FC/ET/HoD 6/14

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


So basically you’re saying PAXA has no respect for people who want to duel because “this is pvp we own u lolz”. Thing is we never had any problems, EVER, until PAXA shows up. The reason there are no zergs rolling through is because they dont need to and they actually have some class, seeing how this matchup was insanely unbalanced and many people have posted on the forums that they were just waiting for fight night.
Sure you just attacked BS but c’mon.. saying this is open world pvp is not a kittening excuse.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Moobs, the Zergs don’t come destroy fight night because they DON’T LIKE FIGHTING HUMAN BEINGS. All those carebears care about is hitting on wood and sitting on siege. If this was a real pvp game, u guys would be smoked as carli pointed out. Who are you kidding dude. Lucky Titan is running with us cuz he’s literally the ONLY reason ur kitten wasn’t a flag.

And one more thing. In real pvp games, you don’t normally enjoy people that beat you and run to the forums. For some reason this starter mmo for the vast majority has people thinking this is social hour… We’re here to kill people as often as possible with the fewest amount of deaths. Not become your drinking buddy.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


I know this is going to continue for an eternity, what i needed to say has been said. Good day


LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Any duels going on before the new match-up? We may, or may not, see you for a while ET/FC! I missed fight night last night, so I’m hoping to find a few roamers out there today.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Not become your drinking buddy.

Wait if the drinking buddy is buying 100% of the time ill give in.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


Any duels going on before the new match-up? We may, or may not, see you for a while ET/FC! I missed fight night last night, so I’m hoping to find a few roamers out there today.

paxa says no

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Any duels going on before the new match-up? We may, or may not, see you for a while ET/FC! I missed fight night last night, so I’m hoping to find a few roamers out there today.

paxa says no


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

Indeed. When a group ruins a gentleman’s agreement (Which fight night is) regardless of reasons or justification, the agreement falls apart and may never be remade. This might very well be the last fight night, ever, that HoD is allowed in.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Indeed. When a group ruins a gentleman’s agreement (Which fight night is) regardless of reasons or justification, the agreement falls apart and may never be remade. This might very well be the last fight night, ever, that HoD is allowed in.

allowed in lol.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

Believe it or not… Some people enjoy fight night, the challenge of 1v1 from another server. Sometimes they look forward to it all week due to server imbalance.

It’s kind of like running around in a 5 man group, I hear some people enjoy that. Like PAXA for example. How would you like it if there was a good 5v5 and a zerg just Roflstomps you?

I say “allowed in” because fight night only keeps up as long as we trust each other.
If the trust of fight night is broken the other servers may either:
A. Break and run as soon as any HoD show.
B. Gang up and spike all HoD immediately.
Either way there will be no duels and no fun to be had.

This is a delicate balance easily broken.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


…When a group ruins a gentleman’s agreement (Which fight night is) regardless of reasons or justification, the agreement falls…

This is the voice of reason right here. ^^^

I hold the word “duel” to be synonymous with “honor”. There is nothing honorable about ganking players who are participating (by watching, competing, etc.).

No means no, folks. Seems fundamentally simple to me.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Why do we talk that which does not exist? In all seriousness I was at fight night myself for a little bit, from what I saw, PAXA didn’t ruin anything. They had some dueling, I watched them 5v5. There were other people dueling. Looked like a fight night to me. Unless after I left and they literally slaughtered everyone there.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


News flash saint, we get zerged down everyday. Gentlemens agreement. Where did arena net find their customers? Good god…. This is literally a starter mmo.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

News flash saint, we get zerged down everyday. Gentlemens agreement. Where did arena net find their customers? Good god…. This is literally a starter mmo.

True, a gentleman’s agreement requires gentlemen doesn’t it? Heaven forbid an MMO have a more mature crowd.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


News flash saint, we get zerged down everyday. Gentlemens agreement. Where did arena net find their customers? Good god…. This is literally a starter mmo.

True, a gentleman’s agreement requires gentlemen doesn’t it? Heaven forbid an MMO have a more mature crowd.

I don’t disagree. Mature is one thing. Competitive is another. And this is NOT at all in any shape form or size a competitive atmosphere.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

I agree entirely.
Maturity is what allows the agreements to meet on certain times for certain purposes.

Since we know that it isn’t competitive we rely on maturity to have our fun in other ways.

I wasn’t at fight night this time, so I don’t know what happened, I don’t blame anyone or I am not throwing accusations. I am just worried that whatever happened for whatever reason may have longer lasting effects that might hinder one of the more enjoyable things I do in WvW.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Linkisdead.9647


Ugh…so much talk of honor and being a “gentleman” in a videogame makes me cringe. Head to your local festival dressed as a knight if you want to play pretend and make friends.

It’s a PvP setting, expect to be killed. Whining about it just makes me want to gather up the group and crakitten every week. If that upsets you feel free to get a group of your own and take a shot.

