FC/ET/HoD 6/14

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


We come to fight club and no1 will 5v5 us……


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


well first time coming to fight night since ive been in t8, and i guess its just paxa rolling in with their guild, around 8-10, and just rolling solo players, so disappointed in PAXA, i heard good things about them, guess they dont have honor nor skills, wont be wasting my time coming back to fight night anymore.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


We come to fight club and no1 will 5v5 us……

hard to do 5v5 when ur doing 10v5

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


There is 6 PAXA and 1 KoM in vent. Nice try. BS wouldnt fight us, so we fought them.

Actually, we have a lot of respect for 95% of the BS guild, just not geoski or bulky.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


We come to fight club and no1 will 5v5 us……

hard to do 5v5 when ur doing 10v5

We don’t even have 8 members, must less 10. Nice try though.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


I need moar dragon coffers.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Just thought I’d show you guys PAXA’s true colors.

This chat session takes place at fightnight when PAXA randomly shows up and DEMANDS a 5v5 from the guild Basic[BS].

Side Note We’ve been wiping PAXA quite a bit in fair fights over the last few weeks so I can see where the nerdrage is coming from.

After the chat, they merked us at the duelspot and left(while half of us were in duels)


Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

(edited by Geoski.1407)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Just thought I’d show you guys PAXA’s true colors.

This chat session takes place at fightnight when PAXA randomly shows up and DEMANDS a 5v5 from the guild Basic[BS].

Side Note We’ve been wiping PAXA quite a bit in fair fights over the last few weeks so I can see where the nerdrage is coming from.

Well put the fraps up of Bulky and Geoski extermination. Thanks for the 5v5.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


We come to fight club and no1 will 5v5 us……

hard to do 5v5 when ur doing 10v5

We don’t even have 8 members, must less 10. Nice try though.

couldve been clones/phantasms i saw, but like geoski said, lame move, yall went and grabbed ur 25stacks, had all ur players, while we was still trying to get ours together instead of just doing randoms, we had half players off in duels, no stacks, and ya just rushed us.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376


hmmm. why am i suddenly glad i’m lagged to all holy hell tonight and havn’t even been able to make it to fight night...


Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Fight Night, turned to Troll Night it seems. lol

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


We come to fight club and no1 will 5v5 us……

hard to do 5v5 when ur doing 10v5

We don’t even have 8 members, must less 10. Nice try though.

couldve been clones/phantasms i saw, but like geoski said, lame move, yall went and grabbed ur 25stacks, had all ur players, while we was still trying to get ours together instead of just doing randoms, we had half players off in duels, no stacks, and ya just rushed us.

Not a single player was involved in a duel, of your guild, when we attacked.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


we had 6-7 players there, 2 off in a duel, u attacked the 2 on the ground by u, then me and another on the steps jumped in after you downed one while chasing other, then came back to down us all.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029



[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Fight Night, turned to Troll Night it seems. lol

For real Moobs and Jelly Bean are out there being nature freaks and Jelly Bean is talking about cancer and kitten… just crazy tollin all over the place.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Craig.2403


@PAXA thanks for the 5v5’s tonight. We had two replacements and are fairly new to begin with, but it was great getting the fighting experience. We’re currently working on the group comp and strategies so next time we meet we may be very different and a much better fight.

Bummkin – ranger | Netherdark – thief | Crescor – mesmer | Gears Up – engi

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: kevinmrstowe.4098


First rule of fight club. PAXA kills fight clubs xD.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Samhaim.8956


And now you all know why you shuldn’t talk about fight club, the rules were made for a reason.

Samhaiim ~ Thief

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ynot.8397


I 1v1ed a few PAXA guys tonight. Nice fights all around!

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: salocinn.4120


Just thought I’d show you guys PAXA’s true colors.

This chat session takes place at fightnight when PAXA randomly shows up and DEMANDS a 5v5 from the guild Basic[BS].

Side Note We’ve been wiping PAXA quite a bit in fair fights over the last few weeks so I can see where the nerdrage is coming from.

After the chat, they merked us at the duelspot and left(while half of us were in duels)

That discussion reminds me of a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum cauz his father don’t wanna get him the candy he wants…sad

Aurell Hawk_80 Ranger
Kaze pewpew_80 Elementalist
Fergusons Crossing (Yarr)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Dude it’s kittening frustrating when you want the snickers bar but your dad gets you a kittenty kit kat bar. Your dad know’s that it’s bullkitten, he deserves to get the tantrum thrown all over his face.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Dude it’s kittening frustrating when you want the snickers bar but your dad gets you a kittenty kit kat bar. Your dad know’s that it’s bullkitten, he deserves to get the tantrum thrown all over his face.

But why would you go for a snickers when you can get a butterfinger?

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Milky Way is the best. No contest here!

