[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash
This match up shows clearly the status of Kodash. Many dedicated WvW players left the server in the last weeks and only a few veterans are motivated to lead. To have the pressure in the night by Desolation and at daytime by Piken and Desolation gives us no time to breath. So both Servers shouldn’t be to proud to bash Kodash. This matchup isn’t balanced from Kodash point of view.
We’re not complaining about nightcapping really. It’s just those of us that cover the nightshift and don’t play primetime only see what we see and currently you’re no different from all the “hated” servers(can’t think of a more diplomatic term right now). Please don’t misunderstand us we know whomever we face above T7 outnumbers us at night, just some servers are more courteous about it. Like us facing DL/FR(at night), yeah we were on almost even numbers but completely outclassed them due to the tricks/tactics we’ve had to learn. We could easily have painted every map our colour, yet we didn’t coz it wouldn’t be right to do it. Yeah we might of totally made home and EB ours but other than a few camps with the odd tower or 2 we left their borders alone.
I guess it’s just mainly down to what type of a person you are, with me leading at night i get to make sure we don’t become like every other server that does it. I’d rather lock down a single map an get it all upgraded T3 than pick on the enemy with the least numbers.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
(edited by Saint Scarlet.2906)
It makes me laugh how we are accused of blobing because we don’t all carry the same guild tag. A lot on Desolation are more concerned with the server doing well than how their guild is perceived by the enemy. I’ll follow a commander regardless of what Desolation guild he comes from, we all share a teamspeak server and I talk to people from other guilds as much as my own. For the record, most of our ‘pugs’ are also on the teamspeak server listening to the commander.
I was not here for the IRON days but I’m glad I wasn’t, the idea of one dominant guild does not appeal to me in the slightest. I much prefer the way it seems to be on Desolation now with the priority being on the server doing well.
When it comes to capping stuff at night, a lot of our players just play at this time (I’m a uni student with nothing to do over summer), it’s not our fault there is not much resistance, it’s not like you would stop ramming a gate because you don’t receive any arrow cart fire. Also, we do better then Vizu at night, it’s the reason we don’t finish 100k points behind anymore, they have more numbers but we are more tactical in our approach. Also viz leaves a scout at every tower and keep 24/7 and so there is always resistance so this is what we are used to. Also, to the guy who suggested arranging a 5v5 for a keep, are we supposed to just tell the other 20 players on ts that they’re not allowed to join in? Besides, it’s war, not spvp.
The aim of my guild and what I hope is the aim of all Desolation is to win, and I mean real winning, not the moral victory we cling to against viz because we don’t use quite as many arrow carts and use about half the number of golems. Besides, viz are the most organised server there is, as previously mentioned they have scouts everywhere and snipping teams on every map. Yet everyone calls them ‘pugs’ (a term I am beginning to despise due to it’s negative implications from elitists) or a blob because they have a lot of numbers and they don’t all carry the same guild tag.
There are no rules in world vs world and it’s like that for a reason, it’s supposed to be the equivalent of a war, the aim is to win, we all have the same instruments we all just use them differently. If you’re going to complain about unequal numbers or expect the enemy to not capture a tower because there is no resistance then wvw is not really for you, there’s nothing wrong in hating us for it because we’re doing well, but complaining that we’re playing the game is a bit pathetic.
I’m getting sick of this “if you can’t beat them, join them” mentality that a lot of people on deso seem to be picking up. The style of play we have atm is no different from Vizunah’s which is why people are moaning, we nightcap undefended objects and all travel in 1 blob. You say your happy you wasn;t here when IRON were around but tbh the guilds we had apart from IRON like GH, VoTF, Bull, and FG would of done a lot better than our current group is with even less people.
Even in Desolation’s prime it never had this blob or nightcap mentality, it would battle in fair numbers and be strongest in prime time, atm our tick in prime time is really low and we are just as strong at 4am in the morning which is pathetic.
So all of Deso used to just log out at night? People pretending that they wouldn’t capture an undefended tower is laughable. When you lose a tower you don’t think ‘kitten them for taking it when we were offline/elsewhere in wvw,’ you think ‘kitten it, we should have been there to defend it!’