[sYn] Borlis Pass

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Dude, other than KoM, a couple GT buddies, and a few others here and there TE rest of HoD doesn’t really assimilate with us. I don’t think anyone is going to hold HoD accountable for us trying to FIND ANY AND ALL fights other than 30 v 5.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Ok, this is a bit ridiculous. God whenever someone gets stomped in fight club it’s like the equivalent of punching a baby to some people. Thank you, Jakare, for not getting upset by the stomps, I enjoyed our fights as well!
Now about the whole “PAXA ganking fight night” ordeal that people seem to have their panties in a knot about. I feel like I was somewhat to blame as when I got there and heard the story of BS not wanting to have any sort of GvG fight even though they had plenty of people, I pushed the idea of forcing a fight. Mind you, I am more of a casual player now and don’t play as much as I used to… when I log on I want to fight, not sit around.
When I got to fight club, there was literally one duel happening and tons of people standing doing nothing. So, we attacked BS and killed others who jumped in. Big deal, fight club went on fine after 15 minutes even with PAXA members still around.

@Saint of Virture: “Not allowing HoD in fight clubs.” lol. Calm down. My goodness.

@Geoski: You spoke of the respectfulness and maturity or lack thereof that Jscull has. Speaking from an objective standpoint, you have to admit that you and Bulky Boy aren’t the complete angels that you’re kind of making yourselves out to be. I understand that there are always two sides to a story, but come on man. Killing PAXA 11 times in a row? I was lucky enough to be there on the night that Jscull described, and that was the most fun roaming night I have had in a while. Great fights with BS. We by no means had an ideal group setup, but it was competitive and fun none-the-less. Your comments here don’t help your cause, as you are showing a lack of respect as well… not only to Jscull but to all of PAXA, while Jscull only shows a lack of respect to you and Bulky Boy.

Anyways, great fights last night a fight night. Bringing a new specc in and testing it out against skilled players is always fun, really shows the strengths and weaknesses of it.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

i have to agree with PAXA on this one

this is PvP. which stands for “player vs player”. which means that the main purpose of it is to kill other human players. wether u do it with five or 30 or 60.

although i do not agree with PAXA that the only skillful way to pvp is with 5. i do agree that if you cant handle being ganked in an open pvp game. then please do not rage on the forums. i understand there is a “code of respect” in fight night. but regardless you need to be prepared for this kind of thing.

when we played nsp SPCA ganked us EVERY TIME we were in mid duels during a fight ngiht. why? because this is a pvp and they are out for kills. did i whine on the forums? no we came back everytime and eventually when they did it, we killed them (albeit we outnumbered them) is it the most “honourable” way to play? of course not and do i approve of ganking a fight night? again no. but talented small mans like PAXA have every right to come and kill you. they dont give a kitten if you like them. they want to kill you and they will if you let them.

they came to the fight night to compete. to be challenged in a 5vs5 against whoever wanted to play them. and honestly they ended up wasting there time. losing to PAXA in a 5vs5 isnt something to be ashamed of. why everyone backed out of it blows my mind.

regardless its been an unfortunately slow, but overall entertaining week. i wish you all the best reset

[Wake] main driver/GL

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

It’s cause and effect. A chain of events. Logic series of events.

1. Fight night is considered crashed by some people unrelated to fight night.
This leads too:
2. People spread word that fight night is no longer safe or fun.
This leads too:
3. Fewer people show up to fight night.
This leads too:
4. Boredom at fight night due to less challengers.
This leads too:
5. Even Fewer numbers and eventually abandonment of the night.

Will this happen this time? Probably not. Could it? It may have started, judging from earlier comments on this thread.

Any other time or place than fight night I expect to get ganked killed, zerged and other good times. Honestly, it would be great if Anet added a 1v1 arena as opposed to the open PvP maps. I like to think people are respectful enough to not break it. Do I think it was as bad as people are making it out? No. I think it’s honestly probably just a trivial thing in the long term of things.

Unrelated note, we’re all on HoD. It’s always good to get different opinions.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

(edited by Saint of Virtue.8329)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


For the record, TFI did not back out and they are brand new to the small man scene. Cheers for not being afraid to die in a video game TFI’ers. PAXA salutes you. We appreciate the crap out of guys like you. “Zerging is redundant and becoming boring, let’s build a team and compete with some good teams”. You guys are on the RIGHT path. Look forward to fighting you again guys.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


2. People spread word that fight night is no longer safe or fun.

So people will only fight in situations that show skill if it’s a safe environment. Seriously, there is close to no penalty for dying. I don’t understand the mindset of some people, normally the mindless zergers, that can’t stand dying. If you’re in a PvP environment, you’re going to die. Don’t like it? Get better at the game. Don’t run away from it. Or do, but just stick to PvE.

