Elona Reach / Seafarer's Rest / Desolation
I’m sorry Deso, unfortunately you cannot change the place with Vizu.
Piken and Riverside would be much better for you (but correct me if i’m wrong).
Zeptil – Mavelion – Xentinel – Wyzriel – Thranax -Jarthas – Wretch
Come on Desolation! I cannot help you guys these few days! But keep on the music, keep it up!
We can beat them! ( If we stop PVE, Work, School, Girlfriends, Social life).
Come on!
I very much doubt that a a new Living World event where you can farm until you feint on the keyboard will help Desolation to participate more in the WvW scene. I guess we will have to wait after 3 September.
Judging by the blob on Deso homelands they have quite enough people
as i said earlier, deso isnt the only server with PvE ^^ nice to see our friend against us again ^^
oh yes<3 and Monday its reality x gaming community 14 years birthday omega rush whole week deso gonna have the feeling when few mad commanders are paying back for what they did last week teaming with vizunah<3 lets do it<3
well i hate to miss resets …hope everyone had fun? ^^
The most epic reset ever!!!
thx for the fights with Coin, DVG, Irae, GoD, and both zergs from Elona and Desolation.
Thanks for this, really heavy fights!
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Bahhh Go Go Deso!
The most epic reset ever!!!
thx for the fights with Coin, DVG, Irae, GoD, and both zergs from Elona and Desolation.
Thanks for this, really heavy fights!
And thanks to you!
The most epic reset ever!!!
thx for the fights with Coin, DVG, Irae, GoD, and both zergs from Elona and Desolation.
Thanks for this, really heavy fights!
It’s Always nice too fight you too ECL were having a good time when we meet you on the field you wipe we wipe nice fights keep up the spirit.
[Coin] Gandara
oh yes<3 and Monday its reality x gaming community 14 years birthday omega rush whole week deso gonna have the feeling when few mad commanders are paying back for what they did last week teaming with vizunah<3 lets do it<3
You think that vizunah ticking 600 to catch up to you guys was due to the fact we double teamed you? We ticked 5 just as often as you did, but I sense a kitten sfr who is mad they lost to the highest ranked server. They’re number 1 for a reason
Also I do recall you telling deso to double team vizunah the whole week, so please, stop crying.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
kitteny sfr already starting to moan as usual Another week of “no you blob” crap talks… Wish it was friday already.
I’m sorry Deso, unfortunately you cannot change the place with Vizu.
Piken and Riverside would be much better for you (but correct me if i’m wrong).
I correct you, because you’re wrong. We’re going to finish 2nd this week, maybe a close 3rd, but it’s better than winning against those two servers by tens of thousands of points.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
I no longer play GW2 (permanently) as Anet have shown relentless incompetence/disinterest regards to WvW, so they no longer deserve dedicated players in their game, but seeing an over-confident SFR get hellpurged by Vizunah last week was hilarious.
No surprise they’ve already started spinning their trying to double team Viz with us as getting double teamed themselves blahblah blob blah…
Wee-mill, SFR Omega golem rushed us last week too, and Omega golem rushes are hardly a rare thing now. You got too big for your boots and got annihilated. SFR could never beat Viz without Deso’s help, which SFR were too eager to shed early in the week (what with the omega golem rushes) trying to claim victory as their own after they thought they had enough lead. Didn’t work did it!
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
some people in desolation care more about sfr winning then sfr itself lol. thanks for the spirit i guess…
(edited by Covis.6037)
I’m sorry Deso, unfortunately you cannot change the place with Vizu.
Piken and Riverside would be much better for you (but correct me if i’m wrong).
Winning thrice in a row was boring as hell, Piken seemed to just stop logging in as losing was too painful for their SFR-lite egos (especially when FG came back to deso and suddenly they started hating on them), MS/Kodash/AM gave it a go though.
Riverside were rank 11? when we fought them, but they had huge presence/numbers and were clearly going to climb higher.
I’m VERY glad Piken have Vizunah now, as they accused Desolation of being Vizunah mark 2.0, because unlike Piken we never failure cascaded the second we started to lose and grew a night force, now they get the real thing and it’s really really funny.
Deso was always best when things were not easy, losing can be far more fun than winning, for sure, such is how WvW is balanced. Though I think harder being funner applies to games in general. The Queens event has really forked the player base however and WvW when I left it had the familiar faces in, the backbone of Deso, outnumbered nearly 24/7. Much respect to them.
