warrior one ele) squad- knockdown stab stab stab vanish finish in stealth in about one second downed and 2 seconds all over- I wish I could mash buttons or trigger a macro that fast.
Many good fights, defending Bay was another with Viz retiring hurt after an hour or so.
Lots of fun & games against the SFR blobs tactically amalgamated groups tonight; it’s difficult to stand against such numbers but we gave a good account of ourselves I reckon.
thanks to everyone that turned out last night on Desolation borderlands. Despite being out manned repeatedly all night we still had some people in Desolation willing to step up and hold the line. We really fared immeasurable pressure from both sfr and viz all night it wasn’t pretty
props to zbs very tight raid
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
blobstactically amalgamated groups
I so love that definition that from now on, I’m going to promote TAG as an alternative to BLOB. I can see it now:
Deso 1: “Ok .. Tag up!”;
Deso 2: “Erm .. do you mean Tag? or TAG?”
Deso 1: “What? I mean Tag, FFS!”
Deso 2: " Yeah … but WHICH tag?"
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
How many guilds/zergs does it take to fight GoD? This picture kinda shows it.
Don’t u see that SFR had 5 necros with whole pets and u counted them as players. So u count into blobbing using clones, necro pets, ranger’s pets…minis?
It’s necroblobbing)
When u have like 10 necros and 30 guys group see them they run cause they think that there are 60 organized humanoasuras…it’s ok.
How many guilds/zergs does it take to fight GoD? This picture kinda shows it.
Your whole skilled small scale group guys were attacking bay. Around 80+ individual groups. On your picture you can see most of SFR guys which try to defend the bay – on there way to bay – nice try of provocation.
To answer your question – we needed two guilds (BooM and KoA) and some pugs to fight vs. GoD and GT (maybe you forgot GT +pugs on the left side of your picture). And if I remember correct, the victory was on our side ;-)
So stop flaming.
(edited by Bonzibu.4970)
There is no Victory in never ending war my friend!
Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]
ofc we defend our keep if u attack with 60+, thats picture when half of your group got wiped lol. stop trying to make excuses and lying.
seems you like pics so i give u one too
couldnt fit all but i guess that tells enough
E: DO NOTICE! i had culling on that moment and it might seem less. zoom in and see all the names. your argue is invalid.
60? 60?!? 60+?!?!
there is no way theres 60+ people in that SS
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
read my post carefully, especially the part of defending keep. KEEP KEEP KEEP, not tower d’oh. keep going on ^^ and i was talking about the other picture stop posting if u dont read the whole thing lol… you just made yourselves look like not smart people.
(edited by Covis.6037)
Go tPvP at once, you’ll surely be the euro winners on the next tournament!!!
As you may or may not know, you are actually talking to the Extreme battle master heroes 2013.
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
tl;dr Blobbing is fine
I would agree with all that, if the server could handle blobbing. I’m not sure if you’ve fought in a blobvblob trying to activate those skills when they never work. It also discourages smaller squad play when you are just completely over whelmed by a blob of 50 people.
I have been in many a blob, and commanded a fair few and I disagree. Blobs are the way to win, skill lag or not. If you refuse to blob because you feel it hurts smaller group play or will have skill lag your being foolish as blobbing is the way to win. Smaller groups can still operate with blobs on the map, but are more restricted in what they can do. So refusing to blob because it makes other tactics less viable is a foolish way to view it.
How many guilds/zergs does it take to fight GoD? This picture kinda shows it.
Your whole skilled small scale group guys were attacking bay. Around 80+ individual groups. On your picture you can see most of SFR guys which try to defend the bay – on there way to bay – nice try of provocation.
To answer your question – we needed two guilds (BooM and KoA) and some pugs to fight vs. GoD and GT (maybe you forgot GT +pugs on the left side of your picture). And if I remember correct, the victory was on our side ;-)
So stop flaming.
First of all GT had 7 players. Secondly we farmed you guys for about 10 mins but because you kept respawning and coming back we had to move out because we lost half of our players. You did not win because I and about 15 other people were still alive. We just bailed out. If we count running as victory then in that case BOOM lost to us about 4 times because they run away if they don’t have KON behind them.
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
(edited by Covis.6037)
I love all Match-Up Threads with Sfr, better than Pay-Tv.
take Popcorn
Zeptil – Mavelion – Xentinel – Wyzriel – Thranax -Jarthas – Wretch
(edited by Xentinel.5184)
So do you SFR guys still hate pugs, then?
So do you SFR guys still hate
pugs, then?