For the record, we just have more people that play at night, that’s not a crime, are people like me just not supposed to play the game because I prefer to play at night? Don’t blame me because they are undefended. The Viz horde captures almost the entire map at 6am, your answer would probably be the flame them on the forums and say ‘well, at least we play in the right way.’ Firstly, who decides what is the right and wrong way to play the game? The only thing I can see is that viz are top. But secondly, my thinking would be that we needed to get numbers on at 6am to be able to counter the viz horde.
I wish GvG was a separate game mode to be honest, I just want Desolation to do well. I bet if 80 people had the same guild tag they wouldn’t be called a ‘blob’ just because they all decided to represent. We’re all on ts, it doesn’t matter what the tag is before your name, it’s world vs world, not guild vs guild.
To the Piken guys, yeah I know a lot of you weren’t complaining so apologies, I was directing my post at a specific Piken guy who posted earlier so I probably should have quoted that, so apologies, it’s been a fun match up though and your guys are really good in the fights.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
when / if GvG will make a separate mode, your WvW die or turn into a war of blobs.
Think about it
im so going night shift in piken borders for next few days also feel bad for kodash you guys lost some nice fights but keep it up theres still some power in you
I have started playing on borders again, Piken in particular, as I simply don’t care for the obscenely lagged out zergs from everyone, which just make me angry and frustrated, and I need to get better at pvp – I play warrior so it’s pretty ‘arrrghdcore’
Win or loose I think Deso will be a better server by the end of the week, fighting piken is hugely more intense than vizunah and requires a change of tactics, and makes me want to get on voice comms for once. Not that I will lulz
With regards to Desolation being like vizunah, the comparison is intellectually dishonest, we don’t have a timezone advantage (thanks to anet), a single language, or the benefit of masses of French canadians which is the only thing that explains vizunah’s number swell every night, nor a zombie like lust for hitting doors. Players simply adapted to fight vizunah. Piken square is not Vizunah, you are hugely better, but our night force isn’t going to simply vanish.
Piken shot up from 22nd to 6th over a few months – you gained good people and solid guilds whilst desolation lost them by the bucketload, Piken are presently 8th, with your weakness clearly being EU night coverage, fact is all servers are ‘weak’ here with regards to Vizunah, through Deso consistently improved against this over the past 2 months. When Piken are constantly facing the biggest nightcappers in the game, they will probably get stronger at night should their fighting spirit not break, and then when they face a server without a monstrous nightcap zerg, they themselves will seem to be ‘nightcapping’, but to accuse them of such would be missing the point, much like accusing Deso of it is missing the point.
Can we please move past threads getting stuck on some cycling unresolvable argument about elements of gameplay. It’s a fact anet screwed up when it came to EU servers in a game based on ‘coverage first’, their decisions on seige, and then making an already super powerful offensive siege mechanic 5 times cheaper to pull off, amongst other things.
Anyhow, to Succinctly illustrate my point go here:
Click forward through the weeks and look at brackets Deso were in, that’s what we had to put up with, and we got stronger. Stop bullkittenting us for it.
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
I’m getting sick of this “if you can’t beat them, join them” mentality that a lot of people on deso seem to be picking up. The style of play we have atm is no different from Vizunah’s which is why people are moaning, we nightcap undefended objects and all travel in 1 blob. You say your happy you wasn;t here when IRON were around but tbh the guilds we had apart from IRON like GH, VoTF, Bull, and FG would of done a lot better than our current group is with even less people.
Even in Desolation’s prime it never had this blob or nightcap mentality, it would battle in fair numbers and be strongest in prime time, atm our tick in prime time is really low and we are just as strong at 4am in the morning which is pathetic.
I know you well, but I need to disagree. Visunah and Desolation are very different for many reasons:
Desolation has and probably never will be as well organized as Visunah. We are more of a bunch of individuals. Not to repeat what the above poster well said, here are my points:
1) Visunah is more about defense and server points, than personal fun
When a VS keep is under attack I can see all of the stop their current activities and rush to defend it. I have witnessed at least couple of hundred times their zergs or roaming teams pass me unharmed even if I am capping something when they are hurrying to defend their objective. When a similar situation happens what do you Desolation players doing? Well, killing the sentry of course! Everybody knows that fighting a guard sentry is more fun than rushing into own Garrison and see that no skills no longer work due the mega lag.