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
oh yes<3 and Monday its reality x gaming community 14 years birthday omega rush whole week deso gonna have the feeling when few mad commanders are paying back for what they did last week teaming with vizunah<3 lets do it<3
Missed your 400+ omegas yesterday. Rage quit?
oh yes<3 and Monday its reality x gaming community 14 years birthday omega rush whole week deso gonna have the feeling when few mad commanders are paying back for what they did last week teaming with vizunah<3 lets do it<3
Dear Loot Bag,
We graciously accept your generous sacrifice. Your efforts to fill our coffers have not gone unnoticed. We appreciate your performance in the past, and are glad that you continue to fund our team in the present. It pleases us that we will not be forced to hunt you down this week. We humbly request, though, that you bring your relatives with you, the Steel Chests.
Sincerely yours,
Zerg Farmer
kitteny sfr already starting to moan as usual
Another week of “no you blob” crap talks… Wish it was friday already.
BLOB BLOB ! , every server does the “no you blob”, stop crying already
Nice to see we are against deso again, you guys got some good guilds to fight with
Have fun all.
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
You guys understand we can farm you so hard Btw shout to Gd teaching few lessons our pugs last night about 2am cet
in EB but your morning zerg really losing every keep everywhere even your t2 keep on homeland ?
try better next time and so many AC on your garrison
have fun you give me good loot I even enjoy fighthing you. Morning comander today
from SFR
oh yes<3 and Monday its reality x gaming community 14 years birthday omega rush whole week deso gonna have the feeling when few mad commanders are paying back for what they did last week teaming with vizunah<3 lets do it<3
Dear Loot Bag,
We graciously accept your generous sacrifice. Your efforts to fill our coffers have not gone unnoticed. We appreciate your performance in the past, and are glad that you continue to fund our team in the present. It pleases us that we will not be forced to hunt you down this week. We humbly request, though, that you bring your relatives with you, the Steel Chests.
Sincerely yours,
Zerg Farmer
sure will do problem is that in the morning you have never wiped or farmed us its the opposite sorry. Friday yh we got owned really hard xD big respect to vizunah for it. you were attacking our borderland whole week and you now it. your players tried 110% to annoy sfr get us on defensive and failed except on Thursday when we lacked a lot core.
this week is payback your morning force is fail your guild vanguard of 15 guys cant wipe same numbers of pugs a small secondary team.
and for your information we ticked almost +400 at one point was at inner garrison vs before your scout decided to report it and 30 desolation went to sfr home map to try to ninja our garrison and hills so yh-.-
and very nice lootbags today In eb deso:) elona had a good team they put up a fight before running deso just lost keep all the time was booring you came in eb with 40 guys and left after you had lost all towers and keep-.- hopefully you put up a better fight tomorrow need more bagz.
(edited by Wemil.7052)
The most epic reset ever!!!
thx for the fights with Coin, DVG, Irae, GoD, and both zergs from Elona and Desolation.
Thanks for this, really heavy fights!
Your guild gave us very challenging fights and we recognize that you guys are good. I wish I could say the same about the rest of your server.
Seems the Deso keyboard warriors are out again. SFR don’t cower from fights unless hopelessly outnumbered.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Nahhh, its just that DVG is the same as any other guild. They randomly recruit people from all over the server but do not talk or give them any respect.
DVG I am sorry but you have failed, you have some nice karaoke night teams but that’s all.. I joined the guild for some interactive active play but you have ignored everything I have said for the couple of weeks so I decided to leave.
GOod luck!
Nahhh, its just that DVG is the same as any other guild. They randomly recruit people from all over the server but do not talk or give them any respect.
DVG I am sorry but you have failed, you have some nice karaoke night teams but that’s all.. I joined the guild for some interactive active play but you have ignored everything I have said for the couple of weeks so I decided to leave.
GOod luck!
Dunno why you wrote that since you liked us 1 day ago thanks for beeing with us and hope you find something that suits you better! Also this seems a bit weird to write on the official forum!
Thanks from [irae] for the fights, even tough its a pain in the kitten to play against the guilds from sfr/deso, we dont rly have enough members(pretty new guild and summer…) and run almost never with more then 20 people while ur guildraids are pretty much always 30+ :P . But still gonna keep fighting, good survival training
Ps: If we are already less then one of ur Guildsraids and we fight them, dont gank us from behind with another one. It hurts, rly hard
The CTRL thief who I was fighting outside of garri tonight… you won 4-1 I think… although some warrior stole my finish I had you down before he came. But then on the third fight someone from deso interfered taking me down – although you would’ve won that one either way because my skills were all on recharge.
Very nice fighting you. I think it is the first time I have had any competition 1v1 from deso since coming back to SFR. Later you were fighting with a mesmer and another CTRL thief who were nowhere near your skill level.