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Mars bars, i miss them.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scleameth.6809


My opinion of PAXA guys: Not bad… Just try and stear clear of 5v1-ing little old me outside the tower. Granted, I was looking for trouble by jumping off the wall and attacking the other HoD that was around.
But when I saw a few green dots around your location I thought I would jump in and help. PAXA wiped our little pug group without breaking a sweat. But that’s what you get when organized group attacks a few stragglers in unison. Still, you guys did show that you can take a beating and hand it out too. Not bad…

Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Sarok.4369

Lord Sarok.4369

Just thought I’d throw myself out there for FC, these past two mornings were great waking up and finding a new EB to conquer. I was the Tiny Pink Asura Guardian Commanding with an LK tag, both fun fun mornings. Fun fights so far. Best of luck to you all!
Your pink friend, Sarok
P.s. Wednesday I looked like a dragon, Thursday I was back to my T3 CoE Armor. Pink Forever

TC Commander! PINK POWER!
FC Follower! GF Guardian!
Proud Asura! Guardians Forever!

(edited by Lord Sarok.4369)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xom.9264


Logged on late again and missed all this… lol

Both guilds can and do kill each other its a even match up as far as I’m concerned.

Before i read the forums, I got turned down for a 3 v 3 because perfect group makeup is not online, I thought that was strange now I know why and its silly… both guilds understand classes and group make up and know when they have the advantage, disadvantage or its even….. that has never stopped either guild from engaging, now there is going to be worry of getting trolled so fights will be avoided when people are on alts or the group make up is not perfect.

BS and PAXA have been respectfully fighting each other for sometime, with a very little forum chest thumping probably because everyone knows how good the other guild is, 1 win can be followed by multiple loses quickly.

Lets move on, I’m as guilty as anyone but its getting a bit crazy how much we are posting about roaming guilds its overwhelming the thread about FC vs ET vs HoD. Next match lets just make our own thread and not invite the plebs.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jakare.6807


Agreeing with Xom here.

Arroneous, you for one know how important group structure is to 5man duels, you’ve said before when I’ve asked where you guys have been that you don’t like to roam when you’re down a man, or if your group comp isn’t at 100% strength. Which is fine, but giving us stick for not fighting you guys when one of our team is too tired, and telling us to ‘go pick up a random or something’ is just dumb.

We’ve tried fighting paxa without coordination, first week I came to ET we jumped into some 5man duels with paxa, and we got wiped, a lot. If you want a good fight out of us, let us get our team comp to full strength, otherwise it’s not fun for either of us.

Miller time, your Mesmer hits like a ton of bricks. I ain’t even mad that you wiped the floor with me 3-4 times, they were some of the best duels I’ve had. Your sword phantasms were hitting harder than my backstab!

[TI] Team Ignition (Gandara)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


I’ve got ZERO beef against any other BS members besides geoski and bulky boy. Take this perspective for a second. We show up, 4 PAXA 1 KoM in our 5 man (ankle biter) wasn’t able to make it. There’s 20 or so red people there. 2 people are dueling, 18 are grab assin. We took time out of our roaming/RL to actually attend a fight club and not just bomb it to be kittens. We legit wanted FC and ET to throw some teams at us. “guys BS is here”. We start counting, “joe there’s 9 BS here”. Ok sounds good let’s have a go.

Geoski, “please be respectful, we don’t want to fight you guys, our engineer is tired………………………………………………….”.

This wasn’t about pepe measuring for us. It was just fun. We weren’t in kitten mindsets, the fighting with BS this week had been top notch. Jakare I hear you on the group makeup. For sure agree but there were 9 guys, give us a go. We haven’t Pepe measured all week. We applauded BS for The great fights. We fought TFI who were competitive and out there just to fight. So were we. Bulky boy comes over and jumps laughs and then whirls through the 5 of us sitting there. Skarrlloc throws down a wall, he runs into it. Comes back and whirls through us again.

“you know what, that guys a kitten, geoski won’t fight….. F it kill em all”. We have it all on fraps if you’d like to see us not initiate. And further more your story about we were all dueling, I think jakare was the only one dueling, the rest jumped in on the dogpile on bulky bizzle. See you guys next match up.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azgarn.2145


Arroneous, you for one know how important group structure is to 5man duels, you’ve said before when I’ve asked where you guys have been that you don’t like to roam when you’re down a man, or if your group comp isn’t at 100% strength. Which is fine, but giving us stick for not fighting you guys when one of our team is too tired, and telling us to ‘go pick up a random or something’ is just dumb.

We’ve tried fighting paxa without coordination, first week I came to ET we jumped into some 5man duels with paxa, and we got wiped, a lot. If you want a good fight out of us, let us get our team comp to full strength, otherwise it’s not fun for either of us.