2) Visunah is mostly blob + sniper thieves
I have done hundreds of hours solo roaming against Visunah. They have sniper thieves and that is it. Besides their thief teams (yes, they usually run in pairs), Visunah has almost no other solo roamers to speak of (yes, there is the occasional mesmer or ele etc or warrior or guardian lost from their zerg). Today me and my fellow guild mate necromancer have been mostly fighting against a Piken roaming team: thieves (+ some other classes like mesmer) abusing perma stealth. And no, they didn’t kill me a single time, so I am not raging here.
3) Desolation’s weakness has been and still is morning, noon and early afternoon
Especially during the week we lack players on those hours and from past match ups we saw Visunah had much better numbers on those hours. Then you can see our tier 3 keeps flipped with enemy using golem rushes or just capping with superior numbers while we are outmanned. I fail to understand how this is different from night capping. Every server has gaps in their coverage and every single server abuses the weak moments of the enemy server. Should we be blaming Piken and Kodash for morning and day time capping if they have more players on that time!?! Of course not.
4) Piken has some really strong guilds running the melee train meta
Huge amount of warriors and guardians, backed by elementalists, couple of necros and mesmers. Well-timed Battle standards to rez allies, tons of boon stacking and constant condition removal. Arenanet designed the game so that currently this meta is the strongest. Of course such melee train will demolish most PuG blobs, but is it because it the PuGs are bad and not in the TeamSpeak or because this meta is just too good?
Many Desolation guilds don’t have so strong melee front line as people just tend to run whatever build and profession they want and are simple smaller in numbers. Even if we combine two guilds to make up the numbers, we are often on different TeamSpeak channels, haven’t practiced together. We simply won’t be able to match that meta. So of course I am proposing Desolation to play a different game. Cap as many small objectives as possible exactly at same time in prime time. Our main group will probably get beaten by the enemy guild teams most of the time, but the enemy cannot at the same time defend every single supply camp and tower if we are fast. GH and FG are very good and I saw them all playing at Desolation before. VotF and GH are probably the best guild teams in EU right now, but outside their zerg, running either solo or just 2-3 guys, I have been collecting loot bags from some of them. Now it is time for Desolation to show that we can do stuff in very small groups or alone.
Now the question is:
Is winning at afternoon + evening the only real win?
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Off peak capping is not simply a good way to win the weekly matchup.
It’s the ONLY way to win the weekly matchup.
I hoped at this point people realized this and started laying the blame on the real culprit —> ArenaNet.
Huge amount of warriors and guardians, backed by elementalists, couple of necros and mesmers. Well-timed Battle standards to rez allies, tons of boon stacking and constant condition removal. Arenanet designed the game so that currently this meta is the strongest. Of course such melee train will demolish most PuG blobs, but is it because it the PuGs are bad and not in the TeamSpeak or because this meta is just too good?
Err… Yes on all accounts? You forgot that a good commander also make all the difference in the world. PuG commanders can be very good, but they lack the cohesion and WvW oriented builds in a guild group. Really, just a single berserkerderper Ranger that thinks he’s a God because he just managed to solo a naked level 3 Engineer will completely ruin any engagement. When the berserkers go down, enemies go back up again.
But hey, even PuGs can beat down guilds like Red Guard. Piken learned that from Red Guard
Take your beating like men, Piken,don’t cry me a river.
Your not in the same league as Deso,so deal with it. If you want structured fights, you should go to Spvp. Oh, you don’t like that? because Deso wins at that too?
The people on Deso, that don’t like night capping, the door is that way —-—→ Vabbi
Take your beating like men, Piken,don’t cry me a river.
Your not in the same league as Deso,so deal with it. If you want structured fights, you should go to Spvp. Oh, you don’t like that? because Deso wins at that too?