Thank you for the fights… really appreciate it. If we meet again… we should take it behind the windmill to keep it strictly 1v1
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Nice matchup, im really happy about this week! Will be nice to beat elona and get some morale back to the troops
ECL raid – elementalist POV
ECL raid – elementalist POV
For future reference, if you want a ‘serious’ fight, then accept the GvG request, since this is the only format at the moment where this can properly occur.
Also I seem to remember wiping you, BOOM, OSC, ZB’s and some other guild at the same time on a BL repeatedly throughout the week in the previous reset (Which we also have footage of – this was mainly to combat the idiot comment of ‘your using AC’s’). However, while we would start one fight with one guild, others would repeatedly try to side plant/flank us at the same time in the middle of a fight. So please don’t pretend to be ‘above’ it with such a ridiculous statement mid video.
While we try to ask other guilds not to interfere (and we practice this ourselves) we are not in control of their forces (nor would I want to be), and they have a right to act as they please.
Inner Sanctum [Coin]
Also I seem to remember wiping you, BOOM, OSC, ZB’s and some other guild at the same time on a BL repeatedly throughout the week in the previous reset.
Huh? Repeatedly at the same time? I guess you have some kind of nuclear weapon to blast us down.
ECL raid – elementalist POV
For future reference, if you want a ‘serious’ fight, then accept the GvG request, since this is the only format at the moment where this can properly occur.
Also I seem to remember wiping you, BOOM, OSC, ZB’s and some other guild at the same time on a BL repeatedly throughout the week in the previous reset (Which we also have footage of – this was mainly to combat the idiot comment of ‘your using AC’s’). However, while we would start one fight with one guild, others would repeatedly try to side plant/flank us at the same time in the middle of a fight. So please don’t pretend to be ‘above’ it with such a ridiculous statement mid video.
While we try to ask other guilds not to interfere (and we practice this ourselves) we are not in control of their forces (nor would I want to be), and they have a right to act as they please.
Didn’t you read the description of the video?
“Having fun with desolation guilds”…
We know you had wiped us before, but he complained in this video, because we were prepared for another nice fight with you and a second guild wanted to inc in this fight, and we never do or did something like this!
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
im sorry but Boom havent had chance to play in the same BL as Coin yet so it must havent been our raid then. but im sure u can put up good fight. but i think u overestimate your powers (as some UNNAMED deso guild does .). but i seriously doubt u took 4 of us at once ^^
ECL raid – elementalist POV
However, while we would start one fight with one guild, others would repeatedly try to side plant/flank us at the same time in the middle of a fight.
This is self inflicted. Once it was ECL and a small group of zDs (15ish) and we let you fight za drots in a fair fight (as im pretty sure it would take 40 coins to take 15 zadrots) and we come back to see you double teamed them with another deso guild. Sorry, you’ve simply not given the impression you want fair fights on the battlefield, especially as we so often see you holding hands with DVG whenever you’re on the same border. So if you really want fair fights I hope you apologized to our comrades in za drots for that move, and if you have maybe we can consider having fair fights on the field.
Shoutout to that nice guard from Good Old Days for the great duels!
Also my /eyeroll to some excss baddies that know no grace in defeat
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
ECL raid – elementalist POV
However, while we would start one fight with one guild, others would repeatedly try to side plant/flank us at the same time in the middle of a fight.
This is self inflicted. Once it was ECL and a small group of zDs (15ish) and we let you fight za drots in a fair fight (as im pretty sure it would take 40 coins to take 15 zadrots) and we come back to see you double teamed them with another deso guild. Sorry, you’ve simply not given the impression you want fair fights on the battlefield, especially as we so often see you holding hands with DVG whenever you’re on the same border. So if you really want fair fights I hope you apologized to our comrades in za drots for that move, and if you have maybe we can consider having fair fights on the field.
Your story telling skills are amazing, shame stories are not the same as facts though.
P.S Where does the number 40 keep coming from? I.S has always been a small guild, were on average 22-23 per squad event and a total of 28 on Rostra. Also ZB’s and ZD’s are the same guild? O.O
Inner Sanctum [Coin]
(edited by Darkened.4076)
ECL raid – elementalist POV
However, while we would start one fight with one guild, others would repeatedly try to side plant/flank us at the same time in the middle of a fight.
This is self inflicted. Once it was ECL and a small group of zDs (15ish) and we let you fight za drots in a fair fight (as im pretty sure it would take 40 coins to take 15 zadrots) and we come back to see you double teamed them with another deso guild. Sorry, you’ve simply not given the impression you want fair fights on the battlefield, especially as we so often see you holding hands with DVG whenever you’re on the same border. So if you really want fair fights I hope you apologized to our comrades in za drots for that move, and if you have maybe we can consider having fair fights on the field.
