Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Resouled.5614


Oh hey, well first of all we played with Votf on the fly, so no official match and we didn’t have 15 guys so we had some skirmishes which end up with only 8 in the end. We have only just started and our current roster consists out of only 15 guys that can’t always make it on the same day. If you send us a challenge on monday don’t assume we will just accept on the fly because we need some more time to get our guys together. Grotesque clearly stated wednessday OR thursday and since some guys couldn’t make wednessday we would’ve gone for thursday. Unfortunately you backed out now, that’s fine though. We’ll have a lovely GvG with [FURY] instead.

no dude, on Monday Grotesque specifically said you are available for GvG both on Wednesday AND Thursday. So yes you backed out for… i dont even remember how many times it happened in the past two weeks.

Screenshot to prove you wrong.

You do know what “wether” means right? It means either or. Basically Gro said wo OR thursday. Hey, misunderstanding it can happen But I have to admit that it was confusing at first because he said we can do both days. But after that he specifically said he’ll get back to you which day it was going to be and that it was going to be either wo OR thursday.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

(edited by Resouled.5614)

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: local.1206


How about you watch the screen more carefully. Its me saying to Grotesque its gonna be either wed or thursday after he said you guys can do both days.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kenmei.7138


Agreed, misread on our part here.

Just a curious question. Why you declined moving it to next day?

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Resouled.5614


How about you watch the screen more carefully. Its me saying to Grotesque its gonna be either wed or thursday after he said you guys can do both days.

Oh, well that’s embarassing.

Anyway, well I apoligize I didn’t read it properly.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noss.4105


I’ve noticed Deso guys spam emotes a lot more than other servers when they manage to kill something.
Especially [EXG] seems to like /laughing at fellow roamers.

Got few good fights this week. Just lost I think my first 1v1 of the week to [EXG] PU Perplexity mesmer. First fight he got away with like 5% hp, and on second fight I got interrupted couple times, and that pretty much sealed it. Too bad I was on my experimental build that didn’t have any condi cleanse.
And of course he went on to /laugh at my corpse.

Anyways, I hope I don’t have to fight Desolation ever again. They’re like a mix of german and french servers.

N*** Dew Gunnar’s Hold
WvW Roaming with Mesmer

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Resouled.5614


I’ve noticed Deso guys spam emotes a lot more than other servers when they manage to kill something.
Especially [EXG] seems to like /laughing at fellow roamers.

Got few good fights this week. Just lost I think my first 1v1 of the week to [EXG] PU Perplexity mesmer. First fight he got away with like 5% hp, and on second fight I got interrupted couple times, and that pretty much sealed it. Too bad I was on my experimental build that didn’t have any condi cleanse.
And of course he went on to /laugh at my corpse.

Anyways, I hope I don’t have to fight Desolation ever again. They’re like a mix of german and french servers.

Are you sure about this? Because we don’t condone that sort of behaviour. I personally don’t know any PU mesmers in our guild either.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kenmei.7138


I’m roaming everyday and I fail to see any /emotes.
I apologize for the guys that were t’baggin on you.
Next time please make some screenies since we don’t allow tbaggin behaviour as far as I know.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noss.4105


Would be too much trouble to take screenies of everyone that “misbehaves” in WvW.

I’m not 100% sure of the PU, but asura with staff+scepter/torch, perplexity and Knight -rank if I remember right.
I don’t really care about emotes, I’ve noticed people that do it are usually embarrassed. But still I believe in mutual respect between players.

N*** Dew Gunnar’s Hold
WvW Roaming with Mesmer

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


one of the few things sadder than people /laugh after they kill someone, is that people that actually care they get laughed at

you know you can turn emotes off eh?

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hello guys! Great match up thus far! I have to admit. Gunnars is prolly the best when it comes to primetime but unfortunately there’s not an on/off button in wvwvw.

I just wanted to say that it’s unfortunate that EXG and INC did not get to GVG each other. Idk and cannot speak for INC but for the EXG squad, we were all generally excited and thrilled to go up against INC. Last match up could not happen. Due to many reasons tbh. Being new in the GVG scenes, we were being confronted and challenged from left to right. First come first serve, no offense.