Ya know, some people have fun just getting to fight. No argument here that group structure is important, but not fighting at all cuz you think you might lose isn’t fun either. Maybe you should be looking for more of a challenge from time to time. Refusing to fight in a setting like fight club is just silly, no matter who the opponents. What are you even doing there BS? You have crazy good 1v1 builds and you are very good group players. Its like taking a handful of MMA fighters into a preschool class and asking for fights. But Paxa comes along, and you don’t want to fight cuz your engi is tired?

Let’s just say you grabbed a random BS for a 5th (which you had 5 options) and you lost to Paxa, who cares? No respect would be lost for BS. It was known you weren’t at 100% and its known BS has great players. But at least you had the balls to fight. What happens if you won? You can feel proud of yourselves. But you refused to fight at all, which loses at least some of my respect. KoM plays all the time without the perfect team, but we get a lot more intense fights that way. Sure sometimes we end up dying more while trying to fight a group we could have easily wiped with the A team, but victory without expectation is sweeter. But I guess this is just my opinion.

Coll Ôhmsford
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


can’t believe I never got to fight miller time sigh

I wouldn’t say its like bringing MMA fighters to a preschool class.. sure Hallucination and Lil Homie are insanely good 1v1 but they’ve been beaten or have had very good fights probably half the time while there

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

(edited by Darek.1836)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


So everyone is just standing around chatting or dueling. Then PAXA shows up wanting to 5v5. That’s what they like doing so it makes sense, but ET/FC didn’t want to because either:

A) We don’t want to and came for duels.
B) Didn’t have the right team compensation or not enough ppl.

Bulky <3 was just trolling like always. 100b ppl and whirlwinding just being stupid. Guess PAXA didn’t like that lol. So they killed all of BS and anyone else that was down there. After that things chilled down. TFI came so PAXA got their 5v5 fix, and everyone went back to dueling or just having fun.

Overall I found the whole thing quite comical.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Fightnight is for 1v1’s. 5v5’s and gvg’s can be setup at anytime during the week. Out of so many guild vs guilds i’ve set up, I have been accepted…and denied tons of matches. In all my time i’ve never seen someone act that way, let alone a GM of a such a skilled guild. I’m sorry that I lost your respect for declining you the match and can’t do anything about that, but for the future, try to be more respectful and you’ll find people more inclined to work with you. Winning matches shows that your guild has skill, disrespecting people shows that your a bunch of kittens.

Btw, trying to justify ganking us by saying, Only 1 person was dueling and the other 8 BS were dogpiled on us 8v5 and lost, even though BS has wiped us 7 times in a row on an even 5v5 roam, is quite hilarious.

Go ahead and post your fraps video, So people can see you come out on top, because they sure won’t see it happen roaming, that’s for sure.

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

(edited by Geoski.1407)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


So everyone is just standing around chatting or dueling. Then PAXA shows up wanting to 5v5. That’s what they like doing so it makes sense, but ET/FC didn’t want to because either:

A) We don’t want to and came for duels.
B) Didn’t have the right team compensation or not enough ppl.

Bulky <3 was just trolling like always. 100b ppl and whirlwinding just being stupid. Guess PAXA didn’t like that lol. So they killed all of BS and anyone else that was down there. After that things chilled down. TFI came so PAXA got their 5v5 fix, and everyone went back to dueling or just having fun.

Overall I found the whole thing quite comical.

I’ve been to couple of these, wasn’t there last night tho. But if someone attacks me for no reason, we are just going to kill you. Talk about disrespect, makes that guild look bad. I held 2 ppl in down state for almost 5min for being db’s.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Fightnight is for 1v1’s. 5v5’s and gvg’s can be setup at anytime during the week. Out of so many guild vs guilds i’ve set up, I have been accepted…and denied tons of matches. In all my time i’ve never seen someone act that way, let alone a GM of a such a skilled guild. I’m sorry that I lost your respect for declining you the match and can’t do anything about that, but for the future, try to be more respectful and you’ll find people more inclined to work with you. Winning matches shows that your guild has skill, disrespecting people shows that your a bunch of kittens.

Btw, trying to justify ganking us by saying, Only 1 person was dueling and the other 8 BS were dogpiled on us 8v5 and lost, even though BS has wiped us 7 times in a row on an even 5v5 roam, is quite hilarious.

Go ahead and post your fraps video, So people can see you come out on top, because they sure won’t see it happen roaming, that’s for sure.

Ask hallucination pal. We went 11 straight uninterrupted 5v5s with BS on weds. No one was kittening no one was bragging. Skarloc and I congratulated BS on phenomenal fights that night. 11 straight uninterrupted 5v5s. PAXA 7 ….. BS 4. The 12th fight another small man AJed and a 6th BS kill shot human rifle warrior added and killshotted our rifle warrior. So we didn’t count the 12th fight as an uninterrupted 5v5 clean go. You’re out of your mind if you think BS went 7 in a row clean wins lol. Ask hallucination he was in every s i n g l e fight.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Hmm, i wasn’t there but that was last night?