Edit: If we were indeed just ganking everyone we saw, (which is not the case) just get a group together and kill us. Chase us out with a zerg. Whatever. It’s really not a hard concept.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

(edited by osif.8673)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint of Virtue.8329

Saint of Virtue.8329

It’s not a challenge if you can be interrupted. Why show up if every solo fight you’re in gets interrupted? It’s not a solo fight then so there’s no reason to show.
It’s a “safe” environment in the fact that you can have your solo fight without a likely interruption. Safe as in not dying? Not happening.

Edit: Also I never said you were ganking everyone. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just a bit of whining. I’m not accusing anyone of anything it’s more of a warning of what could happen.

Reuna Thanauf
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.

(edited by Saint of Virtue.8329)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


2. People spread word that fight night is no longer safe or fun.

So people will only fight in situations that show skill if it’s a safe environment. Seriously, there is close to no penalty for dying. I don’t understand the mindset of some people, normally the mindless zergers, that can’t stand dying. If you’re in a PvP environment, you’re going to die. Don’t like it? Get better at the game. Don’t run away from it. Or do, but just stick to PvE.

Edit: If we were indeed just ganking everyone we saw, (which is not the case) just get a group together and kill us. Chase us out with a zerg. Whatever. It’s really not a hard concept.

hurr durr let me keep going to the same spot to attempt to do 1v1’s only to die everytime! but don’t worry, theres no death penalties so Ill just keep dying and not being able to do the thing I came to do because no death penalties!

also lol at FC or ET having a zerg that gives a kitten about fight night
edit: lol at FC or ET having a zerg

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

(edited by Darek.1836)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Npac.3476


I think PAXA should just gank everyone and be done with it. Hard to talk kitten when everyone is dead.

Zelrin- 80 Thief
Founder of PAXA

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I think PAXA should just gank everyone and be done with it.

Agreed (for everyone, not just PAXA). Then there would be no illusion of an organized and respectful fighting opportunity.

If you’re red, you’re dead.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


I think PAXA should just gank everyone and be done with it. Hard to talk kitten when everyone is dead.

He’s alive!


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


hurr durr let me keep going to the same spot to attempt to do 1v1’s only to die everytime! but don’t worry, theres no death penalties so Ill just keep dying and not being able to do the thing I came to do because no death penalties!

also lol at FC or ET having a zerg that gives a kitten about fight night
edit: lol at FC or ET having a zerg

hurr durr there was more than just 5 FC and ET there. hurr durr we weren’t ganking duelers. hurr durr didn’t you leave the forums?

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


I wish all of you the best of luck this coming week. I haven’t seen anything saying if we’re facing each other again or not, but regardless I hope we do see each other again ~ I’ll miss the cool players I’ve met on both ET and FC.

As always have fun and stay fabulous ~

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


hurr durr let me keep going to the same spot to attempt to do 1v1’s only to die everytime! but don’t worry, theres no death penalties so Ill just keep dying and not being able to do the thing I came to do because no death penalties!

also lol at FC or ET having a zerg that gives a kitten about fight night
edit: lol at FC or ET having a zerg

hurr durr there was more than just 5 FC and ET there. hurr durr we weren’t ganking duelers. hurr durr didn’t you leave the forums?

was just theoretically saying if for some reason people tried to wreck the fight nights

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


was just theoretically saying if for some reason people tried to wreck the fight nights

You can theoretically look at the theoretical post about the theoretical SPCA gank of the theoretical fight club and see what theoretically happens instead of giving your hurr durr junk.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: HatasGunnaHate.3627


1. PAXA killed BS @ Fight night. ONLY BS.
2. Majority of BS left fight night.
3. Fight night continued as it normally does shortly after.
4. Nice duels Xom from BS <3
5. Enjoyed playing as PAXA’s 5th for those 5v5’s vs TFI. You’re on the right path TFI! Keep it up.

Fight night appeared to only be ruined for SOME BS members. You other people who aren’t BS and are QQing that fight night is ruined forever need to go kitten themselves with a kitten until their kitten get sore and chafes which could possibly result in an infection that could be fatal if not treated within 72 hours.

-No Kittens Were Harmed In The Making of This Post.

Score update please and thank you.

[VR] Kyytia
Maguuma’s Mutant Dragon Ninja Warriors super power omega force of doom.

(edited by HatasGunnaHate.3627)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

Score update please and thank you.