For this week It was unfortunate that we did not get any GVGs going on. There is no excuse and we apologize on our part of the deal. It’s just that we all thought that GVG was going to take place on Thursdays (because those are the GVG that we have to do extra preparations). On how the appointment was done and how it was decided is beyond my knowledge. But next time lets be more professional and get a CLEAR date on which day to go. No “we can do it today or tomorrow” and no throwing temper tantrums, keep it civil guys. And this is directed to BOTH guilds. Just to clear the misunderstandings, we are not scared of INC, we are/were excited to go up against you guys.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Love is in the air!

i can feel it

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dsmagleby.6217


To the Deso Group who ran past our GvG, Thanks for not interupting !

Zipdss – Necromancer – WBC
“I see dead people”

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


To the Deso Group who ran past our GvG, Thanks for not interupting !

no1 could tell us who was having a GvG so we had to check it out, told everyone not to interrupt and was a sort of behaviour test too haha.

Further, thanks all for the fights tonight in deso. Pretty decent fights, however i’m still surprised how FR managed to build 3 sup ac’s behind the gate in bay which wiped about 80% of our people, and then get completed wiped by our remaining 20% :p. You guys really should gear up a bit.

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

(edited by LampGhost.9658)

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Devitz.2136


SM 1h battle was highlight of those 2 weeks fighting vs Desolation for us. I had to take a shower aftet this. Thanks FR for your distraction we could take advantage of inside!;)

we are not scared of INC, we are/were excited to go up against you guys.

No one said you are. We know that you’re experienced in small scale up to 15 and had GvGs with best guilds around. Best in future, but probably we’ll be avoiding such situations just for the peace of our minds.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Things I loved this week. Forum banter, that is always fun for me. Intense fights with more packed servers. Not always the enormous blob but sometimes just one large guild like EXG. And no I did not see anyone from EXG either laugh at my corpse or corps dancing.
Some great roamers from deso, it’s not all blob, roamers also kick some butt.
Always nice fights with FR, be it the roamers or the zerg.
Not so nice are the enormous blobs I have to get used to and in EB there seem to be just FR roamers.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noss.4105


From roamer’s perspective, overall [EXG] is one of the best and classiest guilds in Deso. Really enjoyed fights with them, the odd teabagging aside.
Deso does have lots of really good roamers, but because they’re so high population server, fights often escalate into 1v3+.

Next match will prolly be the worst one of the season for us, because we’re against 2 german servers. Blobbadon is the worst server ever, but I hope MS will give some good action.

Thanks for fights and good luck next week!

N*** Dew Gunnar’s Hold
WvW Roaming with Mesmer

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


I found the week pretty decent, kinda boring during the day (i happened to have a few days off), but plenty of action during the evening. About people talking about roamers here, keep in mind this always goes both ways… When i was roaming i barely found single roamers either and i got jumped by groups of 5 quite a lot + found some of these gesturing or dropping siege on my head. Personally i dont care about this, but many people seem to think it’s only deso doing this.

Protip for the frenchies: Start using some proper gear and your zerg may actually be strong! Or don’t, so we can keep getting our lootbags

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: hannibal.3856



Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rhonin.1687


yeah well, that’s how that server plays, it’s not just one guild or person, it’s basically the server mentality it seems

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: dikamilo.7519


SM 1h battle was highlight of those 2 weeks fighting vs Desolation for us. I had to take a shower aftet this. Thanks FR for your distraction we could take advantage of inside!;)

+ full video of this battle:

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: aspirine.6852


That was some fun fights at our keep FR and Deso, please come again

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


I’m not 100% sure of the PU, but asura with staff+scepter/torch, perplexity and Knight -rank if I remember right.

Ah, the Bane of every roamer. I was lucky I was unable to roam in this matchup, if I were to meet that guy I would probably ragequit

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Hello [APOS] guild. Beautiful skirmish at the top of the ruins today. My guildie (the warrior) and I (elementalist) were loving every second of it, even when you focused me :P

Best fight I’ve had all week. Thanks!


Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: dakaiez.7958


Yup i was the Warrior with Dahir and had a good few fights with you guys. Had to salute you at the end as best fights we have had all week.

Thanks a lot for making our week with a few good well fought fights.