The people on Deso, that don’t like night capping, the door is that way —-—-> Vabbi
barking dogs seldom bite
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Some of the Deso people already think this matchup is already over like the guy above me ‘AKJB.8372’ never heard of him like a lot of people lately
Show some respect too you’re enemy and learn maybe something of them instead of spewing crap
We all know Deso is strong during weekends but the week is still long so anything can happen
i will not appologize for al the idiots from Deso who think there champion because we lead in score
Yesterday Deso got his butt kikced in the open field fights so that says enough
[Coin] Gandara
(edited by PsyllO.3728)
Take your beating like men, Piken,don’t cry me a river.
Your not in the same league as Deso,so deal with it. If you want structured fights, you should go to Spvp. Oh, you don’t like that? because Deso wins at that too?
The people on Deso, that don’t like night capping, the door is that way —-—-> Vabbi
It’s actually more Deso people that are complaining about it than Piken.
And just wanted to quote this for posterity. So we can look back later. Stuff like this tends to motivate people.
Sorry i just have to say this, coz i’m feeling childish(reading above).
Nerrr nerrr we got a WP in SM before you did!
Playing in the daytime does give a much better representation of Deso than the night does.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
From a Kodashian perspective, the matchup was rather sad so far – i have never seen so few fellow mates online on a weekend (which used to be the strong days of kodash).
Last week, when we played against (lower ranked) Gandara and FSP, hordes of players flooded the borderlands. Now, you only see the tags of the ‘usual suspects’ on the battlefields and even those become rarer and rarer.
What I always liked about Kodash was that we had a kind of diversity in our play-style. We had the evening blobs for the after-hour-casual-players, we had a number of dedicated WvW guild groups like [ADAC] (moved to Abaddons) or [KoA] (moved to SFR) and we had small scale roaming/duelling guilds like [Buka] (moved to Millers).
Maybe it’s just the beautiful weather here in Germany atm, coupled with school-holidays. Most people I talked to seemed perfectly okay with moving down a couple of ranks (‘less zergs, less lags etc.’) – I hope they are right. And I do hope that Kodash maybe gets attractive again for some bigger WvW-oriented guilds which tend to have a flagship-function for the server.
Kodash lost a lot of people.
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
Just lol @ Piken nr1 blob EU.The akward moment when you realize visunah’s blobs seem like roaming groups in comparison.You guys from kodash have all my symphaty.Hope to see you in one of thd next matchups.
Deso do you have guilds or are you like Visunah ?:)
I would still claim we got some of the best non-thief solo roamers.
After this statement I was expecting more hoping for some quality fights but Most Deso players run from my solo mesmer, they only turn around when they get reinforcements. Those that don’t run, seem inexperienced and don’t provide much of a challenge. Not sure where your “best non-thief solo roamers” are, maybe they stay in certain borders?
Well I hope I come across some this week, otherwise it’s going to be very, very boring.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
Big laugh for the [OS] Warrior on the Desolation Border
Without guards or other players – you’re nothing – challenge me! or can you just do emotes?
Guardian – Waldengard [BOS]
Kodash [DE]
That’s me!
Without permastealth, you are nothing, gg
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
As you maybe noticed – I was playing with dagger/dagger – not this kittenty dagger/pistol build like most other thiefs.
I don’t know what you understand on permastealth but ok…you are the biggest pro I’ve ever seen
Guardian – Waldengard [BOS]
Kodash [DE]
Wanted to thank the Deso Asuran memser on DBL who was enjoying a nice swim with me near garrison earlier. I could have done without your three other friends, we were having a nice challenging underwater match going, but it was fun
Wanted to apologize for vanishing after your three friends arrived, wasn’t me porting out, the queue finally popped. I had been waiting a while so was reluctant to ignore it. Sorry!
I’ll look for you again though. First decent under water fight I’ve had in ages. Cheers!
Kodash lost a lot of people.
Finally we may drop some more ranks in the next weeks and will probably be matched against servers which we are more likely to be a competitive enemy for. Currently we neither offer great zerg vs zerg (looking at Deso zergs) nor a decent amount of guild groups of 20 or more (looking at PS guild groups like GH or FG). Last match against guilds and small groups of Gandara were, what I think would be best for us right now (though I really wonder where all the players, who caused queues last week, are right now)
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Kodash lost a lot of people.
