Far Shiverpeaks
Far Shiverpeaks / Fort Ranik / Underworld
Far Shiverpeaks
Several hours into the match-up and we still have Overlook in EB.
Nice fights going on on FR border only a few hours in but i’m already liking it.
Dang FS, you guys are on a frenzy.
4 omegas and 50 people to take a wooden keep from UW @ 11:45 GMT?
You ARE going to win this match up, but you don’t really have to do this ..
Not a pretty good start.
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU
It was only 2 Omegas, and only because of the incredible rain of death from your 4,000 AC’s
For Svd and Azm from Fort Raink got a little video of the pvp madness of few days ago
Guild Leader
Kalevala looking for GvG 20v20. Wednesday or Thursday evening.
shameless bump..
/15 chars
Far Shiverpeaks
As i said… Less Tp Spawn & More fights, maybe you get it…
Gratz to FS GoT guild that need 20+ zerg to kill one mesmer… you are awesome guys.
Victory or Death!
Kinda funny to hear you say that, saw some aZm running with another guild yesterday, we dragged you to ruins for a fight, killed 2-3 and then you just ran. Seems tp spawn works for you too We usually run with less than 20, meet us with that number and we will fight you an entire night
And yes i know, last time you responded that fighting bigger forces is part of wvw, that’s true. But that does not mean we will charge in with 15 in much bigger groups all night, just so you can get some loot. But you seem like the kind of guy who will just repeat your last post over and over, so i’m going to stop my rant here
Once Were Noobs [XxX]
Gratz to FS GoT guild that need 20+ zerg to kill one mesmer… you are awesome guys.
Nice of you to say that, most people just go onto a public forum and cry there. Although i am pretty sure they didn’t NEED 20+ to kill you, they probably thought that it was nice of you to walk past there zerg and give them some loot.
Borg Ranik or Fort Borg wich one is better?
Kinda funny to hear you say that, saw some aZm running with another guild yesterday, we dragged you to ruins for a fight, killed 2-3 and then you just ran. Seems tp spawn works for you too
We usually run with less than 20, meet us with that number and we will fight you an entire night
And yes i know, last time you responded that fighting bigger forces is part of wvw, that’s true. But that does not mean we will charge in with 15 in much bigger groups all night, just so you can get some loot. But you seem like the kind of guy who will just repeat your last post over and over, so i’m going to stop my rant here
I wasn’t connected this day/night, can’t say anything but if you say you can’t charge in with 15 some bigger groups, and say cause we [aZm] will get loot. So, you are not so good as you pretended ( Héé, psst! aZm, we are ~ 20, isn’t so bigger) and look some [SoW] Vid’s, you will see what happend when ~15 players charge in bigger groups, Or [Haaa] Vid’s are great too
(edited by Alistar.9635)
I have heard of 3 people wiping 10. Using this data and simple mathematical equation we can come to conclusion 15 people should be able to beat 50 people. [/stupid argument]
And thank you everyone for all the fun Duels in the new OS Arena. Although there is trolls and others who just want to ruin good fights it has still been most entertaining. Good entertaining fights, and I think I start to figure out how I should fight perplexity mesmers
Anyhow, have fun everyone, was it GvG, Dueling, Roaming, Blobbing, Spawn camping or what ever, just have fun I suppose.
PS. Don’t let the flames go out in this thread.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Well ofc a small group can defeat a much bigger group, and yes 15 can beat 50, FURY has some great vids where around 20 of them wipe the Abbadon blob. In fact, most wvw guilds has videos where they defeat bigger groups. But, these are pug groups, and aZm is not a pug group. If you can link some videos of small guilds wiping much bigger guild groups, i would love to watch them. And i’m not trolling now, i actually really enjoy watching that kind of video. And yes, it has to be “good” guild groups they wipe, not achievement hunters who made their way to wvw from pve ^^
For the record, i’m not flaming. Just a friendly conversation Btw, any aZm know if Lisomorphe stopped playing? She was a member of aZm months ago at least, but not seen her around lately.