Corli – we in Desolation call them NAPs now (Non-Aligned Players)
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
read my post carefully, especially the part of defending keep. KEEP KEEP KEEP, not tower d’oh. keep going on ^^ and i was talking about the other picture stop posting if u dont read the whole thing lol… you just made yourselves look like not smart people.
then why didnt you post an SS of the battle you were referring to then? because i highly doubt desolation has 60+ players anywhere but EB at prime time (maybe… i dont EB much)
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
so u werent in there and u try to be a hero now? please if ur not related to it, dont join it…
E: as i said none of your business if your not related. and im not photographer unlike some people are
(edited by Covis.6037)
To hell with SFR, I go on a vacation for one week and that one darn week you gotta win!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
so u werent in there and u try to be a hero now? please if ur not related to it, dont join it…
a hero how? i keep seeing people claiming ridiculous numbers that ive never observed in wvw and the only conclusion i can come to is that the vast majority of wvw players cant count, therefore i feel it is my obligation to question your mathematical abilities (as they seem wrong to me)
next time you feel like claiming a side has a ridiculous number of players please take a screenshot and check it
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)
Well, interesting topic, been a while since I have seen this amount of moaning and finger pointing!
The only thing I want to say is that no matter who has the bigger ‘Blob’ the other team will always have the bigger number. It is easier to see enemy red name plates in front of you than allied team mates.
Just enjoy the match-up and the fights you can get, war isn’t fair, so you need to utilise the enemies weak spots into your attacks. Evolve and adapt.
Also, Make Love Not Warc .. oh wait.
Nice matchup we have this week, really enjoying it so far. hope to find more good vizuna groups like you guys had in the past, maybe ur guilds are abit on a break i dont know.
As for sfr u guys have some nice guild groups like always. KoA pretty strong especially in the beginning of the evening keep up the good work guys, BOOM comon guys leave ur nikies at home ur running all the time. and as for VG i think eniav got it spot on there, most whipes in an hour record holder =D.
Looking forward to fight our old foes ECL again especially after seeing that dominant video of yours in this tread. Keep up the good work SFR, great coverage you have right now, back to the top!
Also big shoutout to my own server desolation for doing great, we seem to get alot of points against the number 1 and 2 server right now, we woudnt have seen us anywhere near this position a few weeks ago, great work deso!
Thanks for reading,
Vero EU
Gatekeepers of Desolation
Commanding Officer
tl;dr Blobbing is fine
I would agree with all that, if the server could handle blobbing. I’m not sure if you’ve fought in a blobvblob trying to activate those skills when they never work. It also discourages smaller squad play when you are just completely over whelmed by a blob of 50 people.
I have been in many a blob, and commanded a fair few and I disagree. Blobs are the way to win, skill lag or not. If you refuse to blob because you feel it hurts smaller group play or will have skill lag your being foolish as blobbing is the way to win. Smaller groups can still operate with blobs on the map, but are more restricted in what they can do. So refusing to blob because it makes other tactics less viable is a foolish way to view it.
Do you build arrow carts in open field fights in order to win? What about ballistas? They would give the clear advantage and would be, as you say, “the way to win”. I would much rather have a fun and tactical fight rather than a fight where you lose half your group due to disconnects because the servers cant handle it. Yes, when you blob the only thing that can take you out is another blob are a skilled smaller group, it is not however the only way to win. As I said, I would really have very little issue with blobbing if the servers could handle it, but as it stands a blob fights turns the entire map into a lag fest.
P.S- Two smaller groups can accomplish a lot more than one blob because you have the ability to attack and defend at the same time or hit two things at once.
P.P.S- Just because you lack the skill to be in a fight without 50 other people having your back, doesn’t mean blobbing is ok.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Nice Fights on Desolation Border so far.
Greets to [TLA] nice fights at the Easttower.
Actualy our perfect coverage is our worst problem.
When the PvE-Farm-Event ends and people start to play WvW again, queues will be massive. A lot of people trasfering to SFR at the moment, and not everyone is glad about it!
The KoA-Guild
I think I can only conclude.
There is not a single GW2 player alive who can count.
Best thing i’ve read in this thread yet.
Too long queues already. I don’t have motivation sit in queue. Of course we probably doing well because i am not online.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
I don’t need to prove anything sir. I myself and my peers are aware we are better than you.
Nice Fights on Desolation Border so far.
Greets to [TLA] nice fights at the Easttower.Actualy our perfect coverage is our worst problem.
When the PvE-Farm-Event ends and people start to play WvW again, queues will be massive. A lot of people trasfering to SFR at the moment, and not everyone is glad about it!The KoA-Guild
We enjoyed the fights too. Thanks for not covering under AC-fire, but engaging us head on. Also a shout out to [Opt] for more fine open field battles. You guys are really strong!
Thanks for [TEQ] for helping us defend Garri and for doing most of the dirty work at Bay.