141 232 FC
340 628 HOD
114 632 ET


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: wedo.3049


Dunno why so many ppl get kitten over PVP. this game was designed to be “competitive” but it isn’t. it is GUILD WARS, not solo 1v1. From what I noticed being on many servers it ends up being (majority of the time) memsers, thieves, and guards that show up to these fight nights. I dunno how its fun to 1v1 any of these classes I play a Mesmer and watching Mesmer v Mesmer or guard v guard duel is plain boring.
To these unwritten rules of respect , go play any other major MMO with PVP and there isn’t any respect among pvp communities. People usually add in on every fight, talk trash, or zerg you down. that is the way of PVp. If you want to dual that bad go to spvp but even then that’s horrible in itself. Until they actually add some sort of GVG system just roam around. if you are out in wvw and someone adds in on your fight, Well then that’s the way the cookie crumbles, come back fight again. Don’t run to the forums crying or trash talking.


FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


I know this is going to continue for an eternity, what i needed to say has been said. Good day

There’s been a lot of talk, so let’s settle this in the game with an organized 5v5 fight… oh wait, we tried that. You did have a valid excuse though, one of your members was tired… in a video game… You know, exhaustion is no laughing matter, so we’ll just chalk that up as a fair excuse, as one of your five was tired and there was no one around to replace him… except those 4 other guys… all members of [BS]… all not suffering from the fatigue that your engineer had encountered.

You know, I think the location might have had something to do with it. We probably should have asked you someplace where organized fights were happening… like at a Fight Night… that occur every Thursday… last night was Thursday… last night was Fight Night. Wow, this reasoning for not wanting to fight is really starting to fall apart here, let’s see if we can’t salvage this. I understand that some of your members were busy, and we could clearly see that as all of them were… doing nothing… except for standing on the windmill… attacking/emoting us already… playing Candy Land and suffering from exhaustion.

We should have just whispered you days ahead of time to set this up, as you recommended when your other excuses failed to hold water. That seems to be the way things work at Fight Night.. a place where impromptu fights happen… where people fight whoever is there regardless of saying something ahead of time.

Lil Homie, I don’t know what’s worse, the beating we gave you last night, or the beating we’re giving you right now. The fact of the matter is, you bailed on a fight with us that you agreed to, and then made excuse after excuse, all of which continued to fall apart by more of your people showing up. I understand the thought of dying in a video game must be hard, just ask Moobs and Goblin Beet Farmer, but turns out there are free respawns.

You’re garbage, and you dodging us was laughable. You’re a guy who prides himself on attending these things and setting up fights, and you bailed despite the fact that we were picking up people from different guilds just to fill our own group. We didn’t go there to ruin Fight Night, we went there to actually fight against other players. I think we should rename Fight Night to “Fight Night… except when a challenge comes along, at which point we shall all stand around and do nothing… at an event designed around fighting… but dying makes me sad, so I shall instead show these people the mechanics of regeneration and the guardian class… as if no one else has done this a million times in a 1v1 scenario… but I won’t lose, so that makes it all right.” I don’t know, it’s a bit lengthy, but I really think it will catch on.

Good fights to everyone else, and lil homie, keep on dodging fights and 1v1’ing on Guardian, hear that’s pretty hard to do on that class. It’s like playing Mario Kart… but you’re the only one racing.

You take care now!

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: PapZeeHurl.6078


@PAXA, stop being an attentionkitten. Geoski stopped responding 1 page ago, and you had 4+ members post on the forums saying the same thing over, and over, and over. We get it, you don’t get enough drama enough IRL so you bring it to the forums.

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Oh man! A whole page ago?!?

I agree though, Skarloc was a little late to the party. He probably just came off one of his many forum bans.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Npac.3476


Yea those PAXA guys are big attention kittens. And nasty, Zerg smashing, group killing, odd defying kittens too. Probably should call them lions at this point.

Yea I’d stay far the hell away from them if I were you.

Zelrin- 80 Thief
Founder of PAXA

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


wow the ego on these guys never cease to amaze, i shouldve brought popcorn and started to read these months ago, and here i thot there was nothing interesting to read.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Ya, seriously Bones. Can’t believe the ego of this PurpleHaze guy and others. Absolutely insane. Can I borrow some of your popcorn?

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


well i wouldve gave you some, but you ganked me. So no popcorn for you!

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Sorry, I swear I just thought you were a mosquito and I was just trying to get my daily ambient slayer done. It’s an honest mistake, the majority of WvW players look like ambient creatures to me.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


sorry, i took off my armor to get on par with u guys so thats prolly y u mistaken me for ambient, my fault.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


Thank you for attempting to get on our level, but you need to remove your weapons as well for that.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

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Posted by: Jesse.4631


Holy kitten there’s still arguing… Q_Q


Pink Sylvari FTW!

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

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Posted by: Bones.5762


well if i did tht you would call hacks, because when i use tool kit, youll say im OP.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: osif.8673


holy kitten there’s a kitten

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


i like turtles.

Will you help me move?

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


Oh man! A whole page ago?!?

I agree though, Skarloc was a little late to the party. He probably just came off one of his many forum bans.

The moderator felt like we had an unfair advantage with me pointing out the obvious, so they asked me to wait a few days before I posted.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR