Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake
Looks like the french and german players are sad to write something :/
15 omega rush cbe ? vous avez si peur de nous ?
15 omega rush cbe ? vous avez si peur de nous ?
Have to agree with you on that:)
Even though you won’t read this I’d like to thank everyone who fought my mesmer in OS. Was nice to try it out in duels for the first time and was interesting to meet the first warrior that played more passively than anyone I’ve seen so far.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
What a defence this morning !
Was great to lead at this moment, and hard for you to take CBE, that double rush on us was hard to contain. Wp to us, and wp to you !
CM Tal Hu, FR
kitten what a bunch of chasers this week-end. Are you mad at us or somethin’ ?
I hope it’s not going to be the same all the week
Dear Fort Ranik,
please… don’t run away!
Dear german players… don’t run into structures to play behind walls and arrow carts only. T_T
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
(edited by Alystene.2418)
Yay 9 posts in 2.5 days. Keep it going!
Dear german players… don’t run into structures to play behind walls and arrow carts only. T_T
You should be proud, it´s one of the few things we learned from french zerglings
and you should be proud too, yu deutch zergs learn us how mass blobing, running is a relic in our WvW-DNA-Memory due to our ways of playing in our firsts encounter vs180+ DE people when you’re 15- Ranik defender.
(btw 6 ppl, it’s a zerg → roamer for ever)
Les Chats Du Desert [CDD] — High Tomcat
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] — Co-Founder
it’s strange that in a matchup between a french and two german servers, this is the only thread so far.
about running into structures with arrow carts, this is a game every server practices and which every server says, their opponents do. So move on, nothing to see here!
at least there haven’t been any complaints about blobbing until now (sorry, laenan made this obsolet now).
had some nice fights over the weekend, let’s see what the week brings.
and don’t forget, tomorrow is patch day and we will be victims to patchtime during primetime and the aftermath
and you should be proud too, yu deutch zergs learn us how mass blobing, running is a relic in our WvW-DNA-Memory due to our ways of playing in our firsts encounter vs180+ DE people when you’re 15- Ranik defender.
(btw 6 ppl, it’s a zerg -> roamer for ever)
I’m not sure I really understand what you’re trying to say in the middle part.
I got stomped two, three times in a row from a 10 man group from FR … and so what. That’s the way it works, be it 1vs10 or 15vs150. Choose different location or change map. Quite easy.
And I guess there are less threads as the typical topics are: “you blob”, “you run & hide”, “you play unfair”, “looking for GvG”. Quite boring to read
(edited by Mike.5091)
Respect to Drakkar. I didn’t expect you to come out of Bronze League this strong. Holding your Garrison while it had holes like a swiss cheese was well done. I enjoyed running into it with 20 people to get pushed out by 40+ (no ironie). The intention was to keep you away from our hill and to let you spend all your material on repairing. I was surprised you to let our mesmer survive in Longview twice so we could continue firering on garrison with a treb.
@SoW: Don’t expect many fights in open field while there is always other Ranik guilds or your public interfering. Nice damage spike you are making at start of the combat. Quite unusual stile of playing. It won’t take long to find a counter on that. Surprise is on your side, but the more often you meet the same enemies the less you will probably win.
I have respect for your discipline in fight. You’ll see how well your tactics work when you meet the miller’s sound guild raids on prime time within the week.
Last Phoenix [Nix]
To the one Warrior from aZm it was not really fair u have 25 Stacks of bloodlust,all guard Buffs full and u think this was a fair 1vs1? xD And to jump on my corpe nono this is not really honorable,next round i will kick u back to france.
Yes!!! We need more smack talk
man what a day… again MS showed me why i hate some of their “special” playerbase. No duellrespect in OS nor even the decency in understanding that they did something wrong in attacking … how lame do you have to be to attack sitting bystanders while they want to watch a duell?
do you not get enough attention at home?
or why should i duell you even after the third time killing me while im watching someone else? thats not even lame anymore… just showing your ignorance in face of a game.
at least those players in the bronze league were fair honest straight and honorable in their duells….
(edited by Piui.4081)
Hey, it will be nice if we can have openfield fight, or structures fights without tons of arrow carts))
Win, lose… it’s not the most important. The most important thing is to have a good time with fun opponents.
See you all on battlefield !
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
Hey, it will be nice if we can have openfield fight, or structures fights without tons of arrow carts
Win, lose… it’s not the most important. The most important thing is to have a good time with fun opponents.
See you all on battlefield !
Agreed pls join our border all we see is zone blobs hiding in paper towers with 5 + ac’s
We want some challeging fights!
Are you only on your border’s dF ?
Oh, nice countermeasure tonight Oak Da Vite
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
Are you only on your border’s dF ?
Oh, nice countermeasure tonight Oak Da Vite
oh no i ment the border we are playing on;p just check our stream to see wich border we are on
Ahah, good try to have more viewer dude !