In the end my client crashed when almost every player on the kitten server clashed at Bluevale.
(edited by petterikr.4263)
Shoutout to [CoN] for the amazing GvG, got my heart pounding and have never had more fun in the whole time in GvG.
nice kitten today<3 tomorrow gonna be exciting who ever wins morning capping gonna have a major chance to win t1 matchup<3 and be the top 1<3
I do hope desolation morning warriors don’t do something foolish and golem rush anza again last 3 times toke your eb keeps-.- go for vizunah<3 we both want them dead you now<3
(edited by Wemil.7052)
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
I don’t need to prove anything sir. I myself and my peers are aware we are better than you.
That’s not what it look like when we read you
I hope that one day i’ll have one third of your awesome skill, that way, i may be able to become powerfull enough if you let me some time to mature and be as strong as God members like you and who know, join you ?!!!!?
Don’t stop, your moaning make me want to improve to reach your lvl ! <3
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
(edited by Truebanana.5936)
This is my first real WvWvW week as a level 80. Played it a few times before but never really got involved. Really loving it atm.
(edited by PapaBriscoe.2580)
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
I don’t need to prove anything sir. I myself and my peers are aware we are better than you.
That’s not what it look like when we read you
I hope that one day i’ll have one third of your awesome skill, that way, i may be able to become powerfull enough if you let me some time to mature and be as strong as God members like you and who know, join you ?!!!!?
Don’t stop, your moaning make me want to improve to reach your lvl ! <3
I am afraid 1/3rd of my skill is not even reachable at the moment. It requires a lot of discipline, training and dedication. Which is not attainable by a human being such as yourself.
Nice Fights on Desolation Border so far.
Greets to [TLA] nice fights at the Easttower.Actualy our perfect coverage is our worst problem.
When the PvE-Farm-Event ends and people start to play WvW again, queues will be massive. A lot of people trasfering to SFR at the moment, and not everyone is glad about it!The KoA-Guild
Thanks for the kind words. I am from TLA, but I was on another BL at that time, facing guilds like ECL and “just a few” Visunah. But like everybody knows, I am mostly a solo roamer.
Desolation actually had queues last week, but now with the new pve farming events which give crazily good rewards (10-20 g/hour!) and this new match up our WvWvW coverage had dropped to a new low. I can get to any map any hour, no queues. At EB one can see a commander followed by 5 PuGs. Often same situation at Deso BL. I was commanding there a short while today noon. We managed to hold the Garrison, but I heard it was lost afternoon when I was at work. Sieging up places is a bit frustrating as with so low player attendance you are prone to lose everything. But all small scale battles have been huge fun! I really like that there are now so many SFR and VS players who don’t run, they even fight against larger odds like that Opt elementalist at VS BL next to Greenlake tower.
I would say Desolation is doing amazingly well point wise considering how freaking empty our side has been (this is not just my own comprehension, we really have been having the outnumbered “buff” on us almost all the time).
Good luck to SFR becoming the #1 super stacked server in EU!
2d 19h 30m – 14k Rating Points
Come on Vizunah … Allez, allez!
Greetings from E.R.
We drank and killed to pass the time.
GoD has the most whiniest members ive ever seen
Dear ECL and ZBs, I love you. You guys are SOOO much fun to fight. Thanks so much for fighting us solo today! We had a ton of fun facing you guys =D
I’d like to also thank INVI and TLA for fighting alongside us on Viz border today guys. <33
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
Nice Fights on Desolation Border so far.
Greets to [TLA] nice fights at the Easttower.Actualy our perfect coverage is our worst problem.
When the PvE-Farm-Event ends and people start to play WvW again, queues will be massive. A lot of people trasfering to SFR at the moment, and not everyone is glad about it!The KoA-Guild
We enjoyed the fights too. Thanks for not covering under AC-fire, but engaging us head on. Also a shout out to [Opt] for more fine open field battles. You guys are really strong!
Thanks for [TEQ] for helping us defend Garri and for doing most of the dirty work at Bay.
In the end my client crashed when almost every player on the kitten server clashed at Bluevale.
It has been a good raid to train our new members in WvW and TLA’s discipline and performance is a good example to point at. Thank you for the help and I apologize for the lack of communication, it turns out commanding and simultaneously running a guild is so time consuming it causes something akin to tunnel vision in WvW.
Thanks to SFR and VIZ for all the fun in this matchup. I admire you two as servers because of the strong commitment and dedication that you both show!
on the other hand im a bit sad to see that Desolation suddenly lost ALOT of people this week, dont know what happend tbh. DVG would like to say thanks to both VIZ, SFR and those guilds/player that showed up this week on a regular basis!
