Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks
Yeah, I could talk all day about the stupidity of our zergs too. Have you seen the ones on EB? They’re just awful, either they don’t read the chat or they don’t speak English period.
In other news, and less pertinent to trollbaity troll drucken drucken drucken 1 1 1 1 1…
My asura mesmer was very happy to have one AM thief come and HS spam a couple times to help down that [Ave] ele on EB who just wouldn’t die!
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Yeah, I could talk all day about the stupidity of our zergs too. Have you seen the ones on EB? They’re just awful, either they don’t read the chat or they don’t speak English period.
In other news, and less pertinent to trollbaity troll drucken drucken drucken 1 1 1 1 1…
My asura mesmer was very happy to have one AM thief come and HS spam a couple times to help down that [Ave] ele on EB who just wouldn’t die!
Dont know if you’ve been on EB recently but they’ve gotten pretty decent (at times, they were rubbish yesterday). Think they’ve traded places with the gandara bl pugs in being a total nightmare to lead.
Hm, must admit that I haven’t given them a look for a while. Maybe all those reset nights with [WvW] have knocked some sense into them.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Hm, must admit that I haven’t given them a look for a while. Maybe all those reset nights with [WvW] have knocked some sense into them.
Tbh i think the majority of the guilds just avoiding the place did them good.
Forced them to get their act together somewhat to compete (part of the reason i’ve taken to avoiding gbl in the same way i used to avoid eb).
A lot of good commanders and just general players knocking about in there that you dont see elsewhere too.
Still a fair share of SM obsessed lemmings but thats probably standard fare for every server
Yep, I’m probably thinking too far back if my impression of EB pugs is 20 people autoattacking an SM outer gate and completely ignoring what the commander is doing on the map.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Yep, I’m probably thinking too far back if my impression of EB pugs is 50 people autoattacking an SM outer wall and completely ignoring what the commander is doing on the map.
Fixed that for you
I remember that time well. Still a few of them mind you.
Had some fun last night lost a few fights at start of night but after that managed to get some really intense fights
Thanks for the fun
I´am in the mood for a new round with you guys. cry cry cry
I will face you another week aswell. The stupidity of your zergs is just amazing
So is the loot. And as long as Dragon Coffers drop so rapidly AM are one of the best servers to play against
Ohh guess you are talking about the random zerg. Hmm the “problem” is, that most of them arent in TS. So its hard to handle.
But the stupidity of your zergs is just amazing too. I could talk the whole day about fails of your zergs. That are the 2 sides of the medal. Win and lose. Nothing more.
Wait, didnt you guys brag about having 400+ people on TS a few pages back ?
PS- Tell your FAME guildmates to stop running from 1v1`s.
3 wvw kills
HEY, the rankings are clear. What about Tchuu Tchuu Tchuu? As a great happening for a great week! :-D
HEY, the rankings are clear. What about Tchuu Tchuu Tchuu? As a great happening for a great week! :-D
what about us? :p
we had a great time this week, as always against abbadon. no lack fo fights and most of our bandwagonners went back to pve. fun times
engie roaming vids:
(edited by Maskaganda.2043)
Mental night in EB. Kudos to DW for thinking quick and getting past ALL those AC’s
We still killed LOADS though :P
That grub fight with AM was hilarious… we did 4 laps stop-starting and then tried to rush the Grub reward box XD
Thanks, it was insane fights out there. Got to love the walking loot bags
One of the Leaders
Wait, didnt you guys brag about having 400+ people on TS a few pages back ?
PS- Tell your FAME guildmates to stop running from 1v1`s.
400 at reset day, that could be true. But not over the week.
Without a 1vs1 build it´s a lil bit unfair, isn´t it? So its useless to talk about 1vs1.
I wish both servers gl in next weeks match up, thx for the fights and maybe we’ll meet next week. Cya in the battlegrounds
FSP Server.
Was just wondering, how did FAME and ADAC experience the solo running? Did you enjoy and have good time? Did you find nice fights? Did it feel more rewarding? This is not a trololol post, I’m truly curios how did it go for you guys :>
I’ve met a lot of good 1v1 Players from Gandara and FSP. And i know – with a Zerg-Build you’ve got no chance against them (most time). But that’s ok. It’s WvW not 1v1!
By solo thing I mean, running alone as a guild without the backups :>
What is this you call “zerg” build , i have never heard of it…
He means magic find gear.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
My asura mesmer was very happy to have one AM thief come and HS spam a couple times to help down that [Ave] ele on EB who just wouldn’t die!
Haha, That was me lol.. We couldn’t kill eachother haha.. I was like “wuuut, that mesmer is gud!” How long did we fight, like 10mins or so?
And indd Am, thief started to help u xD.. Kept spamming HS and blind me :p.. Took some time aswel :p
Gf anyway, u got my respects
To all, hope u getting a good and fair match-up tonight!.. But I secretly want to fight Gandara again, somehow that server is teaching me new stuff about how to fight and organize..
Gandara; you might have lost this match-up but I know u have the abilities to equal or even win from us.. Lack of (experienced?) players seems to hit you aswel?
I did enjoyed lots of fights, no matter if I died or not..
To Am; I hope u guys getting a more balanced match-up tonight cuz as u can see, both Gandara and we don’t have the numbers to stop you..
I had some great fights aswel with you although I got overrun most times but hell, you just need bigger servers to fight against..
To all, may the good lootbags drop for you!
Weekly GANDARA COME BACK, let’s do it Ag-gandara-FSP GO GO GO, praise the lord RNG make it happend ANET
Guild Leader
You must pray to the Pink Gods, Amelia.
I suspected that was you at the time Denied Goddess, I probably teabagged you at the time instead of bowing. I was just relieved to have the fight over :P
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Well since it’s apparently verboten to mention what I’ve seen from AM this week on the forum, I shall just say well played to all the FSP we met, lots of good fights from you, and look forward to seeing you all soon.
YaK’s Having FUN !
The Yakslappars [YaK]
You must pray to the Pink Gods, Amelia.
I suspected that was you at the time Denied Goddess, I probably teabagged you at the time instead of bowing. I was just relieved to have the fight over :P
Hey, it’s ok.. I was relieved too when I died xD So dont worry, won’t take it personal :p
So, just one last comment here:
New Matchup for AM: Abaddon vs Elona vs River
So I think some of you may want to scream something like “Karma!” or “You get what you deserve!”;)
So, just one last comment here:
New Matchup for AM: Abaddon vs Elona vs RiverSo I think some of you may want to scream something like “Karma!” or “You get what you deserve!”;)
We found that match up pretty funny all right xD. Hope you enjoy it anyway. I’d say hope to see you again soon but that would be a total lie lol (i know the feelings mutual). Good luck guys and cya.
Look, it’s EFF ESS PEE! I see that you guys are doing quite bad against Piken Square. We too, have some (bad) history with Piken
Does anyone know the current score between us, Piken and Augury Rock?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Look, it’s EFF ESS PEE! I see that you guys are doing quite bad against Piken Square. We too, have some (bad) history with Piken
Does anyone know the current score between us, Piken and Augury Rock?
Well in the last bout of three, we each came away with one win, but in the first bout of four, Us and Augury came away with one win and piken 2. That leaves the current standing at
Piken/Gandara/Augury Respectively.