Finally we may drop some more ranks in the next weeks and will probably be matched against servers which we are more likely to be a competitive enemy for. Currently we neither offer great zerg vs zerg (looking at Deso zergs) nor a decent amount of guild groups of 20 or more (looking at PS guild groups like GH or FG). Last match against guilds and small groups of Gandara were, what I think would be best for us right now (though I really wonder where all the players, who caused queues last week, are right now)
You are going to meet more small teams tomorow.
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
You are going to meet more small teams tomorow.
cheers Are we speaking of “SFR small teams” (i.e. groups of 4, accidentally running along with 10 other such groups) or groups of 5 to 15, having fun together without any meta-builds and stuff?
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
From this thread alone, I control 80% of the Worlds water supply.
Inner Sanctum [Coin]
From this thread alone, I control 80% of the Worlds water supply.
Wrote random loot bag
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
I’d like apologize some of these arrogant and flame-bait posts as they reflect badly on Deso but they do not represent the respectful side of Deso which is very much a part of what we want to be seen as. We do not and will not be like Viz.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Hey guys was fantastic to see a lot of Afterlifes old friends from Piken this week on reset. I’ll be seeing you again tonight on deso BL
Loving this week
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
i like when a thief cry most of us is not 1v1 specced and dont want to be free loot bag. deal with it, your job: hunt down us, our job: survive your attempt and roll with the dudes
Just the WvW
After this statement I was expecting more hoping for some quality fights but Most Deso players run from my solo mesmer, they only turn around when they get reinforcements. Those that don’t run, seem inexperienced and don’t provide much of a challenge.
Mesmer. That is the reason.
Guardian and warrior are the two most common professions, probably followed by thieves. If the mesmer is any good, warrior will not have any chances in 1 vs 1 against a mesmer. That is simply how the professions are designed. Most WvWvW guardians are more or less support bunkers. Lots of sustainability, but not enough burst damage nor conditions to kill any decent mesmer alone.
If you built your mesmer for solo roaming, don’t expect much any challenge from anybody. I am now talking about e.g. the shatter burst, phantasm or immortal mesmer builds. If you are traited and geared properly you will have superb advantage over most WvWvW builds. It is not a learn to play issue. If you geared and traited your mesmer for solo play, you should be able to win most 1 vs 1, even if your skills are medicore and the enemy is playing near perfect game.
Most players who equipped themselves for solo roaming and picked an easy profession for that e.g. a thief or a mesmer, have an inflated ego about their own skills. Of course if you meet a player who is geared for zerg fights you will have an advantage. Need I to tell you that I also solo kill bronze xxx or champion xxx titled enemies alone and I am not geared for solo play. Yesterday once again I saw Piken thieves running away from me. Some fools followed and you know what happened to them when they were finally alone against me. I use a hybrid jack of all trades build, not optimal for any anything, but okay in everything. But even that gives me a slight advantage over those who are running alone in a zerg build.
zerg build |———————————— hybrid —-——————————| solo build
WvWvW really isn’t about solo fights. If they happen on the way while you are doing supply camps, quaggans, sniping enemy dolyaks or running from keep to keep etc, let that be. I call them bonus points.
If you want to stop complain how enemy is not giving you enough challenge in 1 vs 1, start playing a solo warrior. Yes, I also sometimes (usually just once per week) solo roam as a warrior in WvWvW, despite my warrior isn’t made for solo runs.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Had some great fights in Deso BL yesterday evening the battle for bay was insane
two pikken guilds FG and another i don’t remeber got inside but we standed oure ground like real man and eventually we pushed them back i realy like this week matchup and not because were winning in score but because of the great fights
cheers too CTRL and DVG who did a great job there
[Coin] Gandara
We kept bay through sheer luck, even though I had killed 3 trebs in briar basically nobody listened to me which resulted in bay getting trebbed for ages and finally those 2 guilds hitting inner, but they seemed to be faffing about and never really got stuck in, it was getting late I guess.
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
Thank you kodash for your garrison. I wasnt really planning on taking it and only wanted to farm you guys a bit in cliffside but you left us no other choice
Yaaay for Commander Bamja!
I’ve spent about 6 hours yday during the day in wvw (different BGs) and Bamja was the only one who actually did something SMART… the rest of you “commanders” out there really need to start using your brain…
Big shoutout to the ______ (fill in the blank any way you wish) who managed to lose to a smaller blob because “what is tactics – why AOE a small entrance when we can move 50 feet back to open ground and let them pwn us”…
Also, to all commanders, for the love of god, stop stacking for no apperent reason. There is a time and place for this, and standing in the middle of a tower AFTER you took down the gate and there are xy number of ACs hitting you, IS NOT SMART!.
Ok, I might have been a bit too harsh… it’s not like we have no good commanders… Candy, All shall perish, Serial Clicker, Ru-bi-o(OOOOO) …they are all very good commanders…but some, well, some just need to give up the position or something…take back the 100g, cuz you’re just not meant to lead. Sorry, but that’s how I see it.
Rockbaby – Asura Guardian, Desolation EU :)
Rockavenger – Dwarf Paladin, Bronzebeard EU :D
(edited by Rock.7324)
Hey guys was fantastic to see a lot of Afterlifes old friends from Piken this week on reset. I’ll be seeing you again tonight on deso BL
Loving this week
yo screen, axle and all the good people from aftl. big , warm Hi
piken square
To the Deso Axe wielding Ranger ( I wish I remembered your name now) that placed such a good fight between 4 of us Piken people yesterday, man you rocked so hard. You took us on and despite the odds you were such a good player. Gratz – I learned so much regarding ranger building from that encounter, that I adapted to suit play for my other char. Sportsmanship points you get 300 +
To the Deso 4 who perm-stealthed with a thief outside keep and ganked me in 2 hits at12.30 pm UK time, you could learn so much about sportsmanship and player respect from that ranger. For sportsmanship points alone, you get minus 10000 points. Hiding behind a permstealth to gank makes you suck so hard
Piken are extremely well organised and it’s amazing how they manage to recover from near-whipe situations. Maybe playing vizunah for so many weeks has made us forget how tough some zergs can be. It really is a completely different challenge to what we’ve faced these past two weeks, don’t really think I’ve seen a server this organised in open field battles.
We had a good night last night, scored a lot of points, we managed to get a WP in SM, at this point a lot of our forces decided to call it a night, bad move because 10 minutes later Piken came in and whiped the 6 defenders haha.
Piken got their revenge after that, basically eradicated us from EB, when you took our tier 3 keep we called in all our players from all the maps and we still had the ounumbered buff! (We really are short of numbers in the morning, we have no hope of competing with viz unless we find a way to cover it). We should probably have been better prepared as it is usually the time that vizu golem rushes every map and flips everything, allowing for quick point taking all day.
I kind of feel bad for Kodash though, because they’re on the end of the night capping from us, and the morning capping from piken! It would be interesting to see how piken coordinate their field battles, I think there’s a lot to appreciate from it. Hopefully we can learn from the way you fight and take that into our inevitable battles against the viz hordes and maybe manage to whipe THE blob with inferior numbers.
And to the guy above, every server has permastealth thiefs, be fair! I must admit, it’s the class/build I hate the most just because of the zerker ones that always seem to pop up when you’re trying to type in guild chat!
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
(edited by LJMaster.6214)
We had a good night last night, scored a lot of points, we managed to get a WP in SM
Dunno if you switched or had your guild split across map, but your lot was good fun yesterday evening on Kodash BL in and around the garrison. Some epic numbers on both sides, with also Kodash inviting themselves from time to time to the party, though with nowhere near the numbers us two invaders had.
Pity about the skill lag kicking in but it was still funny having all these numbers in that paper garrison pushing in and out. Culling was taken care of in the end, here’s hoping Anet can find their way around skill lag and get these server-crashes more interactive.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Good match-up so far, too bad we are losing by this many points already.
lol lots of QQ about nightcapping here. Dont forget that deso has ALWAYS been a night server, its during nighttime we have our most dedicated players. Dont blame us for this, we have bad coverage from night til primetime, and u dont see us complain about “morning-capping” or something.