The Viz blob is back with a vengeance tonight, going to be a close match up by the end of the week if they continue to field that many players at 1am.
We seem to have had a mad influx of new players, uplevelled, no guild tags, not on ts who are using up supply fixed walls being trebbed, wandering around the map aimlessly.
If you are one of them, please join ts, get into a wvw guild and read up on the do and don’t of what to do in wvw. And ditch the pve build and get something that can be useful in wvw. many thanks. Join a party and join the comm’s squad.
Of course, if you are someone’s second account and your main is on another server then I expect you to do nothing of the sort, it just shows how desperate certain people can be about ‘winning’. Seems our every move was known instantly by viz tonight.
Some epic battles in SM tonight before being totally outnumbered and our stubborn refusal to use siege (whilst viz don’t seem to be able to stand still for 10 seconds without throwing it down) when lag takes away all your skills (but not AC) finally lost us SM.
Keep up the good work during the day and mornings guys this is going to be mightily close by the end of the week.
GoD has the most whiniest members ive ever seen
Lol who’s whining?
Thx FG for this kittenin intense GvG. Unlike other Deso guilds u are more than just hot air. Keep it up guys!
Thanks to SFR and VIZ for all the fun in this matchup. I admire you two as servers because of the strong commitment and dedication that you both show!
on the other hand im a bit sad to see that Desolation suddenly lost ALOT of people this week, dont know what happend tbh. DVG would like to say thanks to both VIZ, SFR and those guilds/player that showed up this week on a regular basis!
People realized that the Crown Pavilion gives a ton of loot. And others are just tired of facing Vizunah.
And good job commanding us, even with an headache.
(edited by Azanure.8035)
Dear ECL and ZBs, I love you. You guys are SOOO much fun to fight. Thanks so much for fighting us solo today! We had a ton of fun facing you guys =D
Ye we had fun as well.
I like the style you fight.
Fighting you on open field without XXXXX-ACs was fun and you are really good
After fighting Vizu and Elona that past weeks, it feels just sooooot good meeting you Desolation!
Hope next time we face you with correct size of our raid and not only that 18 (Slacky Summer wtf).
BTW @ [Coin]
Who are theses two Thiefs in front of your raid?
[ECL] Eclipse Gaming
Nice Fights on Desolation Border so far.
Greets to [TLA] nice fights at the Easttower.Actualy our perfect coverage is our worst problem.
When the PvE-Farm-Event ends and people start to play WvW again, queues will be massive. A lot of people trasfering to SFR at the moment, and not everyone is glad about it!The KoA-Guild
We enjoyed the fights too. Thanks for not covering under AC-fire, but engaging us head on. Also a shout out to [Opt] for more fine open field battles. You guys are really strong!
Thanks for [TEQ] for helping us defend Garri and for doing most of the dirty work at Bay.
In the end my client crashed when almost every player on the kitten server clashed at Bluevale.
We havn’t had a good setup yesterday. We were only 17 guys without any mesmer and with 1-2 eles. We are looking forward to see you guys on battlefield with our full stregnth in some weeks. We are training some new recruits at the moment and increasing our skill and numbers back to our former level!
Thanks for the kind words!
Dear ECL and ZBs, I love you. You guys are SOOO much fun to fight. Thanks so much for fighting us solo today! We had a ton of fun facing you guys =D
I’d like to also thank INVI and TLA for fighting alongside us on Viz border today guys. <33
Thank u too for open field fights!
And offcrourse for drama: “Stop blobing!”))
when wvw is boring and you have nothing to do, play a round asura ball
have fun watching
I just now had the chance to read the whole thread, and the main thing that stood out to me is what a great comedian iiMulch.2138 is.
Whining about everything, but still manages to show his utter arrogance, thanks for making this whole thread entertaining!
P.S. You shoud take Vero as an example of how not to be a prick.
Thanks to SFR and VIZ for all the fun in this matchup. I admire you two as servers because of the strong commitment and dedication that you both show!
on the other hand im a bit sad to see that Desolation suddenly lost ALOT of people this week, dont know what happend tbh. DVG would like to say thanks to both VIZ, SFR and those guilds/player that showed up this week on a regular basis!
It’s nice to see people like you in the game. Many thanks for you kind words, because it’s true, only the commitment of many players let us fight like we are doing atm, for me less two or three sleeping hours before work.
The Crown Pavilion stole us many players to (If there is queue I wait there, the drops are amazing and the number of people there to, at the same time the loot has been reduced in WWW, incredible but this make sense to Anet).
I wish the best of luck to you guys and I think you had a good strategy according to your numbers, I don’t know if you command on EB map, but on that map I hallways see that when you have the power to attack you tend to go to our side, but I’m not on 24 h, so I can be wrong.