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
Ahah, good try to have more viewer dude !
that was exacly what i was aiming for u caught me
Thks for the fight on MS Border tonight [oO].
And sorry for some adds from FR, but we can’t control it all time :/
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
Like the french guild EsCG or something like that…round 5-10 guys normally found on EB
You guys are nuts attack every guildgroup you see I like that attitude
you have some vids or so? would like to see some more from you!
Yeah, we had some really nice fights today – hope to see you guys again tomorrow!
also a shout out to RCT and azm!
Like the french guild EsCG or something like that…round 5-10 guys normally found on EB
You guys are nuts attack every guildgroup you see I like that attitudeyou have some vids or so? would like to see some more from you!
Yes we have some videos !
awesome video. much respect !!
Yeah, we had some really nice fights today – hope to see you guys again tomorrow!
also a shout out to RCT and azm!
Your Guild are so strong and have nice movements!
Hope to see you this evening and maybe we won’t be easy bag!
[RCT] – Fort Ranik
We got some nice fights again a few Mya yesterday, it was fun and I hope to meet you again
Yes we had some good smallscale fights…always see you XX and a few SoW raomign together so we decided to join in
Overall i can say i like ranik more and more..they dont have enough population for MS and their guild-groups run mostnly under 20 guys so not our size but even than some have the balls to fight. Ranik isnt desinged for silver servers i guess but they put up a fight, respect duels as i can tell and you can find a lot roaming action against them!
This doesnt include a SoW warri…he jsut instults people for no reason but everone has such palyers i guess^^
as for drakkar…i can only say i hope to never meet that server again its absolutly no fun for me
(edited by wombatpanda.8165)
Can you describe the skin of the SoW warrior ?
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
what’s wrong with drakkar??
We dont get the fights we want against drakkar…there are no guilds to fight the public zergs mostly ran/port away…or if they fight it is still not entertaining.
And personally i didnt meet any drakkar roamers to fights outside prime…solo drakkars are mostly doing some map completion or so…no challenge and no fun
The SoW warri has fractal shiedl and calls everyone “f**** german” “f*** you” ..he is mad i guess or stood up with the wrong foot
looking for fight on fr bl atm!! guilds please come T_T
edit: nvm we call the raid. ran around for 1 hour not even 1 fight :’(
(edited by AgentChaos.4932)
I wasnt talking bout “miller vs drakkar” i was jsut talking bout Mya vs drakkar…i dont know what ms vs drakkar fights look like and i dont really care. Miller-zerg is not “my zerg” in any way!!
You are right…we werent there yesterday…no raid…because of the reasons i said( see guilds like dF have the same problem but) But good job winning fights and getting lootbags anyway
@ LinkinGarviel:
Never heard of you guys, but your vids make me want to meet you! Good play.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
We dont get the fights we want against drakkar…there are no guilds to fight the public zergs mostly ran/port away…or if they fight it is still not entertaining.
I don’t know where you’ve been last evening around 9-10 pm…Eternal Battlegrounds
Or maybe it wasn’t entertaining while your and Ranik Zergs died and only Drakkar Zerg lived the entire time farming both of you ~20-30 minutes,was fun.For me it was a nice evening,thanks for the Lootbags MS and Ranik,nice fights. And yea we are just a bronze server
I refuse to believe that either [mya] or [oo] was in that zerg. Perhaps a few.
we CDD really wants to thanks millers for fights yesterday, especially on Spiritholme
see you tonight ! (we haven’t decided yet where we’re going)
(btw, it’s so fun when your fed on forums wars for an obvious troll post like I did 3 days ago)
Les Chats Du Desert [CDD] — High Tomcat
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] — Co-Founder
we just started on dl bl. please come guilds T_T
Good Luck dF!
The ODZ Zerg are 10People, if you come with NO at same Time we cant fight really
Marvin Es Uggs
~ [ODZ] Leader ~ Drakkar Lake ~
ok we gave our Bags, but dont say we are always running when Enemies are to much
Marvin Es Uggs
~ [ODZ] Leader ~ Drakkar Lake ~
we moved to fr bl. only odz engages and they dont have much ppl, the drakkar blob should come all at once
There’s no challenge with Drakkar Lake :’( Sad you have to blob just after the raid offs. Because by magic, past 11PM, DL are 60+ zerging all the map….
Really boring match up, eventhough you score more than us.
German servers aswell.
Massive leave at 22h/22h15 french our… and massive pop again in a big blob after midnight french our….
Whel we were on Arborstone last year… it was the same thinc against Elona reach…
Boring… so much.
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik
(edited by Alystene.2418)
Pretty kitten match-up, ty to the few guilds that didn’t run away at the sight of red names (SoW, ODZ, and a few other FR guilds).
Drakkar, please never again.
Leader of Driven By Fury [dF]
due to the new variances from a-net, Miller and gunnar are the most liklely opponents for us on drakkar. so until something drastic changes, we will be seeing you more often.
and btw, ODZ is a guild on Drakkar
One vids of this match up