Once Were Noobs [XxX]
Btw, any aZm know if Lisomorphe stopped playing? She was a member of aZm months ago at least, but not seen her around lately.
Yes, she stopped playing around May/June.
As for Saturday, we were like 5 aZm, so we tried a multi-guild raid with SoW, BL and a few others. During that fight, we were 15 or so, and around 20 later in the evening. I do remember our fight in ruins, where you pulled us to the stairs, you above, us below. You had the upper hand and it was definitely not our best move to jump in there. Once you killed a few of us, it was over, so we went back to regroup.
Too bad we didn’t see you after that, though. Did you switch map?
Fort Ranik [FR]
a BIG ty to UW and FR last night – we might only have been 10ppl – but that didn’t stop us for being a bit of a pain for you (i think) – and i think we proved that SOUL dosen’t back out of a fight
Capt. Laddie and the Crew are saying ty for a nice evening – we had so much fun but we’re a bit sad that we lost HMS SOUL :/ – may she rest in peace.. YAAARRRR!!
TS Server Admin
Want to become a SOUL? Click Here
(edited by goldibird.6375)
Btw, any aZm know if Lisomorphe stopped playing? She was a member of aZm months ago at least, but not seen her around lately.
Yes, she stopped playing around May/June.
As for Saturday, we were like 5 aZm, so we tried a multi-guild raid with SoW, BL and a few others. During that fight, we were 15 or so, and around 20 later in the evening. I do remember our fight in ruins, where you pulled us to the stairs, you above, us below. You had the upper hand and it was definitely not our best move to jump in there. Once you killed a few of us, it was over, so we went back to regroup.
Too bad we didn’t see you after that, though. Did you switch map?
after 1 hour not finding u again and got wiped by rct +40 pug sticked to them
after we wiped them a lot yes we changed border.
ps: good skill at reporting my reply too.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Boring matchup again. I hope Friday will be back to more fun with the old matchup system so Underworld can rank down and maybe again Vabbi if we rank down enough it will be balanced. (And Far Shiverpeaks might rank up into gold niveau)
Never again leagues. I hope ArenaNet learned from this.
Btw, any aZm know if Lisomorphe stopped playing? She was a member of aZm months ago at least, but not seen her around lately.
Yes, she stopped playing around May/June.
As for Saturday, we were like 5 aZm, so we tried a multi-guild raid with SoW, BL and a few others. During that fight, we were 15 or so, and around 20 later in the evening. I do remember our fight in ruins, where you pulled us to the stairs, you above, us below. You had the upper hand and it was definitely not our best move to jump in there. Once you killed a few of us, it was over, so we went back to regroup.
Too bad we didn’t see you after that, though. Did you switch map?
after 1 hour not finding u again and got wiped by rct +40 pug sticked to them
after we wiped them a lot yes we changed border.
ps: good skill at reporting my reply too.
=o You reporting mine? i don’t reporting yours anyway :/
Hehe don’t think fsp will go up to gold, we still have hours with few people online. That might not show during this week tho since we got all out fair weather players. But it showed when we were up against Desolation and Gandara. But i agree with you Luthan, and i hope you guys on Underworld get an awesome matchup next week, you deserve it! Best of luck to UW in the future
Once Were Noobs [XxX]
Really awesome fights yesterday. Cheers to all from SOUL ;D
One of the Leaders
Hi FSP,you don’t really need 30+ of you to take stuff in UW,10 of you will be more than enough this time of day
Hi FSP,you don’t really need 30+ of you to take stuff in UW,10 of you will be more than enough this time of day
Hah i knew someone would post about it when i saw we had 40 ppl or so at paper garri.
But well, most of us had nothing else to do in wvw really
Things can get boring fast when ticking at 400+
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Yea for sure, i bet it’s as boring for you guys as us.You have to make fun where you can when it’s like this.
Indeed it’s a boring matchup specially for us who raid. But EB at primetime is nice. Fighting both Fort Panic and UW blobs. Thanks for all the lootbags last night at EB keep, FR. Impressive sneak attacks on our T3 towers from UW Mayh, although failed mostly. Trying to enjoy most as we can. Bashing our heads at empty keep doors is indeed so boring. Wish you all the best UW after the season, hope you can rise again.
Far Shiverpeaks
gratz to FR for taking tier3 bay on FR border just several minutes ago … looks like U have a “spacial” skills with AC … hitting a “inner Bay ground” from AC what was located on loch bank hmmm some " master skills " ….
It’s funny to see how some FSP players think they’re stronger than everything.
Too bad I can’t play gw2 this week, it would have been a pleasure to take your lootbags
It’s funny to see how some FSP players think they’re stronger than everything.
Too bad I can’t play gw2 this week, it would have been a pleasure to take your lootbags
We don’t. We have numbers. Btw if you had played this week, what could possibly change..hmm..think..
Btw forgot to mention 4-5 waves of blob attacks on SM from FR last night. Good try, and nice fights we had. Looking forward for more.
Far Shiverpeaks
It’s funny to see how some FSP players think they’re stronger than everything.
Too bad I can’t play gw2 this week, it would have been a pleasure to take your lootbags
i think FSP have been cool on the forum,they know they have the numbers but respect to them for not coming here bragging or saying how ubber they are.
Logged in To EB —> saw this --> stayed for a while to laugh at the players rushing out into ballista and treb fire, only to die, respawn and run out again —> Realised it was actually sad, not funny --> Quit EB, decided to check out this nightmare tower —> realise it’s kitten --> quit the game —> played pokemon instead.
Thanks for the WvW season Anet, it’s the main reason i can now call myself Pokemon Champion.
(edited by Garrisyl.7402)
Logged in To EB —> saw this --> stayed for a while to laugh at the players rushing out into ballista and treb fire, only to die, respawn and run out again —> Realised it was actually sad, not funny --> Quit EB, decided to check out this nightmare tower —> realise it’s kitten --> quit the game —> played pokemon instead.
Thanks for the WvW season Anet, it’s the main reason i can now call myself Pokemon Champion.
that are like 20 red name u have many more green dot on your minimap:/
Logged in To EB —> saw this --> stayed for a while to laugh at the players rushing out into ballista and treb fire, only to die, respawn and run out again —> Realised it was actually sad, not funny --> Quit EB, decided to check out this nightmare tower —> realise it’s kitten --> quit the game —> played pokemon instead.
Thanks for the WvW season Anet, it’s the main reason i can now call myself Pokemon Champion.
I feel your pain man. Tbh you had good amount of people there, just needed good organization to give it a push. Don’t blame you really. Not many people to organize. Don’t blame Anet. Season is fine. We had the same kind of situation against Deso, still enjoying it. Blame your kittened community, which brought this havoc upon your server. Anyway, this is the last week. It will be fine, chill ! UW has nice players.
Far Shiverpeaks
Indeed it’s a boring matchup specially for us who raid. But EB at primetime is nice. Fighting both Fort Panic and UW blobs. Thanks for all the lootbags last night at EB keep, FR. Impressive sneak attacks on our T3 towers from UW Mayh, although failed mostly. Trying to enjoy most as we can. Bashing our heads at empty keep doors is indeed so boring. Wish you all the best UW after the season, hope you can rise again.
UW blob? i must have missed a memo
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Indeed it’s a boring matchup specially for us who raid. But EB at primetime is nice. Fighting both Fort Panic and UW blobs. Thanks for all the lootbags last night at EB keep, FR. Impressive sneak attacks on our T3 towers from UW Mayh, although failed mostly. Trying to enjoy most as we can. Bashing our heads at empty keep doors is indeed so boring. Wish you all the best UW after the season, hope you can rise again.
UW blob? i must have missed a memo
At the tick of prime, I think whole UW server joins EB, thus forms a blob of 40-50 people.
Far Shiverpeaks
Well 40-50 aint a blob, thats just a nice zerg.
80+ is blobbing, which basically means the whole map in one zerg.
Atleast that’s how i interpret the words anyway
Luna Solares – Mesmer
so Svd can handle only a couple of fight and starting zerg with azm pugs and all after a couple of wipe?
not a good idea do that.
Logged in To EB —> saw this --> stayed for a while to laugh at the players rushing out into ballista and treb fire, only to die, respawn and run out again —> Realised it was actually sad, not funny --> Quit EB, decided to check out this nightmare tower —> realise it’s kitten --> quit the game —> played pokemon instead.
Thanks for the WvW season Anet, it’s the main reason i can now call myself Pokemon Champion.
that are like 20 red name u have many more green dot on your minimap:/
Yep your right there Nem, quite a few green dots on that mini map, which could have countered them red names, although even if they still found it difficult due to siege being used, rather than quitting game there are other exits from spawn, which they could have used to escape or have a fight without siege. I personally find spawn camping demoralizing and wrong but that’s just my opinion, but they certainly had the numbers to do something it seems.
In addition to that there is a Commander icon on else where on map surely he/she had people with him/her, which could have also helped.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
(edited by Twinny.9304)
that are like 20 red name u have many more green dot on your minimap:/
Maybe, but 30 unorganized and partly upleveled players with next to no pvp/wvw-experience against 20 veteran players with stacks and treb/ballista support still ain’t much of a fight.
The thing about those players is that they don’ react to anyhting you say. Frankly, i don’t know if they can read at all. So even if you ask them to come to a side exit, they won’t listen. Surely, you could still form a small group with the few decent players that were there and leave through a side exit, but what then? Go knock on the t3 veloka you see in the background? You’re lucky if you manage to kill a guard before you get stomped by a 20-man group. Believe me, I’ve lots of experience with this the past couple of weeks.
Quitting without fighting isn’t something I like doing, but at that moment there wasn’t much point in staying.
that are like 20 red name u have many more green dot on your minimap:/
Maybe, but 30 unorganized and partly upleveled players with next to no pvp/wvw-experience against 20 veteran players with stacks and treb/ballista support still ain’t much of a fight.
The thing about those players is that they don’ react to anyhting you say. Frankly, i don’t know if they can read at all. So even if you ask them to come to a side exit, they won’t listen. Surely, you could still form a small group with the few decent players that were there and leave through a side exit, but what then? Go knock on the t3 veloka you see in the background? You’re lucky if you manage to kill a guard before you get stomped by a 20-man group. Believe me, I’ve lots of experience with this the past couple of weeks.
Quitting without fighting isn’t something I like doing, but at that moment there wasn’t much point in staying.
or make ur way to ur commander on map?
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Check it out guys, suggestion of an end of Season after party, to get some inter guild screen shots, drinks fire works and tonics and a little bit of fun to celebrate our 7 weeks of match ups.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
UW have nothing to celebrate, it was 7 weeks of nightmare… i’m glad its over and now i just want to forget.
Victory or Death!
or make ur way to ur commander on map?
We usually have a commander during prime time(sometimes not even then), while many people have tags almost nobody uses it.
It is not easy to command when you know that you will most probably get stomped. Over and Over.
UW have nothing to celebrate, it was 7 weeks of nightmare… i’m glad its over and now i just want to forget.
UW will celebrate the season finale, because we survived it and we are stronger than when we started.
Our community gets closer, some nights we make blobs of 70+ and stomp everything in sight(it doesn’t last long but it feels better than getting stomped 24/7) .
The last 10 days, even when we get stomped and after a long time, we ARE having fun.
Just like tonight, 24:00 GMT and I did some late night commanding(2:00 AM here),we kept flipping every keep on our BL with 6 omega golems, wiped few FS that tried to defend Hills and made a last stand against 50 FR in our garrison , we managed to kill over half their zerg before we fall and they outnumbered us almost 3 to 1 . (I love mass ACs vs big zergs).
Many of the guilds that have left us are smacking their heads to rocky walls and start to bleed out(not that this makes me happy) but some of us are here today, since day 1.
Don’t feel pity for UW, we will get strong again and come back for you !
P.S.1 Thank you FR & FS for all the loot bags, even if you guys drop almost nothing good.
P.S.2 Billion arrow carts next time.
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU
or make ur way to ur commander on map?
We usually have a commander during prime time(sometimes not even then), while many people have tags almost nobody uses it.
It is not easy to command when you know that you will most probably get stomped. Over and Over.
I totally understand that but i was reffering to the image that Garrisyl.7402 posted when being spawn camped there was a commander on the map in a different location, which they could have either called for help because it looked like he had numbers with orange swords, or made a side exit out of camp to get to the commander, instead of quitting game because 1 out of 3 exits was being spawn camped, which is wrong in my opinion anyway, as i said spawn camping is demoralizing for a server.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
I totally understand that but i was reffering to the image that Garrisyl.7402 posted when being spawn camped there was a commander on the map in a different location, which they could have either called for help because it looked like he had numbers with orange swords, or made a side exit out of camp to get to the commander, instead of quitting game because 1 out of 3 exits was being spawn camped, which is wrong in my opinion anyway, as i said spawn camping is demoralizing for a server.
You know the green dots could be the commanders guys who had wiped in the fight and waypointed to spawn and were just running back or something. Or it could be that the commander was not more than 6 guys or so and got hit by a 25+.
In my opinion it would be more likely scenario that the Commander was having a fight and his people started to wipe and they waypointed back to spawn. Now they are moving out of the spawn and being cutted off by that group while commander still keeps fighting, most likely already a lost fight.
Also, that might only be around half of the FSP in that picture that we see. They are pretty close to the rendering range and the group you see in the picture is a blood hungry group who is pushing close to stairs of spawn and are now falling backwards towards their fellow server mates who are another 20 guys.
What I am trying to say is that there is so many, many possible situations going on in that picture.
Also, what comes to quitting is that these kind of situations are not rare in our match ups. They happen all the time because we are outmanned pretty much all the time.
PS. Check the SS, we are outmanned in it. You can see around 20 green dots on the map so that means almost all the UW guys are there near the spawn, leaving the commander with maximum of 10 or so IF everyone is either in spawn or on commander, unlikely.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
What if we make Friday " end of season" party in SM ?
We FSP have this kind of party once with Elona Reach a year ego …
Do not fight there just bring Ur low lvel alts group up at inner and flip this place every 5 min ? …..
(edited by Belfagor Diabolos.1940)
There are many scenarios, the commander could be a solo commander(we have like 3-4 of these guys on uw).
They just tag up an round around the map taking sentries and auto attacking gates on the other side of the map.
Anyway , spawn camping by pugs is not a big problem, most of the time you can push them with half other pugs or just take a diffrent exit. It becomes a problem when a guild group of 20-30 is spawncamping, which makes them pretty much unkillable unless you bring a medium sized blob.
End season party sounds nice, not sure if SM flipping could work tho.
What about a lvl 1 asura death party?
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU
(edited by natsos.3692)
How many [PAIN] on OW map yesterday ? I ask b/c you systematically refused fights against us, [SoW], expeted when we already were fighting AOA :/
How many [PAIN] on OW map yesterday ? I ask b/c you systematically refused fights against us, [SoW], expeted when we already were fighting AOA :/
Think PAIN was commanding yesterday? – would have involved a lot of pugs in that fight
TS Server Admin
Want to become a SOUL? Click Here