Your story telling skills are amazing, shame stories are not the same as facts though.
P.S Where does the number 40 keep coming from? I.S has always been a small guild, were on average 22-23 per squad event and a total of 28 on Rostra. Also ZB’s and ZD’s are the same guild? O.O
1. I was comparing numbers compared to skill level and za drots>>>>>coins in regards to skill level
2. yeah, they are.
Mesmer in XIII on ER server – you are a cheat and using that hack that allows people to jump further and higher than you are able to. Last night I faced a thief with from ER (not the same guild) that was using the same hack.
If you can’t play the game without hacks then don’t play at all… just demonstrates how noob you really are when I kill you.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
I enjoy difficult match-ups and I enjoy equal fights. Sadly, due to many factors, ALL sides make incorrect guesses on enemy forces and logically have different points of view of different situations.
Big respect for the rare moments we have equal fights with any other guilds. We are aware that in the current state of WvW it’s impossible do demand equal fights, but if possible we try to stay out of other equal fights and hope it causes others to do the same.
If it doesn’t happen, too bad, but if it does, respect to all involved.
SFR has given us both a few equal fights and plenty of outnumbered fights (which I’m sure SFR has had themselves, facing a deso zerg with fewer numbers), that’s just how it goes.
And just to point one thing out: We are NOT allowed to drop any form of siege in open field warfare in [COIN]. Ever. We’d get kicked about by our fellow guildies if we’d do something like that. So if EVER you see (and we only have about 23-28 people in ANY squad we run) arrow carts around a group of us, we didn’t put and do not plan on using it.
Thanks for the fights.
I enjoy difficult match-ups and I enjoy equal fights. Sadly, due to many factors, ALL sides make incorrect guesses on enemy forces and logically have different points of view of different situations.
Big respect for the rare moments we have equal fights with any other guilds. We are aware that in the current state of WvW it’s impossible do demand equal fights, but if possible we try to stay out of other equal fights and hope it causes others to do the same.
If it doesn’t happen, too bad, but if it does, respect to all involved.SFR has given us both a few equal fights and plenty of outnumbered fights (which I’m sure SFR has had themselves, facing a deso zerg with fewer numbers), that’s just how it goes.
And just to point one thing out: We are NOT allowed to drop any form of siege in open field warfare in [COIN]. Ever. We’d get kicked about by our fellow guildies if we’d do something like that. So if EVER you see (and we only have about 23-28 people in ANY squad we run) arrow carts around a group of us, we didn’t put and do not plan on using it.
Thanks for the fights.
Hello, i was leading tonight on SFR bl for the first time in 5 months. I have to say COIN impressed me. Im sorry about the seige i asked people not to build on TS, but they kept building. I hope to have more enjoyable fights like tonight. Once again sorry for the seige and good luck in your fight for wvw glory!
EDIT: And as you know i was leading all pugs, so its kinda hard to ask that especially when not all of them are on TS!
(edited by Cradorell.3941)
Thanks for the compliments we’ve noticed there weren’t any guild runs this evening on sfr BL and we were the only group there the whole evening so it was nice fighting you’re group
tough because of the numbers but nice
[Coin] Gandara
Thanks for the compliments we’ve noticed there weren’t any guild runs this evening on sfr BL and we were the only group there the whole evening so it was nice fighting you’re group
tough because of the numbers but nice
Ye fighting you with DVG was fun also! especially in your spawn tower! I was going crazy in TS
My voice was croaking afterwards
oh crap you took eb keep… but we’ll get back on you!
(edited by noddan.2035)
If you can’t play the game without hacks then don’t play at all… just demonstrates how noob you really are when I kill you.
Oh lord I could say the same to so many SFR-players*…
And thats the reason why I don’t play against you anymore. It’s no fun to play against cheaters and if you show the proofs you’ll get slaped by ANet. They don’t care about how broken their game actually is so cheaters don’t care as well.
Just another “PvP”-mode ruined by ANet. Surprise!? No since it’s the 5th or 6th.
*everybody knows how SFR climbs up the ladder. shame on you!
Been having a blast, very nice duels today! Also seen loads of DVG and they seem promising!
P.s. to the GD guardian I was referencing earlier: feel free to add me and we’ll set up a duel with your mesmer :P
P.p.s. Crad what the heck are you doing in here, you traitor!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
GG to DVG for dem hard fights
GG to DVG for dem hard fights
cheers, you guys really couldn’t leave us alone this night! haha…