So after 11 matches with us the night before, you come to fightnight and DEMAND a 5v5 like some little child on a tantrum?

Give me a break

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

(edited by Geoski.1407)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Must have actually been Tuesday. No one was demanding. You had 9 guys… It’s
A dueling place. You know… Where it is player vs player not player vs tower guard and arrow carts? We were there to fight. You had 9GUYS……. Sack up dude.

And that’s why we have a ton of respect for the rest of your guild…. Cuz when u and bulky bizzle aren’t there… There’s no drama. Weird.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


So i caused drama by denying the match in a whisper, then afk’ing ontop of the windmill and coming back to being dead in the grass?

I’m pretty sure the only drama that was caused was poor PAXA kittenraging over being denied a 5v5, when everyone was there for 1v1’s or casual play.

What else is weird is that through all the guild vs guilds ive been setting up over the months, i’ve been able to get to know a ton of the guilds out there, I don’t know what your beef is with me, but if one guild out of the far many, decides to have no respect for me for something that idiotic, then so be it.

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

(edited by Geoski.1407)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


So i caused drama by denying the match in a whisper, then afk’ing ontop of the windmill and coming back to being dead in the grass?

I’m pretty sure the only drama that was caused was poor PAXA kittenraging over being denied a 5v5, when everyone was there for 1v1’s or casual play.

Get over yourselves

Alright man. You stay in “duelist” land. Well go back to “8manning” (term used long before small man became the vocabulary). Hallucination, Jakare, Xomox and the rest of BS other than bulky bizzle PAXA salutes you fellas. Take it ez “ultimate dueler”.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Yea, i’ll definately be staying in duelist land on thursday nights. After all, its fightnight.

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


If you don’t want to fight at fight night then don’t whine about being forced into a fight. If you don’t like it, you can go sit safely in lions arch.

Unless of course you were only there to fight people you know you were guaranteed to beat. Or if some of you BS guys were there to sneakily give your teammates passive bonuses again. Like healing mist and occasionally popping guard virtues to give them the edge.

Oh, but it’s okay if you guys cheat and randomly attack people right, because it’s only you guys “messing around.” rolls eyes

“I smell like pomegranate.”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Yea.. I apologize if Bulky Boy tends to troll and attack you guys, but everyone should just be respectful of fight night and what it is. It’s only one night, and one night where people can practice their 1v1. There are 4 HUGE maps to roam, why do you all have to troll the one little spot on one day of the week.

Notice how there never has been drama until you guys troll’d the fight night.

Think about it.

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

This thread gets more delicious every day. <3 <3 <3

Can Paxa, KoM and BS register on http://gw2gvg.com/ so we can watch their ratings? I’d be interested in seeing the gvg wins and losses over time.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Dude BS and KoM and PAXA would destroy a good portion of those “upper eschelon” GvG teams lol.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Yea.. I apologize if Bulky Boy tends to troll and attack you guys, but everyone should just be respectful of fight night and what it is. It’s only one night, and one night where people can practice their 1v1. There are 4 HUGE maps to roam, why do you all have to troll the one little spot on one day of the week.

Notice how there never has been drama until you guys troll’d the fight night.

Think about it.

Hmm every time I been there and your not there it runs fine, that’s odd.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


Lol ankle biter, as you know im a huge dueler, and i’ve been to literally every single fightnight. 2 weeks ago i see PAXA roll up and start attacking random people, which in turn, gets 2 servers to gank you. What does that say?

1 week later, you stroll in demanding a 5v5, don’t get what you want, so you attack again.

I know whos in the clear here.

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


I didn’t know your a huge dueler, heck I didn’t even know who you where till someone cleared it up for me. I was not there yesterday every time I been there, someone from your guild attacks us, so we just kill the lot of you. From the post here i’m sure you can figure out the person that causes this issue.

Sounds like that person caused the issue again. that’s odd

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Geoski.1407


I know this is going to continue for an eternity, what i needed to say has been said. Good day

Lil Homie, Asura Guardian
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azgarn.2145


ERMAHGERD The defiant, uncontrollable, trolling PAXA dare challenge the rules of open world pvp and kill the fight clubbers! What anarchy! I very much enjoy Paxa. They went to fight club politely, nobody wanted to fight them. What do you expect to happen? They don’t give a kitten, they will fight people whenever and where ever. Including crashing fight club. But it amuses me more that in the grander scheme of things that people are so upset that ONE guild group of 5 will freely kill people at fight club. In any other game an entire guild zerg of 60 players would sweep through and crush everyone and say, whoops sorry about your luck this is pvp. Then come back in 5 minutes and do it again till you give up on fight club.

Coll Ôhmsford
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


This is casual land carli. Anet said so.