TL DR: We have a great night team and can’t help it.
As it’s been pointed out Deso still has alot to learn and not by pure night capping with large numbers we will become a better server, the fights so far this week have been a good lesson and we’re going to have a interesting week to learn from.
Had some great fights in Deso BL yesterday evening the battle for bay was insane
two pikken guilds FG and another i don’t remeber got inside but we standed oure ground like real man and eventually we pushed them back i realy like this week matchup and not because were winning in score but because of the great fights
cheers too CTRL and DVG who did a great job there
I also think we were lucky there as they were trebbing for a while it was getting late, earlier during the evening it was disorganized cause we were running with two tags and had just 10 people on TS when I had to tag off until DVG arrived.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Feels like there is a Desolation thief (or pair of thieves) behind every nook and cranny. Seems like a pretty even match-up.
If you are wondering who is the biggest noob on Piken Square, it is me:
(edited by Bogey.5423)
Yeah mornings are brutal for us, basically nobody on because they probably fell asleep on their keyboards >_< lol
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
This is a kittened matchup, just blob-guilds.
Can’t INVI fight without GoD?
Can’t fight Piken-Blob without DSun, FG and other guilds??
Do you really need this much people, though this guilds aren’t really small?
I mean DSun should be like 20, FG are even more, and you really need to blob together?
Same for GoD, they’re just a whole guild blob!
Seems like pressing 1 is the new “playerskill” for guilds since Red Guard disbanded.
And wth VII now with 40 ppl on Desolation Border??
Seems like something goes wrong these days.
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
This is a kittened matchup, just blob-guilds.
Can’t INVI fight without GoD?
Can’t fight Piken-Blob without DSun, FG and other guilds??
Do you really need this much people, though this guilds aren’t really small?
I mean DSun should be like 20, FG are even more, and you really need to blob together?Same for GoD, they’re just a whole guild blob!
Seems like pressing 1 is the new “playerskill” for guilds since Red Guard disbanded.And wth VII now with 40 ppl on Desolation Border??
Seems like something goes wrong these days.
hmm…we were trying to run without tag and solo at the beginning but when you get wiped 5 times from a 3-4times bigger blob you think about getting the small groups together to have a chance. Btw we are still running with 3 commanders in PS BL.
also Dsun has no raid today there are ~10 of them around ^^
Ok I should revise my “little flame” about INVI just saw them triying to move on their own right now,
maybe the situation we fought with INVI and GoD just blobbed the hell out of everything was a happenstance.
Hope we can find fights this week with some guilds who have 20-25, tomorrow we have our free day (we really need it this week … -.-).
But if you have this numbers you can fight us this week on Piken Borderland.
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Well this was fun. GoD’s raid on Piken square was awesome. We facerolled both kodash and piken. We were both even numbers too which is what makes our win even more greater XD
I would be ashamed
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Well this was fun. GoD’s raid on Piken square was awesome. We facerolled both kodash and piken. We were both even numbers too which is what makes our win even more greater XD
You were most defiantly not equal numbers. No offence, just saying.
This is a kittened matchup, just blob-guilds.
Can’t INVI fight without GoD?
Can’t fight Piken-Blob without DSun, FG and other guilds??
Do you really need this much people, though this guilds aren’t really small?
I mean DSun should be like 20, FG are even more, and you really need to blob together?Same for GoD, they’re just a whole guild blob!
Seems like pressing 1 is the new “playerskill” for guilds since Red Guard disbanded.And wth VII now with 40 ppl on Desolation Border??
Seems like something goes wrong these days.
Dsun and others joined the FG after the large groups by both servers that were roaming around the top of the map, we used it for an attempt to keep you down south for awhile. We ran solo for along time but we were lacking alot of our guys tonight.
Yes we were even numbers. Did you forget the 3-4 fights outside of garrison? We had more or less even numbers and we won. You guys should be proud, it was a good fight and your members gave me 2 exotics and 3 rares from lootbags.